The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy Page 20

by Angel Medina

  Luis goes down the other ramp back down but he sees a black hole with blue and orange rings surrounding it. He tries to turn back and even screams for the others but by the time Maria and Samantha could come to the rescue Luis was swallowed by the black hole which had disappeared. Maria and Samantha head towards where Luis was but he was nowhere to be seen, not even the black hole that sucked him up could be seen anymore. Maria says in panic “NO! Luis must have got sucked into a black hole, son of a bitch!” Samantha perplexed asks “Black hole?” Maria replies “Yeah there are black holes around here, I have to tell you this is a virtual world or I should say virtual space and many things here are not going to follow the laws of nature.” Samantha asks “So that means Luis is gone forever?” Maria says “Maybe or maybe not it depends on what loop he took, some of them warp you to other parts of the base and others… will send you to an infinite loop of despair which you will spend the rest of your life till you die. So all we can do is hope for the best for him. I see a switch here.” Maria presses the switch which opens the door that was blocking their way before across the bridge. When the two of them go get Dayvon, they realize that Dayvon is not around neither. Maria begins to call out Dayvon’s name but no response, she sends Samantha to look down stairs but Samantha comes up empty as well. Maria says “Damn I can see where Dayvon went and wait I see a black hole!” Samantha says “Stop! What if that’s an infinite loop like you were saying?” Maria replies “You’re right but if it’s not Dayvon might need our help and that’s a chance that we have to take.” Maria and Samantha begin to jump into the room that Dayvon had gone in but by the time they were inside the black hole had already disappeared into thin air. Maria says “We’re too late, girl it looks like it’s gonna be just me and you for awhile until we find the others or we might just be the last survivors here.” Despite their worries about the others, Maria and Samantha head to the elevator to Tiberius station.

  While Maria and Samantha were heading to Tiberius Station still in the same “world” or dimension, Luis and Dayvon were both sucked up by black holes to unknown areas. Dayvon ends up in an area that the background is just spinning at least outside but everything still looked solid. He ends up in a huge circular room with a circular conveyor belt and a room inside the core possibly his way out of the loop. Luis was going through his black hole but the background of his hole was that of his family members that are dead and his memories being diluted due to the fact Luis was traveling at the speed of light. Luis takes out strange alien creatures while he’s at it but after five minutes Luis was still inside the hole with no end in sight. Could it be that Luis is stuck in time and has broken the space time continuum? Maria and Samantha do not know that Angel is also in Tiberius Station and chances are that they’re bump into each other again. Meanwhile back on earth the president has been found in his house dead, the president hanged himself or did he? Or did the gloobas control the president and made him kill himself with the clone made in this virtual world. Earth itself was heading into complete chaos, time is running out for our heroes.

  Chapter 13(D)

  Spin Cycle

  The switch Dayvon hit back at Area 4 led him to a hidden room with a black hole. Now he finds himself clearly stuck in another dimension as the outside is spinning like crazy. Meanwhile he’s in a “Spin Cycle” where the room has a conveyor belt that keeps spinning in a circle and the colors on the wall weren’t normal colors you would see on everyday walls. Dayvon assumes all he has to do is find a way out by finding the hole that led him to this dimension in the first place. However what Dayvon doesn’t know is that the black hole exit in the center of the room is beginning to close and evaporate. If he isn’t quick enough getting to the hole, the black hole will close and Dayvon will forever be trapped in this dimension that clearly isn’t his.

  Dayvon takes a look at his surroundings and sees alien troops riding around the conveyor belt going around in a circle. Dayvon tries the best to keep his vision in check as the background is constantly moving, probably because of the effects of the new dimension. Dayvon gathers his thoughts together and he tries to get to the core of the room. However when he gets to the middle of the room it's a dead end that is full of alien troops. Dayvon takes care of the aliens easily and he sees strange looking switch hears a sound but nothing happens. He then goes across the conveyor belt again to the other side, with what Dayvon was able to see he sees the sign above the area where the aliens were it said "Alpha Sector". Dayvon says in his head "Maybe there are four sectors and I have to activate each switch in each sector to open the core at least that's how it in the movies." So Dayvon looks and finds more ammo for his freezethrower along with his laser pistol. He heads to Beta sector with yet more enemies waiting for him however he has to peek and shoot because owl commanders are shooting missiles at his direction. Dayvon then finds a weapon that shoots light which kills all the gloobas in one shot, Dayvon shocked says "Whoa! In this dimension light kills or that was a missile I shot at them." It was indeed a missile but because Dayvon was in a dimension million of light-years away the missile in his vision was light with a rainbow color. Dayvon heads to Beta sector and he presses the switch inside hears the same sound. Dayvon out of nowhere passes out...

