Night Flight

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Night Flight Page 6

by Meriam Wilhelm

  “Can I make a suggestion?” asked Harmony. “I know you love that car. Before you go and sell it you might be interested in purchasing one of our older city trucks. Every seven or eight years we sell off all of our trucks and purchase new ones. They aren’t very pretty, but they are well maintained, good, solid trucks. And I can get you a good price on one.”

  Turning towards Jonathan, Matt said, “That’s a great idea little brother. Maybe we should go down to City Hall and take a look.” You could have dropped a penny in the room as we all stood a bit mesmerized.

  “What?” asked Matt. “I thought it was a good idea.”

  “I do too,” said Harmony. “Let me know when you want to come down. But don’t wait too long, they’ll go fast. Now I have to get back to work before they run me out of office! Thanks for all of your hard work,” she said as she dashed for the door.”Oh, and for the coffee and rolls too.”

  “Excuse me,” said Matt as he followed Harmony out to the sidewalk. “Harmony,” he called. She slowed her pace saying in her most annoyed voice, “If you want to talk with me you’ll have to walk with me. I really do need to get back. I have a Board meeting.”

  “Okay,” he said, picking up the pace. “Listen, I just wanted to say that I’m sorry I’ve been such a jerk.”

  Harmony stopped in her tracks and looked deep into his copper eyes before speaking.”Really?” she asked, uncertain whether he was being serious or just attempting to torture her further. What was it about those dark copper eyes that made her feel trapped?

  “Yeah, really,” he responded. “You caught me off guard the other day and I guess I didn’t respond the way I should have,” he said with eyes that showed he meant it.

  Glancing away for just a moment, she finally looked up at Matt, saying quietly, “I’m sorry too. I’m not usually that rude to strangers. I don’t know what came over me. This entire hotel business has been really stressful - for us all.” Harmony smiled and reached out her hand, “Friends?”

  “Friends,” he responded as he took her hand. This time the electricity that flew between them was of a softer, kinder nature. But it was there none the less.

  “What is that?” asked Matt. “Why does that keep happening whenever I touch you, just you?”

  “I don’t know. I guess we’ll just have to find out,” said Harmony as she briskly walked away wearing a big smile that Matt was none the wiser for.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Have you noticed that we have a little of this and a little of that left all over the store?” I asked Gail as I made another remnant from the 1/8 yard of fabric left on a bolt of pink calico. “In fact, we have lots of little bits and pieces. Before I go and order a bunch of new fabric, ribbon or yarn I think that it’s time that we have a big sale,” I said looking at Gail.

  “Okay,” said Gail with a tentative look on her face.

  “Why are you looking at me that way?” I asked.

  “I was just thinking about how we could make this kind of fun.”

  “Fun for whom?” I asked.

  “Fun for us; fun for our customers. What if we take all these end pieces and create some great craft kits? I mean most people won’t know what to do with just a little piece of fabric or ribbon or yarn. If we want them to buy it, we have to show them how they could use it. Plus, I think that we’ll make more money if all they have to do is buy the kit with everything already included in it,” Gail said looking like she had a million more ideas from where that came from.

  “I like the idea of craft kits, but isn’t it more work than we need to take on right now?” I asked. “I’m already feeling overwhelmed with our regular business as well as the planning for the cottages. And I’m still not sleeping well because I’m always fearful of being spirited away on an unexpected night flight.”

  “Tell you what - if we give Mrs. Schwartz a couple more hours a week and if she agrees to work with me, we can put all of the kits together. You won’t need to worry about anything until the sale day comes,” said Gail looking hopeful.

  “I love the idea and if you’re willing to do the work with Mrs. Schultz, I’m all for it!” I said and meant it too. I was just not into being creative this afternoon. It’s something that happens to me every once in a blue moon. And I was feeling pretty blue right now.

