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Enslaved Page 16

by Ray Gordon

'Marianne! Marianne, stop playing around,' Rod laughed. 'All right, if you want to play games, then take your knickers off and eat them.'

  Slipping her panties down her long legs, Marianne pulled them over her shoes and began to chew on the red silk. Tearing a strip of material off with her teeth, she was about to swallow it when Rod stopped her.

  'Wake up!' he cried, his expression reflecting his concern.

  'I couldn't stop myself,' she complained, spitting out the shredded silk and stuffing the remains of her panties into her handbag. 'It hasn't worked, Rod!'

  'God, I don't believe this. I don't know what to do, I really don't.'

  Trying again, Rod failed to free the girl of the trigger word. 'Can't you implant a suggestion in my subconscious that will wake me up the minute I fall into hypnosis?' Marianne asked.

  'No. You can't play around with the subconscious like that. You can't implant words to counteract other words. No one really understands the subconscious, Marianne. The power of the mind is incredible. For example, it's a well-known fact that, when a subject is in a hypnotic state, you can place the end of a pencil on the back of his hand, telling him that it's a burning cigarette, and a blister will form. The power the mind has over the body is incredible.'

  'Yes, and the power other people have over me is incredible! What am I going to do?'

  'Other people? Who knows about the word?'

  'Barry, my... my soon-to-be ex-boyfriend.'

  'But you told me that you didn't have a boyfriend.'


  'What does he get you to do when he hypnotizes you?'

  'He... nothing much, but I don't want him to have power over me.'

  'In that case make him your ex-boyfriend now, today, and keep well out of his way.'

  'There's someone else,' Marianne admitted softly, wondering whether to be honest and tell Rod everything or not. 'A girlfriend of mine, she...'

  'She'll be all right, won't she? I mean, she won't use the word to...'

  'I'd better tell you everything, Rod,' she sighed melancholically. 'It's a long story - but I'd better tell you everything.'

  Listening intently, Rod could hardly believe Marianne's incredible confession. Gasping now and then, shaking his head in disbelief, he finally interrupted the girl.

  'Your boyfriend had perverted sex with you, and then his friend visited you and did the same thing?'

  'Yes. I know that I...'

  'This is incredible! Your boyfriend actually arranged for his friend to visit you, and then he watched you being whipped and... I've never heard anything like it!'

  'There's more,' Marianne sighed. 'You haven't heard the half of it. A girlfriend used the word and she...'

  'Don't tell me that she had sex with you, too!'

  'Yes, and her friend, another lesbian.'

  'My God! This is a phenomenal story!'

  'It's not a story, it's true.'

  'No, I didn't mean... The thing is, Marianne, as I told you earlier, under hypnosis people would never do anything they didn't want to do. Did you enjoy the lesbian sex?'


  'You must be honest with me.'

  'Yes, I suppose I did enjoy it.'

  'And the whipping and anal intercourse, did you enjoy that?'

  'Rod, I...'

  'Did you, Marianne?'

  'Yes, I did.'

  'I've never... anyway, please, do go on.'

  Revealing that Barry had sold her to men friends for perverted sex sessions, Marianne finally came to the end of her amazing story. Gazing into Rod's disbelieving eyes, she fearfully awaited his reaction. People would never do anything that they didn't want to do. The horrifying words swimming in the murky depths of her racked mind, she wondered why Rod was saying nothing. Probably too disgusted with me to speak, she thought sadly.

  'I must say, Marianne, that I am completely stunned. I've never heard such an incredible story. There's been a lot of research into hypnosis, into the subconscious, but I don't think anyone realizes the frightening depths of the mind. I really don't know what to say. I honestly don't know what to make of it all.'

  'Then, say nothing. Look, I'd better go - I should never have told you...'

  'No, don't go - you can't!'

  'Why not?'

  'The cigarette burn factor... if some joker were to use the trigger word and tell you that your heart was about to stop... Christ, there's no telling what would happen! You could die, Marianne.'

  'Oh, my God! Can't you help me?'

  'I've tried, for Christ's sake. Look, I have a friend... well, not a friend, he's just someone I know. Anyway, he might be able to help you. He's heavily into hypnosis, he knows far more about it than I do.'

  'Ring him now.'

  'He'll be working. I'll have to ring him this evening. In the meantime, keep away from the people who know about the word. Stay here for a few days and...'

