The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy Page 73

by Angel Medina

  “Maria slow down and move to the left as fast as you can!” Dayvon screams towards her radio.

  She begins to hit the brakes hard on the spaceship trying to slow down as fast as she can. While the ship does slow down, it is still dangerously close to the asteroids. She prepares herself for possible impact, but she moves her ship left at the last minute. The two huge asteroids hit each other with Maria just a few feet away from the colliding asteroids. She is in shock and turns pale white just watching her life almost taken away from her. Maria heads towards Dayvon all nervous, still shocked and doesn’t say much to him.

  “Thanks… Dayvon… I…” Maria says in complete shock.

  “Don’t mention it sweetheart, couldn’t see my friend get crushed back there. Now relax and rejoice that you are alive!” Dayvon responds.

  She begins to relax and gets her equilibrium back after a few minutes. Before our heroes could relax however a squadron of glooba ships head for the two. The squadron attacks the two of them, with the two dodging the shots and barrel rolling to deflect lasers that did hit them. Maria barrel rolls a few lasers that hit her and those shots hit several of the glooba gunships. The bee-fighters use an energy spreading blast that spreads out as it goes out. Dayvon tries to shoot the bee-fighters, but he misses the fighters. The bee-fighters are too fast to be shot down and their movement is enough to throw off the two.

  “Hey lets use a smart bomb and blast everyone!” Maria suggests to Dayvon.

  Dayvon shoots the smart bomb and a huge explosion ensues, which takes out the bee-fighters and remaining ships.

  “Well I guess it time for you to be thankful, Dayvon!” Maria says in arrogance.

  “Good move Maria, but use those smart bombs wisely, while they are useful you do not have an unlimited supply off them.” Quentin explains the smart bomb to the duo.

  “Thanks poindexter for the warning, what’s ahead besides more asteroids and enemies.” Dayvon asks.

  “Well more asteroids and aliens, but also a force field preventing access to Uranus. You gotta find that force field and disable it.” Quentin explains further.

  “Sounds good Quentin, well Dayvon it’s time to give these aliens hell!” Maria says.

  “Well I hope the gloobas are ready for a good old ass-whipping!” Dayvon says in an excited tone.

  The two go though a space cave where they are shot from all directions by numerous alien fighters. Energy balls and lasers are just a few projectiles our heroes have to negotiate. Dayvon has the urge to use the smart bomb, but decides not to use the smart bomb knowing the limited quantity of the smart bombs. Maria shoots a few of the alien ships which enables our heroes to escape the space cave. They get out of the space cave, only to have another asteroid head in their direction. Dayvon and Maria move to the opposite side to avoid contact. The asteroid hits the space cave, actually closing off the cave.

  “There are 5 towers that need to be taken in order to take down the force field. Be on the lookout guys.” Quentin gives off quick instructions.

  Maria sees one tower along with a group of butterfly robots in a circle formation. She finds that she can charge her laser shot to take out multiple enemies, so she gives it a shot. She takes out the seven robots and the tower in one concentrated shot. Dayvon would follow with the second tower.

  “Nice! These ships are amazing, I mean bad ass!” Dayvon says as he becomes cocky.

  The third and forth towers however prove to be tough to take out with the combination of the space winds picking up, small asteroids causing damage to the ships and the enemy only too happy to kill off our heroes. Maria’s and Dayvon’s rocket boosters become disabled.

  “Shit my rockets boosters are not working!” Dayvon screams.

  “Just keep shooting!” Maria replies.

  Eventually the duo is able to clear the area while knocking out the third and forth towers. The two escape death, but the condition of their ships is compromised and they’re unable to use the rocket boosters. The fifth tower can be seen in the distance, our heroes head through a few more asteroids as carefully as they could. Before they could reach the fifth tower they are met by a huge glooba gunship and an alien voice saying, “I’m afraid I cannot allow you to go any further.”

