The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy Page 100

by Angel Medina


  Angel begins regain his feeling. After that he sees the surroundings of a beautiful fall day in a park in Upstate, New York. It’s probably in Delaware or Sullivan County. The scene is surreal, it is completely peaceful. The complete opposite of what he’s going through on the planet of Goo against Mariano. However, he notices that he is not his age and he is much younger, in fact he is seven years old. It was around this time that his mother had passed away. He walks around the peaceful scene, at this time he didn’t even know Maria or any of the others.

  All of a sudden he sees his mother just standing there like she was waiting for him. She was a sweet woman according to her friends and family members. She just died of a freak heart attack. He approaches her, still armed with the knowledge that he acquired over the years. He tries to talk to his mother, but he is left speechless by the fact he is reunited with his mother. A person he did not know very well, but still loved very much. He heads to the tree where she is standing next to under the bright orange sky of dawn, a symbol of a new fresh and beautiful day.

  All of a sudden Angel feels a nice refreshing gust of wind hitting him. He enjoys the weather and all of a sudden remembers that this was the last place his mother took him before she passed away. He remembers the trees, the bright orange sky and the big lake. The only thing he doesn’t know is where exactly the park is located. He grabs his mother and begins to talk to hug her tightly. He wants to talk, but she calmly cuts him off…

  “Hijo, no se preocupe por mi. Yo estoy muerto pero todavía yo estoy viva por el espíritu mía. Yo siempre va esta contigo adentro tu corazón y en el cielo. Ahora despertarse mi hijo porque tu misión no está terminada! Te quiere mucho y siempre yo voy a querer. Adiós Ángel!” Angel’s mother says to him that he needs not to be worried about her, but instead worry about saving himself. Also that she is in a much better place and will always be with him in spirit. With that being said, Angel feels much better and rejuvenated. Angel’s finally regains his consciousness back in his body, while Mariano was still electrocuting him…


  Angel feels a gust of wind running through his hand and aims it at Mariano. The force of the wind is so strong that it knocks Mariano back with force. He is able to break out of the voltage attack. Then he touches the rock next to him to ground himself as quickly as he can. He does this in order to discharge himself of all of the electricity in his body. He manages to discharge the electricity in his body and he regains the feeling in his body. He is able to get back up and face Mariano.

  “What! I don’t believe this, how did you survive my electrical attack?” Mariano asks in complete shock.

  “It’s simple my heart is made from love and love will always beat hate any day and anywhere! No amount of evil can ever conquer me. You see death is a tool to degrade and destroy people, I see it as a life lesson that I use to empower myself and I remind myself that the dead are still alive. However, only the ones who are good, not evil pieces of shit like you will enjoy peace of mind!” Angel answers Mariano with great emotion turning the taunting on Mariano.

  Angel uses his hidden wind power to blow a gust of wind to Mariano knocking him back down. He makes a bee-line towards Mariano and once he approaches Mariano he begins beat up on him with emotions of hatred that he has never felt in his life. Mariano tries to recover, however Angel is relentless with his swings even causing to bleed.

  “Bleed! Bleed! Bleed! Keep on bleeding you monster. You deserve to go to the netherworld along with your friends. Such as my uncle, Bill along with his four horsemen and Orlando! Ahhhhhh!!!” Angel yells at Mariano with no remorse.

  When the thoughts of his evil uncle, Bill and Orlando get into his thoughts, Angel snaps and takes out his anger on Mariano. He becomes uncontrollable and just relentlessly keeps landing punch after punch. He would keep this up until Mariano lies in a pool of blood without moving. He actually puts a sinister smirk on his face. He feels satisfied that he has found a person he could take out his anger on without harming anyone innocent. Despite the beating Mariano is able to get back up to his shock and disbelief.

  “What? You just refuse to stay down! I’m not surprised at all. I didn’t expect you to go down easily, besides I still have one more can of whoop ass to deal out!” Angel says confidently, unfazed by Mariano.

