The Dom with the Deviant Kittens

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The Dom with the Deviant Kittens Page 9

by Sorcha Black

  “That’s where your dress covered you to when you were reaching up. Didn’t you want to know?” Elodie’s expression was innocent, but there was a spark in her eye that belied it.

  A spark of warmth had started between her legs from that one touch. How did people stand having sex when every time this woman casually touched her, her panties caught fire? And why hadn’t it been that way with Josh? It didn’t make sense.

  “What are you thinking, ma Souris? I can hear your wheels turning.”

  “I’m just not used to being touched. It’s like an electric shock.”

  Elodie swaggered closer, backing Tess into the shelving. “Electric?”

  “Yes.” The redhead was so close the light scent of her soap was rolling over Tess in a hypnotizing wave. The blue in her slanted eyes was flecked with a feline yellow. A cat serious about pouncing on a toy. Please kiss me.

  “Oh, God. Get a room.” A middle-aged woman with two kids in her cart stomped past.

  The spell broken, Elodie backed a step, her face pink. Tess’s heart battered against her ribcage so hard she wondered if it would get bruised.

  “I’m sorry, Tess.” Elodie grimaced as they walked through a gauntlet of staring shoppers. “For some reason I have a hard time controlling myself around you.”

  The stares from the other shoppers were like physical blows, and Tess felt every one of them as they walked down the aisle.

  Fuck them. Fuck all these assholes. Would they stare like that if a guy kissed a girl? No. They’d probably think it was cute. Besides, Elodie hadn’t even kissed her.

  Damn it.


  Tess was relatively certain that her hamburger had crack in it. She may or may not have chewed it as she inhaled it. She and Elodie put away the groceries together, which meant they were done in no time.

  “So much easier with help.” Elodie sighed. “And if you’re here and you want something, just eat it. If we run out, put it on the list.”

  “Oh, I couldn’t. You’re paying me too much already.”

  “Shut up and eat, scrawny girl.”

  “I’m too full to eat anything.”

  Elodie took out a premade ice cream cone and shoved it at her. “Eat it! Dessert is good for your brain.”

  “No, I’m full. Besides, I think you’re making that up.”

  She gaped at Tess in mock affront then poked her in the nose with the ice cream.


  Elodie shoved her back against the counter, holding her there with her body. “Are you trying to say you’re too good to eat my ice cream?”

  Tess tried to laugh but nothing came out. Elodie’s gaze was intense. She leaned in, and just when she thought she’d kiss her, she changed course and licked the ice cream off her nose, then pushed away and handed Tess the cone.

  She bit into the vanilla cone and wiped the cold damp spot on her nose. The sexual undercurrents around Elodie were unavoidable. There was no use in denying it. At this rate, though, she was going to have to hide in the bathroom and get herself off or risk initiating something. Not that she knew how.

  “So what now, boss? Should I dust or fold laundry?”

  “Boss? So I’m the boss of you?”

  Tell me to do something and see what happens. “Well, you’re paying me to clean your house. Technically that makes you my boss.”

  Elodie groaned. “That makes what I’m going to propose seem so much less appropriate. We can talk laundry later. I have a plan.”

  “A plan?” That was good. She was starting to run out of the more obvious things to tidy, but the carpets needed cleaning, and some of the walls were cobwebbed. The ceiling fans all wore fur coats. Knowing what Elodie wanted her to do next would be helpful – she was so blasé about the whole thing, even with Tess doing the work. If anything, her employer purposely distracted her from her duties.

  “You still want to land that hot guy?”

  Great. This wasn’t about work at all. An uneasy feeling started in the pit of her stomach, like she got when a rollercoaster climbed the first big hill.

  Elodie, though, might be her best chance at developing a normal love life.


  “You’re not going to land him if you flinch every time he gets close to you.”

  “Is it that noticeable?”

  Elodie brushed Tess’s hair back from her face and Tess forced herself not to cringe. “You’re not even used to normal human interaction. Have you never been for a massage?”

