Wolf's Mate Mpreg Romance Box Set

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Wolf's Mate Mpreg Romance Box Set Page 2

by Kiki Burrelli

  Luke had immediately gone into full animal stalk mode. No wonder the guy had been terrified at first. People didn't enjoy being hunted and that was exactly what he had been doing. He'd crept as close as he could with the intent of claiming, mounting.

  Luckily, Finn had thrown that first beer can at him. Luke's tunnel vision level of focus had been the only reason his reflexes hadn't been fast enough to catch the flying can in the first place. It had knocked a little sense into him and just as the lust-filled haze had begun to clear, Finn had jumped on him.

  Luke tried to sit on the stool at the island but his dick had other ideas, jutting and straining out so tightly against his jeans that it was uncomfortable to bend that way. So, he grabbed a mop instead and replayed the moment over and over in his mind. His inner wolf had immediately begun tracking Finn, noticing each motion as if he had been moving in slow motion. Then, Finn had done the unexpected and went on the defensive and leapt. Luke had wrapped his arms around him absolutely sure that all was lost to his instincts. He'd been milliseconds from throwing Finn on the floor, tearing his clothes off his body and mounting him. Except then Finn had started on about being a crazy maniac and he'd been able to let go. Not that it had been easy.

  Even now, with a length of a hallway and a closed door separating them, Luke found it difficult no to break down the flimsy wood and claim the man as his mate. And there was his second problem. Wolf shifters took mates, that wasn't unusual. But Luke was gay, had known since his teens. He was in his thirties now and always assumed that his sexual preference was what kept him from finding that one person in the world he was meant to be with. There had been others that he'd found, more than he really liked to think about, but they had been mutual, beneficial relationships.

  He'd assumed that the wolf inside most shifters demanded a mate to breed, and you couldn't breed with another man, so that had meant to Luke that he was exempt from the whole mating process. One glance at his fingertips, where claws were still distended instead of fingernails and at his raging hard-on that squeezed so firmly against his jeans he was sure he'd be able to read the cleaning instructions off of his cock and Luke began to think he was not exempt.

  Not only was he not exempt but his mate was now staying in the same house he was, one short hallway away.

  What had Frannie said before she left for that retreat? Don't worry, you won't even notice he's here. Finn is so unassuming I thought I only had two brothers for the first five years of my life.

  Unassuming? Alluring, feisty and seductive maybe. How could anyone not notice him? Luke definitely couldn't.

  Now, he came to the last, most devastating issue. Finn hadn't seemed anywhere near as affected by him. Here he was, pacing the kitchen with a mop in his hand like a lazy dance partner while the only man to ever make Luke lose his cool sat in another room, decidedly cold.

  He growled in frustration. Then froze and eyed Finn's bedroom door to see if he'd growled too loudly. Frannie knew about his shifter tendencies. He'd agreed to be interviewed by her as research for her books. But, the average, normal person didn't know about wolf shifters or shifters in general and the average person was happy that way.

  If Luke stood in that kitchen any longer, Finn would have first hand experience when it came to wolf shifters and what wolf shifters did when they found their mate. And then, not only would his good friend Frannie hate him, but Luke would hate himself. Just thinking about losing his control enough that he caused harm to Finn made a knot grow in his stomach. No. He was a monster, but not that type of monster.

  A short chuckle came from Finn's room. What was he laughing at? Already, Finn had moved on from their short, explosive interaction. The sound agitated Luke's ears, made his heart beat faster and his dick even harder. Like sex-filled nails on a lusty chalkboard.

  Part of his normally impeccable control was knowing his limits and right now, they were reached. Luke didn't bother walking back to his room for a change. Sure, he had beer all over his pants, but he didn't know if he would be strong enough to walk past Finn's bedroom twice. Thankfully, he had his wallet already in his pocket. After wiping the floor once more, he stowed the mop back in the closet and left out the front door.

  The day had been hot and although it was dusk, it was still warm and the middle of summer so the streets were busy. Luke had spent so much of his adult life as a lone wolf, crowds and urban areas grated at him. He didn't mind it so much inside of Frannie's house but walking alone, he felt twitchy and paranoid. Up ahead on the corner was the 45th Corner Pub, the closest thing he had to a regular joint. They had cheap beers and even cheaper shots of whiskey.

