The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy Page 61

by Angel Medina

  Angel and Maine enter the construction site and to no surprise no much has changed when it comes to anything being built. The duo sees an army of workers armed with high powered weaponry.

  Maine says, “I think we better get some iron and heavy iron if we want to stand a chance against them.”

  The duo heads the opposite side where workers without weapons come out getting into melee combat with Angel and Maine. The duo easily beats the workers. However a worker with a crowbar tries to hit Maine from behind. Angel is able to catch the worker before he could strike. He twists the workers arm until the worker begs for mercy. Maine picks the worker up and throws him inside a barrel just for good measure. The duo arrive at a cabin where a couple of more workers come out, looking for a piece of the action. The workers are easily dealt with. Once Angel and Maine enter the cabin they find a variety of guns to use.

  “Ah here’s some firepower, now its butt kicking time!”

  Maine remained quiet to Angel’s surprise. The duo continues their way back to the main entrance where they get into a firefight with the workers.

  Once all of the workers were killed a radio could be heard reporting, “A major plutonium site has been discovered by Mayor Williams and he will celebrate saying and I quote “When I win the mayor’s office! I will be viewed as a hero.” In a shocking revelation Mayor Williams has indicated that this illegal operation was led by Angel and police chief Manny. In other news captain Carlos has been promoted to commissioner and his CES units have been promised funding from the federal government. Finally the police force has been cut down in an unprecedented move possibly due to corruption by Angel and chief Manny. That is all for now Reggie Clark for Action News.”

  Angel says with his blood boiling, “Son of bitch my uncle has always wanted that position, seems like everything on Earth is falling favorably into the mayors hands. To make matters worse I was the scapegoat of all this causing many hard working officers to lose their jobs. Mayor Williams seemed to be determined to bury my name however he could. This is what is happening on Earth right now! I can’t let that scumbag get his way and ruin my name!”

  Maine responds, “What makes you so sure about you allegations?”

  “Let me ask you, what are the chances of me killing Frank Kelly when in reality I was with you? Carlos all of the sudden trying to introduce his new police force and a substance we could never find shows up out of the blue, hmm answer that! Come on Maine get real all of this plutonium is probably not even damn real on Earth, it was mass produced in this world but because the effects here happen on Earth. Mankind is blind to the truth. If Mayor Williams thinks he’s going to make me his scapegoat while he enjoys in the wealth of his dirty tactics he’s got a nasty surprise coming his way.” Angel is determined to bust Mayor Williams. Although it was an abnormally cool night for August, Angel was heated and not even the cool weather could cool him off.”

  “Sounds like you got a real problem with this man.”

  “It’s not that Maine, Mayor Williams and my uncle are teaming up to take over New York and they can’t do it as long as I’m alive. Don’t worry I know somebody personally who can make this evidence public and give these guys the shock of their lives!

  Maine asks curiously, “Who are you talking about Angel?”

  “Sorry Maine that’s something I can’t tell you now, you’ll find out soon enough. Let’s try to find some real hard evidence here.”

  Angel and Maine kill off some more workers as they move through the unfinished work site that contains many more underground tunnels than scaffolding. Angel grabs one of the workers and shoots him in the head; Maine uses of the other worker as a human shield to help clear out the area. Angel enters a red trailer and finds a map of the site that he wants to keep in safekeeping but it’s too big for him to carry. Instead he uses his phone to take a picture of the blue prints of the locations of all the plutonium mining sites. Maine on the other hand gets a memo on instructions to use the liquidized plutonium. The memo reads “Use the green “liquid” on our adorable newborns would hate to see them die so early in their life cycle.”

  Angel assumes that mean to feed the glooba experimental creatures with the plutonium. Angel starts to believe the gloobas are heavily influencing the mayor and his uncle in exchange for their desires. Angel takes a picture of the memo. The situation is a bit tricky because once time gets reversed Angel will have to prove that there was intent as all of the events that are taking place right now would get erased from people’s memory.

  As Angel suspected this “construction site” wasn’t being used for housing it was a mining operation for plutonium. The biggest question is how was all this plutonium discovered? Was it the gloobas themselves who told the mayor? Was this a secret the mayor has been hiding for years knowing the high value of the substance and the fact he could get rich off from it. With the blueprints and memo Angel was starting to gather even more concrete evidence now he just needed to make sure he got it into the right hands and launch a federal investigation. Angel wanted to get an explanation from the mayor himself before anything, perhaps he could get a confession out of him.

  Angel and Maine go through some half pipes until they get to another trailer where more guards are waiting for them. One of them has a grenade launcher and shoots Maine. While not a direct hit the blast blow Maine back to bags of cement. Angel shoots an explosive barrel next to the guards and takes out all of the guards in one shot.

  Angel blows his gun and says, “This is getting too easy; let me see if Maine is ok.”

  “Are you ok Maine? That was quite the hit you took there.”

  “I’ll be alright Angel it’s cement bags I’ll survive.”

  Angel picks Maine up and the duo carries on deeper to the construction site. From a far Angel is able to see what looks like Mayor Williams shaking hands with Iván and begins to walk towards his limo.