  “You have become a thorn in my plan that needs to be cut off right now! You must have forgotten I’m not really Mariano, he doesn’t exist. Oh, don’t tell me you forgot about me my dear Angel!” The Evil One taunts.

  “You bastard! I remember you, you’re dark…” Angel is cut off before he can finish his sentence.

  “That’s right it's me Darkgaryl! I’m the evil spirit that keeps haunting your memories, just like the Milky Way. How did you like that little mind trap? Hehehe!” Darkgaryl reveals himself as he breaks out of the human shield that was “Mariano” and reveals him self as the gargoyle that Angel fought back in the first adventure. Only this time he is armed with a metal shield and has a more metallic look. Angel calls the creature “Meta-Garyl”.

  Meta-Garyl flies above him and begins to rotate around him in an attempt to confuse him. All of a sudden thunder is heard and acid rain begins to fall down as the top of the emperor’s lair collapses after Meta-Garyl knocks it down. The sting of the acid rain on Angel’s skin makes it difficult for him to concentrate on his adversary. Meta-Garyl flies down to his level and knocks him down with its tail. Angel lands on solid ground and recovers quickly. He tries to use his wind attack, but it proves to be useless as the creature is made out of metal. Then he tries to shoot Meta-Garyl with the EMP weapon, but it flies out of the way.

  “Shit this bastard is too fast, I only got less than an hour to defeat this creature and return the world to normal.” Angel says in concern in his head.

  Meta-Garyl shoots a hyper beam towards him and although it misses Angel, it makes a huge hole in front of him. The hole below is black, which equals instant death. Metal-Garyl grabs him with its tail and begins to electrocute him using its tail which carries an electrical charge. He screams in pain as he is taking over 20,000 volts in his body. Angel tries the wind attack again and it fails, eventually Meta-Garyl let’s go of him. He falls to the ground hard and doesn’t move at all.

  “Oh did Angel fall down on his face, Ha! Easy picking for me, with this last charge of electricity, there’s no way you’ll survive!” Meta-Garyl taunts a helpless Angel on the floor.

  Out of nowhere, Maria is able to get up and she launches a surprise attack using water that she shoots from her hands. Meta-Garyl doesn’t expect the attack and gets blasted by the water knocking him down to the same spot as Angel.

  “You haven’t won yet you creep! You still gotta take me down, you failed with your creation and now I’ll be the one to take you out!” Maria says in a commanding tone.

  She levitates herself with using the water and goes into a trance for a few seconds. She concentrates using the water elemental she got from Poseidon and the wind elemental her husband has and combines them for one powerful attack. In fact what she creates is a hurricane and aims it directly for Meta-Garyl. The powerful wind rams towards Meta-Garyl lifting him up to the sky. The winds of the hurricane are so strong that it opens up the dark gloomy skies and causes the rain to stop. A light even peeks through the sky and Maria keeps opening up the sky as she sees Meta-Garyl begin to kneel down in weakness.

  “Goodbye freak time to take out the trash!” Maria says in a determined tone.

  She grabs her shadow blade and runs towards a weakened Meta-Garyl. She impales Meta-Garyl with the blade in his heart. The creature begins to cry in pain and falls into the pit that it had created. The sky opens up and what looks like sunshine peeks through the sky down to the two. She goes to her husband and kisses him while crying at the same time.

  “I love you hubby, please get up. Don’t go on me… please be alive…” Maria gets close, picks Angel up and hugs him tightly.

  “Huh… what happened?
Am I still alive, Maria it’s you!” Angel sees Maria and hugs her back. “I’m glad you helped me, but how did you get up?” He asks his wife.

  “It’s like you said love will always defeat evil anyday, anytime and anywhere. Our love is too strong for any evil force to take down. Now where is the anti-matter machine?” Maria answers her husband’s question. The Elder God shows up.

  “Excellent work you two and even your friends who are dead for now. I come down to tell you the anti-matter machine does not exist. The anti-matter ball must be delivered to the hall of time in the planet of Chronos the planet of time. I will create a warp for you now, you are close, but I sense that there is one more task that needs to be completed and one more evil person that needs to be dealt with.”

