The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy Page 52

by Angel Medina

  Angel finds Bones and asks him about the plan to bust out of the prison.

  Bones was an African American man who was a pastor in his church. He was locked up by Carlos for allegedly stealing funds from the arch-diocese to pay for personal trips. Angel and pretty much everybody else know Bones was innocent. However Carlos was able to “find” evidence to convict Bones. Carlos also got Bones for kidnapping children, although no children were ever found in Bones’s house.

  Bones begins to talk to Angel and says “I’m going to tell you that this prison is old as hell and there’s a weak spot in the right side of the prison. A well placed explosion in the area by the execution will bust a hole big enough to lead you to the underground of the prison but from then on you’ll be on your own.”

  “Fair enough but where can I get the explosives and what’s the catch?

  “There’s a dude I’m sure you know him, he is known as “Wireboy”. He can get the weapon made. However, when it comes to the plans I don’t know much, rumors are that there is a dude named “Skull” who has a map of the prison and is the one in charge of the break out. I always liked your brother Robert he was good people, it’s a shame he got killed the way he did. However I do believe Boris did not have anything to do with the murder.

  “What makes you so sure about that?” Angel looks at Bones puzzled

  “What makes you so sure Boris committed the crime? Besides there has been a spike in police corruption and the police haven’t been on their best behavior lately.”

  “Hmm really that’s news to me but I wouldn’t be surprised, not everyone in the force has liked me or my brother. Where can I find this dude Wireboy?”

  “I haven’t seen this kid in a while but you can find him in cell block C which is not too far from here, he usually locks himself in a small room in the laundry area.” Bones tells Angel in confidence. “When is comes to “Skull” however I can’t really help much, probably “Wireboy” may have a better idea where “Skull” is. Be careful out there my man not everyone likes you here and if you’re lucky you may catch me during the escape.”

  Angel gets out of his cell where he sees the warden Adam Pinnacle despite killing him before has come back to life since Angel reversed time.

  Pinnacle says, “Well if it isn’t the dead man walking!”

  “Well I’m not dead yet and I’ll bet you by the end of today you won’t even where I am! Besides you need to lose some of the fat, try doing you job for once in your life!”

  Angel was criticizing the fact that Pinnacle was fatter then ever since the last adventure.

  “Smart words Mr. Angel, but the only place you’ll be is hell where you belong and there will be no way out for you. I will be keeping a close eye on you!”

  “Well keep on walking fat boy looks like you need the exercise.” Angel says arrogantly while Pinnacle pushes Angel out of the way.

  “Well I gotta get going. I’ll catch you later and be careful out there.” Bones says to Angel causally

  After Bones and Pinnacle leave the cell area a group of prisoners come towards Angel who don’t look like that they want to be friends.

  One of the prisoners says, “You got no backup in here cop!” The prisoner begin to beat up on Angel triple teaming him but Angel is able to fight back with his expert marital arts skills. Angel does a spin kick which knocks out all three of the prisoners but before Angel can relax more convicts come out looking for a piece of Angel.

  One of them says, “Come on Angel you aren’t so tough anymore!” Angel gets into a fist fight with the prisoners and at first the prisoners have the upper hand. Angel gets laid down to the floor nearly unconscious. However Bones sees that Angel needs help and comes to his rescue.

  Bones says, “Looks like you can use some help there Angel.” Bones comes in to even the odds and with his help Angel is able to defeat the prisoners. Angel sees a keycard that leads out of the cells and to the hallway of cell block C.

  “Hey Bones thanks for the hand I needed it.” Angel shows his appreciation towards Bones.

  “Yeah I couldn’t let you get beat up there, but you’ll be on your own from here on out so you need to defend a little better.”

  “Don’t worry Bones I’ll be fine. Catch you later.” Angel gains access to cell block C by opening the gate using the keycard. Angel approaches a hallway where he sees a couple of prisoners.

  The convicts say, “You’re a dead man Officer Angel!”

  Angel says in his head, “This is gonna be tough I put many of these guys here, they’re all gonna want a piece of me.”

  Angel approaches the prisoners, grabs one of them throws him to the wall and gets into a fist fight with the other prisoner which he wins. Angel continues down the hall until he gets to the main hallway of cell block C.

