The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy Page 55

by Angel Medina

  Ana was referring to Sal’s heavy build well really that Sal was really fat. This is stereotypical of your normal Italian mafia boss. Ana was a woman of Columbian origin who was a for hire assassin who worked for an unknown organization. She had a pretty good built body wise, not too skinny but what stood out were her legs. Under normal circumstances Angel would arrest her, but since Angel was no longer a cop he had to take the chance of trusting Ana.

  Angel answers Ana, “Yeah I was looking for the man who shot my brother and some information on Sal’s role in a big scandal. You see I been framed for killing Frank Kelly. I figured fat Sal would have some info about that and he was ready to tell me who owns the site where the shootout took place until you came in to shoot him.”

  “Sorry about that, but Sal did not kill your brother and I’m afraid I have no idea about who owns that site. If I had a guess it would be Mayor Williams himself. I always saw that man as a crooked mayor and the police force is no better.”

  “If it wasn’t Sal, then you have any idea who it could have been? Sal was telling me it was a man named Patch who works for Boris Kolov.”

  “Patch I know that scumbag he wears an eyepatch with a sliver luger. He thinks he is a high class fashionable killer. He’s nothing, but a phony who wears bootleg jewelry to make himself look high class. Under that eyepatch is the biggest black eye that you’ll ever see.” Ana describes Patch “As for the Mayor in case you have been under a rock all this time, Mayor Williams is running against Jane Parker for mayor and many polls show him losing to her. However if I know Williams he’ll try to make sure in his power that he wins the Mayor’s seat even if it means taking his opponent out. Carlos is trying to get his new force out known as CES or the Carlos Elite Squad. It’s supposed to be the new force of New York, but I think it’s just a waste of taxpayer’s money.”

  “Hmm seems like you know your stuff, tell you what we should team up. I smell a rat in all this!” Angel is impressed with Ana’s knowledge. Ana proved that she wasn’t just good looking.

  “I think that is a good idea Angel besides you are the only one I can trust right now.” Ana blushes at the idea.

  The conversation gets cut off with shots being fired and women being heard saying that they will kill the duo.

  Ana says “Now if we can get to some place quieter that would be nice.”

  Angel and Ana get out of the room where they meet machine gun wielding massage workers, even Angel is shocked. The women wore rather sexy dresses for women whose job was to give massages not lap dances. Lotus comes out along with back up, not every woman wears green. Some have pink on or red on probably just on personal preference than anything else.

  Angel says, “Well this isn’t the reception I expected, good looking women with guns well I know to give this place 1 star out of 5 when it comes to reviewing it.”

  Angel had to take out the women while at the same time protect Ana as she may prove to be a very useful ally for Angel. Angel and Ana take out the first few women, but then Lotus comes out with a street sweeper shotgun. Ana gets trapped and screams for Angel to help her out before she got killed. Angel comes to her rescue and shoots the women trying to kill Ana. Angel and Ana team up to take out the rest of the staff including Lotus while dodging shotgun fire.

  Angel says to Ana, “Come on we gotta get out of here the cops could be here at any minute and with our titles the cops won’t any problem making us target practice.” Angel and Ana head outside and see many black cars parked outside but these are not police cars.

  Ana says “It may not be the police, but it’s almost as bad looks like Sal’s men.”

  Sal’s brother Al who was much skinnier than Sal says to the duo, “You guys are going to pay for killing my brother. Angel you and your girlfriend can burn in hell!” Then Al runs away in a limo.

  “Hey lets break out of here and after that make a right to get the hell out of here.” Angel tells Ana

  A whole group of hitmen with armed with Uzi’s and AK-47 assault rifles are found outside. Angel takes some of the thugs out along with Ana, but their numbers are too great. So Angel and Ana each grab a hitman close by using them as human shields as they take out as many bad guys as they could. When the duo gets closer to taking out Sal’s men they run out of bullets so they use melee combat to fight the hitmen. Angel snaps the neck of two hitmen while Ana takes the gun of one hitmen and uses his weapon to kill him along with his comrade. Then a hitman runs towards Angel and Angel goes down kicking the hitman up in the air while at the same time shooting the hitman with the hitman’s own weapon. Ana takes out the last hitman by spinning him around and then kicking him with a high side kick.

