Infinite Surrender: 2 (Blood Feud)

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Infinite Surrender: 2 (Blood Feud) Page 10

by Gayle Donnelly

  “Thank you for rushing these results. I owe you for this,” Killian said smoothly as he brought the woman’s hand to his lips and placed a gentle kiss on her knuckles.

  “I’ll hold you to that, General,” the woman replied in a seductive alto voice that made Chloe suddenly feel like a voyeur. Chloe looked at Daniel in question. He flashed a grin and a wink before nudging her to stand.

  Killian’s gaze tracked their movement. He placed a hand at the woman’s elbow and led her forward. “Alka, you already know Daniel but I’d like to introduce you to Chloe, the newest member of my team. Chloe, this is Doctor Alka Assimandi.”

  The doctor moved gracefully around the table and extended her hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Chloe, although I certainly wish it were under better circumstances.”

  Chloe shook the woman’s hand. “As do I, and it’s a pleasure to meet you as well.”

  “Alka?” Killian prompted as he pulled out a chair across from Daniel and Chloe and gestured for her to take a seat. Once he had her settled, he took his customary seat at the head of the table. “Okay,” he began, “let’s hear what you’ve found.”

  As if a switch had been flipped, Chloe noted the doctor’s entire demeanor changed. Gone was the purring seductress and in her place sat a highly focused scientist, intelligence radiating from the direct gaze she leveled at the three of them. The tone of her voice was controlled and clinical as she relayed her findings.

  “The woman was identified as Kayla Martin, twenty-two. Results were conclusive that she suffered sexual trauma and torture, however cause of death was massive internal hemorrhaging. Based on the way the blood coagulated in her body, I believe she died elsewhere then the body was moved post mortem and dumped where she was found.” Alka took a drink of the water Killian had set in front of her before continuing. Chloe noticed the subtle change in tone immediately. It was now softer and no longer cold.

  “Kayla Martin was pregnant. Tests determined that the fetus was approximately six weeks old and died in utero, well before the mother’s death.” Alka paused and looked pointedly at Killian. “Blood and tissue tests on the fetus confirmed the presence of Coteri DNA.”

  Chloe felt her stomach roll with disgust at the thought of what that poor woman had gone through. And a baby. Oh god. Killian’s booming voice forced her thoughts to move back to the point.

  “Fuck, they’re further along in their experiments than we thought. We need to find out everything we can about this latest victim.” He directed the order to Daniel. He turned his gaze back to Alka. “Any abnormalities found from her blood tests, other than the pregnancy?”

  She shook her head. “I know what you’re asking and no, she was fully human.”

  Daniel stood then. “Then why in the hell do the Valta think a human could support a Coteri pregnancy? And why this woman? This was exactly why our laws forbidding mating with humans were enacted. It’s practically impossible for such a union to result in a pregnancy but on those rare occasions when it’s happened, the mortality rate has been one hundred percent…usually for both mother and child. We’re missing something here, damn it.”

  Chloe braced her hands on the table and leaned forward. “Not one hundred percent, Daniel.” She spoke softly and met his gaze. “There’s Mina, remember?”

  * * * * *

  Two hours later, Chloe and Daniel were back home with the rest of the team, everyone taking up different positions in the living room. In the heavy silence, the misting rain was a steady cadence against the floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the bay. The ashen sky created a leaden feeling that mirrored the somber echo inside Chloe’s chest. Daniel had shared the information they’d learned from Doctor Alka on Kayla Martin with the men and Chloe almost shuddered as she stared into their eyes, the details making them feral. She understood the feeling.

  David exploded from his overstuffed chair. “Those fucking pieces of shit!” He paced and kept drawing back his fist as if preparing to land a killing blow on something solid.

  When he got close to the far wall, Chloe jumped up to intercept him and, okay, to protect her drywall. She placed herself directly in front of him and laid a steadying hand on his chest. David froze and looked down at her.