  “Well we got no time to waste take us there!” Angel says confidently.

  “Very well, I need to warn you that this is where time is controlled. You only have a certain amount of time after inserting the anti-matter ball to get out of Chronos. If you are stuck there for too long, you will be stuck in an infinite time loop and will be subject to going back in time for the rest of you lives. It will get to the point where you will move backwards in time instead of forward and you will move at the speed of light. Eventually you will go back to the beginning of time to the point of no return, as you will get to a time period too far behind human development.” The Elder God elaborates.

  “Well that’s the chance we’re going to have to take! Come on honey, let’s do this.” Maria says to Angel unfazed by what the Elder God had just mentioned.

  The warp is created, the Elder God says good luck to the two and the two of them enter the warp to Chronos, as they head for what is hopefully the end of a long adventure.

  Chapter 30


  Angel and Maria go through the warp and find themselves in the planet of Chronos. They see the hall of time just ahead of them. However the environment is just like the environment of Earth, in fact it’s pouring rain at the current moment. The two take the anti-matter ball towards the hall of time. He thinks about what the Elder God said to him before and he remembers that Orlando is still alive. He along with his wife ponders if Orlando has followed them to Chronos. They arrive at the hall of time and insert the anti-matter ball inside the chamber. Then the warp back to the real world 10 days ago begins to open up. Angel and Maria both feel that this has come way too easy and there was a catch…

  Angel and Maria head towards the warp, but as suspected they were followed. The mysterious man tackles the two down from the hall of time and down to the ground below. When the two get up, his suspicions are confirmed it is Orlando.

  “Damn I should have known Orlando would try to ambush us here.” Angel says to Maria.

  “I don’t think he really gives a hell, oh shit he’s armed with a big ass sledgehammer.” Maria is shocked when she sees Orlando. He is wearing a glooba tactical suit similar to those worn by the salamander troopers.

  “Yo voy a matar ustedes, ahora ustedes va por el infierno que tu debe esta. Si tu no puede salir de aquí, tu va a quedar aquí por el infinito!” Orlando taunts the two saying that he could care less if he gets out, but if he can prevent the two from getting into the warp they will go to the same hell he ends up going to.

  All of a sudden the surrounding begins to change around the two, instead of the rain falling out of the sky the two find out they are on the only solid piece of land in the entire planet. The rest of the planet is nothing, but a huge negative zone where any living thing will continue to fall for all of eternity. This negative zone also displays time actually moving backwards, which allows the two to see events from the past. However, time moves way too fast for either of them to recognize the events or even the time period itself. While that means the two may find themselves trapped by going too far back in time to the point of no return, however the same applies to Orlando.

  “Shit like the Elder God said, we’re going back in time and we’re going back fast. The longer we stay here the further away that warp moves from the island we’re in.” Angel observes what is taking place.

  “Captain obvious here! Tell me something I don’t already know.” Maria tells Angel. “Whoa! Watch out, crazy man with hammer at 12 o’clock!” Maria warns Angel.

  Angel is able to get out of the way quickly and Orlando ends up striking nothing but ground. The final battle begins between him and his nemesis, Orlando.

  The two try to double team Orlando, but he easily fights off the two. The swing of his huge battle hammer is violent enough to scare off the two. He runs towards the two and then jumps while hacking at the two with his hammer. The two of them are able to get out of the way quickly, Orlando ends up breaking nothing but a rock formation. The two of them attempt to take on the offensive again, but once again he proves to be too much. The planet begins to show past events such as the second gulf war and the 9/11 terrorist attack. The environment surrounding everyone is extremely volatile and is constantly changing.

  Orlando grabs and throws Maria back trying to throw her off the platform into the negative zone. She manages to remain on the platform as she watches her husband take on Orlando. He takes several hacks and swings at Angel, but he manages to dodge every swing and hack thrown at him to the frustration of Orlando. Maria jumps on Orlando’s back grabbing him by his throat trying to choke him. He easily throws her off.