  “Well that’s the last of them Ana, you better get to safety.”

  “Ok Angel, because I think you are such a hunk I’ll give you my number don’t be shy now, call me whenever I’ll pick up.”

  “I’m flattered thanks and FYI I just got done divorcing my wife after being framed for killing the commissioner. In otherwords my ex-wife wants nothing to do with me.” Angel gets Ana’s card which says “Ana Adams”.

  “Ana Adams, come on now that can’t be your real name.” Angel laughs at Ana. Ana walks away leaving Angel by himself while winking her eyes. Angel doesn’t mind being left alone.

  Angel says in his head, “Well just like that she was gone, well I’m used to having bad luck with women, but I couldn’t let that get me discouraged. Besides I had a grave to visit, the one belonging to my father. Till this day a part of me still wishes that I had killed Bill for killing my father, but I did things with honor so I’m sure he’s suffering in prison.”

  Angel walks to the corner where he catches a cab and heads to the cemetery to his father’s grave which was going to be accompanied by his brother unless Angel could reverse time just like before.

  Angel finds out that a man named Patch was the one who killed his brother but the reason remains unclear. Why did Bois put a hit on Angel’s brother? Did Boris have any personal problems with Robert or was Boris ordered to kill Robert by a higher power? Whatever the reason is Angel and Ana bust their way out as Sal’s men come to kill the duo to avenge the death of Sal. Angel and Ana are able to clear the area in good time way before the police shows up. While Ana was heading to a safe place, she gives Angel her cell number to call her on. For Angel he had no time to dwell seeing Ana walk away as he was on his way to his father’s grave to pay his respects to his dead father.

  Chapter 8

  A Late Goodbye

  Angel has the cab drop him off at a cemetery located in Forest Hills, Queens, where his father was buried. Angel then walks toward his father’s grave. Angel gets to his father’s grave and says in his mind, “Well the grave of my father who was shot by his greedy competitor Bill. All that was left was the cold tombstone over my father’s lifeless body, sometimes I wished Bill was in the same place as my father. Then again my father is probably resting in peace while Bill is suffering in prison.” Angel says a prayer while kneeling down and then he hears a suspicious sound. Angel turns around with his gun at the ready, it turns out to be…

  Angel turns around and he finds out that it is Helga which has Angel relieved.

  “Oh it’s you Helga you scared me there for a moment.”

  “Sorry about that Angel didn’t mean to scare you.” Helga who is now wearing a trench coat over her with knee high boots.

  “What are you doing here at this time?” Angel slightly puzzled

  “Same thing as you giving my respects to your father, although working for him wasn’t exactly making me rich but I loved the man. It’s a shame what happened to your father but at least Bill is in jail.”

  “Thanks for bailing me out back at the club and I’m sorry for any inconvenience that I caused you.”

  “You should be, I got fired from the job or I should say unemployed when the cops found out the club was a front for an illegal drug operation. However working as a waitress isn’t going to pay the bills nor is it a job I�
��m proud of.” Helga expresses slight anger.

  “Well there’s no shame in being a waitress besides you’re trying to do things the honest way I like that in a woman. We got to be careful though because this world is not really our world it is a virtual world where whatever happens here takes place on Earth. I have no idea how you got here. If we are not careful we might be going back to Earth as good as dead or bowing down to Mayor Williams who I suspect has a hand in this.”

  “Whoa virtual world what are you talking about Angel, have you lost your mind?” Helga is shocked and thinks Angel has gone crazy.