  Angel says, “Hmm the layout of this place is a bit different than I remember from the last time.”

  Angel makes his way into the laundry room faces a few more inmates. Angel throws a chair at one of the prisoners. Low kicks another prisoner then uses an iron to knock out the prisoner and with the last prisoner he beats up him up. After he beats up the prisoner Angel throws him to the ironing bed and then pulls the iron down burning the prisoner. Angel begins to start taking a bit of pleasure out of beating the prisoners. After clearing the laundry room Angel enters the small room where he meets “Wireboy”.

  Wireboy says, “You don’t even have to ask I know what you want. You want the acid to make the bomb right? Well this is only my theory, but this bomb should destroy a very weak part of the prison and boom we got access to the underground. Like I said though this is only a theory and I can’t guarantee any results.”

  “I can live with that, you know where Skull is?” Angel was satisfied with Wireboy’s answer.

  “He’s usually in the showers in cell block B. Tell you what I can give you the acid and then you give it to Skull where he’ll use it to blow up the target area.”

  “Sounds good now give me the acid.” In a demanding tone

  “Whoa there brother what am I going to get for this?”

  “I don’t know it’s not like I have any cash to just blow.”

  “Wait there is a way you can pay me I just need 25 packs. You get me 25 packs and the acid is yours.” Wireboy suggests.

  “Where in the hell am I supposed to get 25 packs?” Angel asks Wireboy

  Wireboy arrogantly responds “Well you‘re a hotshot cop I figured you would know, try the gym you doofus.”

  “Ok I will no need for the name calling.” Angel returns to the laundry room where more prisoners were waiting for him.

  Angel says arrogantly, “Looks like more prisoners need to be put in their place.”

  Despite being outnumbered 4 to 1 Angel used the objects in the laundry room to block the prisoners in order to get into one on one action with each prisoner. After defeating all of the prisoners, each prisoner dropped a pack of cigarettes with one of the prisoners dropping 2 packs. Angel now had five packs of cigarettes.

  Angel meets up with Bones who lets Angel know of a plot by a prisoner only known as “Skull” to break out of jail using a bomb that would be made by a prisoner known as Wireboy. Angel meets Wireboy, but before Wireboy would give him the acid he demanded 25 packs of cigarettes. Angel was on a quest to find the cigarettes he was on his way to the gym. Angel only had an hour until his planned execution is due to happen so time is of the essence.

  Angel gets out of the laundry room back to the main hallway looking for the gym. He meets some more prisoners who he is able to beat up easily. Angel takes 2 packs of cigarettes from the prisoners. Angel now has 7 packs of cigarettes needing 18 more packs. Angel eventually finds the gym where he meets inmates who are a lot friendlier and are more willing to give Angel packs of cigarettes. The only catch is Angel had to complete a set of challenges to earn his packs. The first challenge he had to overcome was a boxing match against one of the convicts.

  The convict by the ring says to Angel, “H
ey hotshot I heard you wanna earn some packs, if you can beat me I’ll give you a pack. What do you say?”

  Angel accepts the challenge and he begins to brawl with the convict. The two of them exchange jabs amongst themselves until the convict tries a right hook which Angel is able to dodge. Angel goes for an uppercut which he misses the convict as well. The fight goes on for about 5 minutes, until Angel lands an uppercut knocking the convict down to the ring mat.

  After Angel picks the convict up, the convict says to Angel, “Hey thanks for the beat down, here’s your pack.” Angel sits down for a few minutes and finds some minor bruises. Angel is still fuming with anger about having to stare at forest green walls for a crime he never committed. However nothing that is too serious. After Angel sits down he gets up and approaches another inmate by the punching bag.

  The inmate with an eastern European accent says to Angel, “Well you wanna a smoke right? Well beat my record of 150 punches on the bag in one minute and I’ll give you a smoke.”

  Angel goes to the punching bag and begins to punch the bag as he strikes the bag the speed of the bag increases making it harder to hit. Eventually after 25 seconds Angel is able to catch the rhythm of the bag and in the 151st punch Angel punches the bag as hard as he can with 5 seconds to spare just to put the exclamation point.