  “Paying my rent takes priority, with eating coming a close second. I don’t have money or time for things like getting my nails done.” Maybe she bought books once in a while, but those were a necessity, and they were cheap when bought second hand.

  “As I thought.” Elodie nodded, but didn’t give her pity or mockery. Tess’s poverty seemed to be just a fact to her, not something to judge her for.

  “It’s not a big deal to me. Even if I could afford that stuff, a massage would be pretty low on the list. I can’t imagine letting a stranger touch me.” She took another bite of the ice cream, trying to let it cool her stupid hormones.

  “Well, this man you like isn’t really a friend, right? It would be almost like having a stranger touch you. You have to get used to that idea before you scare him off.”

  “But I can’t afford massages, so I’ll just have to figure out something else.”

  “If there was a comic convention this weekend, I’d put you in a sexy costume. Men would be lining up to hug you and take your picture. One day at a con and you’d be cured.” Elodie grimaced, as though she’d been there, done that.

  She’d said she had a plan, but Tess wasn’t about to ask. She got the feeling she might not like the answer.

  “So,” Elodie paused awkwardly. “Since that isn’t an option, I was thinking I’d massage you, myself. Not like a full on massage to start off with, unless you think you can handle it.”

  Get undressed in front of her? That was bad enough. But to let Elodie run her hands over her body as she had in Tess’s imagination several times today? How was she going to avoid getting turned on, considering Elodie already had her turned on?

  And whoa there! Why was she even thinking of letting Elodie touch her? She’d always thought she was straight, but Elodie was making her question that. The other stuff had been spur of the moment. This was all...premeditated.

  Seriously, though, considering how hot Elodie was, perhaps being attracted to her just made Tess sane.

  “Maybe it isn’t a good idea today. I don’t want to ruin this dress.”

  “I have plenty of clothes to lend you – or just give you outright. What I gave you the other day was just the tip of the iceberg.”

  Were they still talking about clothes, or was Elodie talking about something else? The mischievousness in her expression seemed to suggest more.

  What could she say? No thanks, I’m afraid it’s going to turn me on?

  Inwardly, she rolled her eyes. Did she want Tristan or didn’t she? Being chicken wasn’t getting her anywhere. The worst part, though, was that she really wanted Elodie to touch her.

  When she didn’t answer right away, Elodie held up a finger and ran upstairs. She was back quickly, with a baby doll dress in hand.

  “Don’t worry. This one is old. I dropped spaghetti on it and couldn’t get the stain out.” She pointed out the faded splotch. “If we get massage oil on it, it’s no big deal. When we’re done, you can shower and put your own stuff back on.”

  Why was Elodie being so nice to her? Was she playing with her, or was she actually into her?

  Tess popped the last of her cone into her mouth. She took the dress from Elodie’s hand, sighed, and headed for the bathroom.

  “Oh don’t be such a stick in the mud, Tess. Maybe you’ll even like it.”

  Without responding, Tess shut the door between them.


  Tess stripped down fast, before she could change her mind, and threw on the sundress. W
ould her bra be in the way? She took that off too then folded all of her clothes together and stuck them in the cupboard. Under the thin cotton dress, even her boring granny panties seemed like an inadequate barrier between Tess and naked.

  Elodie was waiting outside the bathroom door. “Very nice.” The redhead’s gaze lingered on Tess as though she liked what she saw and was eager to keep looking. Elodie took her by the hand and led her into the dining room. A massage table was set up close to the door.

  “You own a massage table?”

  “Lock set it up in here the other day because I was complaining it was too cold downstairs. Usually it lives in the...playroom.”

  “You have a playroom? But you don’t have any kids.”

  “No, like a playroom.”

  “Oh.” Tess had no idea what she was talking about. Obviously Elodie was trying to be delicate about something...oh. “You mean a dungeon?”

  Elodie grinned. “What do you know about things like that?”

  “I’m a virgin, not an idiot.” Tess grimaced, surprised at her own nerve. “Do you think I went on tour with the Kink Monsters for that long without picking up some of the lingo?”

