Haven Ward

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Haven Ward Page 17

by Elias Witherow

  I looked around, trying to piece together what was happening, “What is it? What’s been going on?”

  Bones looked at Progg, “I’m not talking around him. I paid him a lot of glu so we could talk in peace.”

  Nadia put a hand on Progg, “Thank you so so much. I’m eternally grateful for this. Really. But can you wait outside while we talk? Please? For me?”

  Progg pointed at Bones, “I’m coming after more glu asshole. This is really going to cost you.”

  Bones snorted, “Typical. A Sanction worker going back on his word. I already gave you all my glu just to be here, don’t think I have a hidden stash somewhere.”

  Grumbling, but obeying Nadia, Progg left. Before the door closed behind him he cocked his head, “I’ll be right out here. You have ten minutes.”

  When we were alone, Bones shook my hand, “Good to see you’re still alive and well kid. You hanging on alright?”

  “Yeah…yeah I’m ok.”

  Roland came and stood next to me, “A lot’s been going on Weston. A lot’s happened since you left the Gallows.”

  I held up a hand, silencing him. I looked at Nadia, “What gives? Why did you set his up?”

  She avoided my eyes, “I just…seeing you the other day…seeing what they were doing to you. You’re so young. It was hard enough keeping my mouth shut when they took grown men to Section 36, but a boy? What you said really got to me I guess. It’s not right. All you did was lose a game. You don’t deserve this life. No one does. I’m tired of ignoring what’s going on here. I can’t…” she was beginning to stutter, “I can’t pretend everything’s ok anymore. I don’t want to work for the Sanction. I can no longer be a part of this. I’m ready for a change.”

  Her words softened my anger, “I see. It’s good you want to change. But don’t think the sins you’ve already committed will be forgotten.”

  She wiped her eyes, “I know. I know. I’m ready to live with that, but what I can’t live with is continuing on like this. I have to do something.”

  I jerked my head towards the door, “Does Progg know anything about this?”

  She shook her head, “No! God no! I don’t care how much that man is infatuated with me, his heart truly belongs to the Sanction. He wouldn’t like it, but he’d turn me in if he knew what this meeting was really about.”

  “Well, what did you tell him it was about?”

  “I just said I wanted to check up on you, make sure you were doing ok.”

  I looked at Bones and Roland, “And these two? What’s their excuse?”

  Bones shrugged, “Same deal. He didn’t care so long there was glu involved. Cheap bastard.”

  Roland smiled, “I just so happened to get in a fight and had to go to the Medical Ward. I haven’t exactly found a way to earn some serious glu yet.”

  “So what is this about exactly?” I asked.

  Roland took the stand, “All hell has broken loose in the Gallows, boss. King crushed the Hunters, but there’s more. During our war with them, he stole a lot of stuff from the Sanction. A lot. Hovers, weapons, ammo, explosives, you name it, he got it.”

  Bones cleared his throat, “The only problem with that though, is that it’s drawn some unwanted attention.”

  “I’m sure it would,” I said.

  Bones continued, “The Hazmats have been riding him hard, but can’t seem to gain the upper hand. You heard Dynasty joined forces with Dragon right?”


  “Well it’s gone past that. King’s managed to unit all of the Gallows. Once the fight stopped being about tribes and the guns turned to the Sanction, people started listening. People started caring. All their lives they’ve been oppressed by these assholes. They want to take a stand. They want to fight. King’s army is immense. They’ve been fighting it out for weeks now, neither side gaining much ground.”

  I took all this information in, my spirits rising, “King united the entire Gallows? What about the smaller tribes?”

  Roland took over, “Once the Hunters were defeated, people started paying attention to what King was saying. Even before the Hunters lost, the Sanction was all over King, trying to get their equipment back and quench this uprising. They couldn’t. King knew he couldn’t win with the forces he had though. There just wasn’t enough. So he called a sit down with all the other tribes. The Killers, The Burning Sons, The Stone Fists, all of them. They talked for hours, far into the night through sunrise. He can be very convincing when he wants to, I’m sure you know. He told them that if we didn’t stand together and fight side by side, then the Sanction would eventually destroy us all. And it’s true. The Hazmats have been going crazy trying to get to King. They kill anyone who was in their way. It’s madness.”

