The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy Page 39

by Angel Medina

  Angel jumps in the chopper with Orlando and Orlando prepares to begin lift off of the chopper. The sound gets real loud as the chopper begins to ascend from the helipad. Angel and Orlando begin to fly towards the stadium where Angel was ready to meet the one responsible and find the last piece of the anti-matter ball. However Angel had a strange feeling that this was all coming too easy also that Dayvon was missing and he had become separated from the rest of his crew. Angel had no idea if he and Orlando would be able to defeat the enemy boss together or if he even could trust Orlando and he wasn’t a part of the whole scheme of things. Angel decided to ask Orlando more questions about who he was to get a better idea of his identity. Orlando answers all of Angel’s questions promptly and that gave Angel a sense of confidence that Orlando was indeed on his side. The two head off into the sunset as night began to come.

  The flooded city proves to be a big hassle for our heroes. Maria, Luis and Rebecca explored a flooded hotel which proves to be almost deadly especially for Maria who had to be rescued by Rebecca. The trio eventually gets into a warehouse where they begin to explore until a sinkhole swallows the trio into a sewer system. As for Angel and Dayvon they explore a lawyer's office which was heavily damaged by the flooding. Angel goes underwater solo having night vision goggles, so he left Dayvon to wait for him in the main entrance of the office. However when Angel gets the keycard Dayvon is nowhere to be found, Angel searches with no results. Angel decides to move on assuming Dayvon probably went ahead of him but Angel’s assumption turned out to be wrong. In fact the enemy was waiting for Angel up on the roof until a man named Orlando kills the aliens and rescues Angel promising to take him to the stadium but Dayvon was still nowhere to be found. Was this all too good to be true for Angel getting a chopper ride to the stadium? What surprises were waiting for the duo or better yet is Orlando a man of his word? An even better question is where is Dayvon located? Finally where did Maria, Luis and Rebecca end up? Something sure smells rotten in the air and it’s not the sewer water.

  Chapter 32

  Rumble In The City

  While Angel was getting a helicopter ride to the stadium and Dayvon was MIA our other three heroes Maria, Luis and Rebecca find themselves in a storm sewer with a hole leading to the streets of Hollywood. The trio has no idea that Dayvon is missing and that Angel is getting a ride to the stadium which was still a distance away from where the trio was located. What would the streets offer our heroes?

  Maria, Luis and Rebecca fall into the storm sewer and now they try to find a way out of the sewers. The three of them see a hole to get out of the system and leads them into the streets of Hollywood. Unlike the city they had previously explored this city was not flooded and was still mostly intact, this city was probably being attacked by the gloobas at the moment. The trio gets out of the storm sewer and they go to street level where they were met with some boar cops. There were boar cops everywhere on street level, in the distance and on top of buildings big or small. Our heroes realize that they were being surrounded by boar cops that they retreat back to avoid taking too much fire. Our heroes decide to use the peek and shoot idea where they shot the boar cops while trying to avoid being shot themselves. Luis says “Man this city is sure noisy!” Maria says “You got that right this is not what I expected coming to Hollywood!” Rebecca says “There’s just no end to these guys, we’re obviously not welcomed here!” Rebecca finds a RPG nearby from a fallen solider who was trying to defend against the alien attack and she uses it to kill many of the aliens to even up the odds a little bit. Rebecca says “You guys on top of that building, trying to hide I don’t think so!” Rebecca shoots the rocket blowing up the enforcers that were up there and says “Take that!” Luis says “Not bad there girl, I guess I underestimated you!” Our heroes clear the area but it was just one part of this city.

  The trio moves on killing even more boar cops and they approach the big building. Then a rumble sound can be heard and shaking can be felt, it was an earthquake. Luis says “Everybody run back that building is collapsing!” As the building collapsing down from above our heroes move out of the way from the falling debris. Then the earthquake stops with some debris from the partially collapsed building on the street and Luis says “It’s going to take more than just an earthquake to kill us!” Once the trio sees that the coast is clear they move forward once again. A woman is murdered by a gang of four boar cops and Luis says “Why not trying to pick on someone your own size you pig bastards?” The trio kills off the four boar cops and then they study the body but Rebecca says there’s no chance to bring this woman back to life. Our heroes find themselves in front of what seems to be a local tax office or at least that what the sign said it was.