  “Pounding walls tends to break hands, David. And right now we need everybody’s hands in fighting form if we’re going to find these assholes and take them apart.”

  His grin was slow coming but he finally gave her a nod and held his still-clenched fist up for a knuckle bump. “True. Thanks for bringing me down, Chloe-girl.”

  She smiled in return and lifted her fist to his. “Anytime.” They returned to the rest of the group, who had sat in stunned silence during the entire exchange.

  Daniel rapped his knuckles on the coffee table to get everyone’s attention. “Let’s go over what we’ve got and see where we need to go from here.”

  Chapter Ten

  Chloe sat on the plush sofa in her office, her feet crossed at the ankles on the coffee table in front of her. She had just removed her hair clip, allowing her hair to fall loose around her shoulders as she dropped her head back and closed her eyes in exhaustion.

  She let out a heavy sigh as her mind continued to race through all she and her team had learned since her arrival. They had several leads but no connecting points yet. And her frustration level was palpable. This clinic was somehow a key. The latest murder victim, Kayla Martin, had been pregnant with a hybrid fetus and was a former patient of the clinic. MaKane’s tests on the granular substance found inside her home had determined it was actually crushed oyster shells. Darrius was running searches to locate the most likely areas where these shells could be found in hopes of discovering the Valta’s location. Samantha Peterson was the only known survivor of a Valta attack but her trauma had affected her memories. And as if she didn’t have enough on her plate at the moment, there was her purse-slasher nut job who, for whatever reason, had decided she was now a target.

  Chloe ran her fingers through her hair. She was driving herself crazy trying to fit all the puzzle pieces together and getting more frustrated as she realized she still didn’t have all the pieces. But even with all the craziness of the investigation and the annoyance of not gaining ground faster, she had to smile at what she had gained since returning to Washington. The boys, as she had come to call them, were starting to feel like an extended family now, spending most evenings with her at the house, either sharing a meal, discussing strategy and their progress in the investigation, working out with her, including her in their dumb pranks…you name it. She smiled at the thought of how quickly she had dismissed her “New Chloe” rule of no emotions where these men were concerned.

  Even Killian was part of that inner circle now. They spoke often, either on the phone or in person. She respected him. She trusted him. But it had definitely not gone unnoticed how he always seemed to find a way to give her a simple touch, a light caress, or simply stand within her personal space and give her a look that she was certain most women would swoon over. Hell, she might be one of those women if she could ever get a certain arrogant, blue-eyed alpha male out of her head for long enough.

  Then there was Doctor Sean O’Connor. During their daily lunch breaks together she’d come to know him and respect him, especially with regard to how committed he was to his patients and the clinic. And he wasn’t bad to look at, either. But as with Killian, there were no sparks, no heat, and she was just fine with that.

  And finally there was Sam. The patient she met on her first day at the clinic. Sam was soft-spoken, intelligent, but somewhat distant due to her experiences. In the weeks Chloe had been at the clinic, the two women had spent countless hours together. Unfortunately, Sam wasn’t able to remember much about her attack. She didn’t even remember how she’d escaped, where she’d been held or by whom. Chloe only hoped that some of those memories would return after time had eased some of the trauma the poor girl had experienced.

  Chloe knew she was probably crossing the line wher
e Sam was concerned but there was something about the woman that drew her, made her want to get to know her better and help empower her to regain her identity as well as her memories. They’d met outside the clinic for dinner, a movie, and even a workout on a couple of occasions. Definitely taboo between doctor and patient, but with each meeting, she could see Sam growing stronger emotionally. Chloe chuckled at her half-hearted attempt to justify her ethical lapse of doctor-patient propriety where Sam was concerned, considering she wasn’t really a doctor. Regardless, Chloe somehow felt a connection with the young woman. And if she was being honest, it was nice to have some female companionship, given that her current existence revolved around nothing but overprotective, pseudo big brothers in the form of Coteri warriors.