  "Hey, Luke," the waitress, Christina said with a wink. She'd found out she was barking up the wrong tree his first night in with Frannie, but unlike other girls, she didn't seem to mind and still flirted endlessly.

  He gave her a wave and walked straight to the bar, taking a seat at the wooden, high-backed barstool.

  "How come you never sit in my section anymore?" That was Christina again, sidling up to him, swinging her hips so hard Luke thought they might snap.

  "This place isn't that big. The whole thing is your section."

  She pretended to think on that while tapping a manicured finger against her lips. Luke had no doubt that move of hers had her other male patrons sweating all over. "True, except for the one place you always seem to want to sit, at the bar. Are you still mad at me? C'mon, baby, I already promised never to try to set you up again."

  Luke ignored her and ordered a shot and a pint from the owner who worked behind the bar. He was an older no nonsense type. He'd clearly lived a life, saw some shit. Luke had never heard him utter a single word all the times he'd come. He liked him.

  Luke downed the shot and quickly signaled for another. The second went down as smooth as the first and soon, he was ordering his third. This would be a quick night.

  "I thought you bear types liked the barely legal—"

  "I am not a bear," Luke growled.

  Christina shuddered lasciviously and rubbed the sides of her body in an overtly sexual way. "I love it when you get angry."

  Luke smirked. She was likable, if not a little annoying. "Don't you have other customers?" he prompted with no anger behind his words. He could handle a sassy waitress. What he really wanted to handle was a heartbreakingly solemn man with a mean throw.

  "Are you gonna listen to the man or do you want to hump his leg first?" a grisly voice asked from behind Luke.

  Instantly, his hackles rose and the hairs on the back of his neck stood straight up. It must have been the whiskey that had kept Luke from sensing the other shifter the second he'd stepped in.

  Christina shifted from sass to something harder. "Excuse me—"

  "No, Christina, I'll handle it. Besides, your other customers do look thirsty."

  She must have seen something in his face because the spunky waitress retreated without a snarky comment.

  "Imagine my surprise," the other man continued, sitting down on the barstool beside him and sliding Luke's untouched pint in front of himself, "when I heard that there was a lone wolf in this territory. A lone wolf? Here? Well, I thought it best to find this young pup and lead him in the right direction." He downed the contents of the pint in a few large gulps. "Now, imagine my even larger fucking surprise when I discover this lone wolf isn't just some lost nobody, but the wannabe alpha, booted from his pack as a wee faggy pup." He reached across Luke, grabbed the shot glass and downed the contents. "Your pa says hello, by the way."

  For once, Luke's animal and Luke the person were in total agreement. He whipped his arm out and cupped the other man at the back of his head, slamming his face forward against the edge of the bar. The guy groaned and slid to the floor. Blood spurted from his nose. "No he doesn't," Luke said calmly, evenly, standing over the groaning form. "My father hasn't spoken to me since I was sixteen. Get the fuck out of here and don't come back."

  "Luke?" Christina shrieked with no small amount of fear.

  "I'm sorry, babe." He pulled out a hundred dollar bill and tossed it on the counter. "You should probably call the cops before this dickwad finds his feet."

  He had to force his legs to calm down, to keep his pace even on the sidewalk. He wasn't scared, far from it. Luke felt alive. His inner wolf howled its approval and Luke felt like howling right along with it. That had been better than a shot of top shelf whiskey, better than a pay per view game you didn't have to pay for, better than sex…

  He stopped in his tracks.

  It might have been better than normal sex, but it sure as hell couldn't hold a candle against the sex he would never have with his mate if he ended up dead because Luke couldn't keep his goddamn temper.

  Luke did run now, the few blocks down and over back to the house that was covered with his scent. He slammed the door open. "Finn!" he bellowed. "Finn, grab your shit, we need to—"

  Finn came around the corner of the hallway wearing a tight white v-neck t-shirt and plaid boxers that clung to his thighs and did nothing to hide his erection. He groggily scratched the back of his head, mussing his dirty blond hair while looking up under his lashes at Luke with the sexiest come-fuck-me stare. "What the hell man?" he said on a yawn. Luke smelled the beer on him. Had he slammed the rest of that six pack?