  I ran a hand through my hair, “Damn. I had no idea things were so bad.”

  Roland continued, “King’s holding on. He’s stronger than ever now. With an entire city at his back, he’s definitely a force to be reckoned with. The Hazmats are beginning to panic. For a little over a week they were sending Hovers over the Gallows to drop bombs.”

  I gasped. They were trying to wipe the Gallows completely out?! A puzzle piece slid into place in my mind. The tremors I had been feeling must have been the bombs going off. No wonder Nigel didn’t want to talk about it!

  “They stopped bombing though right?” I asked.

  Roland nodded, “King finally had enough and organized some of his stolen Hovers to take the bomb ships out. The Sanction tried to send in more, but anytime they did they were shot down.”

  “So King is winning?!” I asked, starting to feel excited.

  Bones grunted, “No. They’ve hit an obstacle in the assault.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  Bones tapped the wall, “This. Haven Ward. So long as the Sanction holds this fortress, King doesn’t stand a chance in the long run. This is their last resort. They could hole up in here, regain their strength, and lash out again and again until King is defeated. He may be winning now, but eventually, he’ll be worn down, no matter how big his army is.

  Roland nodded his agreement, “And that’s where we come in.”

  I looked at him, puzzled, “What the hell are we going to do?”

  A dangerous glint sparked in his eyes, “We’re going to rip this place open from the inside out. Why else do you think I’m here?”

  Chapter 15

  I paused, allowing my brain to catch up. So many factors were in motion, so much risk, so much precision needed. I knew I wanted in on this. This was the moment I had been waiting for, all those empty hours locked in my cell came down to this.

  “What do you guys have in mind?” I asked, scanning their faces.

  Roland looked at Bones, “We need to do what’s King’s doing in the Gallows.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Roland sighed, “We need to rally together, join forces, and strike out with one united fist.”

  Bones chuckled, “I know you’re new here kid, but you had to have noticed how tensions are running a little high here these days. It’s not going to be easy to get the Prophets and Dragons to cooperate. Nevermind getting the Underdogs to fight without a shadow to hide in.”

  “Well we have to think of something,” Roland said, pacing with his hands behind his back, “King’s counting on me. He thought I was insane to come here, willingly, but I talked him into it. It’s the only way.”

  I stuttered, “Y-you wanted to come here?”

  “It’s the only way West. I made sure the Hazmat I killed was with a group so they’d see me and catch me. Little did they know it’s what I wanted.”

  “You got stones,” Bones said.

  “Yeah well that’s all for nothing if we can’t think of some way to get these animals to work together. I thought they’d be dying for an opportunity to take a swing at the Sanction. I didn’t expect tribal warfare to be such a big deal.”

  I snapped my fingers, “Bones, you’ve been here a while, you’re older, people will listen
to you.”

  He shrugged, “Yeah maybe. So what?”

  “You have to tell them about what’s going on in Section 36. It’s the only way. Most of the prisoners get blood drawn and you have to tell them why. Once they know the truth, they’re going to be furious. No one likes to be a pawn, especially inmates. They’re going to want revenge and hopefully they’ll see that the only way they can achieve that is to join forces. They’ll be forced to put aside their differences…at least for a while and that’s all we need.”

  Bones shifted, looking uncomfortable, “I don’t know West, if this doesn’t work, and the Warden catches wind of what I’ll be preaching, I’m a dead man.”

  I went to him and put both hands on his shoulders, “We’re all dead men if we don’t do something. King needs us. I know you’re not affiliated with Dynasty anymore, but I know you don’t want to see King destroyed.”

  Bones suddenly looked his age, his face a flurry of wrinkles, “You’re right. I can’t just sit by. I’ll do it.”

  Roland looked at me, “What’s all this about blood?”

