The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy Page 69

by Angel Medina

  “If you want to live get out of here!” Luis says to the Foot Locker employee as he runs to safety.

  A whole pack of aliens go after the two. Luis takes care of the salamanders, while Dayvon faces the boar cops. The two of them immediately realizes that these guys are much tougher than previously. The gloobas are enhanced with better armor, weapons and overall better genes. A boar cop tries to hack Dayvon with his shotgun, but misses instead hitting the sitting bench, cracking it in half.

  Meanwhile Luis runs all over the store dodging laser fire from the salamanders, until he finds a rack of shirts and pushes the rack towards the salamanders, taking them all down.

  “Strike or should I say Turkey” Luis screams referring to the fact he knocked down three aliens, just like knocking down three strikes in a row in bowling.

  Dayvon does an uppercut on one of the boars beheading it. The boar’s body falls down while the disgusting looking green glooba blood was pouring out. The smell was similar to what Luis had smelled back in the Verrazano Bridge. Luis realizes that the smell isn’t a backed up sewer, it is the smell of the gloobas.

  “Oh lord that smell, damn it’s smells worse than when we faced these guys the first time.” Dayvon complained.

  “Dayvon I smelled the same thing back at the bridge, these bastards might have numerous forces already on Earth.”

  Then a scream is heard of a female Foot Locker employee.

  “Don’t kill me please!” The female screamed hysterically.

  “Nawww killing u… too easy… with the green stuff… u will be our… family!” A boar cop said in an alien accent while holding the female hostage. He also has a syringe with liquid plutonium that he is ready to infect the employee with.

  “Hey Hold it right there buddy! No one is joining your family of freaks today. Now let the girl go or I’ll have to shoot!” Luis orders the boar cop.

  Dayvon whispers, “I don’t think he’s going to reason with you. Tell you what you keep him distracted. I have an idea.”

  “Ha… puny human what you going to do… you shoot… she get it’s… put gun down on floor… and join our family!” The boar cop says to Luis.

  “Fine mister alien you win, I’m putting my gun down now. I’ll be part of you freaky family.” Luis winks at the worker letting her know that Dayvon had a plan.

  Dayvon sneaks around the left side of the store until he gets behind the shoe shelf where the cop was holding the female. He pushes the shoe rack to crush the cop. Luis shoots the boar in the foot, so he would loosen his grip on the employee. The female jumps out of the way just as the rack falls on the boar cop.

  “U son of a…” Luis blasts the cops head before he could finish his sentence.

  “Son of a bitch, I know life’s a bitch and then you die! Cool move there Dayvon.”

  The duo gets the female employee to safety. They find no more survivors in the Foot Locker so they proceed to the Guess store. However before the duo could get in the entrance is blown up and collapses. Turning sound they realize the familiar sound of the Owl Commander saying, “Die Humans!”

  The Owl Commander launches rockets aiming for the two. The two of them have no choice but to keep running. To makes matters worse there is a scared crowd running around like chickens without their heads. In reality they are just running for their lives. The rockets destroy the once beautiful fountain, benches and kiosks that made the mall ever so popular. What was a place to mingle and have a good time has become a place of total mayhem. Is this the beginning of the great Thousand Year’s War?

  For as many officers there are, the gloobas outnumber them by double the amount. The number of officers starts to evaporate and the owl commander continues to wreck havoc. No one has a weapon strong enough to kill the owl. Angel makes the gutsy decision to grab a pointy stick used by janitors to pick up paper off the floor and he jumps onto the owl’s back. The owl commander tries to shake off Angel by flapping its huge wings. Angel is also reminded that the wings of the owl also have sharp spikes. The Owl Commander takes Angel for a wild ride across the entire mall, taking storefronts out along the way and a few unfortunate souls along the way.

  The Owl Commander while trying to get Angel off his back continues to launch rockets at the others. One of the rockets hit in close proximity of Maria, which nearly takes her out. The blast pushes her towards the direction of Best Buy, but she is able to recover just fine.