  'Rod, I've more to tell you.'

  'There can't be more, surely?'

  'I've changed. I used to be prudish and now... I've experienced sex, real sex, crude sex, and I... I seem to have discovered another side to myself, a side that I would never have dreamed existed. I've also discovered another side to my boyfriend. But my other side...'

  'What sort of man is he? To use you like that, what sort of bastard is he?'

  'Exactly that - a bastard.'

  'We all have a darker side, Marianne. Who knows what lurks in the mire of the subconscious?'

  'Evil monsters, that's what. Can I ask you something?'


  'If, under hypnosis, I was told to meet someone at a certain time, would I be able to stop myself from going?'

  'God knows, Marianne. I mean, I thought I knew a fair about hypnosis, but what with the things you've told me. Planting a trigger word in your own subconscious like that is amazing.'

  'So I'd not have the power to ignore the command and stay at home, then?'

  'I suppose, if you were aware of the time, it might trigger something. For example, if the arranged time was six o'clock, you might see a clock and... Just keep away from clocks and watches, as well as all those who know about the word. There's the phone, excuse me for a minute.'

  Closing the lounge door behind him, Rod left Marianne to ponder, to reflect. Wishing that Rod had used the word to her as she felt her clitoris throb, she thought about her future. God, I've really messed up any chance of a relationship him, she mused sadly. He must think I'm nothing but a slag!

  There were too many people involved, and the way Barry was carrying on, there'd be dozens more jumping on the bandwagon - jumping on Marianne! She could cope with the nymphomaniac girls, they wouldn't present a problem. But the evil Barry was a different matter. And when he lost his job he'd work her so hard that she'd probably end up dying from sheer sexual exhaustion!

  'Sorry about that,' Rod smiled as he entered the room. 'So, who's used the word and asked you to meet them?'

  'One of the girls I told you about.'

  'Where and when?'

  'I... I'd rather not say.'

  'Oh, all right. Look, I've another hour or so before my next client - do you fancy a walk in the park?'

  'No, no thanks. I'd better be going. I'll come and see you again, if you'd like me to, that is.'

  'I'd like to see you every day, Marianne.'

  'You... you don't think I'm a tart, then?'

  'No, of course not. Under hypnosis you've discovered sex, that's all. Mind you, it's just as well all women haven't discovered sex the way you have - the world would be full of... anyway, as I said, I'd like to see you every day.'

  'I might call round in the morning, if you're in?'

  'Yes, I'll be in. Should I be with a client I won't answer the front door, so come in through the back way and make yourself at home.'

  'OK, thanks. There goes your phone again, I'll see myself out. Goodbye, Rod. And thanks again.'

  Now what do I do? Marianne wondered despondently as she strolled across the park,
her vaginal lips naked beneath her short skirt. Christ, I nearly ate my panties! Had she not been so concerned she'd have laughed, but the thought of someone playing around, telling her that her heart was to stop, worried her.

  Sitting on the bench, she was pleased that she'd told Rod everything. Perhaps I should tell Barry everything, she mused. But no, with the word still working, he'd still have power over her and there was no telling what he'd do. Even if she were to leave him he'd find her and use the word to force her to return. He could end up controlling her life.

  Spending the rest of the afternoon on her bed meticulously going through her course notes, Marianne again wondered about implanting a trigger word in Barry's subconscious. 'If only I could master hypnotism,' she breathed. 'I will master it if it's the last thing I do!'

  The time nearing five, Marianne cleared her notes away and left the house before Barry returned from work. Her pussy naked beneath her skirt, she wandered past the park and into town. Although she'd wanted to meet Lydia for an evening of crude lesbian sex, she decided that she'd keep well away from the park, and from Lydia, until she was able to rid her subconscious of the trigger word.

  Window shopping, Marianne decided to spend some of the money she'd stolen from Barry. Eyeing a tartan minidress, she imagined herself wearing the skimpy garment, turning the men's heads as she walked down the street. God, I feel sexy, she mused. I feel horny!

  Without thinking, Marianne inadvertently glanced up at the town hall clock as she crossed the road. 'Ten to seven.' The words reverberating around her mind, she turned and started walking towards the park. No! she screamed inwardly as her legs carried her faster towards Lydia and her inevitable fate.

  Making her way across the park towards the bench, she noticed the young lesbian by a clump of trees. The girl was waving, beckoning Marianne to join her. Hopelessly trying to change direction, to walk away, Marianne approached the girl and obediently stood before her.

