The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy Page 71

by Angel Medina

“Manny I gotta tell you something.” Angel tears up.

  “What is it Captain Angel?”

  “Jelani’s dead! A scorpion creature killed him. I tried the best I could…”

  “Angel relax I understand, this is definitely the worse massacre I’ve experienced. We have much to discuss in the debriefing.”

  “Screw that Manny, one of my best men got killed today. I could care less about a debriefing, besides this isn’t a manhunt or a bank robbery. This is an alien invasion and I gotta find out how they got in here!” Angel says angrily to Manny, while at the same time crying.

  “Mr. Medina you need to calm the hell down! I understand you lost your protégé, but we gotta hang in strong. Once the scene clears report back to headquarters.”

  “Screw that Manny I’m going to Virtual Labs Inc. first. Quentin probably has a much better idea of where these bastards are coming from and what their intentions are. I’ll see you afterwards.”

  “Fine Captain, besides we need to find out the source before they attack again. Over 300 people are dead and many more injured. The other 500 plus people are just plain lucky that we got there in time. This is a tough day for NYC I understand. I’ll see you later Captain Angel.”

  “I’ll see you later to Chief Manny.” Angel replies and hangs up the phone. “Everybody once this situation clears I want to go to Quentin and see if he has any ideas on what the hell is going on.”

  The scene doesn’t clear until eight o’clock in the evening. After that our heroes head to Virtual Labs Inc.

  Chapter 5

  The Big Picture

  Complete mayhem took over the Kings Plaza Mall, where many people and officers were killed. Others were transformed into the aliens themselves and forced into the “glooba family”. The Kings Plaza Mall was basically destroyed and August 15, 2016 would forever be known as the bloodiest day in NYC history. Angel could care less about statistics though, he wanted to find out find out how were the gloobas got it and what was their latest plan.

  “Hey Angel…” Quentin tries to greet Angel, but Angel cuts him off.

  “Sorry to cut you off, but you saw what happened in the mall right?” Angel asks Quentin.

  “Yes I did, terrible and what’s worse is what the glooba’s latest plan is. They plan to align the planets in a perfect line. It’s an idea many people have wanted to know the answer to. In theory nothing would happen, but this alignment would not be happening naturally.” Quentin explains.

  “Interesting.” Angel replies.

  “Anyway the gloobas are using the virtual world to increase the gravitational pull of Earth to “magnetize” the other planets much closer to Earth. However they are also pulling in other galaxies and planets that were once deemed undiscovered much closer to us.” Quentin continues to explain.

  “English please.” Maria tells Quentin.

  “Maria will you shut up and let the man talk, thought you would grow up already. I guess one year isn’t enough.” Dayvon replies

  “Look Dayvon I’m not a total genius ok. Don’t mess with me now, Quentin you can continue.” Maria responds to Dayvon.

  “Anyway if you see the map behind me Maria, you can have a much simpler view of our solar system. Notice how close planets such as Pluto, Neptune and Uranus are to us. However planets such as Mercury, Jupiter and Mars are further away. The effect of Earth’s pull is having an adverse effect on our solar system and the planets are all out of place. That is part of the gloobas plan, to simplify the gloobas want to align the planets in a perfect line to harbor the suns ray on one side of space and the power from their homeland planet “Goo” to shoot a powerful death ray capable of killing mankind while maintaining Earth’s natural features.” Quentin simplifies as best as he can.

  “Kids got a point I just saw Mercury move further back into outer space. What are these other planets and milky-way areas? I never saw those before.” Luis asks Quentin.

  “To answer your question Luis, I’ve never seen these planets before either and those are not milky-ways they are galaxies. Although I have never seen galaxy X, Y or Z before, they were always rumored to be deep in outer space. According to this map though they are much closer to Earth, in fact everything is much closer to us. The gloobas may be using these planets to build up their bases or to make new allies. You will have to be very careful as we have little knowledge of these new planets and no knowledge of the galaxies. There are bound to be many black holes or time warps that will send you out of existence. This is the craziest that I seen our solar system look, planets are mixed up and planets from another dimension are in our space.” Quentin continues to explain.

