An Unexpected Proposal (St Daine Family 1)

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An Unexpected Proposal (St Daine Family 1) Page 21

by Leighann Dobbs

  He had not gone back to the study with Sebastian as she had expected him to, but had come to kneel in front of the lounge where she sat. He reached out a hand to ruffle the hair on top of her head, the same as he had done many times before, to make her look at him.

  “What has happened?”

  Wiping away her tears on the material of her skirts, Julia lifted her head. “I am to be Christina's chaperon and companion for the Season.”

  His concerned frown disappeared, to be replaced almost instantly with a wide, curving smile and Julia realized, too late, he would not understand the import of her words. His 'congratulations' offered in a cheery tone which grated on her already frazzled composure a scant second later proved it.

  “I am certain Christina will be delighted to have the company of her older sister as she beards the marriage mart for the first time. The voice of wisdom and all that,” he offered, but his smile disappeared at her frustrated groan.

  “Wisdom you obviously lack if you fail to see how my being relegated to the position of my younger sister's chaperon indicates the marked lack of need for my own. Ooooh!” she cried, irritated by both his failure to understand her dilemma and the significance of it. It was bad enough she had admitted her shame to him, her abject failure as a woman, but to then be forced to explain...

  Her tear-stained eyes met his. “I have been shelved, Adrien, and what is worse, I have been placed upon said shelf by none other than the loving hand of my own mother!”

  “Shelved?” Confusion knit his brow. “My most sincere apologies for my ignorance in such matters, Julia, but I am afraid I do not understand-”

  Julia groaned again, but he would not allow her to hide her face and ignore him as she wished she had done earlier instead of choosing to share her dilemma with him.

  For the next five minutes, time she spent most studiously avoiding his gaze, Julia explained to him the meaning of being 'shelved,' as she had so in-eloquently phrased the term describing her unwanted entry into the world of spinsterhood, and then, she proceeded to elaborate on the mortifying significance of being reduced to such a state, not only for herself as a woman, but because of the implications upon the entire Locke family. Sebastian was, after all, the latest Duke of Kelsing. Her demotion was certain to reflect badly upon him, indeed, upon them all. But Adrien remained wholly unconvinced her mother's edict should be considered 'a bad thing.'

  “I fail to see a problem with this, Julia. In fact, you should consider it a boon.” He shrugged. “With the pressure of trying to find a husband removed, you will be allowed much greater freedom to show everyone what a lovely person you are without having Sebastian or Christian or even Nick constantly shadowing your every move.”

  Stunned by his insight, Julia considered his words. Freedom to be herself? She had not thought of that. In fact, she had been so busy wallowing in her own feelings of inadequacy and failure she had not thought it possible to find a good side to her predicament. But now that he had pointed it out, Julia suddenly clearly saw a myriad of wonderful possibilities that only the label of spinsterhood could bring.

  Springing up from the lounge, her thoughts now filled with plans which had nothing whatsoever to do with creating a favorable launch into Society for Christina, she grinned and then bent to press a quick kiss his cheek before rushing off to the door. “Thank you so much, Adrien. You have been a great help, as always.”

  “For you? Any time.”

  Chuckling at her at her rapid retreat, Adrien shook his head, puzzled by her mercurial change of mood. “Sleep well, Julia.”

  Locating the book Sebastian had mentioned, he made his way back to the study where his friend and future business partner waited. “Found it. Did you know your mother apparently made Julia a spinster this morning?”

  Sebastian, duke of Kelsing and the eldest Locke male, frowned at him, uncomprehending and, feeling smugly superior thanks to Julia's earlier explanation of the thing, Adrien hastened to explicate.

  “She has been shelved, m'boy, and by your mother, no less. I found her crying over her frightful state in the library.” When Sebastian rose from his chair and started for the door, Adrien caught him by the shoulder and shook his head. “No, no, she has gone off to her room now. No need to chase after her and play concerned parent.”

  “I wasn't-” Sebastian started with a frown, and Adrien grinned. He knew how it pained Sebastian when someone accused him of trying to fill his father's shoes. Therefore, he made a point to do so at every possible opportunity. “Leave it, Sebastian. Julia is likely snuggled into her sheets by now, dreaming of a much simpler life wherein she is free to enjoy herself without having either of you tyrannical Locke males constantly breathing down her neck.”

  After a moment's hesitation, Sebastian returned to his father's desk and poured two glasses of port before handing one to Adrien. “To Wyndham-Locke Shipping and the beginning of a fine partnership.”

  Adrien took the proffered glass, hefting it in agreement. “To Wyndham-Locke. Long may it prosper.”

  Dropping into one of the fine leather upholstered chairs near the low-burning fire, Adrien studied the remaining liquid in his glass, his thoughts still on the poor girl who had just left him in the library.

  The things she had told him about how her being pronounced a spinster meant she was no longer considered a good match for marriage had been completely absurd. Being both beautiful and intelligent as well as the eldest daughter of the late duke of Kelsing, Julia should have had no shortage of offers for her hand.

  So why hadn't she?

  Not that he should be worrying over the matter personally. As a friend of the family, Adrien enjoyed a great deal of familiarity with each member of the Locke clan but husband finding was not, nor would it ever be, within his repertoire of 'friendly deeds done well'.

  Julia would be fine, he reassured himself. She just needed a bit of time to become comfortable with herself as a woman. Didn't she?

  “How old is Julia, Sebastian? Surely she cannot be much more advanced than Christina?”

  Sebastian, who had busied himself with leafing through the book Adrien retrieved from the library, grunted noncommittally. But then, just when Adrien decided he was not going to get an answer, Sebastian volunteered, “Twenty-four this spring. I bought her a silk-lined fur-trimmed cloak in remembrance, if I correctly recall.”

  “Spring? Have you quite forgotten the date in your old age, duke?”

  The comment earned him a glare.

  “I have not. Julia celebrated her birthday just last week. If anyone has become forgetful in his advancing years, it is you, Wyndham. You seem to have missed the affair.”

  Frowning, Adrien considered the matter and then shook his head. “Quite so.”

  He must remember to bring her a gift when next he came 'round to speak with Sebastian regarding their shipping endeavor. Until then, however, there was work to be done. He cleared his throat and leaned forward. “The captain you asked me to make inquiries about, his name is Parker Osburne. Acquaintance of Nick's, I believe...”

  * * *

  Upstairs in her room, Julia stood before her wardrobe, her bottom lip pinned between her teeth as she contemplated her clothing with a critical eye. Finally, decision made, she scooped out an armful and tossed it decisively onto the bed. No more soft pastels and virginal whites for her, she determined, and her armoire full of dresses were not the only things she intended to be rid of, either.

  Oh, nay, indeed.

  If, in the eyes of Society, she were to be cast off as too old to be an acceptable bride, she would feel neither compunction nor remorse for casting off most of Society's confining rules...and she had Adrien to thank for pointing out the path to her freedom.

  A smile, slowly borne yet quickly grown spread across her lips.

  Copr 2015

  This is a work of fiction.

  None of it is real. All names, places, and events are products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to real names, places, or
events are purely coincidental, and should not be construed as being real.


  Copyright © 2015

  Leighann Dobbs

  All Rights Reserved.

  No part of this work may be used or reproduced in any manner, except as allowable under “fair use,” without the express written permission of the author.




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