  Dayvon explores the out of dimension world or at least outside the dimension we human currently populate. However the air, gravity, light and even smell were all different than what we human are used to. Could it all be a glooba hologram to fool Dayvon into thinking he's in another dimension by playing with the different elements to crack his mind into oblivion. Dayvon is lying still on the floor and it was not a trick by the gloobas the black hole in the core was slowly closing up, if not quick enough Dayvon will be stuck in this dimension never to see his family ever again. Dayvon remains unconscious but he sees Serena his girlfriend along with his daughter and newborn son but how?

  Dayvon in shock says "Serena baby I'm here honey how's my daughter and son?" Serena responds "I'm fine baby why are you acting like something just happened?" Dayvon responds "Whoa Serena when I say I been on a trip I mean it. I must have had a horrible dream that I was placed in a virtual world where whatever happens in the virtual would happen on earth but now that I'm back with you I must have saved the world or I was just in a really bad dream." Serena says "Yeah baby you were dreaming we are just fine and nothing has happened in fact it's your day off today. Let's go to the park with our kids. Dayvon responds "Yeah that sounds like fun, I like the idea of playing tag with my daughter and peek a boo with my little man, lets go!" Dayvon was excited but at the same time felt that something wasn't right in the air, like his walking felt abnormal. It gets even weirder when he sees parked cars but no people. Dayvon says "Hey babe looks like we got the park to ourselves, I wonder why? Don't you just find it weird that this park is empty like this even a little?" Serena says "No I don't because we are the only ones here just our little family away from the world and all the chaos, this is truly a utopia!" Dayvon says "Wow I must be on LSD or this is my new life with the one I love to repopulate earth or to live in paradise forever. This must be heaven, if I'm dead thank your lord!" A voice says to Dayvon "You fool this is not real this is just an illusion, you are not in your dimension right now. Please listen to me don't fall for that woman, it maybe your love on Earth but this is not Earth. This is all a mind trap!" Dayvon says "I knew it but this feels so good, I don't want to leave." The voice replies "Yes you do want to leave because this is all just an illusion, soon all this will be gone and you will return to the nightmarish dimension that you are in. Please trust me this is not what it seems like, you must return to your body if you don't your only escape route out of this dimension will close and you will forever suffer in this dimension of nothing but illusions. You are currently many light-years away from Earth or even the solar system for that matter, you are my friend outside the boundaries of what the universe is. You will live a life of illusions of your dreams but you will never get to live them because they will just be image
s and illusions being displayed by the dimension to trap you. Good Luck..." The voice stops talking and all of a sudden Serena and Dayvon's kids disappear and the background turns black for a quick second before Dayvon is able to regain his conscience.

  Dayvon for a minute thought he was outside the virtual world and that the quest was over after he was "reunited" with his family. It all felt real even when he hugs his girlfriend, daughter and his baby son. Dayvon thought that this new dimension was simply a wormhole back to earth and somehow he had gotten back to his regular life. However everything around him was just nothing but just an illusion used to fool Dayvon into getting deeper into the dimension so he could never escape. Luckily the strange voice possibly that of the Elder God's warned Dayvon to focus his energy to his actual body that was lying and he had to act quickly or this would be his future a illusion with no end.

