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Enslaved Page 1

by Ray Gordon




  Enslaved first published in 1997 by Hodder & Stoughton. Published as an eBook in 2012 by Chimera eBooks.

  ePub ISBN 9781780801544

  mobi ISBN 9781780801551


  Chimera (ki-mir'a, ki-) a creation of the imagination, a wild fantasy.

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  Copyright Ray Gordon. The right of Ray Gordon to be identified as author of this book has been asserted in accordance with section 77 and 78 of the Copyrights Designs and Patents Act 1988.

  This novel is fiction - in real life practice safe sex.

  Chapter One

  'So I failed!' Marianne tossed her long blonde hair over her shoulder and smiled wryly at Barry.

  'You failed miserably!' he elaborated, reclining on the sofa, eyeing his girlfriend's red miniskirt, her long shapely legs, her red stilettos. 'All that time and money - wasted! You never listen to me, do you? I told you that going on a hypnosis course was a stupid idea! You've been away all bloody week, and for what? Nothing! Hundreds of bloody pounds wasted on a stupid bloody course! Hypnotism doesn't work, Marianne! Get it into your head that all this fancy stuff you see on the TV, on the stage, is fixed!'

  'It's not fixed! Anyway, I'm going to ring Jill and tell her about the course,' Marianne countered. 'At least she'll show some interest!'

  Standing in the hall silently cursing Barry, Marianne was about to ring her friend when she had an idea. Recalling the course lecturer talking about trigger words, she gingerly lifted the receiver but didn't press any number keys. Glancing at the open lounge door, she grinned, knowing that Barry could hear her every word as she pretended to talk to her friend.

  'I muffed it, but it was worth trying,' she articulated loudly. 'The lecturer? Oh, yes, he was very good! It wasn't his fault that I made a hash of things. Actually, to prove that hypnosis works, he placed a trigger word in my subconscious. I hear the word, I fall into a hypnotic state and will do anything that's asked of me. What is it? Well, if I tell you, you will keep it to yourself, won't you? No, I haven't told Barry. There's no saying what he'd get me to do if he knew about it! I'd end up giving him breakfast in bed every morning and God knows what else if he realized the power he could wield over me! OK, the word's "juxtaposition". Exactly - that's why the lecturer chose it, because it's hardly ever used. Not the sort of word to crop up in everyday conversation. No, he was going to erase it from my subconscious but he was taken ill this afternoon, the last day of the course. Yes, OK, come round for coffee and we'll have a chat about it. Right, I'll see you tomorrow, then. Bye, Jill.'

  Returning to the lounge, Marianne sat in the armchair and crossed her slender legs, wondering whether Barry had taken in all she'd said. Would he try and use the magical word? He frowned as he brushed his thick black hair away from his forehead and gazed into her misty blue eyes. 'So, what will you do now?' he asked nonchalantly.

  'I don't know. I suppose I could try reflexology. Or aromatherapy, perhaps? I really would like to set up something from home, Barry. Now that I've been made redundant, I want to try working for myself. The spare room's all ready, but for what?'

  'Well, my job will keep us going financially, so there's no immediate panic,' he smiled.

  Averting his gaze, Barry took a deep breath. This was it, Marianne knew, as she waited in anticipation. 'Juxtaposition,' he whispered, quickly locking his eyes to hers. Marianne stared blankly across the room, her hands limp in her lap, her face serene. 'Stand up,' Barry ordered, his dark eyes blinking in disbelief as his girlfriend obediently rose to her feet. 'Are you really hypnotized?' he asked. His words were slow, unsure as his human marionette stood silently, her eyes still staring blankly. 'Come on, Marianne. You can't fool me.' Barry laughed. 'There's no such thing as hypnosis! It's a stage act, a con!'

  Her arms hanging meekly by her sides, Marianne did her best to contain herself as Barry stood up and walked towards her. Determined to fool him, to put a halt to his continual sarcasm, his perpetual cynicism, she decided to go along with whatever he asked her to do.

