THE BILLIONAIRE'S BABY (A Secret Baby Romance)

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THE BILLIONAIRE'S BABY (A Secret Baby Romance) Page 13

by Mia Carson

  I glanced at my phone one more time before closing my eyes and noticed Braden hadn’t tried to text or call since I’d called in sick that morning. Perhaps he was laying low and waiting to talk to me in person at work tomorrow. As I drifted off to sleep, there was a nervous hum in my stomach.


  My heart dropped into my stomach as my mind flashed through yesterday afternoon’s events. My surprised and hurt feelings after the PR meeting with Shawna Young, how I sought comfort in Lexi and gave in to my fiery attraction for her. Resisting her had been futile, especially when her soft, skillful hands had begun to rub my shoulders.

  Then she’d left me with the threat of finding another job and quitting, and it felt like I’d been punched in the gut. I could see she had feelings for me other than the obvious physical ones, and it was beyond frustrating that she held them back, though I could understand her reasons.

  Even if she’d forgiven me for my horribly chauvinistic behavior when we’d first met, I had such a womanizing reputation she probably didn’t want to risk getting hurt. I needed to show her that I wasn’t a true playboy, that it was a stupid habit I’d started and hadn’t pulled out of—until I’d met Lexi. But I couldn’t think of a surefire way to make her realize that my feelings for her were real and that I’d never cheat on her or leave her in the lurch. I wanted to be with her in a serious, long-term relationship. And now, she’d called in sick Tuesday morning and not responded to any of my texts or voicemails.

  While I sat at my desk and gazed out at the view from my office window-wall, I heaved a sigh and texted Scott. Five minutes later, my best friend knocked and came in, plopping himself down in one of the chairs that faced my desk. Scott observed my face for a few seconds. “Is it Lexi, Shawna, or Keith that’s bothering you?”

  “All of them, though Shawna and Keith are simply annoying situations,” I replied flatly and cleared my throat as my cheeks flamed. “But, Lexi and I… uh, kinda had sex after the meeting in the conference room.” I winced inwardly and waited for his reaction, knowing it sounded pretty bad when I said it out loud. I also had to push back the smoldering image of Lexi pressed flat against the table, her long black hair spread wildly around her opalescent-toned body as her gorgeous ass and pussy faced me—damn, that had been hot.

  Scott’s brown eyes rounded and his mouth dropped, as expected. “Holy shit, Braden, that’s seriously raunchy. And what about your agreement with her? How’d she react?” He glanced at the door that joined my office with Lexi’s and lowered his voice as he spoke.

  “It’s okay,” I assured him. “She called in sick today, which tells you something about her reaction.” I sighed again. “She’s definitely upset. She won’t respond to my texts or calls, and she said she’s looking for a new job.”

  Scott let out a low whistle, shook his head, and, very unhelpfully, said, “That’s bad. That’s really bad, Braden. Do you think she’ll come back at all?”

  A surge of anger rushed through me as I frowned at him. “Hell, Scott, way to boost my spirits. How about some helpful advice or encouragement—anything.”

  He held up his hands in defense. “Whoa, easy there. I know you’re upset about Lexi and Shawna, but don’t take it out on me.”

  I tried to lower my heart-rate, drawing in a long breath. I pulled my hands across my face and took a sip of coffee. “Sorry, I… Well, I just don’t know what to do. I was hoping you might have an idea.”


  After hashing out a basic plan of action for Lexi, and a little one that involved a few talks with the media, Shawna, and Keith about our unsavory image, Scott left and I got to work. After I’d set up two press conferences, arranged by Shawna, that would hopefully help improve our image, I arranged to fly down to Rio for the serious chat with Keith as well as check in on the shoot.

  When I left to meet Adrianna for a late lunch at a nearby sushi restaurant, I felt a bit more in control and notably less upset. I was going to fly out on the private jet that night and stay in Rio until Saturday. Not only would it help me deal with Keith, but it forced me to back away from Lexi—no more temptation to jump her in conference rooms—or anywhere else, for that matter. I’d email, call, or text Lexi for the rest of the week for work-related tasks only—if she actually came back. I suspected she would return because she’d told me her dad had an appointment that Thursday, and she wouldn’t risk dropping the benefits.