  The inmate shocked says, “Wow impressive here’s a smoke my friend!” Angel moves on to the weight lifting area where he meets a Jamaican inmate with a heavy Jamaican accent.

  The inmate known as “Bobby” says to Angel, “Hey you think you can lift these weights, if so boy I’ll give some smokes. What do you say?”

  Angel accepts the challenge and he begins with lifting 100lbs as he gets on the chair. Angel needed to lift 100lbs, 200lbs and 250lbs 5 times each to win the challenge. Angel easily does the 100lbs weight in no time. Angel struggles a bit with the 200 lbs weight but is able to lift it up five times. As for the 250lbs Angel is able to lift the weight up three times but fatigue begins to kick in.

  Bobby says in his Jamaican accent, “Come on cop you can’t give up now you’re almost there!” Booby was actually encouraging Angel on. Eventually Angel did find the strength to lift the weight up two more times.

  After Angel was done Bobby says to Angel, “Well for a small cop you sure got muscle there brother here’s a pack you earned it!”

  Angel was now up to 10 packs of cigarettes. Angel went to relax for a little while and grabbed a bottle of water, but Angel knew he didn’t have much time to relax as there was only 30 minutes until his execution. Angel doesn’t see anymore challenges to do in the gym so Angel goes around asking where he can get more packs of cigarettes. The inmates tell him to go to cell block B nearby where Angel was due to be executed and there he would find “Sickle” the arm wrestling champion. However, the inmates also tell Angel that he needs a keycard to gain access to the B level which was something he would have to find himself. Angel felt much more determined now that he was proving his worth in prison.

  Angel gets out of the gym back to the main hallway and he sees gate to level B, but he needs the keycard. So he goes into the mess hall to the right and to no surprise he sees a large group of inmates.

  One of the inmates says, “You’re a dead man Angel, there’s no one here to protect you now!”

  Angel prepares for a large brawl with these prisoners a group of three men bull rush him and he is able to get out of the way. Then he side kicks the three of them to keep them on the ground at least for now while he deals with the rest of the prisoners. Three more prisoners go after Angel, but Angel comes up with an ingenious idea he climbs on the table and roundhorse kick to knock out all three prisoners out. After that three more prisoners come for Angel and Angel throws some pasta at one of the inmates blinding him for a moment then he kicks him in the groin. The other two double teams Angel in an attempt to beat him down, but Angel uses his legs to snap the neck of one of the prisoners and he throws the prisoner holding him towards the other side of the lunch line.

  After all that Angel still had three more prisoners to deal with. Angel grabs a fire extinguisher and he uses it to blind the three prisoners at the same time rendering them unconscious with the fumes of the fire extinguisher.

  After clearing the mess halls Angel says while picking all the packs of cigarettes dropped by the inmates, “Well they do call this the mess hall for a reason and you guys got a mess to clean up! Oh what’s this on the floor?”

  Angel find a keycard for cell block B exactly what he needed. As for packs Angel now had 23 packs just needing two more packs to pay off Wireboy. However Angel only had 20 minutes before his execution.

  Angel made his way through the cell block B hallway and before he could get to “Sickle” in the main cell area Angel bumps into Pinnacle by the warden’s office.

  Pinnacle says in an evil intimidating tone, “Well well if it isn’t Angel trying to break out, sorry hotshot but nobody escapes me!”

  Angel replies in a cocky tone, “With the big body of yours we’ll see if you can even keep up. Little do you know I beaten you before in a past lifetime.”

  Angel is referring to when he defeated Pinnacle back in the first adventure however there he had the help of Maria who shot Pinnacle. This time around Angel was by his lone some. Pinnacle begins to chase Angel down and tries to grab him but Angel is able to sidestep him.

  Angel bashfully says to Pinnacle, “Boy are you slow as hell, looks like you need to get off that desk once in a while!”

  Angel lands some kicks and punches that slows down Pinnacle, but does not knock him down. Pinnacle then grabs Angel and throws him through the warden’s office door. Angel gets up as Pinnacle begins to run into him, Angel side steps and then gets on Pinnacle’s back where he begins to choke him. Pinnacle is able to wrestle Angel off his back and arm throws Angel down to the ground. Pinnacle picks Angel up and suplexes him through the table.