  'It's no good,' he laughed as he kissed her cheek. 'I know you're bluffing.' Marianne remained perfectly still, praying that she wouldn't giggle and give the game away as he gently squeezed her firm breast through her flimsy summer blouse. 'All right, I'll put you to the test,' he announced. 'Jump up and down.'

  Bouncing on the spot, Marianne was sure that she couldn't keep up the pretence for long. But if she could, she thought wickedly, she could have some real fun! 'Stand still,' instructed her master. 'I still don't believe this. I need a real test, a foolproof test. I've got it - take off your skirt.'

  As though in a trance, Marianne tugged her short skirt down her slender legs and kicked it across the room. She experienced a sharp pang of excitement - arousal. This is going to be interesting, she thought, wondering how far Barry would go in his effort to expose her as a fraud.

  'Take your panties off,' he ordered excitedly as he resumed his spectator's seat. Slipping her panties down her shapely thighs, Marianne revealed her trimmed blonde pubes, her pinken girl-slit, to his doubting eyes. Kicking her shoes off, she stepped out of her panties and stood with her feet wide apart, awaiting her next instruction. 'This isn't a real test,' Barry sighed. 'I know, take all your clothes off. Then I'll put you to the ultimate test.'

  Her hands trembling, her clitoris stirring, Marianne unbuttoned her blouse and slipped it off her shoulders. Unclipping her red lace bra, she began to realize the fun she could have if she could convince her boyfriend that she really was under his spell. The potential was amazing, she mused as her stomach somersaulted delightfully at the prospect of sex.

  Peeling the bra cups away from her firm breasts, she felt her nipples extend, hardening in her rising arousal. Watching Barry from the corner of her eye, she stood naked before him, wondering what the ultimate test would demand of her. She was centre stage, the leading lady - and loving it! The sense of power was exhilarating. Who's the real master? she mused happily as her vaginal muscles tightened.

  'You've a beautiful body,' Barry praised, his voice deeper, husky now. 'I love your cunt,' he added crudely - to shock her, she realized. 'I really do love your sweet cunt.'

  Their sex life had always been good, but nothing out of the ordinary, she was well aware. Several times Barry had asked her to masturbate while he watched, but she'd never found the courage to realize his fantasy. He'd even gone so far as to buy her a vibrator, but she'd never been brave enough to use it. Many times he'd complained that she wasn't adventurous enough in bed, but she hadn't been able to relax, to open up and really enjoy herself, her curvaceous body.

  But now, in her feigned hypnotic state, her inhibitions were falling away like autumn leaves, leaving her naked, exposed - free of guilt and embarrassment. Whatever he asked of her, she would comply. After all, she concluded, she wasn't to be held responsible for her actions. In her wanton abandonment, she would be completely innocent.

  'Go to the fridge and get a nice juicy cucumber,' Barry ordered her. Another pang of arous
al jolted her womb as she realized that she was discovering Barry's darker side, his secret fantasies. God, a cucumber! she thought, knowing exactly what he would demand she do with it.

  Obediently, she fetched the long, cool green phallus and stood dutifully before her master. 'Lie on the floor and push it right up your cunt,' he commanded. His words were alien to her. This was the other side of the man she loved. Did she really want to discover what lurked in the dark depths of his male mind? Everyone has a darker side, she mused as she stretched her naked body full length on the carpet. A good side and a dark, evil side, she remembered reading somewhere.

  Her hands trembling, she began to wonder whether her little game was such a good idea after all. 'Push the cucumber right up your lovely wet cunt.' Opening her legs wide in response to her boyfriend's cold, unfamiliar words, Marianne presented the rounded end of the phallus to her gaping crack, wondering what it would feel like as she gently twisted and pushed the green shaft into her tightening pussy. As the fruit opened her, stretched the soft walls of her secret garden to press against her cervix, she shuddered. Wondering what Barry was thinking as he watched her wicked act, she allowed her hands to fall by her sides once she'd fully inserted the fruit, parting her legs further to display her stretched pussy lips, the long green shaft emerging from her bloated sex valley. 'That's very good,' Barry praised. 'But I still don't believe you're hypnotized. I want you to masturbate, to frig your clitty to orgasm while I watch.'