  “What are those new planets anyway?” Angel asks Quentin.

  “All I know is the names. The names are Fincina, Fortuna, Kong, Koopia and Sahara. Each has their unique characteristics and species. We have to assume that the living creatures that live on these planets have chosen to ally with the gloobas or have been taken over by the gloobas. While we could go to those planets in real life, but it wouldn’t matter for two reasons. First the damage is being done in the virtual world and second it would take you guys way too long to go from one planet to another.”

  “I understand that Quentin, but the real question is how in the hell did these aliens get in here?” Angel asks Quentin.

  “Let my assistant explain, while I go to the bathroom. This is George my assistant, he’s worked with me for close to a year already.” Quentin says.

  “Glad to meet you George, I’m Angel and this is Maria, Luis and Dayvon. We just want to know how the gloobas create the warps to enter the real world from the virtual world.” Angel asks as he introduces himself to George.

  “There is one planet Quentin forgot to mention and that is the planet of Chronos or the planet of time. It’s a dangerous planet since it controls time in space and creatures of light exist there or at least I believe they’re living things residing there. However if I’m correct that is one location where they have a warp generator. I and Quentin have found a way to counter the warps from popping up, but it is limited and we can only hold the aliens back for so long. Besides they could attack in the virtual world.” George explains the best he can about the complex situation, before Quentin returns a few minutes later.

  “Hey if we are in the virtual world how do we get into space?” Maria asks Quentin

  “I programmed ships capable of defeating gravity and easy transport between planets. I’m sure you’ll find these ships equipped with rocket boosters, machine guns and heat-seeking missiles to be your cup of tea.”

  “Hell yeah! That just rung my bell, prepare for an ass-whooping again you alien scum!” Dayvon says in encouragement.

  “Just be careful and go for the most direct path to the planet Goo. Try to avoid the galaxy areas, simply because we don’t have much knowledge of those areas except area Y. However if I’m correct these areas have a powerful pull and an atmosphere favorable for black hole creation.” Quentin explains.

  “No worries “Q” we been through black holes before and the works. This is just another adventure for us, just get this machine going so we can get in and kick ass.” Angel says to Quentin in a cocky tone.

  “Wait a minute is snowing outside, what the hell in the middle of summer. What gives?” Dayvon asks in shock.

  “It’s the proximity of Fincina, it’s a cold climate there and I mean really cold! Since its right next to us relatively speaking it is affecting weather patterns all around the world. It’s snowing everywhere in the U.S. I for one am shocked, but not surprised. Unless we do something quick we’re in for another ice age!” Quentin answers Dayvon’s question.

  Then all of a sudden a black hole appears in the lab area and aliens pop out along with Orlando. He is aided with salamander troopers, scorpion crawlers and boar cops.

  “Well if it isn’t Orlando, you double-crossing slime-ball, looking for a sneak shot, huh? Well come and get me if you can!” Angel says to Orlando.

  Orlando in Spa
nish says “You fool you won’t get your hands on me, my minions will take care of you. I don’t wish to dirty my hands with a cunt like you! Get’em boys!”

  “Quentin and George unless you got some weapons here, I recommend that you get the hell out of here. Those scorpions are dangerous on their own.” Angel screams to Quentin and George.

  “No worries Angel we got the perfect weapon for those aliens, we just gotta find it come on George. Hey Angel try to hold back the aliens as much as you can.” Quentin says in response.

  Angel, Maria, Luis and Dayvon begin to take on the aliens, dodging shots, lasers and melee attacks. The scorpion shoot poison spit, but Angel wisely grabs a salamander trooper and the spit hits the trooper. Dayvon gets whipped by a boar cops shotgun and a scorpion crawler tries to finish him off, but Luis shoots the tail of the scorpion. Maria takes on a scorpion crawler, shooting it with everything she has, but it doesn’t go down.

  “Shit these scorpions are worse giant sized!” Maria screams.