  There was something else that had been distracting me lately anyway and it involved Jonathan. Although Larry was making himself a regular at Mystique Creations, the same could not be said for Jonathan. And as much as I missed him I had been hesitant to pursue him knowing how busy he was. Well, that wasn’t exactly true. I was stubbornly refusing to be the first one to make the move. I wondered just how long I could hold out. And it hurt to think how long he might do the same.

  Recognizing the need to ditch my “high school” feelings of insecurity, I decided to tackle my problem head on by inviting everyone over to my house for Taco Tuesday. I love tacos and they are one of my favorite dishes to cook and, of course, there is always safety in numbers. On a whim, I called Blitz and invited her too thinking that this might be a great way for her to meet the team and to discuss including yoga classes at the cottages. And since we were sharing ideas, I thought that it might be good to include Ante too. Not only is he a culinary genius, he’s genuinely funny. I only hoped that Constance would agree with him being here tonight. Somehow, I thought that she might.

  When I stop and think about Jonathan, I have to recognize my own uncertainty when it comes to what I really want from him. We’ve had so many ups and downs over the last months and I guess that I am feeling more than a little insecure. So, even though everyone has told me to put my spell making on hold, I feel comfortable, which really means justified, including this small spell as part of my dinner preparation. After all, I have never been good at just waiting to see what will happen. I need to know just what to expect between Jonathan and I.

  Without giving it another thought I gathered the necessary candles, pulled out my cauldron and added all of the necessary ingredients. Once the water fully boiled and a mist formed, I took a big, deep breath and began my chant:

  Mother Earth and Sister Sea

  Please stop and hear my plea

  Fill me with your knowledge

  Whatever it be

  Clarity must be mine

  As I cross this mystique line

  Show me what I must see

  How my world is meant to be

  Will Jonathan always be by my side?

  Or am I meant to ride another tide

  Clarity please be given to me

  And let me know what our futures will be

  I chanted my request three times blowing out the one red and three sea blue colored candles once I had finished. The thing with my spell making is that, even when it works the way it should, I rarely get an answer right away. And sometimes I get an answer that I wasn’t looking for, like when I made the spell to stop the hotel from building on my street and everything went nuts. It’s almost as if the gods take their time deciding whether they are going to play fair or not. So I put the candles and my cauldron away and went back to preparing for tonight.

  Everyone arrived about the same time and introductions were made. Gail and Larry helped me set the table, Matt and Harmony helped make the guacamole and Jonathan and Blitz made the margaritas. Constance and Ante were arguing over whether you need to put lime in the guacamole or tequila in the salsa. It wasn’t until part way through dinner that I noticed that everyone had naturally partnered up; everyone, except me that is.

  It was easy to see that Larry and Gail were a match but I was somewhat surprised to see the ease with which Constance and Antes were communicating with each other. And it was curious indeed to see how easily Harmony and Matt had united in their laughter over something or other. I was a bit devastated to watch as Blitz stole Jonathan’s full attention and maybe his heart as well. Was this the answer the gods were giving me?

  Everyone laughed and joked about the possibilities ahead of us
at the cottages. The topic of Matt’s nickname came up and everyone took a turn joking about that. And when the topic of Blitz teaching yoga at the cottages came up both Jonathan and Matt thought it was a great idea. Only Larry seemed to be holding back, watching my face for a clue on how to respond.

  By ten p.m. I was in the kitchen finishing up the dishes when Larry came in to ask if I was okay.

  “Sure,” I said. “I love having friends for tacos.” But the tone in my voice gave me away and Larry was at my side as I let a sigh escape.

  “Want me to talk to Casanova Maxwell?” He asked.

  “No, no. He doesn’t owe me anything. It’s probably better this way. Blitz is a beauty and she is more Jonathan’s type anyway.” I couldn’t tell Larry that I had started this all by asking the gods for an answer. Well, they had given it to me, loud and clear.

  And now I had to figure out what to do with my heart.