  Dayvon gets up from where he had fallen and resumes his quest to escape the spin cycle. Dayvon finds the next sector which is the Delta sector where he would find more alien creature but they were in the form of rainbow light as the dimension was made to mess with ones mind. He takes care of the creatures with relative ease; he hits the third switch still nothing happens. After Dayvon hits the third switch the same voice speaks "You need to activate one more switch to open the core and get out of here, you need to be quick the hole is beginning to close!" Many enemies this time of completely different shapes and colors pop up, Dayvon shoots them down but as he moves along they keep reappearing. Dayvon races to the last section which is the gamma section but the light of the dimension is so bright Dayvon has trouble finding the last switch. The strange voice says "Go to the left the switch should be there." Dayvon goes to his left until he feels the switch in his hand hits it then the core opens up and Dayvon can see the black hole which is shrinking rapidly but before Dayvon can get to the hole two BattleGloobas in light form show up and begin to attack Dayvon. Dayvon finds himself surrounded by enemies that looked like they were not actually the glooba race but those that inhabited this dimension. The voice told Dayvon "Don't waste your time with these creatures they will just keep appearing they is no end to these guys they will keep reappearing. Jump inside before it's too late." Dayvon says "Well here goes nothing!" Dayvon jumps into the black hole just when it was about to close for good. Dayvon then travels through the warp which hopefully takes him back to Earth or at least in the virtual world. After going through the warp where he once again seen pictures of his family diluted as he was traveling too fast he falls out of the hole back in the space base. He finds himself in a bathroom and sees a sign saying "Tiberius Station". Dayvon says to himself "Whew that was crazy I thought I was back in my normal life but it was just a really bad dream. I'm sure the others won't believe me well at least with the exception of Maria that is." Dayvon uses the bathroom and ponders his next move.

  After Dayvon gets trapped inside a black hole and going to a far dimension called "The Dimension of Illusions" which had fooled him into believing he was back on Earth and everything was fine. However it was an elaborate illusion created by the dimension to trap Dayvon inside forever. Dayvon somehow found it in himself to fight the urge of joining his "family" in the strange dimension. After that he was able to find a black or white hole to get back to reality. Dayvon now had knowledge of what power the black hole possessed and it had the power to send him into parts of the universe that normally wouldn't even be mentioned by any human. Dayvon finds himself in Tiberius Station hoping to find his teammates.

  Chapter 13

  Tiberius Station

  Maria and Samantha took the transport from Area 4 after discovering that Luis and Dayvon had gone missing. Luis was stuck in a black hole loop of his own having no idea where it would lead him too or if he was doomed to an eternal time loop of despair. Angel had taken the transport from fusion station directly to the Tiberius Station therefore missing the events that took place at Area 4. Dayvon had just gotten out of another dimension barely getting out of it with his life and found himself in the bathroom.

  Angel gets out of the transport and finds himself in front of a wall with a radioactive sign with a shaft over it. He breaks the shaft and goes into the Main hallway. He sees a group of salamander troopers along with some that are flying with their jetpacks. Angel shoots down the troopers easily then goes to an armory to collect some more ammo for his weapons. After he leaves the armory he hears a loud noise coming from the transport station downstairs. Angel sees a transport car heading in his direction; Angel assumes its more gloobas on their way so he prepares to ambush them. To Angel’s surprise while performing the ambush the transport did not contain any aliens. Instead the transport was carrying Maria and Samantha, Angel unaware draws his gun out. Maria says “Hey it’s me baby!” Angel says “Oh its Maria, I’m glad you are ok, thought you were gone after that trap elevator.” Maria says “It was a trap if it wasn’t for this girl next to me I would have been gone forever. We got into a big fight with the attacking gloobas in Area 4; they were relentless Dayvon even got shrunk by those creatures back in fusion station luckily for us the girl next to me had a cure but Dayvon and Luis have gone missing probably getting trapped inside black holes. Anyway how did you end up here?” Angel responds “I just used my jetpack to get to the highest floor and took the transport. Damn though this place is becoming dangerous as we progress hope Dayvon and Luis aren’t stuck in time. Wait a minute that meant you guys got together, so how did those two disappear weren’t you watching them!” Maria starts to cry and say “I’m sorry we were looking for a way out and we separated for a second then when we came back both of them were gone. Forgive me I didn’t mean for this to happen!” Angel responds calmly “Relax babe they’re show up sooner or later besides there wasn’t anything you could had done. We can’t just stand here dwelling about what happened it’s happened before and we always seem to find each other. So gather yourself stop crying because at least you have me and let’s keep a positive attitude!” Maria replies “You’re right Angel I feel better already, I love you!” Samantha says “Aww that’s cute.” Angel begins to question Maria of who Samantha is.