  The gunship has two huge rocket boosters and a metal core capable of reflecting fire back to its target. However the duo quickly sees weak spots within the shield as it rotates. Maria tries to shoot the shield itself, but finds the shield reflects the blast back to her which barely misses her. Dayvon shoots the weak spots which destroys the outer shield. Now the inner core was exposed, she shoots in the core of the gunship. However the gunship counters with electrical blasts.

  “How about this?” The gunship operator says.

  The electrical blast is enough to disable Dayvon’s hyper lasers for a few minutes. The blast misses Maria however and she continues to shoot until the ship turns around.

  “You’re more cunning than I thought. I’m no match for you. I admit defeat!” The gunship operator says in a calm tone.

  “Are we really going to listen to that monkey? He sounds phony as heck. I know he’s got one last surprise up his sleeve.” Dayvon is not convinced that the alien has given up.

  “Ah, I guess you’re not as stupid as you look!” The gunship operator begins to shoot light beams out of the upper and lower part of the ship towards the heroes.

  Dayvon and Maria dodge the light beams, but the beams follow them. The two of them continue to fly around until the light beams dissipate. After that the two shoot the two weak spots where the lasers are being shot out of. Then the gunship begins to malfunction and explodes.

  “I can’t believe I lost to this scum!” The Gun ship operator says hysterically.

  “Sorry to jet but we’re in a hurry!” Dayvon says as he and Maria fly towards the last tower.

  The two heads to the fifth and last tower, which they take down. After taking down the fifth tower the force field dissipates and their path to Uranus is clear. They head for the gas giant for their next mission.

  Chapter 7(L)


  Luis heads for Saturn head on and notices right away that the magnetic pull is rather strong. The pull begins to pull him and his ship in. He tries to fly away with the rocket boosters, but he puts so much pressure on the boosters that they give away. Luis is stuck in the “Rings of Saturn” where he continues to rotate around the planet. He sees a glooba building on the core of the planet, but he needs to get to the core first. Luis continues to shoot alien ships down as they approach him, he is finally able to see the core of the force field above him. However the pull is too powerful for Luis to fight and he is unable to move around. That is until…

  A human controlled ship begins to shoot the core of the force field which is reddish in color. After the core is destroyed the magnetic pull is dissipated. Luis sees the person who saved him is none other than Samantha, the hero who assisted our heroes in the first adventure in space.

  “Samantha what in the hell are you doing here? I mean I’m glad you’re here and all.” Luis asks Samantha.

  “To save your behind that’s what I’m doing here! Now let’s say we head to the core of Saturn shall we?” Samantha answers Luis.

  Before the duo could get inside however, glooba ships pop out of the alien core and try to overwhelm our heroes. A combination of small invader ships (orange, medium sized in nature, not very agile, and are rather fragile) and tripod fighters (fighters with three triangular polygon sections and shoot a high powered laser beam) attack the duo. The two easily take out the first wave of ships, but then the numbers start to grow. Samantha would find herself surrounded by the enemy and Luis would have to take out the ships behind her.

  “Get these guys off me!” Samantha says.

  “I’ll be right there!” Luis says.

  “Ahhh I’m hit! This is really starting to tick me off!” Samantha screams.

  “Here I go! Eat this you hunk of alien junk!” Luis scream
s as he takes out many of the alien ships.

  “Whew thanks Luis! That was too close!” Samantha says.

  “Not a problem girl, now let’s go inside!” Luis says in encouragement.

  The two head for the core of Saturn, however even more alien ships come from the core. This time the ships attack Samantha to the point where she ship is losing control.

  “Where in the hell are these ships coming from, my God the gloobas have sure made their mark here!” Luis says in shock as more ships pop out.

  “Ah! I’m taking serious damage, I don’t know if I can make it to you. You might have to go in yourself!” Sam says in agony.

  “No! I’m not leaving you alone Sam, we’re a team. Let me get in there and kick ass!” Luis determined to save Sam.

  He heads to her location and he’s able to take out several ships at the same time. However the damage on her ship can be seen and it is in bad shape. The wings are bent and the rocket boosters are nearly busted. Luis has to make a decision, either retreat to help Samantha and risk missing his perfect opportunity to attack Saturn or head straight for Saturn. He knows heading straight for Saturn will be beneficial for him, but he risks losing Sam, either her ship crashing on Saturn or having her get shot down by the enemy.