  Chapter Thirteen

  I went back to work Wednesday morning with a burning desire to stay busy. I told Gail that I had come up with the perfect name for our sale of odds and ends. It was Crazy Crafting Days. And after selecting an upcoming Saturday for the big event, I went wild on social media telling everyone on Facebook, Twitter and every other site where we have an account all about our event.

  Gail and Mrs. Schwartz jumped right in and began creating neat little crafting kits. No random piece of left over lace, chording or fabric was safe. Patterns were created and paired with buttons, snaps, cottons and batting. Less desirable fabrics were cutified (a name Gail came up with) by coordinating them with lace, jewels and more. All in all I was surprised by the number of creative ways Gail and Mrs. Schwartz came up with to get rid of left over stuff. I even took a few pictures of their designs and quickly put them up on our website. And I added a little hype by promising door prizes on the day of the event. Now all I had to do was to come up with what those door prizes would actually be. Now and then I noticed that Gail used a spell or two to make a piece of ribbon grow or a length of fabric stretch in order to complete a kit; something Mrs. Schwartz seemed totally oblivious to. Gail never ceased to amaze me with the ease she exhibited with her magic.

  Between teaching classes, selling merchandise, chatting on Twitter and prepping for Crazy Crafting Days I was exhausted by the time the day was over.

  Gail sought me out at just as I was making my last cup of coffee for the day and bluntly asked, “Okay, what’s up? You have been working like a demon all day long. What or who is it that you are trying to avoid by diving so far into work?”

  “What?” I asked, pretending to be working on our website. It really was hard to stay on top of all of our social media demands and I was always mindful of my father’s comments about losing business if our website was less than fantastic. So I figured I was safe when Gail saw me working on our site.

  Realizing that she had not taken her eyes off me and knowing that her excellent witch abilities made it impossible for me to lie to her, I let out a long sigh and collapsed on our couch.

  Hugging Mrs. Schwartz and sending her on her way, Gail turned the closed sign over and headed back my way. It was suddenly five thirty and I was totally beat. But that didn’t mean that I would get rid of Gail anytime soon. I knew that I would tell her everything; I just didn’t know how to get it out.

  “Does this have anything to do with you playing cupid last night with Blitz and Jonathan?” she asked knowing me all too well.

  “I wasn’t intentionally playing cupid. They just seemed so perfect together. She is more Jonathan’s kind of girl; tiny, blonde and beautiful,” I said mournfully.

  “Since when is Jonathan in the market for a new girlfriend?” Gail asked with a confused look on her face. “I thought that you were the proud owner of that title.”

  So I told her. I told her how I had seen Larry visiting her daily when Jonathan was nowhere in sight. I told her how lonely I was and that I had cast a spell, a small spell, last night to find out what was going on with Jonathan.

  “And the gods answered me, that’s for sure. Jonathan was drawn to Blitz like a bug to light. He never even asked me how I was; just dove in with her.

  “It’s my own fault. I asked the gods to give me clarity and let me see what my future would be. I guess my future, or should I say his future is with Blitz. And who could blame him. She gorgeous and I can’t hate her because she came to dinner at my request and she’s my cousin and I love her.”

  “Oh, so you’re just going to sacrifice your happiness because you think that the gods gave you some insights into your future. You are an idiot, Olivia. Jonathan is crazy about you and you have continued to shut him down.”

  “I have not,” I said a bit too loudly. “I bet you don’t even have to ask Larry, he just pops over every day for a hug or to bring you a little something. He really is quite special and I am happy for you. I know that I sound jealous and I’m not really.” But even as I said it I knew I was.

  “Well, from where I’m sitting I think that Jonathan doesn’t come because you don’t ask. Why don’t you ask him to dinner or to the movies or even just see if he wants to go for a walk on the beach and get some yogurt? I think you’ll be surprised,” said Gail confidently.

  Hoping Gail was right and the gods were wrong, I called over to Larry’s. Both Matt and Jonathan had moved in with him a month or so ago and I thought I might be able to catch him there.