  "Pack your bags," Luke said with more anger than he'd intended.

  Heartbreak, anger, sadness and then bleak acceptance was what he saw on Finn's face, in that order. "Did Frannie change her mind? She couldn't do it herself so she sent her boyfriend?"


  "Man-thing, friend with benefits, fuck-buddy, whatever. I don't need to know the gruesome terms of your relationship. The end result is the same. Tell her thanks for letting me take a nap here."

  Luke was often silent but not because he was at a loss for words. He searched his brain for the right words now but found only growls. "I'm—I'm not sleeping with your sister. She isn't the sibling I—it doesn't matter. My point is, I'm not fucking Frannie." Somehow, he managed to stutter through what he wanted to say.

  A moment of silence and then, "Okay."

  Okay? "Finn, we have to go, both of us. I'll get the word out to Frannie, but—"

  "I'm not going anywhere with you," Finn said, turning from him, dismissing him.

  Oh no. That would not do. Luke vaulted in front of him, standing in his face, his space. "I'm trying to keep you safe."

  "From what? The most dangerous thing I can see is you. You smell like liquor and look like you ran here. You don't know anything about me so just leave me alone so I can get back to bed. I was having this really great dream about—"

  He stopped talking abruptly. Suspiciously abrupt.

  It could've been his wolf's vision or maybe anyone would've noticed the way Finn blushed and then the way his deep brown eyes fell down to Luke's lips and as if the motion was involuntary, the way his tongue licked his own lips as he did.

  A growl ripped from Luke's throat that was all wolf. He crushed his lips against the other man's, claiming his mouth. For one heart stopping moment, Finn was stiff as a tree against him, but then he sighed into Luke's mouth, all at once giving as good as he was taking.

  Luke already knew what it felt like to hold Finn and he needed that feeling again. He lifted Finn up, a wide palm on each ass cheek. Finn immediately wrapped his legs around Luke's waist, anchoring himself against Luke's erection. He groaned, loving the friction and ripped his mouth away to kiss Finn's neck. Kisses turned into little nips that left red marks on his skin. He swelled with pride at the sight of the reddened skin. Luke had done that and when anyone else saw the marks on Finn's skin they would know he was taken and cared for. He licked over the spots he'd nibbled, loving the squeaking noises coming from Finn.

  "Are you alright?" That was Luke the man asking. His inner wolf snarled at the prospect of giving his mate the smallest chance of refusing them, refusing this.

  "Shut the fuck up," Finn replied in a human version of a snarl. The wolf approved. He bucked forward, unexpectedly, thrusting his erection against Luke's. He pitched back, falling off balance and they landed on one side of the sectional sofa, tumbling over the top and back on the floor.


  Finn was on fire. His skin was flushed, his dick rock hard. He'd been a little buzzed when he went to sleep and woke up from a dream where he had been, well doing exactly the same thing he was doing now, except in the dream he had less clothes on.

  Straight, gay, bi…he didn't know. He didn't care. All he knew was that he needed to get his boxers off. He needed to feel Luke's cock, now. But the imposing man was suddenly treating him with kid gloves, rubbing his arms, up and down and then along the curve of his ass. They'd landed on the living room floor, may have already broken the coffee table. Finn would replace it. A small price.

  He twisted around, the other man loomed powerfully over him. He grabbed for the buttons at his jeans. Luke made a strangled noise and helped him pull his pants down and over his ass. Finn licked his lips at the sight of the cock that sprang out and into his face. Long—longer than his—and thick. It felt like the most natural thing in the world to wrap his lips around it and let his mouth slide down, down the shaft until he felt the head of him brush against the back of his throat.

  Finn choked on it, but even that, he liked. Luke made a sound so raw it didn't seem human. Finn slid his mouth back out and then down again, a bit of fluid leaked into his mouth and he was surprised to discover it actually tasted good. Sweeter than he'd been expecting and spicy. He moaned his pleasure at the taste and that seemed Luke's undoing. He held Finn's face with a hand on either side of his head and fucked his mouth, shoving his cock into his inexperienced mouth until he gagged. He let it slide nearly all the way out, just to shove it back in again, keeping a relentless pace that made Finn's eyes water from the repeated gagging.