  A waved a hand at him, “I’ll let Bones fill you on that one later, for now we have to decide what I can do. I can’t just twiddle my thumbs down there knowing all of you are putting your lives on the line.”

  Bones patted my cheek affectionately, “You’re going to be in the most danger. Don’t take any risks you don’t have too. You’re going to be all alone down there.”

  I smiled, “Not if I release all the prisoners. There’s only one problem. I have no way of getting out of my cell and if I wait till a doctor comes to draw blood, he’ll be escorted by Hazmats. I’d like to have some element of surprise. I don’t want all of Section 36 to come crashing down on me as soon as I’m free.”

  “Don’t worry about that. I’ll make sure you’re taken care of,” Bones reassured me.


  “You’ll see when the time comes. For now, use this to get out of your cell,” he handed me a small piece of metal about an inch long, no thicker than a toothpick, “Wedge this into the bottom of your door when they come to draw blood. If you’re making a fuss, raising hell, they’re not going to notice. It’ll stop the door from closing all the way. Not enough to notice, but enough to prevent it from locking. The tough part is putting it their without them seeing.”

  I stared at him, “How the hell did you think of this?”

  A glint came into the old man’s eyes, “Son, I’ve used this more times than you know. It works, trust me. Just be coy about placing it.”

  Suddenly the door to the Medical Ward opened and Progg motioned for me, “Come on, reunion’s over. Let’s move.”

  “Give us a day. King’s planning to start his assault tomorrow night. Once you feel the first tremor, you know it’s on,” Roland whispered to me.

  “Now Weston!” Progg growled.

  I nodded to Bones and threw Nadia a wink, “See you guys soon.”

  As I was escorted back, my mind was racing. This really was going to happen. We were really going to do this. If this worked, then this could be the start of something huge. I focused. For there to be an end, there had to be beginning.

  King had been planning this for a long time, Roland had sacrificed so much, Nadia and Bones were putting their lives at great risk. We all were, but it was something we had to do. Not just for King, but for all the suffering people in the Gallows. We were done being stepped on, finished being used for the Sanctions benefit. It was time to put a stop to this once and for all. No more innocents were going to die because the Sanction needed our blood, no more families being torn apart because Red City wanted a fix. Their reign of bloodshed was over.

  As we took the elevator back into the belly of Haven Ward, I thought about my part in all this. Bones was right. I was in the most danger, but I couldn’t fail. Could I rally the sickly victims to fight? Or would they just turn over in their bunks? It all depended on getting out of my cell. That was going to be tricky business. I knew I was only going to have one shot at that. I couldn’t blow it.

  When we reached Section 36, Progg hauled me back to my cell, both of us walking quickly and silently to avoid detection. We got to my cell and he pushed me in. He stood at the doorway, hands on the frame.

  “What were you talking about?” He asked quietly. The light of his goggles filled the dark room.

  “Excuse me?”

  Progg shifted his weight, his rifle slung around his back, “Don’t play games with me asshole. I know that wasn’t some friendly chat about the weather. You guys are up to something. I’m not an idiot.”

  I spread my arms, “I don’t know what you’re talking about. That was my best friend in there, he just got here and he wanted to see me.”

  “And Bones? Why’d he pay so much glu to see you?”

  “We got close before I was taken down here. He was worried.”

  Progg wasn’t buying it, “If you get Nadia mixed up in something, I will personally put a bullet through your skull.”

  “And what if she’s doing something she wants to do huh? What then? You going to put a bullet through her skull?”

  Progg pointed a finger at me, his voice a guttural whisper, “Don’t force me to make that choice, brat. It’s no secret I like her, but if you put me in the position where I have to act, you’re not going to like the outcome. My heart belongs to the Sanction.”

  I turned away from him and hopped up on my bed, “Whatever you say tough guy. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’d like to get some rest.”

  He stood in the doorway, glaring at me for a few hard seconds before muttering something under his breath and leaving. I watched his orange glow fade down the hall. Was Progg going to get in our way? It was risky involving him in the first place, but it couldn’t be helped. We had needed him. When the time came though, whos side would he choose? He said he put the Sanction before everything else, but I wondered.