  Once my sister and I ordered and ate half of our sushi, I told her what had happened with Lexi. After a reprimand of how careless my actions had been, Addy gave her two cents. “Okay, while it may not seem like it, all is not lost. You still have a shot.” Her eyes were earnest with a spark of excitement as she continued. “Mom and I can both see that you two are smitten with each other, not to mention perfect together. I can only see one way for you to truly show Lexi you’re dead serious about having a relationship with her and have ditched your playboy ways.” She paused, and her blue eyes danced with mischief.

  “Okay, and what way is that?” I prompted when her pause continued.

  “Propose,” she said simply. I nearly choked on my dragon roll. “Braden, you have to propose to her, and soon. It’s the only way. I’ll go ring shopping with you this Sunday when you get back!”

  My eyes widened while Addy clapped her hands gleefully together. Propose marriage? It wasn’t that I didn’t want to get engaged to Lexi. I just hadn’t given the idea much thought since we hadn’t known each other all that long. But I suddenly realized that, for my part, the thought of being engaged to this smart, sexy, beautiful woman made my insides warm up. “I can’t believe I’m saying this,” I said as I looked at my sister, “but I think you might be right.”


  As the late afternoon approached and my estate manager packed my suitcase to bring to my office so I could leave for the Rio flight straight from work, I carried out part two of my new Lexi-plan. Scott and my sister had given me great advice—even eye-opening with Addy’s idea to propose—but I had my own secret part of the plan.

  This idea would ensure that Lexi wouldn’t get a new job this week, or in the following weeks, and quit before I could coax her to go to dinner with me so I could propose. I’d already messaged my private investigator with instructions to find out where Lexi had applied and where she’d posted her resume, since I was sure she’d start looking immediately.

  I was right. By five p.m. Wednesday, I’d received the results. Lexi had applied to six production company positions and had contacted Rob Greenberg about either working with him or any position he knew about. This last piece of information was harder to get and more intrusive of her privacy since it involved looking at her recent emails, but my private investigator was skilled enough to get this tidbit, and I was set on stopping her from leaving. I was scared I’d never see her again if she quit.

  I proceeded to both call and send emails to every place she’d applied to since I knew the owners of each company and I knew Rob Greenberg both as a friend and a freelance screenwriter for Huntington. I asked everyone firmly but professionally if they’d please refrain from hiring Alexandra Montgomery as we had an unbreakable contract. I even said they could interview her if they wanted, but just not offer her the position.

  I felt slightly guilty but mostly satisfied with part two of my plan, ordered takeout Thai for dinner, took the packed suitcase from my estate manager, and left for the hangar and my private jet to Rio.


  “So I’m glad the shooting seems to be going well.” I leveled a serious look across the beach-front bar table at Keith, who was currently downing a beer. I’d watched over the shoot for three days, and now it was Friday and I felt it was time to have the talk. Keith arched a dark eyebrow, wary of the conversation.

  “I know I said this on the phone last week, but look, Keith, the whole bad-boy, partying, and hotel trashing thing? It has to stop.” Keith opened his mouth as if to speak, a lackadaisical look on his handsome face, but I wasn’t finished.
“Keith, if you don’t stop”—I gave him an unwavering, threatening gaze—“this will be your last movie with Huntington Productions.”

  Keith blinked for a moment, stunned. “You’ve got to be bluffing. You’re my best buddy, and well, you used to be quite a partier yourself. Come on, bro, you wouldn’t really cut me loose.”

  For a second, I saw a look of fear cross his usually cavalier face, but he put on his charming half-grin. My gaze was strong and steady, not even close to cracking a smile, and I took a drink of whiskey without breaking eye-contact.

  “I can assure you, bro, I’m dead serious. After that meeting with the PR Rep, we need to clean up our act. Besides the fact that I’m sick and tired of my name being associated with yours in all this womanizing. It’s embarrassing at this point.” I swallowed the rest of my whiskey in one gulp and stood to leave as Keith stared at me in disbelief.

