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Enslaved Page 23

by Ray Gordon

  'Juxtaposition! Now, Marianne, you'll be at my house at ten, or as soon you can make it. Do you understand?'

  'Yes, I understand.'

  'This will override any other suggestions. You will be at house at ten o'clock or before. Wake up.'

  'I know what you've just done,' she giggled. 'I have no choice now, have I? I'll see you later. Bye, Rod.'

  'I'll look forward to it. Take care.'

  Closing the door, Marianne wandered into the kitchen, aware of her clitoris throbbing, her cuntal juices flowing, as she thought again about using one of Barry's vibrators. After I've taken him his breakfast, she decided, stepping through back door and making her way to the garage. 'God, he's careless,' she gasped, noticing the video camera on a shelf. Grabbing the camera and removing the cassette, she grinned. 'Like taking candy,' she giggled, replacing the camera. 'He's no money, and now no video tape!'

  Returning to the house, she hid the cassette in a kitchen cupboard and took the breakfast tray upstairs to Barry. 'Here we are,' she smiled, placing the tray on the bed. 'Breakfast in bed.'

  'Oh... er... yes, right, thanks,' he yawned as he sat up. 'This is nice. What made you do it, love?'

  'Why shouldn't I bring you breakfast in bed? Anyway, I'm going out shopping, I'll see you later.'

  'I don't want you to go out, Marianne. I have something planned for this morning.'

  'In that case, I'll stay in,' she smiled. 'I'll go and make you a coffee.'

  Leaving the room, Marianne knew that this was her only chance to get out of the house, away from Barry and his trigger word. Quietly closing the front door behind her, she slipped down the path and out into the street, breathing in the warm summer air as she almost skipped down the road. Her minidress doing nothing to conceal her smiling pussy-crack, she grinned. Soon I'll be in control. Not only of my own body, but of Barry's!

  Sitting on the park bench, Marianne imagined Barry's face when he took his first mouthful of scrambled egg. Stone cold and spicy hot, he'd curse her, call for her and curse her again when he discovered that she'd gone out without his permission. 'His slave's escaped,' she laughed, watching a man walking his dog. Thoughts of Rod looming, she recalled their first meeting, the dog running away with her wet panties.

  She desperately wanted to see Rod, to talk to him, to tell him of her beautiful night of sex. But was it wise to tell him about the men, the five throbbing knobs? Walking towards his house, not wanting to arrive too early, she decided to lie on the grass by his back gate, sunning herself - her pussy-crack. As she sat on the grass, to her horror she noticed Barry striding across the park towards the pond. 'Christ, he's come looking for me,' she gasped, leaping to her feet and dashing into Rod's back garden.

  Running around the side of the house, she hammered the front door, hoping he was in. 'You're early,' he beamed as he opened the door. Saying nothing, Marianne pushed him and walked through the hall to the lounge. 'What's up?' Rod asked as he followed her. 'Marianne, are you OK?'

  'He's out there, in the park,' she panted. 'My soon-to-be-bloody-ex, he's come looking for me.'

  'You're safe enough here. Calm down, Marianne. Sit down, and I'll make some coffee. Then we'll get straight into your hypnosis lesson, OK?'

  'The sooner the better,' she smiled, flopping onto the sofa, her exposed girl-crack grinning at Rod. 'Sorry,' she giggled, tugging her skirt down to conceal her femininity.

  'Please, don't apologize. You look wonderful.'

  'I wouldn't normally go around like this, but I can't wear panties,' she complained. 'Subconscious suggestion and all that. I can't pull panties up my legs - my hands just won't allow me to do it.'

  'All right, wait there and I'll bring the coffee in. And then we'll get you sorted out.'

  Placing the coffee on the table, Rod settled on the sofa beside Marianne. 'Now, what I intend to do is this,' he smiled, passing her a cup. 'I'll send you into a hypnotic trance, and then I'll teach you how to use hypnosis. As you failed the course, you're obviously not an easy one to teach but, under hypnosis, you'll take everything in. It's a bit like sleep learning.'

  'You're not going to use the trigger word, are you?'

  'No, no! I'll use my own methods to hypnotize you. I've been trying to think of the best way out of this problem and, hopefully, I've found the answer. All you'll have to do is hypnotize your boy - ex-boyfriend, and then tell him that the trigger word has changed. Erase the word jux... oh, I'd better not say it. Tell him that the trigger word is chandelier, candelabra, anything. You see, he'll then start using the new word, and you'll be able to feign hypnosis.'