  “Some people are oblivious to things they’re not involved in.” Elodie moved behind her and wound an elastic in the back of her hair. Her new bangs were too short to be tied back. “Is it something you think you’re into?”

  Tess tried to banish the shiver Elodie had left just by playing briefly with her hair. “I’ve been kissed on two separate occasions in my life. It’s a little too early to tell if I’m into kink. Everything is still a big deal to me – even kissing.”

  Elodie distractedly traced the seam of her own lips with a fingernail, as though she was also thinking about their kiss. “I’m sorry, Tess. I know I shouldn’t have kissed you. Kissing is a big deal to me too.”

  She shrugged. “It’s done.” It was a big deal, but what else could she say?

  When Elodie patted the table, Tess climbed up and lay face down, shocked at herself and wondering what her burger had been spiked with.

  The redhead went around the room, moving supplies closer. All too soon she was warming oil between her palms.

  Here goes nothing. Tess held her breath and squeezed her eyes shut.

  “Tess! I’m going to rub oil on your back, not shove a plug in your ass. Quit looking so freaked out.”

  They both started to laugh, and Tess worked on relaxing. At Elodie’s first touch, she startled, but forced herself to let her muscles relax.

  As her hands smoothed across Tess’s bare upper back, she worked at slowing her breathing. It tickled more than she could have imagined and she twitched and gasped every few seconds. She got the giggles, which gave Elodie the giggles too. The pleasure of being touched, and having the knots in her back worked on was so wonderful she eventually forgot to be nervous. Elodie slipped the straps of Tess’s dress down to give her better access to her shoulders, but kept stopping when she reached her mid-back. She tried to relax, but her own groans of pleasure and the feel of someone else’s hands on her skin were arousing.

  Elodie tugged at the back of her dress and made a sound of frustration. “I thought this thing was small enough that it wouldn’t bug me, but it’s definitely in my way. Take it off.”

  The modest part of her wanted to resist, but this was just too good. “Fine, but turn around.”

  “Oh jeez. You think I don’t have tits, mon amie?” She turned around anyway.

  Tess whipped off the dress and draped a towel over her butt, like she’d seen on TV. “Okay.”

  Elodie turned back then snickered. “That towel makes you feel braver?”

  “I don’t think you want to see my ass.”

  “Oh my! You’re not wearing underwear?”

  “Of course I am. They’re big and ugly too.”

  “Now that’s just sad.” Through the towel, Elodie grabbed Tess’s butt cheek, making her jump. “You have a sexy little ass. We need to get you some pretty panties if you’re going to start dating.”

  The proprietorial way Elodie handled her body was shocking, but Tess had to admit she loved it. No one else ever touched her, ever, except when Tristan was paid to. It wasn’t the same thing at all.

  Her personal masseuse smoothed oil over her lower back, working it in there, finding knots she didn’t know she had.

  “Lock is home. He might come in, just to make sure I’m behaving, but he can’t see anything with you lying like this.”

  Shit, she’d forgotten about him.

  “Okay.” If he walked in she was going to faint. Although, from the looks of him, Lock wasn’t someone who went without a girl for long. She’d probably be the five millionth girl he’d seen mostly naked, and close to the bottom of that for attractiveness. He had Elodie to mess around with. Tess wouldn’t even be a blip on his radar.

  Elodie worked her way down, pushing the towel and Tess’s underwear lower. She shifted uncomfortably, pulling the towel back up, but a few minutes later Elodie pushed it down again. It wasn’t worth arguing over. Then again, as she worked her way downward, Tess wasn’t sure she wanted her to stop. Her clit was throbbing and her panties were damp.

  “Elodie, are you behaving?” The low rumble made Tess want to bolt upright, but thankfully she remembered she was topless before she did anything crazy like get up.

  “Yes – she’s covered, see? I didn’t touch anything private. It’s just a regular massage.”

  Lock’s chuckle didn’t help to calm down her arousal. With him in the room, it made the whole situation feel that much naughtier. Like they’d been caught and now anything could happen.