  I lay, lost in thought, planning, thinking, grasping until sleep came and lulled me back into the world of twisted dreams.

  When I woke, I was covered in sweat, heart hammering. Ashleign had visited my sub-conscious again, crying out to me as she was ripped apart. I shook my head, clearing the cobwebs of my nightmares away, slapping myself in the face, waking me up. The lights were back on in the halls and I wondered how long I had been out. What were my allies above doing? Had Bones talked to the tribe leaders yet? I could only wait, heart thumping in anticipation.

  After a few painful hours of tortured boredom, Nigel came to take my blood. Three Hazmats were with him, guns at the ready. I stood to greet him. The Hazmats took a position outside the cell.

  “Good day to you!” Nigel said cheerily. “Tomorrow’s your big day! Draining day! Are you excited?”

  I fingered the tiny piece of metal Bones had given me, keeping quiet.

  Nigel walked to me, pulling out a needle, “I’m going to push you to your limit, draining you till you’re on deaths doorstep. Then I’m going to toss you back in here to recover your strength till next time! How’s that sound champ?” He drove the needle into my arm and pulled back on the plunger.

  I watched him, watched as my blood was taken from me, every ounce of my mind screaming to break free.

  Nigel finished up, ejecting the vial and slipping it into his pocket, “Thanks a ton sport. You’ve been a gem today.”

  Whistling to himself, he turned to leave when I called out to him, “Hey shit head.”

  He paused and turned around, completely oblivious as my haymaker plowed into his jaw. He cried out as I watched a tooth eject from his mouth and fall to the floor. He himself went down, stunned and dazed, as I raised my boot and brought it crunching down onto his nose. Rose petals of blood stained the white tile as he screamed.

  The Hazmats, jumping into action, opened the door and I lunged for them. I crashed into the leader, both of us falling to the floor. I struggled and lashed out, beating my fists into his body. I felt a blow to the side of the head and I was fl
ipped off my victim, banging my face against the doorway. This whole time I had the little piece of metal in my hand. Putting my fists on the floor as if to get up, I placed the metal length-wise against the base of the frame.

  Someone grabbed my hair and a gauntlet connected with my face. I stumbled into my cell and my back struck the edge of my bed causing bolts of pain to shoot up my spine. I blinked away blackness and saw the barrel of a gun inches from my face, the green shine of a Hazmat’s goggles above it.

  “Don’t shoot him you idiot!” Nigel yelled, grabbing the gun from him. “Don’t you know what he’s worth?!”

  The three Hazmats were surrounding me, Nigel squeezed between them, one hand lowering the gun in my face. His own face was a mess.

  I laughed, spitting out a wod of bloody spit, “Got you pretty good didn’t I shit face?!”

  Nigel pushed the Hazmats aside and kicked me, his face red with anger, “This’ll teach you to mess with me!” He snarled.

  I fell back, still laughing, taking the blow.

  “Come on, let’s get out of here and leave this freak to his insanity,” Nigel growled, turning to leave. They walked out the door and it slid shut. From the floor I smiled, seeing that it was still open just the tiniest of cracks.

  Nigel turned and gave me the finger, then his face slowly changed.

  Oh no.

  He motioned for the Hazmats to keep walking, but turned around and slowly came back to my cell. His eyes wide, he put his hand on the door and slowly pushed it open.


  He leaned down and picked up the little piece of metal, staring at it with disbelief.

  “Unbelievable,” he whispered.

  “You asshole!” I screamed, diving for him. He quickly stepped back and the door closed, the lock hissing. I threw my body against it, teeth bared, snaring, scratching. “You piece of shit I’m going to kill you!”

  Nigel’s face slowly broke out into a smile, the first ripples of laughter shaking him. Then he threw his head back and let loose, tears running down his face as he held his stomach. He pointed at me, “You sneaky little bastard! What a clever thing to try and pull!” He doubled over, unable to stop laughing.


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