  'But I want the trigger word erased from my subconscious, Rod. Too many people know about it. It's not only Barry.'

  'Yes, well, it's impossible to remove the word from your subconscious - as we discovered the other day. I can't erase the word - God knows why, but I can't do it. The point is, by telling him that the word has changed and erasing the real one from his memory, you'll be free.'

  'At least I'll be in control where Barry's concerned.'

  'I wouldn't try hypnotizing too many people, Marianne. It's not good to...'

  'I'll plant a trigger word in Barry's subconscious. I don't care what you say, I'm going to do it.'

  'Well, that's up to you - I can only advise you not to do it. Anyway, put your cup down and relax. That's it, lie back, hands loose by your sides. Now, close your eyes and listen to me.'

  All too aware of Rod's words, Marianne couldn't believe that she was under hypnosis as he rambled on. 'It hasn't worked,' she complained.

  'Relax, you're under hypnosis now, as I speak,' he assured her before continuing his monotonic instructions. 'It's in the eyes and the voice - and the faith you have in yourself, the faith to hypnotize. You'll look into your subject's eyes and use your eyes, and your calming voice to bring about a state of hypnosis.'

  Marianne sat in silence until her lesson was finally over and Rod snapped his fingers. 'There, all done,' he smiled as she turned to look at him.

  'But nothing happened.'

  'Didn't it? You now know how to use hypnosis, Marianne. It might take a while for you to master it completely, but you can do it well enough to give your ex a false trigger word and make him forget the real one.'

  'I've no idea how to hypnotize him.'

  'It's all in your subconscious. Just sit your subject down and make sure he's comfortable, that he has no distractions. Tell him that he feels sleepy, that his eyelids are heavy and...'

  'God, it sounds ridiculous. Heavy eyelids and all that crap.'

  'Just try it when you get home.'

  'OK, I will. But I'm sure it won't work - it can't.'

  'Go home now. Come back later this morning, and I guarantee that you'll be telling me you've successfully hypnotized your ex. Unless he's one of the very few who are so strong-willed that nothing will get through to them.'

  'That sounds like Barry,' Marianne sighed. 'He's a strong-willed bastard, all right. May I try it on you, Rod?'

  'No. Sorry, but no. Try it, as you put it, on your ex. Now, off you go.'

  'I'll come back later this morning. I... I'd like to see you again, Rod,' she smiled as she finished her coffee.

  'Yes, and I'd love to see you again. Go on, off you go. You've got work to do.'

  'OK. Wish me luck!'

  'You don't need luck. Go out the back way, and I'll see you later.'

  Waving as she walked through the gate and out into the park, Marianne couldn't believe that she now had the power to use hypnosis. Although a nagging voice deep within her subconscious told her that she could do it, she found the idea impossible. Praying that she would at last get her own back on Barry, she made her way home only to find that he was out. 'The bastard's probably still searching for me,' she hissed, climbing the stairs to her bedroom.

  Lying on her bed wondering what to do, she thought about hypnotically suggesting to Barry that he should tell his friends that Marianne had left, that there was no more fun to be had in the gara
ge. But she was torn. Although her gruelling evening of debauched sex had brought her immense satisfaction - too much satisfaction, she reflected - she wanted to be in complete control, instructing the men to do this and that to her naked body. Playing the submissive role was something she no longer wanted. Or was it? 'I really don't know what I want,' she sighed as the front door slammed shut. She wanted the debauched evenings to continue, she decided - but without Barry.

  'Marianne!' Barry bellowed from downstairs. 'Marianne, where the bloody hell are you?'

  'Up here, in the bedroom,' she replied, sitting on the edge of the bed, praying that she'd be able to hypnotize him as he burst into the room.

  'Where the hell did you get to?' he demanded.

  'Sit down, Barry,' she smiled, her voice soft, calm. 'I want to try an experiment.'

  'What the hell are you talking about? You went down to get my coffee, having given me a stone-cold breakfast covered in bloody pepper, and then you...'

  'Will you listen to me, Barry? Please, just relax, I have some news for you - good news. Now, sit in the chair and look into my eyes and relax. You feel calm, your eyelids are heavy...'