  Angel asks Maria “Who is she? Sounds like a person of interest.” Maria says “Angel this is Samantha solider of Area 4, Samantha this is Angel my new boyfriend. I’ll tell you because I trust you like a sister to keep it a secret from the others.” Samantha says “Thanks Maria that means a lot don’t worry Angel we’ve been through a lot already you can trust me.” Angel replies “I do trust you; it’s this world that I don’t trust what other secrets does this place hold? Well let’s get moving.” The trio sees a big door that is unlocked by pressing a switch up the ramp; Angel goes up to the switch which opens the big door. The trio proceeds inside to a hallway full of salamander troopers which they kill off easily. A turret from the control room aims for the trio; Angel, Maria and Samantha run towards an elevator leading them to the control room. More salamander troopers for the heroes which were just becoming target practice for the trio. Angel disables the turret from the console and says “That should take of that!” Maria spots an access card on the counter which says “Service Area Access”. After that the trio heads to the next door and they head into a darker hallway. Dayvon after using the bathroom heads out to the hallway and sees a couple of sentry drones. He shoots both drones easily then he heads through the right door then spots Angel, Maria and Samantha. Iguana enforcers show up but they go down easily with the combined efforts of all four heroes.

  Dayvon is ecstatic when he sees the trio and says “I hope you guys are real and not of an illusion.” Angel perplexed asks “What are you talking about of course we’re real, what have you been?” Dayvon replies “Funny you should ask I was stuck in another dimension, yeah I got swallowed by a black hole, I seen illusions of my family thinking they were real then I found out they weren’t and I just got out of there in time before the hole to get out closed.” Maria responds “Hmm like the Elder God said we will see many black holes that
will send us to places that are unheard of. I understand you Dayvon.” Dayvon replies “I figured you would all I saw was rainbow light and even the aliens were in the form of light.” Samantha says “Interesting we were developing or at least looking into wormholes and space travel to help us get to different places much faster. However the research did not continue due to lack of support from the government, but yet we are in a virtual world that breaks natures law. A crazy paradox isn’t it?” Angel replies “Yeah I’m losing my head now, always knew the government had something to hide from us. Anyway we should get going before anymore weird shit happens here and let’s try to stay together this time. Hopefully Luis is ok and hasn’t been…” The heroes continue their journey through Tiberius Station.

  The heroes continue through the hall that Dayvon had shot down the drones when he got out of the bathroom. Dayvon showed the rest of the crew where he had ended up after he got out of the time warp. Everybody laughed and Angel added “Damn bro you were really in the dumps!” Dayvon replies in a sarcastic tone “Haha very funny Angel!” They continue into the hall which explodes out of no where and some iguana enforcer’s pop out of the wall which our heroes take care of easily. They arrive at the service area door, Maria inserts the card to the card reader the door opens. The four head inside the service area. The service area is a huge cress pool of green slime probably glooba liquid for the aliens to live on. The area is filled with poisonpus’s which is no surprise as water or sewer areas are their native habitat. The heroes take care of the poisonpus’s with their various weapons at the same time Dayvon says “Hey you what? I wished we had the light gun I used in that other dimension I was in, it took out all the aliens in one blast!” Angel asks “So why didn’t you bring it?” Dayvon replies “Once I used it there was no more light or whatever, the gun did not wanna shoot!” Angel replies “That figures well at least we can still kick some alien ass!” After defeating the poisonpus’s the heroes see the bridge is split, Samantha finds a switch which brings the current up and forces the boxes to line up straight for the heroes to cross. Several iguana enforcers try to ambush the heroes but to no avail as the heroes are able to fight them off. They notice the door up ahead requires a red keycard, they see in the camera next to them that the keycard underwater or under the green goo.


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