  Angel hangs on for dear life and finds the heart of the owl and thrusts the stick towards the owl’s heart. The owl screeches in pain, the screech is so loud that nearly everyone goes deaf. He jumps towards the second floor ledge, while the owl crashes onto the floor. He tries to get his hearing back, it takes quite a while for his hearing to come back, but he is able to get his hearing back.

  “Wow honey that was impressive, can you hear me?” Angel doesn’t respond at first. “Angel babe, can you here me?”

  “Yeah now I do. That owl screams louder than my annoying aunt, God damn that was loud.”

  Luis and Dayvon head upstairs to join their friends. A group of officers that remained alive head towards the four and tell our heroes that a large amount of hostages are being held up at Best Buy.

  “So that’s where we’re going. Nobody messes with my city and lives!” Angel says in confidence.

  “This should be fun with the electronics in the store!” Dayvon says bashfully.

  “Let’s give these aliens hell and make sure they go back to their home planet with their butts on fire.” Luis says to everyone.

  “I just care about rescuing all those poor people. There’s no telling what these aliens are going to try.” Maria says with a concerned tone.

  “They are trying to infect everyone who agrees to give in, with green plutonium. The same substance Angel’s uncle tried to profit from, the aliens said something about “joining their family” in a weird alien accent. In other words these glooba bastards want to take us over!” Dayvon answers Maria’s question.

  The Revenge of the Gloobas begins here!

  Chapter 3

  Burned Electronics

  Angel, Maria, Luis and Dayvon along with a group of officers look towards the Best Buy. The store front is damaged, but our heroes are still able to enter. The heroes know that the lives of many people are dependent of their actions. The size of the store is rather big and covers two levels. The Best Buy is also the home of the maintenance area for the mall. So the four decide how they would tackle the store. They only thing that is guaranteed, there is going to be plenty of burned electronics!

  Angel decided that he and Maria would take the top level, along with half of the remaining officers. Dayvon and Luis would take the bottom level with the other half of the officers.

  “This should be fun! I smell there’s going to be plenty of sparks flying.” Angel says in an excited, but at the same time nervous as well.

  “Forget about the electronics! There’s people who are in real danger, lets go!” Maria screams towards Angel. He remains silent as the crew splits up.

  Dayvon and Luis head down the escalator, which is inoperable. Right away several salamander troopers jump down from above in an attempt to ambush the duo. One officer is slain by a salamander trooper from behind. The duo continues to run down until they get to the lower level and the salamander troopers followed the two of them down. The two of them along with the officers tries to shoot the troopers. However the troopers teleport out of the way, to Luis’s disgust.

  “Oh this game again, if it isn’t the old disappearing act? So that’s the game huh?” Luis says in disgust.

  The duo begins to look all over to see where the troopers are going to respawn. The lights start to blow out, scaring the heroes even more. The troopers still have not respawned, probably waiting for the right moment to strike. Luis turns his head and sees one of the troopers behind an officer.

  “Get down!” Luis orders the officer and then shoots the trooper down.

  “Thanks mercenary friend! I wo
uld have been dead.”

  “Don’t mention it and by the way I have a name it’s Luis. Call me Luis for now on. Got it, get it, good!” Luis replies to the officer he just saved.

  The rest of the troopers reappear in random locations in the store. Whether it’s on top of stoves, refrigerators or top of the small appliance racks. The crew kills many of them. However one more of the trooper’s teleports again out of thin air.

  Dayvon sees the trooper reappear by one of the refrigerators with his back turned. Dayvon runs out of bullets, the rest of the crew is on the other side of the store by the small appliances. He opens the door slowly and then pushes it towards the trooper knocking him down. Dayvon steals the trooper’s blade and uses it against the trooper beheading it. He notices he’s fallen behind the rest of the crew, so he tries to catch up.

  Luis and the officers see the troopers reappear and a group of boar cops as well. Gunfire would start between the aliens and Luis. It would last for a few minutes. Meanwhile appliances such as coffee makers, toasters and microwaves are being filled with bullets or destroyed by laser fire.