  “Qué pasó Ángel y María? Tu pensaba que iba a ser tan fácil a ganar a mi! Ahora tú va a sentir dolor de veda!” Orlando tells the two that they thought it would be easy to defeat him, but it is time to feel what true pain is.

  Orlando takes the hammer and slams it on the ground. Angel and Maria look at him thinking what he could be doing, upon further review they see he is creating an earthquake. The two run as far as they can from the epicenter of the quake. However the quake is bigger than they thought and they are thrown to the ground. Maria nearly falls inside the cracked area, grabbing onto an edge trying to pull her self back on the island. Meanwhile the planet shows events from the 1990’s, basically the childhood of the two.

  Orlando picks Angel up and punches him in the gut. He falls down to the floor in pain. He is then picked up by Orlando and he taunts him as the memories of his father begin to show up. He is hurt the most is the memories of watching his father’s death. He has to endure watching the killer of his father, Bill commit the murder.

  “Que? Tú no gusta que tu esta viendo? Haha! Te duele a ve tu papa muerto, si o no?” Orlando taunts Angel while forcing him to watch the memories of his dead father.

  “Hijo puta, me duele pero también esta trampa no va a trabajar tan poco!” Angel replies to him that while it hurts him to see his father, he knows what Orlando is trying won’t work.

  He tries to intimidate him with the memories, but for as fast as they come up they go away just as fast and Angel knows that. He knows that these are nothing, but memories. His blood begins to boil with anger as he is reminded of his father’s death. He uses his adrenaline and bites Orlando’s arm to break out of his clutches.

  Orlando shoots a green energy ball attack out of his hammer. Upon further review Angel realizes that Orlando is wielding the Hammer of Chronos. The Hammer of Chronos is able to use the power of time to shoot off powerful energy balls. There is nothing the heroes could do to reverse the effects of the reversal of time, so Orlando has a serious power boost. The green energy ball hits Angel flush and he goes back to the ground. He tries to get up, but struggles to do so.

  Maria continues to try to pull herself back onto solid ground. However, her arms begin to go numb as she is trying to hold on for dear life. The more she hangs on to the edge the more strength she loses.

  “Come on I just gotta get up there, my husband needs me. I promised him just like he promised me that I would help him if he needed me!” Maria says in her mind as she continues to struggle getting back onto solid ground.

  Time continues to go back passing events such as the Korean War, WW2, WW1 and t
he battle of 1812. The rate of speed that time is going back begins to increase even further. Orlando approaches Angel in an arrogant mood as he feels he has him in the back pocket.

  “I can’t get up. I’m too weak to get up…” Angel tries to recover, but instead he loses his consciousness.

  “That is not my son talking I hope? I taught you better than that, Angel!” The spirit of Angel’s father comes down to try and pick his son up.

  At the same time, Maria finally is able to pick herself up and sees what’s going on. She waits a few seconds to gather her equilibrium back and then she picks up a rock. She runs towards Orlando and strikes him in the back of the head, which knocks him out close to the edge. After that she heads to her husband and puckers up for probably the biggest most passionate kiss she’s ever given him.

  “Angel, I love you baby. You’re not leaving here yet, not as long as I’m here. Don’t go on me!” Maria cries and screams in unison, then she kisses Angel with the most passion she has ever had. “I don’t care what I have to do. I’m not letting you go! We’re getting out of here with our hands holding each other.” Maria continues with the passionate speech.

  The combination of the kiss by her and the presence of his father, he is able to recover slowly. During all of this though time has gone back to show the events of the renaissance, the feudal age and the dark ages, which ironically is when the Great War started. However, she doesn’t care about that. Instead she is concerned about reviving her husband. She keeps on kissing and shedding tears at the same time. One of the tears hits Angel’s face and he begins to recover even faster. After a minute, Angel grabs her to hug her and to join her in the passionate kiss. What the two don’t know is that the warp is shifting further away from the platform the more time they spend standing around.


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