  'So it did work,' Lydia grinned, squeezing Marianne's firm breasts. 'This hypnosis thing is brilliant. I could even phone you, mention the word, and demand that you come round and attend my pussy. You're mine, Marianne, mine to play with as and when it takes my fancy. Now, follow me, I've found a nice spot in the woods where we can spend the evening together - an evening to remember!'

  Following her mistress though the long grass surrounding the clump of trees, Marianne felt her clitoris throb in anticipation. Emerging into a small clearing, she looked about her. A fallen tree lay on the soft grass where Lydia had placed her equipment - lengths of rope, a small branch with awesome-looking twigs fanning out from the main shaft, three monstrous-sized vibrators, one at least twelve inches long, tubes of KY gel, and a roll of sticky tape. This was, indeed, going to be an evening to remember!

  Lifting her short skirt and bending over the tree, Lydia ordered her slave to kneel behind her. 'Lick my bottom,' she said, spreading her legs wide, revealing her shaved cunny lips nestling below her anal entrance. 'Come on, lick me all over.'

  Parting the girl's bottom-orbs, Marianne pushed her tongue out and began licking the warm, soft hillocks. 'My bottom, lick my bottom,' Lydia gasped. Moving to the yawning crease, Marianne tentatively ran her tongue over the brown tissue surrounding her mistress's private portal. 'Ah, yes, that's it. Keep doing that,' Lydia breathed in her rising arousal. 'Keep licking my bum-hole, slave!'

  Her taste buds rousing as she licked the bittersweet anal iris, Marianne pulled the girl's buttocks further apart, opening the small entrance to her bowels. Her tongue snaking its way into the dank heat, she closed her lips over the sensitive chestnut flesh, French kissing her mistress's derriere.

  Lost in her crude act of analingus, Marianne sucked and mouthed Lydia's bottom-hole, delighting in her new-found lewdness, ignoring her mistress's instructions to attend pussy-hole. 'My cunt,' Lydia gasped. 'Lick my cunt now.'

  Pushing her tongue further into the girl's tight anal entrance, Marianne breathed heavily though her nose, moaning her debased pleasure. 'Do as you're told!' Lydia admonished. 'Lick my cunt or you'll have the thrashing of your life!'

  Moving her attention down as Lydia projected her bottom, Marianne lapped between the girl's drenched sex-folds, savouring her girl-come, swallowing the aphrodisiacal nectar. 'Push your tongue right up my cunt,' Lydia gasped. 'Pull my fanny wide open and tongue-fuck me.'

  The crude instructions resounding around Marianne's mind, she complied, yanking the girl's hairless pussy lips apart to reveal the wet, pinken entrance to her cuntal sheath. 'My bum,' Lydia wailed, her whole body quivering. 'Finger my bum. Push two fingers into my bum!'

  Locating the girl's anal portal, Marianne forced two fingers deep into her rectum, opening the tight duct, waking sleeping nerve endings there, causing Lydia to fill the wood with her cries of wanton lesbian lust. Thrusting her fingers in and out of Lydia's tight anal tube, Marianne forced her tongue deep into the girl's open vaginal sheath, inducing a torrent of pussy cream to flow.

  'God, that's good!' Lydia gasped, bending further over the fallen tree and parting her legs as wide as she could to expose her intimacy to her slave. Her rectal sheath gripping the intruding fingers, her vagina spasming in response to Marianne's darting tongue, she shuddered, deliberately leaving her clitoris neglected, unattended - intentionally teasing, torturing herself.

  Her body shaking violently, Lydia could barely hold back her impending orgasm. Swivelling her hips, positioning her erect clitoris dangerously closer to Marianne's hot mouth, she finally wailed her instructions. 'Now! My clitoris... Suck it now!'

  Immediately obeying, Marianne engulfed her mistress's throbbing nodule in her wet mouth, sucking the most exquisite multiple orgasm from the pulsating protuberance. 'Three fingers,' Lydia sang, her crude demand reverberating through the wood as she recalled Marianne's bottom-hole yielding to the invading plastic phallus.

  With ease, Marianne slipped a third finger into the girl's anal tunnel, distending the velveteen walls, causing Lydia to shake uncontrollably as she rode high on her seemingly perpetual climax. Thrusting her fingers deeper into her mistress's rectal sheath, lapping at her clitoris, Marianne had found her sexual heaven. All she wanted now was sex, and more sex.