  Her mind went to their last conversation. Chloe had convinced Sam to join her for a late night workout at her twenty-four hour access gym. After she’d taught Sam some self-defense moves and gone through a circuit, they’d left the gym to head back to their cars. As they reached Sam’s vehicle, she’d turned to Chloe and placed a gentle hand on her forearm.

  “You’re in danger, Chloe.” She’d almost whispered the words.

  Chloe had been taken aback. Staring at her patient, her friend, she’d asked, “What are you talking about, Sam?”

  Sam had simply looked down and shook her head. “I know you think I’m probably crazy but sometimes I sense things. I can’t explain it and I hate it, Chloe. I really do.”

  Sam had unlocked her door with her key fob and hurriedly climbed in. Before she shut the door, she’d met Chloe’s questioning gaze once again. “Just promise me you’ll be careful, Chloe.”

  Chloe had simply nodded as Sam closed the door, turned the engine over and left the parking lot. Not sure how to take the vague declaration, Chloe had climbed into her own car, even more determined to help Sam past her fear and paranoia so she could get her life back.

  Chloe continued to reflect on how quickly she had become attached to these new people in her life, when a hard knock sounded at her door. Assuming it was Daniel to escort her home, she didn’t even lift her head from the back of the sofa or open her eyes as she called, “Come on in.”

  When she heard the door open but was met with only silence, Chloe opened her eyes and turned her head to the doorway. Leaning one heavy shoulder against the door jamb, arms crossed over his chest, the side of his mouth lifting into a half grin, stood Doctor O’Connor. Sean, she mentally corrected herself.

  He straightened and moved to sit directly across from her and not for the first time did she feel that sense of familiarity that came whenever she was in his presence. His dark-red hair was thick but cut short. His features were strong and masculine. His light-blue eyes were intense and framed by thick, heavy lashes. It’s something in his eyes, she thought. She never felt uncomfortable around the good doctor. Just somehow more exposed. Like his gaze saw beyond the surface. And only one other man had ever made her feel like he could see her soul-deep like that.

  He broke the silence. “Hell of a week.”

  Chloe smiled at the understatement, straightened and put her heels back on. “You could say that.” She stretched her arms over her head to work out the kinks in her back. “I’m just glad it’s finally Friday.”

  He leaned forward, bracing his elbows on his knees and clasped his hands. “Hey, I noticed you’ve been meeting with Samantha Peterson almost daily. How’s she doing?”

  Chloe smiled, “Remarkably well, actually. She’s a tough girl. Obviously I can’t share any specifics but I really think she’s going to be able to eventually work her way through this.”

  She let out a sigh and shook her head. Confession time. “It’s hard for me not to get emotionally attached sometimes, Sean.” She gave her shoulders a quick shrug. “I know in my position that shouldn’t be the case. Guess it’s just in my nature and something I’m beginning to realize I have no control over.” She crossed her arms over her chest and met his gaze. “But I like this girl and I respect the hell out of her for fighting to get her life back after such a brutal attack. How could I possibly stay emotionally unattached to her?”

  Sean stood, moved around the table and extended his hand to help her from the couch. “Have dinner with me tonight, Chloe.” He smiled down at her.

  She hesitated for only a moment, somewhat shocked that he hadn’t reprimanded her for crossing the doctor-patient boundaries. Without thought, she placed her hand in his as she rose from the couch, feeling that now-familiar tingle whenever she came into skin on skin contact with the man. Puzzling. It was yet another puzzle she wanted to figure out.

  “What? No recriminations? No ethics lectures?” she asked.

  Sean kept hold of her hand, took a step closer and smiled warmly. “If you expect me to lecture you for having enough of a heart to care about your patients, you definitely haven’t gotten to know me well enough. Now how about we start to remedy that by having dinner together?”

  Chloe smiled but took a step back, pulling her hand from his. “Sean, you need to know I’m not looking for anything romantic with you or anyone right now.” She took a deep breath before she continued, needing to make sure she was up front with him and that he understood. “I’m just not in a place emotionally right now where that can happen for me. I hope you understand.”