  She'd never before brought herself off in front of Barry. Hadn't touched herself, in fact, since moving in with him a year previously. She'd masturbated before on the odd occasion but it was wrong, or so she'd been led to believe by her mother. Beautiful, but wrong. The overwhelming sensations and immense relief the act had brought her when she was younger had been incredible, but she'd never been able to free herself of the racking guilt. But now? Either she complied with Barry's demand and massaged her clitoris to orgasm, or she blew the game - spoiled the chance of any future fun. 'Go on - if you're really under hypnosis you'll frig yourself off,' he laughed as she drifted in her quandary.

  This was it - the ultimate test! With the cucumber cooling her inner vaginal flesh, her pussy lips tightly encompassing the thick green shaft, her arousal was already riding high. What the hell? she thought as she slipped a finger between her swelling girlishness and located her stiffening clitoris. This will prove it! she smiled inwardly as she began her gentle massaging - her slow, rhythmical female masturbation.

  Strangely, there was no feeling of humiliation, no degradation. To her surprise, her vaginal muscles responded immediately to her intimate caress. Tightening, crushing the solid phallus, her pussy spasmed, contracted, as her clitoris swelled. Emitting involuntary gasps of pleasure, she realized that her climax was quickly approaching as she massaged her cumbud faster.

  'I'll spunk over your lovely tits after you've come,' Barry laughed. Although his words heightened Marianne's arousal, they worried her. This was so unlike Barry. Normally soft, gentle, loving in his sexual coaxing, this coarse language was so uncharacteristic. 'You can wank me off and I'll come all over your nipples,' he chortled. Undoubtedly Barry's darker side, she mused as the incredible pleasure emanating from her clitoris caused her to arch her back.

  Her stomach rising and falling, her firm rounded breasts heaving as her climax neared, she grabbed the cucumber with her free hand and began thrusting the fruit in and out of her hot vaginal sheath. The new and exciting sensations rocked her, reaching out to every nerve ending, tightening every muscle. With Barry watching her most intimate and obscene act, she was discovering hitherto unknown sexual pleasure.

  'God, I'm coming!' The treacherous words bubbled from her full red lips before she could halt them, before she could conceal the immense pleasure her wanton act of masturbation was bringing her. 'Come... coming! Ah, ah, yes!' Now she was discovering her own darker side, a side she'd never dreamed had existed, and she was determined never to reveal her trickery. The game was new and exciting. It would add something to their relationship, rather than take away from it. Wouldn't it?

  Kneeling between her open legs, Barry grabbed the cucumber and thrust it deep into the girl's gripping sex-sheath as her naked body convulsed in response. 'You love being fucked by a cucumber, don't you?' he asked in his wickedness. 'You'd like me to fuck your arse with it, wouldn't you?' His words shocked Marianne as her climax waned, leaving her breathing deeply, her head rolling from side to side in the aftermath of the most spectacular orgasm she'd ever experienced. Fuck your arse with it. They weren't Barry's words. Or were they?

  Her blue eyes closed, she listened as her boyfriend tugged his zip down and pulled his hard penis out. Watching through her eyelashes as he knelt astride her head, his massive member hovering threateningly above her pretty face, she knew that she was about to be instructed to do something she'd never done before. Something he'd often asked of her but that she'd never been able to bring herself to do.

  'Open your pretty mouth and suck my knob,' he demanded crudely as he gripped his veined shaft and pressed his swollen glans to her pursed lips. The cucumber, the masturbation, hadn't been the ultimate test after all, she thought anxiously as she parted her red lips. 'Come on, you fucking bitch, suck the sperm from my cock,' Barry ordered harshly.

  Marianne allowed his glans to slip into her hot mouth and rest against her tongue as his loveless words echoed in the confusion of her mind. She was driven now not by her arousal, but by her curiosity. How far would he go to satisfy his cold lust? To what extent would he use her for debased sex - use her body, the body of the girl he professed to love so much?