  Pinnacle says, “Broken in half well at least you won’t have to pay for my replacement table once you are dead for good. Too bad in this world you can’t murder people and get a free pass for it!”

  Angel lays on the table unconscious not getting up for about 3 minutes. Pinnacle sees Angel does not get up and proceeds to walk out of the warden’s office in confidence thinking he has defeated Angel. However somehow Angel is able to get back up and once he gets up he grabs a flagpole then strikes Pinnacle with the pole.

  Angel says while breathing heavily, “I may down… but I’m not out! It’s going to take more than just pure fat… to take me down! I didn’t kill Frank Kelly… and you know it!”

  “Damn Angel you are just one of those stubborn ones who doesn’t accept when he is wrong. Curse you Angel you have been a thorn on my side for too long, can’t wait to see you get fried! However I guess I need to finish you off first!” Pinnacle cracks his knuckles in disgust

  Pinnacle grabs a weakened Angel by the throat where he begins to choke Angel. Angel’s face begins to turn blue and he begins to fade away. However the spirit of his wife Maria gets inside of Angel.

  The spirit says, “Honey you may be a criminal, but I’m still here to help you out, let me help you out a little bit.”

  Angel using the energy he got from Maria’s spirit uses his hands to poke Pinnacle’s eyes blinding him for a second. Pinnacle tries to grab Angel to do a powerbomb but Angel is able to counter with an inverted leg drop taking Pinnacle down. Angel finds a galvanized steel pipe and uses it to strike Pinnacle in the back knocking him out. Angel finds a pack of cigarettes falling out of Pinnacle’s pocket along with an ounce of cocaine. Angel knew Pinnacle was down but he was only knocked out temporary so he had to get moving quickly.

  Angel says in his head, “Looks like we got ourselves some corrupt drug dealers here looking to make some extra money behind Uncle Sam’s back. Perhaps the construction site was nothing but a big front to hide this big time drug trafficking business. Imagine if this were to get out to the public. Anyway I got 24 packs just need o
ne more, time to go meet Sickle. I got a feeling Maria on the inside believes I am innocent, why else would her spirit come rescue me?”

  Angel bumps into an old foe from his previous adventure Adam Pinnacle and the two fight it out in the warden’s office. Angel comes out winning but barely. He got some much needed help from the spirit of his wife who was on the verge of divorcing him. Angel still wonders why would the spirit even come bother to help him out? Was it that Maria had second thoughts of divorcing Angel or did she believe that Angel was indeed framed for the murder of Frank Kelly?

  Angel says to himself, “Why did Maria’s spirit come help me? While I’m grateful but at the same time I’m confused.”

  The spirit of Maria comes out, stares at Angel and tells him “Angel I came out because I truly love you, while I may not believe you are really innocent well at least my human form doesn’t. However I believe there is something going on in the virtual world but I can’t be too sure. Don’t get too excited while I believe your hands are clean in this case but I’m probably the only one who believes that. I can’t speak for anyone else not even Maria herself. I must go now good luck Angel!”

  Angel still confused tries to piece together what just happened, but decides that his main objective done is to get out of jail. Angel makes his way to the main cell area in the B section. Sickle is sitting on a chair with a table awaiting his next victim that was according to the sign at least.

  Sickle says in an intimidating tone, “Who’s my next victim. Well if it isn’t Officer Angel why don’t you give me a shot? If you win I’ll give you a pack, you’ll probably need it to smoke away the last few minutes till you are executed.”

  “Well I accept your challenge Sickle, but don’t count on me getting executed just yet!”

  “Well tough words there Angel. Now the challenge is simple this will be an arm wrestling challenge just beat me and the pack of cigarettes is yours.”

  The arm wrestling match begins between the two at first Sickle gains the advantage nearly putting down Angel’s arm but Angel is able to fight back. Then for about 5 minutes it turns into a stalemate between the two. After two more minutes Angel begins to gain the advantage unbelievably especially after the beat down he received from Pinnacle and the challenges he did in the gym.


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