  “Luis just go on without me, I’ll be fine!” Sam screams at Luis.

  “No Sam I can’t leave you alone!” Luis replies.

  “Luis this is your best opportunity to attack the gloobas here. Don’t let me hold you back, besides the space station is not too far from here. Go ahead I’ll be fine, don’t worry about me! Hit those aliens hard!” Samantha says as she retreats back.

  “Sam no!!! You don’t know that the space station isn’t by the Earth anymore. It’s in the middle of nowhere. Come back!!! Shit I lost communication with her. Ahhh! Well I just gotta go inside and deal with these alien bastards myself! Let me call Quentin.” Luis calls Quentin.

  “Hey “Q” I’m bout to touchdown on Saturn. Well I would have been dead if it wasn’t for Samantha, but her ship was damaged. She decided to get her ship repaired in the space station…”

  “You fool the space station is not close to Earth is all the way in outer space… Shit she’s heading for galaxy Y, crap she might hit a black hole and I can’t get in contact with her. Anyway once you touchdown and watch out for the native creatures down there. All you got to do is take out of the gravity tower and get the hell out of there. You have to be careful because there isn’t much surface as the rest of the planet is made up of gas vapor and there are plenty of space storms there.” Quentin explains the situation to Quentin.

  “Well here I go, I just touched down on Saturn and holy shit what the hell is that!” Luis looks shocked when he sees a native of Saturn.

  It is a living rock creature that is 7ft tall and it’s made up of rocks one on top of the other. Luis grabs his plasma cannon and aims for the creature. However Luis looks stunned at him self, asking himself why is he shooting a rock that isn’t a living organism. The creature burrows into the ground and Luis continues to run towards the glooba base. However the creature pops out of the floor and begins to attack Luis, which pushes him back. The creature tries to whip Luis with its rock tail, but Luis uses his jetpack to blast himself up dodging the attack. He lands back on the surface hard. The creature throws a large amount of sand towards Luis forcing him further away from the glooba base. Eventually the creature known as “Saturn Onyx” corners Luis to a point where anymore backward progress will cause him to fall into the middle of hyperspace, as the rest of Saturn is made up of only gas.

  “Shit a damn rock is gonna to kick my ass. Better find a way out of this mess or I’ll be space trash!” Luis says calmly, but anxiously at the same time. “Quentin buddy, is there anything you can suggest to me real quick. I need you to help a brother out!” Luis says in a more panicked tone.

  “Calm down Luis, I see a weak spot it the third rock. There is a red spot on its back, but you to hit it exactly on the back or it won’t go down.” Quentin explains to Luis.

  “Damn Quentin couldn’t come up with a better idea like how to get out this mess?” Luis screams.

  “Well sorry that’s all I can up with, it’s better than nothing. You’ll just have to find a way around.” Quentin says in a disappointed tone.

  Another space wind arrives, but this time it pushes Luis towards the core. Luis gets up and sees the red core Quentin was talking about and shoots his plasma cannon towards it.

  “Booya! I bet you weren’t expecting that were you?” Luis says in a cocky tone.

  Luis looks behind him only to see two more Saturn Onyx’s behind him. He is in shock, as he struggled to take one out, now they were two creatures. He runs around the area climbing up hills that easily get destroyed by the tail of the Onyx. The other Onyx begins to push sand towards him. The sand buries him, but he is able to get out of the mountain of sand. He takes a peek out of the sand and sees the creatures have their backs turned. He uses this as an opportunity to kill of the two creatures from behind. He shoots his plasma cannon onto the creatures and both of them dissipate. He breathes a sigh of relief. He finds several ammo boxes left by glooba forces. The boxes contain ammo for his plasma cannon and a Rocket Launcher.

  “Now this is what I call firepower! Well looks like I got more company, some sandmen.” Well these aren’t exactly sandmen. They are glooba creatures created out of sand from Saturn’s core. They have no ranged weapons, but are more agile and have two decent sized claws.