  Sucking and licking the final ripples of pleasure from Lydia's aching clitoris, Marianne grinned as she was ordered to leave her mistress. Slipping her fingers from the girl's bottom-hole and sitting back on her heels, Marianne gazed at her open holes, the creamy girl-come oozing from her inflamed vaginal opening, the saliva covering her anal crease glistening in the evening sun.

  'You did well,' Lydia enthused, dragging her perspiring body from the tree trunk and collapsing on the soft grass beside Marianne. 'Give me a few minutes to recover, and I'll return the pleasure,' she grinned. 'While you're waiting, you can remove your clothes. I want you completely naked, Marianne. Stand over me so I can watch you unveil your feminine beauty.'

  Marianne stood with her feet either side of Lydia as the girl reclined, gazing up between her slave's long legs. 'You're not wearing any panties,' she hissed. 'You'll wear panties in the future so I can watch you pull them down. Now, remove your clothes.'

  Tugging her skirt down and stepping away from Lydia as she kicked the garment aside, Marianne retook her position, her girl-crack open, directly above her mistress's wide eyes. Pulling her T-shirt over her head, she thought of Barry, grinning inwardly as she imagined Alan arriving for his prepaid blow job to find that his slave wasn't there to attend him.

  'And now your bra,' Lydia demanded, gazing up at Marianne's pouting vaginal lips, her inner labia protruding invitingly from her open cuntal valley. Unclipping her red lace bra and peeling the cups away from her pert breasts, Marianne felt a pang of sexual excitement surge through her womb. Her sensitive nipples lengthening, becoming fully erect, she prayed that her mistress would suck them, bite them.

  'OK, now kneel down with your wet cunt above my face.' In her anticipation, Lydia breathed the licentious demand huskily. 'I want to li
ck your wet cunt.' Marianne knelt, aware of her pinken slit opening as the feminine centre of her obedient body neared Lydia's hungry mouth. 'That's it, knees further apart so your cunt presses against my face.'

  Settling her swollen vaginal lips over the girl's open mouth, Marianne gasped. The two female orifices locked in lesbian lust, their lips kissing, Lydia licked Marianne's inner flesh, caressing the tongue-like folds with her tongue. Her eyes rolling, Marianne looked up to the trees, the evening sun filtering through the canopy of leaves high above.

  'Ah! Ah, I love my cunt!' she cried to the heavens. 'God, how I love my cunt!' Her clitoris swelling, throbbing as her mistress's tongue swept over its sensitive tip, Marianne reached down and stretched her vaginal lips wide apart, exposing the full length of her cumbud to her lover's caressing tongue. The sensations of imminent orgasm building within her contracting womb, she gyrated her hips, sliding her wet sex valley back and forth over Lydia's mouth.

  Shuddering, decanting her girl-juices, Marianne finally reached the summit of her orally-induced pleasure. Her crown swelling, throbbing, pumping out its orgasmic pulses, she rocked her hips faster, grinding her open cunt into her mistress's hungry mouth. Riding the peak of her debauchment, sustaining her climax, she pulled her cunny lips open further, painfully stretching the pink inner flesh, forcing her clitoris further into Lydia's hot mouth.

  Slowing her swaying hips, Marianne closed her eyes and tossed her head back again as Lydia's tongue massaged her nodule, eliciting the waning orgasmic pulses from her sexual nucleus. Her naked body finally motionless, Marianne allowed her young mistress to drink from her hot hole. Lapping the flowing girl-come, swallowing the fruits of Marianne's orgasm, the girl drained her slave's cuntal sheath, cleansed her vaginal folds.

  'I enjoyed that!' Lydia gasped, pushing Marianne away and licking her juice-covered lips. 'Mmm, you taste good. Now I want you to lie over the tree so I can get to your bum.'

  Her legs sagging as she climbed to her feet, Marianne laid her naked body over the fallen tree. Her buttocks high, her feet wide apart, the very core of her femininity lay bared to her mistress. As Lydia moved behind her, Marianne again thought of Barry. He'd be fuming by now, having to return a portion of the money to Alan for failing to deliver the goods. As her buttocks were crudely yanked apart, she smiled, imagining Alan having to return to his deceived wife, his balls full, aching - his knob yearning for a hot female mouth.


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