  Then the Elder God shows up and begins to say, “No Helga that man hasn’t lost his mind he is absolutely right you are in a virtual rendering of Earth. Like Angel said whatever you do here affects what happens on Earth. In less than 10 days if the person or people responsible for trying to start a new world order aren’t stopped you will indeed return to an Earth that is ruled with an iron fist and not in a good way. Helga I know you are lost of how you got here, but you must beware that you are not on Earth right now and your life on Earth is in serious jeopardy. Don’t worry Helga you’ll catch on as you go along, you’ll see that you will be able to do things you wouldn’t be able to do in the real world. Scientist at Virtual Labs Inc. have gotten carried away with their research that just about anyone can get into this world and back for a price that is. Just like last time Angel you need to find the anti-matter ball and reverse time. The only twist is that the enemy might just be closer than you think. Also you can now choose what you wish to keep from the virtual world.” Angel is perplexed by what the elder god said.

  “In otherwords if you want that person to stay dead you will have that power, but it must be you who inserts the ball in the machine. Unlike last time I have no idea where the machine or the ball for that matter can be found, that will be up to you Angel. I do have a funny feeling though that this is not necessary a world domination thing; that this is just isolated to New York where a greedy person is looking for power. This person is trying to screw you to make sure you can’t interfere in his plans here so that person can have whatever power he wants. However use the power wisely and make sure anybody you want gone is because that is what you feel in your heart. ”

  “No it can’t be my uncle and Mayor Williams are working together to take over NYC.” Angel says in confusion.

  “I have no idea about that but you’ll have to treat those men as suspects and watch your back very carefully. They are probably one step ahead of you. By the way Angel your brother’s death did not take place in the virtual world, but the suspect is here I can sense his presence.”

  “No way, so that means my brother is gone for good?” Angel begins to break down and cry.

  “I’m afraid so, I guess whoever put the hit on your brother was smart enough to do it on Earth. Listen I can’t stay much longer NYC and more importantly your lively hood along with Helga’s is in your hands. Good Luck!” The Elder God leaves along with his white light.

  Helga says to Angel while comforting him, “I’m so sorry Angel about your brother and now we are in this virtual reality world now I’m scared shit!”

  “Thanks Helga and whoever is trying to screw my life up is sure trying as hard as they can.” Angel begins to pick himself up. “Helga I have to ask you do you have an idea what Boris was up to, I need you to be honest with me.”

  “Boris wanted that construction site which is owned by… ready for this… Mayor Williams. In exchange Boris would get a nice sum of money along with a supply of plutonium only one of the highest valued materials in the world. Rumors tell me that, no let not lie to you it was your brother who found out that Boris and Sal were competing amongst themselves to get that site. In exchange Mayor Williams wanted to make sure he would become Mayor one way or another as he is competing against Jane Parker a feminist minded woman.” Angel while upset is not surprised at all. He saw that Williams was a corrupt Mayor.

  “Jane had the ability to put Mayor William’s ideas to shambles. Also that Carlos would get funding and a huge raise as he wanted to introduce the CES (Carlos Elite Squad) the new force of NYC. It really is just a waste of money and Carlos really wants the job of police commissioner.” Helga continues to describe the situation.

  “It’s starting to make sense now, but how do I know that this is not a setup by Boris or Sal? Would they go on to kill the mayor along with my uncle? Then again my uncle wasn’t always the honest type anyway.” Angel tries to put the pieces together of what Helga just said. The scene of the cemetery is one of silence but fog begins to build around the duo. Which gives a eerie feeling and why many people don’t dare visit a cemetery at night.

  “Beats me this is what your brother told me who the hell knows. Never thought it would get this far, where we are in a different world but yet it feels like Earth. It sure has the feeling of being in a cemetery in the middle of the night. It’s all foggy and eerie.”

  Then a helicopter is heard but this was not one who was friendly to the duo, a person manning a sentry gun on the helicopter begins to unload towards the duo. Angel and Helga take cover behind the tombstone of Angel’s father.

  “Get the hell out of here Helga it’s too dangerous for you here!” Angel tells Helga in a strong tone.

  “Ok Angel, be careful will you. I have no idea why are they after you but I’ll call you later!”