  “Man, what happened to you? You used to be so laid back and cool, and now you’re all uptight. Is it that Lexi chick? She’s really cramping your style. Hey, if you ever get tired of her, I’d like to tap that.”

  Blood boiled through my body and my face heated as my hands formed fists by my sides, but I took a deep breath and threw some cash on the table for the drinks. I wasn’t getting thrown out of a pub for a fight, unlike present company.

  “Don’t you ever bring her name up again—ever. As for playboy partying stuff, I’ve always found that Hollywood shit to be shallow and boring like you, Keith. I’m through with it.”

  I left the world’s current hottest actor speechless at a bar in Rio and strode off without looking back. As I sat on my balcony at the hotel suite that night, a bittersweet feeling overcame me as I thought about dumping Keith as my best friend—which filled me with relief—but also about the last time I was at this hotel with Lexi.

  My mind flew back to that incredible night of passion with Lexi when I deflowered her, and I felt both an ache of longing in my stomach as well as an arousal in my pants at the memory. I resisted the urge to text her just to say hi, since I’d been so good about keeping all our emails and texts business-related for the last three days.

  I’d fly back tomorrow. Adrianna had set up engagement ring shopping for Sunday, which made me both nervous and excited. A sudden ping from my phone made me jump: You in Rio by any chance? Up for a quick drink with your old man?

  Shit, that was the last thing I wanted to do, especially after my talk with Keith, but I saw my dad so rarely. I texted back: I am – you want to meet near my hotel? A few texts later, and he’d agreed to meet me at another beach-front bar, different from the one I’d met Keith in. Twenty minutes later, I entered the bar with live music pulsing from a corner stage.

  Dad spotted me quickly since he was several inches taller than me, about 6’4”, and surrounded by two scantily clad women. No surprise there. “Braden,” he called from the bar as I walked over. “Come here, you. Been a long time.” I forced a smile as he gave me a hug with two sturdy pats on my back.

  Both girls—one with olive skin and dark hair and the other with dark blonde curls and killer legs—eyed me up and down with interest. “This is your son? I see you inherited your father’s good looks.” The blonde one smiled at me, a hungry, cat-like expression on her face. I had to force myself to not roll my eyes and offered a tight smile back.

  “Chip off the old block, he is—right, Braden?” My dad grinned at me, icy blue eyes glittering and his breath smelling strongly of alcohol. Before I could get a word in, he turned to kiss each girl on the cheek and patted the dark-haired one on her butt, which was barely covered by a denim skirt. “Excuse me, ladies. I’m just going to catch up with my son, but don’t go far. We can meet up later.”

  Seriously? I thought with disgust. Had I been this bad?

  A minute later, my dad and I sat with two glasses of Caipirinha at an outdoor table that overlooked the ocean. “So, what have you been up to? How’s the new movie? Not a bad place to work. The girls are stunning here,” Dad added, unable to help himself.

  I took a long draught of my drink and, ignoring his last comment, answered, “The filming’s good. I had to talk to Keith McCullough about toning down his behavior.”

  He shook his head. “I remember the times I used to party that hard.” He sounded nostalgic, and I had to suppress another eye-roll. I changed subjects.

  “What about you—what are you up to?”

  Dad took a long drink and said, “Not much, really. Surfing a bit, and I went down to Curitiba, then up to Sao Paulo and now here. Like I said, the women here—damn.” His eyes crinkled and he looked at a pair of passing women wearing only bikinis. He wiggled his eyebrows at me and said, “You know, I met two girls, so if you want either of them tonight, take your pick.”

  And just like that, any warm feelings I had towards him dissipated. I shook my head at him. “No, that’s okay, Dad, I actually really like this girl back in L.A. I’m going to propose soon.”

  My dad’s mouth dropped open as he looked both alarmed and amused. “Really? You’re ready to get married so soon? You’re only twenty-six. Braden, enjoy the single life while you can, take my advice.”

  He smirked and I smiled. “No Dad, sorry, but I don’t think I will.”