  Finn loved every second of the carnal act. Never had he felt so full or complete. Finn let his wandering hand slide up Luke's leg until he found his balls, tight and constricted against a tense body. Finn brushed the sack with his fingers.

  Luke howled. "I'm going to cum. Finn, are you ready?" His own name had never sounded sexier.

  In response, he kept his lips tightly wrapped around Luke's dick. Finn brushed his sack more firmly and was rewarded by jet after jet of hot fluid. Abstractly, Finn had been ready for the man to cum but he hadn't expected the force of it and at first, some fell out of his mouth and dribbled down his chin. He was able to catch most of it though and swallowed it greedily, already addicted to the flavor of him.

  "Turn over," Luke ordered as he was physically lifting Finn and flipping him so that he was on his hands and knees on the carpet. "I need to taste you."

  Finn thought if Luke needed to taste him then backside down would've been easier. Luke pulled his boxers down and using a hand on each cheek, spread Finn open so that his little pink hole was front and center. "There you are," Luke whispered reverently. His exhalation was a burst of hot air against his tight hole.

  Finn was shocked into stillness. What did the man have planned? Would he like it?

  Then, Luke licked a circle around the pucker, lapping at the skin there like it was an ice cream cone. Finn wailed, the sound full of lust and pleasure. Luke's tongue probing his hole was a feeling like no other, tingly and warm. It shoved tendrils of pleasure into each of his limbs, from his curling toes to his foggy, lust-filled head. Luke pushed his tongue in the hole and Finn felt like he might pass out from the sensations. His head was light and his breath came in gasps.

  Luke reached around him and grabbed Finn's hard cock, giving it a good, firm, downward stroke. Immediately, a splash of pre-cum coated Luke's fingers. He chuckled and Finn felt the sound of it reverberate through his body.

  "You were as turned on as I was earlier," Luke spoke to him through the haze. "You wanted this as much as me. Do you want to know why?"

  Finn wanted his ass filled. He whimpered and angled his lower body upward in a si
lent invitation.

  "Later then," Luke said though Finn wasn't sure he even knew what he'd been saying. Luke rose so that he was on his knees behind him and let the head of his cock rest against Finn's tight entrance.

  Finn froze. Things like this required lube, or something like that, right? He'd heard this sort of act could really hurt if both parties weren't prepared.

  "Don't worry," Luke murmured. "This won't hurt, not how you are expecting." As he spoke a jet of hot fluid dribbled out of his cock and against Finn's waiting hole. As it did, Finn felt the most amazing transformation. His asshole tingled, like he'd applied a sensation enhancing cream. Did the man have magic cum? It certainly felt that way as he was pushing the head of his cock in Finn's virgin hole and all Finn could feel was white hot, blazing pleasure.

  Soon, he was thankful for the magic cum. A handful of short thrusts and he felt full, although he knew Luke wasn't all the way in yet. He dared to look back over his shoulder and saw Luke's face of pure concentration. His shaft was only half buried in Finn's wanton ass.

  "I can take it," he said through gritted teeth.

  Luke grabbed his hips and groaned, pushing in an inch further. "I don't want to hurt you."

  "I want you to," Finn said though in truth, there wasn't anything unpleasant about it. More of just an overwhelming sense of fullness. He bucked back and was rewarded with a sharp hiss and more of Luke's cock. The heat of the man mounting him, the sounds of his steady breathing combined with Finn's own whimpers urged him into a possessed and needy state. "Come on, Luke, fuck me. This is my first time so you have to make it good," he said between gasps.

  The strong hands at his hips spasmed once in answer to Finn's confession. Then, Luke slid an arm under Finn's belly and slammed the rest of the way in. Finn felt Luke's balls slap against his own and he howled. Luke wasn't done, thrusting in and out with wild abandon as if he'd been taken over, consumed by something he had been trying too hard to hold back.

  His other hand found Finn's cock and stroked it furiously as he thrust, brutally in and out. It didn't take Finn long to come all over the rug, and then Luke hunched over, his mouth at the crook where Finn's shoulder met his neck and he bit down. Not enough to break skin, but enough to keep him in place as Luke spilled the entire contents of his cock into Finn's no longer virgin asshole.


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