  “Good evening this is Dr. Maxwell, may I help you?” Matt answered the phone so formally that I was temporarily caught off guard.

  “Matt? “I said. “I’ve never heard you speak so formally.”

  “Oh, hi Olivia. This is Olivia, right?” he asked.

  “Yep, it’s me.”

  “Sorry for the formality. I am waiting for the Chair of my Sabbatical Committee to call and he’s an old professorial stick in the mud; so I pretend to be one too,” he said chortling.

  “Oh, well, I won’t keep you. I was just hoping to speak with Jonathan.”

  “Sorry doll,” he answered. “He is up at the site with Blitz talking about what her dream yoga studio would look like. You can try to reach him on his cell but I know the signals not good up there. You want me to have him call you?”

  “Um, no,” I started out. “That’s okay, he’s busy. I’ll catch him some other time.”

  “Olivia?” I heard Matt call my name but I was already hanging up.

  The gods had spoken and I guess I needed to listen.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “When was the last time you were here?” Constance whispered to Harmony.

  “I can’t remember. It must have been a long time ago. Mom was still alive, so I think I was pretty little.”

  “This place has always given me the creeps and today is no different,” said Harmony attempting to stand taller and more confident than she felt. After all, this had been her idea and she was the oldest sister; the one who wasn’t afraid of almost anything or anyone. Almost anyone but her that is.

  Prior to leaving her house Harmony had cast a spell that she hoped would strengthen her courage and enhance her skills. She wasn’t sure why she needed the second thing, but she had asked for it anyway:

  I am peaceful, I am strong

  May darkness, shadow me for not too long

  As day will follow night

  Everything will be alright

  I am always safe from harm

  The Goddess holds me in her arms

  Teach me the way

  As you guide me through this day

  Make me wise

  And enhance my skills through your eyes

  Harmony hadn’t pulled out her cauldron nor gone in search of herbs; she had simply sat in the quiet of the day and asked the gods for their help. And she sincerely hoped that they had heard her request.

  Looking ahead at the house that stood quietly on the hillside Constance wondered why she felt such dread. These were her mother’s people. Surely they would not wish any harm to them. Reaching th
e top step she eyed the pentacle knocker and slowly reached out for it.

  Before her fingers had a chance to wrap fully around the knocker, the door opened and a small woman of an undetermined age looked out at them.

  “Yes?” she said. “May I help you girls?”

  She was a tiny thing, perhaps no taller than four feet nine inches and she had a beautiful face that was lined with age. Her eyes sparkled the color of a deep blue sea. And as she smiled both Constance and Harmony found themselves relaxing a tiny bit.

  Harmony was the first to find her voice and started out, “Yes, we are...”

  “I know who you are,” the petite woman replied. “I wondered when we would see you again,” she said, stepping backwards and sweeping her arm aside to welcome them into her home. “My name is Lavandar and I am your Great-Aunt.”

  “Oh,” was all that Constance was able to say.

  “Come in, come in, before all of the good spirits escape,” she said, laughing when she noticed the confused faces of her grand nieces.

  “Thank you,” said Harmony. “I guess you know then that I’m Harmony and this is my sister, Constance.”

  “Is there not a third one of you?” the tiny woman asked as she walked towards what must be the living room. Dark curtains kept out any daylight and made Constance shiver as if she was suddenly cold.

  “Yes,” replied Harmony. “We have a sister named Olivia.”

  “She is named after me,” said a second woman who appeared out of nowhere. “I was your mother’s favorite aunt and so she named her last child after me,” she said smiling.

  “Oh, so is Great-Aunt Lavandar your sister?” Constance asked.

  “She is,” said Great-Aunt Olivia with neither a look of happiness nor pride.

  As Harmony looked closer at this second Great-Aunt, she noticed that she too had eyes the color of the sea. And although she was taller and heftier than her sister, she too held a certain beauty about her. A beauty that was somewhat diminished by the harsh look that currently covered her face.


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