  He came no further into the room, but Elodie went to him. She stood on her toes and kissed him, trying not to touch him with her oily hands.

  The kiss deepened, becoming more erotic, and Tess turned her head away to give them privacy. They were seriously sexy together. Lock had the whole hot geek thing going on, and his t-shirt showed off his huge, muscular arms. And how had she not noticed his circuit board tattoo earlier?

  “You should come and help me, chéri. Being touched by a woman isn’t the same as being touched by a man. I think she’s ready.”

  What? No! She whipped her head around to stare at Elodie. Again, Tess had the urge to sit up and grab for her clothes, but everything was out of reach except for the towel covering her ass. She was trapped.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea. Did you even ask Tess how she felt about it, or are you assuming she’ll agree?” He was next to the massage table now, and grinning down at Tess as though he thought Elodie was hilarious and was trying to share the joke. Tess, however, failed to see the humor.

  Amiably, Elodie bumped him with her hip. “It’s only me you want to touch and blah, blah, blah. I know. But think of poor Tess, here. Her heart is set on dating this guy, and if she bolts the first time he touches her, she’ll never get a second date.”

  Tess opened her mouth to refuse then closed it again. He’d refuse anyway, but even if he didn’t, what was the worst that could happen? Even if things became a little...inappropriate, wasn’t it a step in the direction she wanted to go anyway? Hopefully it wouldn’t make things awkward for her later, but the Kink Monsters were going on tour again in a few months. Financially, she could hold out until then even if this job ended badly. The chance to get some experience was too good to walk away from.

  Lock had backed a few steps as though he was going to leave, but then his gaze met Tess’s. Whatever he saw there made him walk back to her.

  “What were you going to say?”

  “Uh...I don’t know.” Damn he was tall. Not as huge across the shoulders as her boss at the clothing store, but quite intimidating. He crouched next to her, maintaining eye contact she seemed helpless to look away from.

  “I think you know.”

  The quiet but masculine self-assurance in his voice wreaked havoc with how much she already needed to masturbate. She nibbled on her lip, wondering what s
he could say. Acting like you had the hots for another woman’s man was dangerous ground. Besides, it was Tristan she wanted, not to be a couple’s plaything.

  At least not permanently. It wasn’t like Tristan even knew she existed. Saving herself for him was kind of ridiculous. He was going out on dates all the time, and he didn’t like good girls anyway.

  Locksley brushed a piece of hair back from her forehead and she almost purred.

  “Do you want me to help Elodie with this? No is a perfectly acceptable answer.”

  Her brain stuttered and she let her mental mouth hang open while she tried to look calm on the outside. This was practice, right? He didn’t want her anyway, so there was no pressure to be cool or whatever.

  “You could stay.” It came out in a squeak that completely failed to convey the cool confidence she’d hoped to project.

  His brow quirked and her thoughts melted into a puddle. “I could do that.”

  Locksley rose and he and Elodie exchanged a long look. She handed him the massage oil.

  Oh crap.

  He poured some into his palm and warmed it between his hands, then moved up beside her. Elodie took the bottle from him and started to spread oil on Tess’s calves and thighs. At first, his hands on her back were strong and impersonal. She didn’t burst into flames, as she’d feared, and after the first minute or so it felt so good that she stopped cringing. Elodie’s hands, softer and moving with more eloquence, cruised up and down her legs, working upward until she reached the inside of her thighs. Without comment, Elodie reached under the towel and drew Tess’s panties down matter-of-factly.

  “I can’t believe you wore these ugly things to come visit me.” Elodie clicked her tongue in disapproval. “Later I’m taking you shopping for prettier ones.”

  Tess’s cheeks burned at the rebuke, especially in front of Lock. She wasn’t sure how she felt about being so naked, considering Elodie was gradually heading for her girl bits and Locksley’s hands had started wandering up and down her sides, not shying away from the small swell of her breasts where they were squashed against the table.

  “I don’t have the kind of life where I need fancy underwear.” Tess tried to laugh, but it sounded strained even to her own ears.


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