  Going to sleep that night after drinks and bidding Dad goodnight, I couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. He was lonely and maybe even a little lost, even though it didn’t show outwardly. I just felt it, and it made me more sure than ever that I didn’t want to end up wandering around, sleeping with different girls every night like they were playthings. More than ever, I wanted to marry Lexi Montgomery.


  “Oh, my God, I can’t believe you got me an invite,” Clara gushed as we drove to the big party being held by the PR Agency where Shawna worked, Stellar Group, Inc. The event would include finger food, drinks, and dancing, and would hopefully help clear the air between Braden and Shawna.

  Clara continued to bubble, “Well, I actually believe it because Braden would do anything for you. This is going to be amazing and… Sorry, Lexi, I know you and Braden are on a thin line right now, but I can do some serious networking at this event. I could get something more than a cereal commercial. Not that I don’t appreciate getting that gig, but I could get my big break, so thank you.” She smiled over at me.

  I sat in the passenger seat of her older but well-running BMW. I gave her a sincere smile back, happy to help my best friend reach her dreams any way I could, yet I was a bundle of nerves underneath. I’d been both relieved and disappointed when I returned to work Wednesday to find Braden was in Rio taking care of Keith and checking on the shoot. He was gone all last week and only texted or emailed the bare minimum of business-related tasks or requests, all perfectly polite and professional.

  This week, after feeling an onslaught of jumbled emotions when I’d seen Braden again for a team meeting, we’d kept our interactions in open areas. We’d also communicated only about business except for when he’d asked about my dad’s appointment, which, as I’d told him, had gone very well with some new treatment options already in play.

  I longed to be near Braden and I wanted to quit my job, though I was surprised at the lack of response I’d received on the job hunting front. I’d been invited for only one interview and was called the next day and been told they’d chosen another candidate. I hadn’t heard a word from Rob Greenberg.

  This was the most surprising to me since I’d thought we’d hit it off as friends and for mentor-apprentice possibilities, or at the very least, I thought Rob would have the courtesy to respond to my email even if he didn’t know of any openings. I’d kept trying, searching every day for new positions. I simply couldn’t work with this irresistible man—a man who would break my heart in the end.

  “There will be a ton of people you can schmooze with and charm your way into an acting job, especially if you flirt with the guys wearing that outfit.” I gestured to the aqua-blue sequined, sleeveless dress that showed off Clara’s petite,
tanned shoulders and upper back and hugged her small, curvy body like a glove. She also wore smoky evening makeup to play up her high cheekbones, dark eyes, and heart-shaped lips, not to mention three-inch, sex-kitten silver heels.

  I didn’t look too shabby myself with a sparkly black cocktail dress that had thin straps, a fitted bodice, and a skirt that flared out and reached two inches above the knee paired with two-inch strappy sandals. My hair was half down and half pinned up with silvery, lacy, leaf-shaped pins, and my face was also tastefully done in evening makeup.

  Thirty minutes later, we were at the soiree, and I’d left Clara talking with our casting director, Mark Wolkowsky, after introducing them, and walked over to where Rob Greenberg stood by the bar with a martini in his hand. I’d already seen and greeted both Adrianna and Braden, who looked gorgeous in a tux with a blue bow-tie, but I wanted to take care of some job business.

  “Hey, Rob, how’s it going?” I said casually as I slid up next to him at the bar, taking the place of some guy he’d just been talking to. I ordered a rum and coke and saw Rob fidget nervously with his martini glass out of the corner of my eye before he answered.

  “Hey, Lexi, I’m good. I’m sorry I didn’t get back to you yet… to your email about working with me.”

  I took my drink from the bartender and faced Rob, trying to look nonchalant though I’d been hurt at not getting a response. He took a long sip of his drink as I shrugged and said, “That’s okay, no big deal. I know you’re busy.” I smiled and sipped my rum and coke.

  Rob let out a sigh and looked furtively around. “Look Lexi, if you want to work with me as an assistant, you got the job. I looked at your screenplays you sent and they have great potential. It’s just that, well…” I waited, holding back a squeal of delight at the job offer while Rob looked pointedly to the right of the bar where Braden stood with a group of older men.


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