  Now, with his darker-than-dark side emerging fully, she thought about her relationship. Was this the man she really wanted to marry? she wondered as his knob slipped further into her wet mouth. He'd always been so kind, loving and gentle with her, making sweet love with her - not lust. But now?

  'Ah, that's good! You've a succulent mouth, a fuckable mouth!' Barry gasped as his knob came to rest at the back of her throat, his broad shaft absorbing the inner heat of her wet mouth. 'Suck it, bitch. Wank me off and drink my come,' he cried as he leaned forward, resting his weight on his hands, his heavy balls rolling in anticipation.

  Barely believing the blunt demand, the crudely uttered words of cold lust as she took her boyfriend's shaft in her hand, Marianne began her wanking movements. She was tempted to reveal her feigned hypnotic state and expose him for the heartless pervert she now knew him to be. 'Coming!' he gasped as she was about to pull his penis from her bloated mouth and tell him what she thought of his loveless act, his cruel violation of her naked body. But she wanted to learn more about his inner self. She'd put a halt to the games. But not yet, she decided.

  His sperm suddenly jetted from his throbbing knob, filling her mouth, bathing her tongue as she wanked his rock-hard shaft. To her surprise, her first ever taste of male come aroused her, sending electrifying quivers of sex deep into her very core. Salty, creamy, she savoured the taste and texture of the male liquid, only swallowing hard when her cheeks had filled and she began to cough and splutter. Running her tongue over his silky glans, she felt her clitoris throb, her vaginal lips swell around the massive cucumber, her stretched pussy-hole ooze with her juices of lust.

  'That's it, lap it all up - slave!' Barry ordered as his flow stemmed. 'Swallow my spunk - tart! I'll fuck your mouth every day now that I know your secret word. And I'll fuck your bum. That's something I think about when I wank. You didn't know I wank, did you? Well, you do now. I have to, you see. You're so bloody mean when it comes to your cunt, your mouth, that I have to wank almost every day. But now you're my sex slave, you can pleasure me on demand.'

  As the sex fiend pulled away and ordered his puppet to slip the cucumber from her pussy and hide it under the sofa for the next gruelling sex session, Marianne could barely believe the change in him. But this wasn't change, she decided - it was the real Barry.

  'Get dressed now, and I'll fuck y
our arse for you later,' he laughed, zipping up his jeans. Confused, Marianne climbed to her feet and retrieved her clothes. Cupping her firm breasts in her red lace bra, she decided to pretend that the trigger word didn't work any more. And to announce the end of her relationship with the man she'd thought she'd known so well. Holding back her tears as she finished dressing, she followed her boyfriend's orders and sat in the armchair as he retook his position on the sofa.

  Wondering how he'd bring her out of her hypnotic state, she breathed a sigh of relief as he clicked his fingers and ordered her to wake up. Naive bastard, she thought as she looked around the room, trying not to catch his eyes. Bloody bastard.

  'Coffee, love?' he asked softly, rising to his feet.

  'Er... yes, OK,' she half smiled, her tears streaming down her flushed cheeks as he left the room. His salty sperm lingering on her tongue, she had to admit that she'd enjoyed him coming in her mouth. Oral sex was nice, it brought a certain closeness, she mused. But his words, his cold, loveless words had destroyed something. The way he'd used her to satisfy his debased craving for perverted sex had taken away the love she'd thought they'd shared.

  As he brought the coffee in and placed her cup on the table, Marianne began to think that she'd been too harsh. He is a man, after all, she thought, smiling up at him. What normal man wouldn't take advantage of such a situation? But his cruel words of lust still pained her. Did he want her for the woman she was - or only her body?

  'So, what have you been up to all week?' she asked, picturing him lying in their bed masturbating while she'd been away.

  'Working at the office every day,' he replied, sipping his coffee. 'And I've spent most evenings with John, working on his bloody thesis. It's still nowhere near finished.'


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