  Dayvon hears the gunfire and finds that Luis is in trouble with the officers. He sees that the aliens are standing next to stoves, but more importantly propane tanks.

  “Luis! Shoot the propane tanks!” Dayvon screams towards Luis.

  Luis shoots the propane tank which explodes killing most of the aliens. The boar cops were burning as well, the smell was rather appetizing relatively speaking that is.

  “Well Angel was right, sparks are going to fly!” Dayvon says.

  “Listen guys I get the feeling we are going to have to find the maintenance section of the mall. I’m sure the hostages won’t be in plain sight. Dayvon take this shotgun, looks like you need it.” Luis says to everyone nervously.

  The two of them continue through the lower level of the store. They pass through everyday items such as vacuum cleaners and ceiling fans. The crew stays together and trek carefully not knowing if any aliens are hiding. As the two approach the door to the maintenance section, they see a strange black hole in front of them.

  “What the hell…?” Luis and Dayvon say in unison.


  Meanwhile Angel and his wife along with the other half of the officers begin their exploration of the top level of Best Buy. Many high quality televisions, computers and gaming systems can be found. The crew walks slowly until an X-Box One is thrown at one of the officers knocking him out. All of a sudden computer equipment and gaming equipment was being thrown at the crew. Angel orders everyone to retreat to avoid getting hit.

  “Man these guys have gotten creative since the last time we faced them. We’re going to have to find a way around all this. You guys come with me and we’ll go right. You guys go with Maria and take the left side. We gotta have to be sneaky this time around.”

  Angel and his crew go right, almost immediately they are approached by iguana enforcers. Angel grabs a television and slams it on one of the enforcers. This seems to have an effect on the enforcer’s chaingun, in that they are rendered useless. In essence Angel has found an EMP weapon, since the chainguns were powered with electrical circuits different from that of the television. After that he and the crew kill off the iguana enforcers.

  “Damn this is something we really need to get to Quentin and Virtual Labs Inc. ASAP. Maybe he can develop an electrical type of weapon or at least an EMP weapon of some sort.” Angel says to his crew members.

  “Captain Angel that is a brilliant idea, you should tell Chief Manny about this.” An officer replies.

  “First we have to make sure we get out of here alive. Lets take things one thing at a time.” Angel answers the officer.

  Maria and her crew take the right side of the upper level. They are approached by boar cops, who bull rush towards the crew. One unlucky fellow is trampled by the boar cop and is impaled by the boars tooth. Maria and her crew try to take out as many boar cops as possible, but only a few of them fall. Maria realizes she’s going to have to be creative if she is to survive. With the officers distracting the boar cops, she finds some extension cords and an electrical receptacle. She cuts off one end of the cord and plugs the other side into the receptacle. She is careful to not short the wires out or she will be executed herself. She sneaks around and thrusts the ends of the wire into the one of the boars.

  The boar is shocked and becomes out of control. The boar grabs a couple of his fellow mates and they become shocked as well. The boars head straight for the home theater section, which includes speakers. There is about to be a big arc flash and some fried boars cooking.

  “Everyone get down, we’re about to see some real fireworks go down!” Maria screams as everyone goes down to the floor.

  The boars who are unable to control themselves head for the speakers and then they hit the speakers. Once they hit the speakers the whole section of speakers blow up, sparks come out like crazy and flames begin to come out. The flames from the speakers trigger the sprinkler system and the sprinklers begin to spray water. However the water is not strong enough to shut the fire off, in fact the fire continues to spread. The sparks are loud enough and flames were big enough to trigger Angel’s attention. The fire alarm goes off, but no one cares at this point because the gloobas have taken control of the mall.

  Angel heads towards Maria to make sure she is ok. Angel is relieved to see that Maria is ok along with her crew.

  “Damn I guess I was more than right, I think we better stick together honey.” Angel picks Maria off the floor. “This place is falling apart as I speak, hurry everyone.