  When our heroes head inside they find some salamander troopers inside and iguana enforcers nothing our heroes couldn’t handle. When they get deeper inside however they find that this was anything but a tax office. When the heroes came to find out it was a local quack’s office which was opened illegally using a tax office as a front. Luis says “Hmm I wondered how many people lost their lives using this crazy doctor?” Speaking of the doctor the trio finds the doctor was dead on the table, Maria says “Well if this isn’t ironic the doctor dies on the same bed where he would do his sick experiments and pretend to be a doctor.” Our heroes begin to explore the quacks office and they find a blue keycard which was needed to enter the celebrity condos or at least that was the name of the condo complex. Our heroes head towards the condo but are met up with more iguana enforcers and boar cops who they are able to kill off easily. The trio enters the condo using the keycard and they are greeted with a group of boar cops. Maria runs and then jump kicks a couple of the boar cops down to the floor, Luis follows her and he grabs two boars smashing their heads together, Rebecca uses the heel of her shoes to poke the eyes of the last remaining boar cops. The boar cops that were taken down by Maria get back up but Maria grabs one of the cops shotgun. Before the boars were able to get on their feet they were met with the barrel of their own shotgun and Maria says “Adios amigos!” Then Maria blasted off the heads of the boar cops and said “Eww that’s swine when it isn’t cooked properly, I for one don’t want these guys to be our future officers.” The trio sees two elevators but the one to the right was out of order, so the trio uses the other elevator which was an express elevator that took them up to the penthouse level.

  Maria, Luis and Rebecca found a way out of the storm sewer and found themselves in the roaring streets of Hollywood. The three of them had a bull's-eye on their backs as everything alien were gunning for them and being out in the open didn’t help thing neither. However our heroes are able to survive although they found a woman by a quack’s office who was murdered by boar cops and they were unable to bring her back to life. They entered what they thought was a tax office but turned out to be nothing except an illegal quack’s office. They entered the celebrity condo complex where they killed some more boar cops. Our heroes got inside the elevator which would lead them straight to the penthouse level. What is waiting for our heroes in the penthouse?

  When the elevator stopped and reached the penthouse level our heroes get out then they are met with salamander troopers and sentry drones. Knowing the sentry drones by heart Luis takes out the drones whose explosion blew up the rest of the alien troops. The heroes notice that all of the apartments are locked so they decide to head back outside on roof level. All of a sudden the gloobas had begun to launch a full scaled attack in the city sending a different variety of enemies including hoverships and owl commanders to throw into the mix. The heroes figure out what their next move should be. They take out the salamander troopers that are on the roof and the three of them find jetpacks which would prove to be useful. The heroes saw an open window in the office building across from them and figured going there would give them a clue of how to get to the stadium. However they head to deal with the numerous amounts of owl commanders flying around but they figured if they could get into the office building quickly en
ough they could avoid any confrontation with the owl commanders. Maria, Luis and Rebecca turned on their jetpacks and began to hover towards the office building while dodging fire from owl commanders and hoverships. Luis took a few of the hoverships down and Maria killed off some owl commanders along the way. While the three were close to the building Rebecca’s jetpack started to malfunction, it was running out of fuel. Maria and Luis got to the office building but Rebecca ran out of fuel on her jetpack before she got to the other side. Rebecca begins to fall but is able to grab the edge of the window trying to pull herself up.