  “Hmm what do we have here a mayor shaking hands with a lowlife criminal like Iván? I gotta get there before he gets away, that bastard has got too much to explain to let slide by.”

  Angel and Maine roll down a steep hill until they get to a load area where materials were supposed to be shipped in, but it was where the plutonium was being shipped from. A helicopter can be heard in the distance, so the duo hides behind a couple of boxes hoping not to be spotted. The helicopter drops off a few guards to the surface. Angel and Maine remained where they were, but they are spotted by the helicopter when turns around. The helicopter begins to shoot at Angel and Maine. The duo runs as fast as they can to dodge the missiles being shot at them.

  Angel screams, “We’re going to need something heavy to take that thing down, at this rate we may have just lost the mayor. Anyway we just have to make sure we survive this ambush.”

  Maine and Angel take out as many of the UPS like guards as they can until Angel finds a sniper rifle.

  “Keep the chopper distracted, I’m going for a head shot on the pilot.”

  Maine keeps the chopper along with the guards distracted while Angel climbs the hill in order to get a good shot at the pilot. Angel aims and shoots the pilot in the dead causing the helicopter to lose control and crash.

  “That’s two of the city’s choppers down; hopefully I won’t have to fetch the bill.”

  “My car is all the way on the other side, let’s see if we can “borrow” one of these trucks and tail the mayor to where he is going.”

  “Great idea knowing the mayor he’s probably on the highway already, most likely he’s going back to his house and he’ll have some surprise visitors!”

  Angel gathers whatever evidence he has such as the memo and blueprints and stores them in a truck that has the keys still inside. The duo takes off looking to see if they can find where Mayor Williams is going next.

  Angel finds out his suspicions are coming to fruition, this site is indeed being falsely advertised as an affordable housing site. The reason why the two rival companies were killing each other was because the
winner of the contract was promised money but also plutonium which was a rare high-valued item. What catches Angel’s attention the most are the blueprints of the site and the memo giving the workers very specific instructions what to do with the plutonium that is converted to liquid. The final straw for Angel is him witnessing the mayor shaking hands with Iván the same criminal kingpin who tried to kill him back at the docks. Angel now knows there’s something really rotten in the air and indeed his uncle maybe playing a role in all this as well. Angel and Maine take matters into their own hands by stealing one of the construction vehicles and try to tail the mayor to see where he would lead them.

  Area 5 - Dirty Politics

  Chapter 15

  Post-Riot Syndrome

  Angel and Maine drive the stolen truck and tail Mayor Williams on the highway. They notice instead of going to his house he heads for the Major Deegan expressway heading north. Angel says to himself why in the hell is Mayor Williams heading north, the only place he could possibly visit is the Rochester State Prison which was under investigation after the recent riots since Angel’s escape. Angel wonders why the personal visit by the Mayor. The prison is being reconstructed but ever so slowly since the prison is being investigated. The only thing Angel wanted though is to get his hands on the mayor and get the answers that he wants. Angel can’t help but worry about Quentin it’s been since breaking into Sal’s bar he’s gone missing. Angel now returns to the place that he was once locked up and nearly killed.

  “Ok Mayor Williams you rat bastard which rock are you hiding under?”

  Angel and Maine head inside the entrance of the prison where they are met with some guards who they take care of easily by shooting them. The prison looks likes it has been ransacked and many of the criminals that were imprisoned were now free. The prison was simply a mere shell of what it used to be. However Angel knew the truth that criminals were paid off by the mayor to make it look like it was a riot so he could use the prisoners for his own personal use.

  The duo enters bathrooms that is being renovated and are approached by workers.

  One of the workers says “There’s the cop, shoot to kill!”

  Angel shot the sprinkler pipe above the workers to have water come down which caused the workers to slip and fall. Some parts of the bathroom floor were incomplete, so some of the workers were falling into the pit below. That lowered the numbers for the duo and the duo were able to finish off the rest of the workers.

  Maine asks Angel “Where to Angel?”

  “To the office of the chief I bet that’s where the mayor is going to try and hide behind his security.”

  Angel and Maine would have to get through cell blocks A, B and C since the chief’s office was located behind a gas chamber in cell block C. To add insult to injury several parts of the prison were impassable which meant the duo was going to be unable to take the direct route to the chief’s office. They approach the main hallway of cell block A where the gate leading to the B level was blocked by debris.

  That meant the duo would have to go to the actual holding cell area and go through the back route. The duo enters the holding cells where they finding the holding cells in really bad shape and many guards prowling. Angel and Maine pull out the big guns taking out the guards and doing what whatever they can to survive. Whether it was hiding behind the falling beams or using human shields our heroes found a way to survive. The path to the other side wasn’t clear however, as metal beams would have to be climbed and a huge hole in the room.

  Maine had no problem climbing the first fallen beam, but he helps Angel up. Below them the floor was broken with nothing but black and the nearest thing ahead was a beam. The duo had to time their jumps perfectly to get across. Angel is able to jump across just fine. Maine on the other hand to due to his weight didn’t have as much of a good jump. Maine is able to grab the beam with his fingertips but with his very good upper arm strength he is able to climb back up. The duo looks down and sees the exit as more guards come out to stop their progress. The guards were in close range. Angel does a sweeping kick to take the guards down, and then shoots them. He goes and helps Maine out with the other guards. The duo meets more guards that they kill off as they head into cell block B with pure determination.