  'What the hell...?' he began as he sat down.

  'Sleepy, you feel sleepy, drifting, slowly drifting. Heavy eyelids, close them now. Close your eyes, Barry.'

  Watching in amazement as Barry closed his eyes, his head slumping forward, Marianne couldn't believe that she'd done it. 'Barry, stand up,' she ordered, stunned as he rose to his feet. 'Pull your trousers and shorts down.' Obediently, he followed her instruction, standing before his mistress with his penis hanging limp over his heavy balls. 'Wank for me. Come on, have a wank,' she giggled excitedly.

  Taking his stiffening penis in his hand, Barry complied, moving the loose skin back and forth over his swelling knob as Marianne watched with bated breath. Gasping as his pleasure increased, he grimaced, quickening his wanking rhythm. Soon he'd spurt his spunk all over the carpet, she knew. The tables have turned, she thought happily as he began to groan. 'Stop!' Marianne instructed with a wicked glint in her eye. His hands returning to his sides, his erect penis twitched, craving the last few wanking movements necessary to bring it spurting relief. 'Now, pull your trousers up. I'm having you spunking all over the bedroom carpet.'

  Unsure of herself, her ability to hypnotize, Marianne wondered whether Barry was playing her at her own game and feigning his own hypnotic trance. Talk about the tables turning, she mused again as she wondered how to test him. If he was faking and she told him that she knew what he'd been up to, that he'd sold her for sex, what the hell would his reaction be? Plunging so deep in the pool of deception, she wondered whether she'd ever be able to surface. If she revealed too much, and he wasn't hypnotized, he'd know that she... God, this is ridiculous, she thought. He knows that I know that he knows... What a bloody confusing mess!

  'One or two people have discovered that a trigger word was implanted in my subconscious by my course lecturer,' she began. 'You know nothing about the trigger word. I'm telling you in case you discover that Jill and Lydia hypnotize me and used me for lesbian sex. If you do know the word, which I don't think you do, then you'll forget it, Barry - it's gone, it no longer exists. I can't remember about Jill and Lydia using me, but I know that they did - I worked it out for myself. I was innocent, Barry. They used the trigger word and forced me to commit lesbian acts - I was completely innocent. Anyway, I've managed to change the word to... well, I don't suppose it matters if I tell you. The word is now "candelabra". No one knows about it. I might tell you one day so that we can have some fun, but no one else will ever know.'

  Still uncertain as to whether Barry really was in a state of hypnosis, Marianne ordered him to sit down. She wouldn't try planting a word in his subconscious, not yet, not until she was sure that he'd really been in a hypnotic trance. 'OK, wake up,' she ordered, clicking her fingers.

  Gazing around the room in apparent bewilderment, Barry frowned. 'What... what happened?' he asked, focusing his bleary eyes on Marianne.

  'What do you mean?'

  'I feel... I don't know, I feel strange. Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, the bloody breakfast was awful. And where the hell did you get to?'

  'I went for a walk, Barry.'


  Shit! Marianne cursed inwardly as she slipped into a trance. It didn't work.

  'So, try to use hypnosis on me, would you? I'll tell you this, my girl, my filthy little slut - it didn't work. But you've confirmed something for me, something that's been nagging at me for some time. I've been wondering whether you remember the things I've put you through. I was pretty certain that you remembered nothing, but there was always that nagging doubt. Now you've told me that you remember nothing, I've no need to worry. I can use you for even more perverted sex, make as much money as I can from your cunt, and you'll know nothing about it. You've no idea what I've put you through. Five men, five cocks, Marianne! You know nothing about that, do you? Candelabra, my arse! Now, wake up!'

  Sighing as she gazed at Barry, Marianne was close to tears. She would never escape this monster, she was sure of that. Rod and his bloody hypnosis, she thought angrily. Some bloody guarantee!

  'So, you've been for another of your walks, have you?' Barry asked.

  'Yes, is there anything wrong with that? I mean, I am my own person, Barry. If I feel like taking a walk, I'll take a walk. Anyway, I need some money. There's the shopping to be done and...'

  'All right, all right. I've got some cash in my other trousers. How much this time?'

  'Another fifty, if you have it.'

  'No problem,' he laughed, taking his trousers from the back of the chair. 'I'm doing well. I've several clients who have paid in advance and...'