  When Angel, Maria and the rest of the crew head towards the Maintenance area, an all too familiar sound can be heard…


  Meanwhile Dayvon, Luis and their crew look upon the black hole to see what it is. The hole begins to vacuum in the crew. One of the crew members gets sucked into the black hole. Dayvon finds the highest powered vacuum cleaner he can find and uses the exhaust feature to counteract the vacuuming power of the black hole.

  “Hey everyone hang onto me! I just hope this vacuum is as powerful as it says it is, otherwise…”

  “Otherwise what Dayvon?” One of the officers asks Dayvon.

  “Let’s just say we’re going for a ride and may never return to Earth ever again.” Dayvon answers the officer.

  The crew hangs on for dear life while using the vacuum, which is actually working as advertised. Eventually the black hole stops pulling the crew.

  “Wow looks like the SuckMaster 3000 really does work, I for one am shocked. Shit on TV usually doesn’t work, but the black hole is still there!”

  The black hole never disappears, instead alien troopers pop out of the hole. It turns out that the black hole is a warp zone that the gloobas were using to enter Earth. A mixture of salamander troopers and slimer protectors pop out of the hole.

  “What the he…?” Dayvon’s mouth drops.

  “Don’t look too surprised there Dayvon. They had to be able to get in some how. Now it’s time to kick some butt!” Luis responded.

  Luis and Dayvon get into a long gunfight with the salamander troopers. However it’s the slimer protectors that give the crew the most trouble. A separate group of officers were in the area and they distract the slimer protectors, although it would cost them their lives. With the slimer protectors distracted, Luis and Dayvon stab the creatures in the heart killing them. After taking care of the gloobas the black hole dissipates and all that is left is the gore of the aliens. At the same time the crew saw many of their own dead as well.

  “Well at least we know how they get in!” Dayvon says.

  “I knew it, I knew it! There are such things as aliens and an alternative world…” An officer says hysterically and then faints.

  “Any pulse on him?” An officer asked.

  “No he’s kicked the bucket.” Another officer says!

  “Well its no use, there’s many more people that need to be saved.” Dayvon says.

/>   “My question is how are we going to stop these wormholes from appearing?” Luis asks.

  “Luis that’s a question we’ll have to worry about later. Although I have to say, it’s stuck in the back of my mind as well. Well guys let’s go in.” Dayvon replies to Luis’s question.

  Dayvon, Luis and the remaining two officers head inside the lower maintenance section of the mall.


  As for Angel, Maria and their crew, the noise they heard is that of a BattleGlooba! Angel’s mouth drops. The officers are running scared and hiding behind the televisions that are still in working condition.

  BattleGlooba is the king of the salamander race of the Glooba Empire. He is 10ft tall, armed with a chaingun, armed with a mortar and is one of the ugliest things you will ever see.

  “Oh not you again, haven’t you learned your lesson?” Angel says trying to sound confident, but inside he was shocked as hell.

  The BattleGlooba begins to shoot it’s chaingun towards everyone uncontrollably. Everyone gets out of the way and ducks, while BattleGlooba shoots every television, gaming console and computers. The smell of burned electronics is sure in the air.

  “How are we going to defeat this thing, we don’t have a weapon strong enough to kill this bastard!” Maria wined.

  “Don’t worry you married me because I’m smart. I got an idea, just trust me here. You see those wires on top of that big guy. Put a charge onto those wires and boom he’s toast! Just gotta find a way to electrify the wires.”

  Angel heads to the right side in search of the circuit breaker box. BattleGlooba sees him and fires his weapons. It fires its mortar shot, which blasts him down to the floor even though it wasn’t a direct hit. Maria decides to distract the BattleGlooba to give Angel time to get up. One of the officers finds the guts to get up, climbs up a rack of computer supplies and climb onto a sprinkler pipe. The officer shimmies his way till he gets to the wires and grabs them. He ties it around the head of BattleGlooba, choking the creature.

  Angel heads for the circuit breaker and activates the circuit for the wires on BattleGlooba. BattleGlooba is fried to death and the officer gets back on solid ground just before the arc flash of the electrical shock. BattleGlooba tries to get up, but Angel stabs the creature in the back of the head. Everyone thanks Angel for his idea.


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