  Luis aims for the scorpions head and he kills it saying, “Bull’s-eye!” Luis kills the rest of the scorpion crawlers with his head shots. Maria and the other finish off the salamander troopers and boar cops.

  Angel sets his sights for Orlando. He begins to pounce on Orlando punching him mercilessly, until Orlando begins to bleed.

  “You son of a bitch, there’s nowhere for you to go now! I got you now.” Angel says with great emotion.

  Orlando kicks Angel away and the two begin to exchange blows, with neither of them going down. The others try to intervene, but their progress is halted by another group of aliens that come through the hole. This time around it’s a mixture of only salamander troopers and boar cops. Luis uses his last grenade round to blow the majority of the aliens up, leaving a few for Maria and Dayvon to finish off.

  Angel tackles Orlando down to the floor and prepares to do a submission move. However Orlando lands a low blow on Angel’s groin and heads for the black hole saying, “Too bad suckers! Hahaha!” Everybody aims for Orlando, but he escapes into the black hole. Angel continues to hold his groin in pain and in anger at the same time.

  Quentin and George come in with a weapon code named “WhiteHole” and use it to vacuum the black hole so the aliens can stop coming in.

  “That dirty cunt got away, damn it I had him in my hands. If you hear me Orlando I’m coming to get your ass! You have made my life a living hell for way too long. If I could just snap you neck, choke you and see you bleed that would be the best thing! Plus I had a blade to slay him, damn it!!! I want him to bleed…” Angel says is pure anger.

  “Angel calm down, you didn’t expect that dude to play fair, now did you?” Luis calms Angel down.

  “I guess not, Orlando has always broken every rule since he was young. However I still going to get him one way or another!” Angel calms down somewhat.

  The Elder God shows up to the laboratory and greets everyone. He also tries to calm Angel down and assure him that he needs to say on the mission at hand.

  “All of you, especially you Angel. This is not about revenge. This is about preventing a catastrophic destruction of Earth. Just like Quentin was saying the gloobas plan to align the planets in a perfect line. Unfortunately I do not have the power to send you straight to the planet “Goo”. However like Quentin said, you can use the ships that he programmed to travel.”

  “Well why can’t we just travel straight to “Goo” if we have these ships honorable Elder God” Angel asks.

  “Well for two reasons. One is because space is unpredictable and the pull caused by the gloobas will prevent your ships from going any further than say Jupiter or Fortuna one of the unknown planets. Second we have no idea of the stance of the other planets towards us. It maybe possible that every possible extra-terrestrial species maybe against us or their respective planet. What scares me is the planet of Chronos. I’ve heard many things about it. Oddly enough I never visited it, rumors indicate anyone that goes in never finds their way out, in fact they have to endure an infinite time loop the equivalent of the netherworld itself. Also that the inhabits are made out of light, if true you won’t be able to shoot them as the speed of light is too fast.” Elder God answers Angel.

  “To put it in another way Angel, there are gravity towers on each planet. Well I’m not sure about the galaxies or asteroid belt. You’ll have to take out each of the towers out to weaken the gravitational pull and increase you chances of going further into the solar system. Obviously with the exception of wormholes, you’ll have to make sure these spaceships are in tip top shape. Just like the Elder God said there are bound to be new species on the other planets and the gloobas may adopt them into their armies.” Quentin further explains.

  “To put it even simpler, look at the damn map and look at the wind speed. It would be impossible to fly into winds that strong. Unless you find a wormhole and even then it’s no guarantee that it will lead you further in, lest it leads you into an acid trip that will be impossible to escape. I’ll divide space into three different sections.” George follows

  “Let me guess inner, middle and outer space right or wrong? Look I don’t want to be stuck with Mrs. Medina here; she gets on my nerves still!” Dayvon says in an arrogant tone.

  “Oh so you do still hard feelings for me, lucky for you I’m not wearing heels or I would have stuck up my size 8 heels up your behind! Well I can still murder you…” Maria chases Dayvon.

  “Baby it’s not worth it ok relax. Besides I’m sure Dayvon was just playing.” Angel holds Maria back.