  Angel and Maine enter the main hallway of cell block B. They see the gate leading to cell block C but as expected the gate is locked.

  “Looks like we need a keycard if we are going to get any further in this hellhole.” Angel observes the card reader.

  “Let’s go to the security area.”

  The duo heads to the security room, but the entrance is blocked by fallen debris which meant that the duo had to find another way. They head further down the hallway to see if they could spot any alternative paths as they kill more guards along the way. They enter a room that is under construction along with some hostile workers. Angel knocks one of the workers out with a cement bag and Maine knocks out the other worker with a toolbox. A group of workers line up ready to take on the duo. The duo pushes a tool cabinet towards the workers crushing the workers to the wall.

  “Well that should fix those guys up, now if I could use these tools to fix this corrupt scheme!”

  “Hey Angel look it’s a vent it’s too small for me to fit in but you being as small as your are can probably fit in there and see where it leads to. If I’m correct it should take you to the security room.”

  “Well I agree with you on that one according to the map here, but you never know if the riots that took place will change things. Well here I go I’ll see you when I get back.”

  Angel enters the vent, despite the fan blowing every 30 seconds Angel is able to negotiate his way through the vent and ends up in the security room. Angel has the luxury of the wind blowing towards him pushing him out. Angel fights off a few guards inside despite being out number 4 to 1. Angel is helped by his finesse and the fact that these guards were not properly trained when it came to basic self-defense. He defeats the four guards with little effort. Angel obtains a keycard for access for the main hallway to cell block C. Angel tries to get back into the vent but he forgets the air is blowing against him.

  Angel finds a console that simply gives the option of intake air or exhaust. Angel switches the option to exhaust to have the air blow out so he could get through the vent easily. Angel heads through the vent where he came from but he notices that Maine is not there anymore.

  Angel says in his head, “I told Maine to stay where he was. He probably got caught by the guards or must have found something interesting.”

  Angel forgets about Maine being missing and concentrates on getting to cell block C and getting to the chief’s office. He sees Mayor Williams giving orders to the workers to clean the place off spot clean as he was trying to hide something. He arrives at cell block C where he gets into melee combat with a few guards, again untrained guards. He enters the locker room where he gets into a heated firefight with several guards. Angel barricades the door so no more guards can get in. He hears the guards trying to break through the door, so he hides in one of the lockers to give the guards the impression no one was inside.

  The guards use a battering ram to break inside. It was a group of about six men looking for Angel.

  Angel says in his head, “Gotta stay still like a statue any little movement and I’ll be toast! Come on guys there’s nothing to see here!”

  One of the guards gets dangerously close to the locker that Angel is hiding in. Angel heart starts to pound mightily and he tries to keep himself as still as a statue. The locker room is so quite that a pindrop could be heard. The guards fail to look inside walking right past it and declare the room to be cleared. The guards proceed back to the hallway. Angel watches them making sure they get far enough that he could proceed. He breathes a huge sigh of relieve and his heart rate drops as he begins to calm down. Angel sees the coast is clear and proceeds to grab the card leading to the gas chamber.

  When Angel gets inside the gas chamber the scene is
quiet, a little too quiet. All of a sudden he is hit from behind. Angel was hit by Orlando his arch-nemesis who betrayed him in the first adventure.

  Angel gets up and says in Spanish, “Oh, it looks like they gave you a get out of jail free card! What they promised you Puerto Rico again?”

  “This is the moment I been waiting for, screw Iván it will be more of a pleasure taking you out myself.” Orlando in a evil tone and voice “I always hated your father because of him I lost my drug business and had to move to Puerto Rico. You were too young for that but now that you’re old enough to understand it’s time to kill off the Medina family entirely!” Orlando show’s Angel the face of pure hate, something he has kept in for a very long time.

  “So you’re part of this whole scheme aren’t you? You look so honest to me, but under that mask is a rat bastard that needs to be put in its place! You scumbag, you killed my brother!” Angel accuses Orlando of killing his brother “Let’s do this without guns. I wanna beat the living daylights out of you!”

  Angel and Orlando begin to fight each throwing jabs at each other and both missing each other.

  Orlando says arrogantly, “That’s all you got come on big boy or are you weak like your father? Hehehe”

  Angel gets angered when his father is mentioned and begins to punch continuously and then grabs Orlando then throws him to the ground. Orlando recovers quickly and begins to match Angel’s punches and kicks. The two once again exchange punches and kicks with the occasional push. Angel gets Orlando to the ground, puts his left foot on Orlando asking him to give up. As this is happening, the door behind Angel locks and Maine can be seen through the window.

  “Hey Maine, come on in I got one of the desperados down… Maine what are you doing, why are you turning the gas on?”

  Orlando grabs a gas mask by him and puts it on while Angel begins to pass out.

  Angel says puzzled, “Why Maine?”


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