  Maria tells Rebecca “Whatever you do don’t look down, grab my hand!” Luis says “Oh crap owl commanders and they’re taking aim right for us. Damn I’m out of juice for my weapon! I’ll help you Maria.” Rebecca hangs on for dear life and uses her other hand that was hanging to grab Maria’s arm while an owl commander was preparing to launch a missile towards Rebecca. Maria says “Come on Rebecca grab my arm we don’t much time that missile is heading straight towards us.” Rebecca says “I got your hand now pull!” Luis along with Maria pulls Rebecca up to the office meanwhile the missile hits taking part of the wall down but nobody was hurt. The trio decides to get away from the window to avoid taking any more fire from the enemies outside. However it was no safer inside than outside; the heroes were met by some boar cops and some salamander troopers inside although it's safe to say dealing with these guys was much easier than what was outside. When they got upstairs of what seemed to be a conference room for meetings and our heroes were in the middle of a meeting themselves. Luis says “I think you better get a rain check for this meeting because I’m putting it to an end!” The trio went on to clean house in the conference room until all of the aliens were dead even some iguana enforcers that were trying to hide in the back. When they were done with the enemies in the conference room the trio notices that the building starts to shake and collapse with all the alien projectiles being shot at the building.

  Luis finds a red keycard and uses it to open the emergency exit so they can get out of the building. As they open the emergency exit door they are met by more iguana enforcers who the kill off easily. Then they find the stairs leading them down until they get to a car garage where they see cars parked and a way out. Now if they could just get into a car to drive off but they had no keys for any of the cars but Luis finds a screwdriver which he could use to start the ignition of any car. The heroes were met with a large group of boar cops and iguana enforcers they began to shoot them but then notice that the collapsing ceiling was killing many of their enemies. At the same time however our heroes realize that their window to get out of the garage in one piece was starting to literally and figuratively crumble on them. The heroes find a 2003 Honda Civic break into the windows, got in the car and used to screwdriver to start the car as the underground garage was to collapse. Luis and the others drive out of the garage into the street just in time before the garage completely gave way and the building would soon follow. Luis was a rather good driver so he was able to dodge enemy fire as they tried to intercept the car. Luis sees a ramp covering an incomplete street that was under construction and drives on the ramp getting to the other side of the street. Rebecca started to give instructions to Luis on how to get to the stadium. Our heroes were on their way to the stadium along with Angel who was getting a chopper ride.

  Maria, Luis and Rebecca got a glimpse of what their future will be like if they fail their mission to save earth from the gloobas. It sure didn’t look pretty as the gloobas took down buildings that once housed the most elite people in the world and turned them into nothing but rubble. Our heroes fought through the city being attacked by the gloobas, our heroes wanted to stop the gloobas but they did not have enough manpower or strength to stop the gloobas. Instead our heroes decided that discretion is the better part of valor and decided to run so they could live to fight another day. While the city was falling apart behind them there was a glimmer of hope for our heroes as they now had a car to get to the stadium where the final part of the anti-matter ball was located. Meanwhile Angel was right behind them with Orlando in a helicopter the only one that remained missing was Dayvon but it wouldn’t matter if the rest were able to complete their mission. The day was almost over as night began to fall, from here on out our heroes had only 4 days to complete their mission. It is going to be a battle against time for our chosen ones; will they succeed only time will tell.

  Chapter 33

  Movie Set

  Luis is driving himself along with Maria and Rebecca to the stadium where they were prepared to deal with emperor himself and get the final piece of the anti-matter ball. What they didn’t know was that Angel was on his way there as well along with Orlando who he had just met while getting out of the flooded city. Our heroes are driving just fine until they pass a movie set where all a sudden the car catches a flat on its front right side. Luis tries to keep moving but the tires blows out and the car refuses to move. Luis then tells everyone to get out of the car just in case as he tries to find the spare tire to replace the one that blew. Luis finds the tire in the trunk and begins to replace the tire as fast as he can, however Luis never gets to put the tire in. That’s because the car is destroyed by a missile shot by an owl commander and with that the car is completely blown into pieces. Maria kills the owl commander but our heroes no longer had a ride to the stadium and now had to find an alternative way to get out.