  His face turning pale, Barry hurriedly searched his trouser pockets, cursing under his breath as he realized that the cash had gone. Frowning, he left the room and dashed downstairs. To check beneath the kitchen floor, Marianne thought. Grinning, she stood up and walked to the window, gazing out into the back garden. 'So, he uses me, and I use him,' she giggled, wondering what he'd think when he discovered that he'd not put the money beneath the kitchen floor.

  'Marianne!' he called up the stairs. 'Marianne, have you seen any money lying around?'

  'No, I haven't,' she replied, bounding down the stairs to the kitchen to be greeted by his angry face. 'You've not lost any, have you?'

  'I thought I had some in my trousers, but there's none there. I don't understand it. Five hundred was stolen, and now...'

  'How much did you have?'

  'Two hundred quid, for fuck's sake! Two hundred bloody quid, and it's gone!'

  'You're terrible with money, you really are.'

  'I haven't lost it, it's been taken.'

  'You've changed the locks, so how can it have been taken? When did you last see it?'

  'Last night, it was in my trousers - I'm sure.'

  'I don't know, Barry, I really don't. So there's no cash, then?'

  'No, there's no ready cash, but only temporarily. Believe me, only temporarily. I'm going to make a quick phone call,' he said, his mouth twisting into a grin as he closed the kitchen door behind him.

  Realizing that he was going to offer her body to someone for sex, Marianne grabbed her bag and slipped out of the back door. Creeping around the side of the house again, she made for the safety of the street. But what to do? Where to go? She could hardly spend all day in the park. Deciding to go next door and have a coffee with Natalie, she stole down the path and rang the bell.

  'Hi, Ian - is Natalie in?' she asked as the good-looking young man opened the door.

  'I'm afraid she's out, Marianne. Do you want to come in and wait?'

  'Yes, if you don't mind.'


  Stunned as she fell into a trance, Marianne stood on the doorstep, her hands trembling, her heart racing as she fell into a hypnotic trance. Natalie, obviously, had told her husband about the trigger word. No one can be trusted, s
he thought fearfully, wondering what Ian was going to do as he invited her into the house. Following him into the lounge, she stood in the centre of the room, her short dress catching Ian's eye as he sat in an armchair gazing at her.

  'So, the trigger word does work,' he smiled. 'When Nat told me all about it, I laughed. I thought you were having her on with all this hypnosis stuff. Anyway, she trusts me - poor cow! I told her that I'd never be unfaithful to her. I said that I'd never mention the word to you and do anything underhand. It's funny how things turn out. She's away for the day and I was just thinking, wouldn't it be great if I could get hold of Marianne and use the trigger word! Anyway, your timing's perfect. There's a sink full of washing-up, the house needs vacuuming and dusting, the bed has to be made, and there's a pile of ironing to be done... Nat told me to do it all while she's out, but you can do it for me.'

  Wondering why he was only going to use her as a housekeeper, Marianne bit her lip, praying that the day would come when she was free of the word - free of the people who only wanted to use her for their own satisfaction. 'There is one thing,' Ian began. 'I like my chargirls to go about their chores naked. Take your clothes off, Marianne.'

  Her hands mechanically slipping her minidress off and her feet kicking her shoes aside, Marianne stood completely naked before her young master. 'You've shaved your cunt,' he gasped in disbelief. 'My God, you've shaved your cunt. Come here and show me.' Walking towards Ian, Marianne stood with her feet apart, her full pussy lips smooth and hairless, her pink inner lips protruding unashamedly. 'You must be a dirty little bitch, shaving your cunt like that. I'm going to enjoy today. In fact, this is going to be the best day of my life. Before I fuck you, get on with the housework. Start with the washing up. I'll follow you around, watching you as you do the work. OK, into the kitchen and get started - slave!'

  Walking through the hall to the kitchen, Marianne stood at the sink, confronted by a pile of dirty dishes and plates. Beginning her first chore as Ian stood behind her, cupping and squeezing her taut buttocks in his grasping hands, she thought of Barry. He'd be cursing again, whining, not knowing that his girlfriend was next door, naked. As Ian's finger slipped between Marianne's thighs and toyed with her bulging pussy lips, she gasped. Her insatiable clitoris stirring yet again, she desperately needed the relief that orgasm brought. God, I'm a filthy whore, she thought as her womb contracted and her nipples hardened.


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