  After the bullets stop flying Angel runs inside deeper into the cemetery. At this point he decides he will use the back entrance as the front was too dangerous. Angel takes cover behind a dead tree. The helicopter comes towards the cemetery dropping men down towards Angel. However these men had masks resembling lizards, salamanders and iguanas reminding Angel of his previous adventure that he went through.

  Before the duo could talk more a helicopter begins to attack the duo and forces the two to separate. Helga with no gun was told to leave by Angel as the area would be too dangerous for her to stay. When Angel sees the men who come down he is reminded of the gloobas as the men who came down wore masks of different reptiles. Many more questions than answers come up for Angel, but for now he had to find a way to get out of this cemetery. Who were these guys? Were they working for the person who wanted Angel out or could it be the gloobas have launched their second attack trying to surprise everybody?

  Angel says in amazement, “Oh god men with reptile masks I’m going to have nightmares for days, what else is going to happen in this crazy world?”

  These guys were armed with various weapons such as M-16 rifles, SPAS 12 shotguns and MAC-11 machine guns. Angel grabs one of the men choking him to death and grabs his weapon which was an M-16 rifle. Angel begins to shoot the enemies as they come down from the helicopter until it leaves. Angel goes up the stairs towards some high quality tombs where the rich were buried as he tried to find the switch to open the gate ahead of him. As Angel finds the switch to open the gate more men come out of the gate ready to attack. Angel was nervous being that he was in the cemetery by himself with crazy men with masks were trying to kill him. Angel takes care of the men easily, but then finds that he is being shot at by a sniper. With Angel not knowing where the sniper is Angel doesn’t take any chances and decides to make a run for it through the gate.

  Angel goes through the gate into a small corridor which leads to another grave site where more of these weird bad guys with masks were waiting for Angel. Angel could hear radio transmissions coming out of the guys so they were definitely receiving orders from someone. So there was no doubt that these were real people not gloobas trying to kill him. Angel sees a couple of bad guys attack from an eerie bridge above him with the fog getting denser, Angel takes them out easily. Angel finds a locked gate ahead of him. He heads up the ramp to the upper level where more bad guys await him.

  “There he is shoot to kill!” a radio transmission coming from one of the bad guys.

  Angel had to be careful as these guys not only carried reptile masks but were also heavily armored. Angel gets i
nto melee combat with the mask wielding men. Angel does a DDT on one of them directly onto the ground (for those unfamiliar what a DDT is it is a move used in professional wrestling). One of the other men tries to punch Angel, but Angel counters by grabbing his hand and twisting it breaking the man’s arm. As for the third man Angel jumps on the man and uses his exceptional leg strength to snap the man’s neck using his legs. Angel has always had very good lower body strength.

  Angel says in his head, “I should have been a professional wrestler, I would have been champion already. These men are freaking me the hell out with these masks and I love reptiles!”

  Angel finds the switch to open the gate but the helicopter comes back to Angel’s direction. Angel quickly finds cover behind a pillar while the chopper shoots at his direction while dropping more enemies down towards him.

  One of the bad guys wearing a salamander mask says, “Hit him hard! Show no mercy!”

  “For men with ugly Halloween masks you sure are annoying the hell out of me. Tell your boss whoever it is Boris or Sal that I said screw them!”

  Angel uses the Uzi he got from one of the bad guys and begins to rain bullets onto the group of guys who just came down. One of the guys with a mask of an iguana grabs Angel from behind, but Angel uses his gun to shoot the man in the foot.

  “Hey iguana head you really need to be hunting bugs instead of people, anyway to put you out of your misery!” Angel says to the man with the iguana mask while finishing him off.

  Angel goes through the gate and all of a sudden the area is surrounded by fog that is even denser. Angel goes deeper into the cemetery.

  Angel says in his head, “Wow now I know what they mean when they say a cemetery is an eerie place to visit during the night. However it’s going to take a lot more than fog and weird men with masks trying to act like gloobas to scare me!”


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