  The sand crawlers as they are called came in rushing towards Luis. Their high agility makes them hard to hit with projectiles. So Luis would end up in melee combat, but as he would learn the same material they were made out of was rather weak. That meant he is able to punch and kick the creatures in one or two shots. However one of the crawlers comes behind him and slashes him in the back. The attack from behind hurts him and the scratch marks can be seen on his suit. In fact if it wasn’t for his suit he may have been cut up alive. He shoots the creature afterwards and the creature dissipates while being carried by the wind. As he heads closer to the base he is be attacked by actual glooba troops including salamander troopers and yes the teleporting kind. Also he has to contend with sentry drones (metal suicide bombers) and iguana enforcers, nothing that he can’t handle though. He clears the outside of the base rather easily and heads inside of the base. The base inside is rather small, but full of enemies.

  He fights off an iguana enforcer and rips his chaingun to shoot a wave of aliens. A teleporting trooper tries to ambush him from behind, but he grabs his head and rips it out, leaving alien gore on the floor. He fights a gang of salamander troopers who try to kill him with their shadow blades. However he is able to outwit the troopers. He clothesline one of the troopers head off, he rips the arm of another, he piledrives another trooper onto the ground and for the final salamander he cuts it in half using the shadow blade.

  “There goes the controls for the tower, time to shut this puppy down!” Luis says as he spots the main controls.

  He activates the main controls which turn off the gravity tower and the tower begins to self-destruct. He rushes out before the tower begins to crumble, he heads for his ship. Unfortunately for Luis, his path is blocked by a giant Onyx, whose size is three times of the ones he faced.

  “Son of a bitch, mother of all… how the heck do I beat this thing?” Luis asked in his mind.

  “Luis watch out, look out for the red spots that show up and blast them with your rocket launcher. You’re going have to defeat this beast piece by piece I’m afraid.” Quentin says as he analyses the creature from the comfort of his lab.

  “No problem “Q” I’ve fought worse…” Luis says in confidence. “Well at least I think I have.” Luis’s tone changes to more of a nervous one.

  Super Onyx as the creature is known as begins to attack him by levitating huge rocks and aiming them right for him. He runs to the right to avoid the rocks and he is able to dodge many of the rocks.
However one big rock heads right for him and he has no time to dodge the rock. The rock hits him, but has no effect on him. No one could believe it! Quentin couldn’t believe it, Super Onyx couldn’t believe it and Luis himself couldn’t believe it. All of a sudden out of the blue, he sees a reflection or what seems to be a spirit of his dead grandmother.

  “Nieto te quiere mucho, tu no va a morir hoy.” It’s indeed Luis’s dead grandmother talking, saying that he isn’t going to die today.

  “Que? Pero tu eres muerto, como fue que tu ayudarte a mi.” Luis in shock, he was asking how his grandmother came back from the dead to help him out.

  “Nieto yo soy muerto, pero en espíritu yo soy vivo todavía. Yo soy tu Ángel guardián mi nieto. Vamos a ganar con este monstruo.” The spirit of Luis’s grandmother says that she is his guardian Angel and they will be victorious against the super onyx.

  “My goodness Luis’s energy levels are off the charts!” Quentin says in amazement and marvel.

  “No Quentin that’s the power in having faith and spirits do exist!” George corrects Quentin.

  “Ta buien abuela con tu y yo vamos a ganar!” Luis says to his grandmother. “As for you big rock monster time to eat my broomstick!” Luis turns his attention to the super onyx.

  He finds the weak spots on the creature and begins to shoot the spots weakening the monster as he goes. The creature tries a tail whip on the duo, but the power of Luis and his grandmother’s spirit proves to be too much for the creature. Luis and his grandmother’s spirit fuse together for one last RPG shot that destroys super Onyx.

  “Yeah you did it Luis, woohoo!” Quentin is excited.

  “Yeah thanks Quentin!” Luis responds still trying to understand what he had just gone through.


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