  Maria, Luis and Rebecca find themselves at the parking lot of a movie set where they are met with a gang of boar cops. The trio takes care of the boar cops rather easily but then they are approached by sentry drones. The heroes are able to shoot down the drones. Luis says angrily “Damn we were so close to the stadium, what’s a movie set going to do for us?” Maria replies “Maybe there’s a prop car we can uses or something else.” Rebecca responds “Well this is a subway station around here not sure where but I know the train stops here. It could be our only way of transportation and we can get to the stadium that way.” Luis says “Sounds good let's just hope the aliens aren’t smart enough to take the subway system over. To simplify I hope we can catch a train with a real person inside!” Maria says “We gotta take our chances we can’t think negative here, let's do the best we can!” After the conversation the heroes head inside the main entrance of the movie set where they see the security desk but instead of seeing a guard our heroes see a couple of boar cops who they kill off easily anyway. Then a boar cop van comes rushing in where a group of boar cops come out after our heroes. Each hero takes care of the boar cops with their weapon of choice for Luis it’s his plasma cannon, Maria uses the shrink ray to crush the cops and Rebecca finishes off the job with her RPG. Rebecca says “Hmm that’s a whole lot of bacon flying in the air!” Everybody laughs at Rebecca’s joke trying to make the best of what is a pretty bad situation. Then the trio heads to the vending machines where they find three boar cops but more importantly they find a blue keycard to gain entrance inside the movie set. All of a sudden our heroes hear a really loud noise like a helicopter.

  What our heroes heard was the helicopter that Angel was on along with Orlando and they were heading to the stadium. They have no idea that the other three heroes were below them but they would get the chance to reunite with them although not in the way they would want to. The helicopter gets shot down by an alien hover ship and was ready to make a crash landing right towards the water tower. Angel and Orlando press the eject button which ejects them out of the helicopter and they land right where the other three crew members were. Angel watches the helicopter that he was going to use to get to the stadium go up in flames as it crashes into the a water tower and watches his chances to get to the stadium go up in flames but on the bright side he was reunited with the others except for Dayvon of course.

  Angel says “Damn those alien bastards are going to pay for shooting up my ride!” Luis asks Angel “Let me guess you were on your way to the stadium as well.” Angel responds “Yes I was this man Orlando saved my
butt with the helicopter that you just saw crash and burn. Another issue is Dayvon is now missing I have no idea where he went or where the aliens have him held.” Maria replies “As long as you’re ok that counts for something, we were on our way to the stadium until our car caught a flat and got destroyed by the same alien scum.” Rebecca says “However I believe there’s a subway station around here hmm is that the subway station all gated up. Well I been here before one time and there is a control inside the movie set to open the gate.” Angel says “Looks like we gotta ride the subway even if I have to drive the car!” After vaguely talking about their plan the heroes head inside the movie set with the keycard that was found by the vending machines.

  The heroes enter the movie set which and the first room they enter is a storage room where props were stored. Not only that, there were also salamander troopers and a few turrets our heroes had to deal with. Maria, Luis and Angel take care of the troopers while Rebecca took out the turrets with a RPG blast; as soon as the heroes dealt with the aliens inside they were aliens being dropped off by a spaceship outside. Angel says “Looks like the feature presentation is going to be the gloobas getting kicked out of our world! Let's do this!” The heroes get into a long and enduring firefight with the salamander troopers that are constantly being dropped off. Rebecca sees a weak spot on the alien space ship shoots it with her RPG and she is able to take down the spaceship which land away from the heroes. Angel tells Rebecca “Good job there gotta admit you’re not too bad there and you do look kinda of good.” Rebecca with a smile on her face says “Ah Angel you better look behind you someone isn’t impressed with your sweet talk.” Angel says to Maria “Oh no you’re much better and much better looking the Rebecca no offense to you Rebecca.” Maria says “Hmm that’s what I thought!” Maria then makes a hand signal indicating to Rebecca that she is watching her carefully and not to make any sudden moves on her man. Rebecca simply nods her head yes and stays silent.


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