  Luis responds, “Oh he we go again, right before an important mission we have Jerry Springer taking place right here. Come on guys, grow the hell up! We got through two adventures together; this is just a third trial.”

  “He is right my children you must get along, only with teamwork will you succeed. Now let me build you the warp to the virtual world where your ships will be waiting for you. I must go now. I wish you the best of luck guys. You don’t have much time because once again you’ll only have 10 days to complete your mission. Goodbye for now.” The Elder God leaves, a warp hole then opens.

  “Hey Quentin, you gonna tag along with us?” Angel asks Quentin.

  “I’ll pass, besides I have to make sure that any new holes that appear are taken care of.” Quentin responds

  “Kid’s got a point we’re taking care of the virtual side of the universe, but the aliens are attacking us here in the corporal world.” Luis says.

  “What I don’t get is why are they not attacking Earth itself in the virtual world?” Maria is puzzled.

  “According to my map there are indeed no alien troops on Virtual Earth. Looks like Samantha is doing a good job holding back the aliens or the aliens decided to execute this plan then come in for the kill. Besides they can always attack us here on Earth at any time. So you guys need to get going, hurry up I’m freezing my butt off here. We can use these radios to communicate with each other.” Quentin answers Maria’s question.

  “Alright guys. Maria and Dayvon since you guys have quite the relationship I’ll pair you up and have you go towards Uranus. Luis you go towards Saturn and see what’s there. I’ll go straight for Fincina and see if I can warm things up.” Angel devises his plan.

  “Hey Angel, why don’t we all go together instead?” Maria asks Angel.

  “We don’t have much time to deal the situation together. There are simply too many planets to deal with. If we can deal with three planets at a time it will speed up the weakening of the gravitational pull and slow the alignment of the planets. Look I’ll be fine ok. We’ll be in contact along the way and probably bump into each other. Dayvon you take care of my wife now.” Angel tries to calm Maria’s nerves down.

  “No problem brother lets go!” Dayvon responds.

  The four enter the warp hole and enter the warp, which they have become accustomed to. The four are surrounded by purple, pink and blue hue colors and their skin begin to stretch, as they begin to travel at the spee
d of light. After leaving the warp they arrive the in the virtual world. They arrive at the Tiberius Station where they went up to space in the first adventure. Awaiting them are four stylish space ships just like the ones you see in movies. These ships are equipped with strong steel wings, rocket powered boosters, hyper lasers and smart bombs. Our heroes head for their respective ships and they marvel in the beauty of the ships. Angel gets a message from Quentin warning him that in some locations the ship will be useless in some planets and they will have to approach them on ground.

  “Not a problem Quentin, that’s why I stole your entire section of bad ass weapons when you weren’t looking hehehe.”

  “Wise guy huh? Anyway you guys would make better use of them anyway. Good luck guys!” Quentin says his final words.

  Our heroes head off to their respective locations in the now “twisted” solar system. Meanwhile Quentin and George look for a way to keep warm as a normal August day has turned into an abnormally cold and snowy day.

  Area 2: Inner Space

  Chapter 6(A)


  While Luis is heading to Saturn, Maria and Dayvon heading to Uranus, Angel makes his way due north to Fincina. Angel wants to find the source of the cold air that is funneling into Earth. As Angel approaches closer to the planet Fincina he gets attacked by several glooba ships. He is able to shoot them down with his ship. Angel is convinced that the source of gravity can simply be shot down. Angel heads inside the planet, but Angel is forced to make a crash landing due to powerful biting cold winds that the ship could not handle. Angel was in for a cold reception after getting out of his ship.

  Angel checks his ship for any damage, but he finds none.

  “Whew! That’s a relief. At least I’ll be able to get the hell out of here!” Angel says to him self.

  Angel feels the biting cold winds of Fincina and blowing snow that comes along with it. Fincina is a barren desert, where there are barely any life forms except for the occasional weird plant that is able to withstand the cold temperatures. It is also full of small snowy hills and a huge river ahead.


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