  Sean took her hand again in both of his as a smile curved his lips. “I’m just asking for dinner, Chloe. No pressure. I promise.” He released her and took a step back. “Now you game or are you going to make me eat alone?”

  Chloe smiled. “Sure, why not? Just let me grab my bag.”

  The December air was cool as they walked across the dark parking lot toward their vehicles. Chloe hadn’t worn a coat that morning and now wished she had as a shiver ran through her. Sean noticed and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

  “So, what do you feel like for dinner?” he asked casually.

  Chloe slowed her pace. The hair on the back of her neck prickled and it had nothing to do with Sean’s arm around her. Something was off. She stopped and slowly turned, looking into the surrounding darkness for any sign of what had sent her senses on alert. Suddenly, Sean moved her behind him, arms spread.

  “Stay behind me, Chloe,” he demanded in a low tone.

  Chloe caught the scent just before she saw them. Two huge men stalking toward them, both dressed all in black, feral smiles on their hard faces. Valta, she realized immediately. Shit. Why had she agreed to have dinner with Sean? Her stupidity had put him in danger. She could handle herself, she was sure of it—well, almost sure. But she would have a better chance if she was able to shift, which of course she couldn’t do in front of the good doctor. Shit, shit, shit. She had to think fast.

  “Hey there, Red,” the blond one sneered. “Someone really wants to meet you. How ‘bout you play real nice, come with us, and we won’t hurt your friend here.” The two continued their approach, as if stalking prey.

  “Fuck you, asshole.” Sean’s body tensed and remained protectively in front of Chloe as he tried to move her slowly closer to their vehicles. “The lady has other plans tonight. How ‘bout you two back the fuck off and I promise not to gut you then strangle you with your own intestines? ”

  The two Valta chuckled as they continued to close the distance, obviously not in the least bit intimidated by a human. Chloe started at Sean’s instant change in demeanor, the harsh language, his protective stance. She knew from the dossiers Killian had provided that he had a military background but this felt different. And he was obviously just as big as one of her Coteri brethren, but she also knew he wouldn’t stand a chance against her kind in a hand-to-hand battle. Not that she had any experience in hand-to-hand fighting but this was her problem and she wouldn’t allow him to be hurt. Damn, of all the times for Daniel to have heeded her complaints about not needing a babysitter twenty-four-seven.

  She reached up to Sean’s shoulder and gently squeezed. “Sean, let me handle this.”

  He stared at her inc
redulously as she moved out from behind him to stand by his side. She turned her gaze to the two Valta who obviously thought she was nothing more than a defenseless woman, an easy target. She could use that as an advantage. She might not be able to shift but if these bozos thought she was an easy mark, she would thoroughly enjoy setting them straight. At least she prayed she could set them straight.

  The dark-haired Valta subtly changed course to flank around Sean while the blond kept moving toward her. She was a good five feet away from Sean now, hoping both men would focus on her so Sean would have a chance to escape. Although she somehow knew he would never leave her.

  Tamping down her nerves, she allowed a slow smile to emerge as she placed her hands on her hips. Looking directly at the blond, she drawled, “Now boys, I’d be more than happy to meet with your friend. In fact I’m looking forward to it. What’s his name?” She moved to further the distance between her and Sean, hoping her attackers would follow her. No such luck. Sean kept closing the distance between them.

  “That’s good to know, and you’ll learn his name soon enough,” the blond replied with a sneer as he moved within an arm’s length of her.

  Chloe held up her hand to halt his progress. “Unfortunately, my friend is right and I do have other plans tonight.” She hastened a glance toward Sean, hoping he’d understand her intent as their gazes quickly met. “Why don’t you tell me where I can meet up with you later? This really isn’t the time or the place for us to have this discussion, especially such a public discussion. Don’t you think?”

  The blond looked toward Sean, his grin turning into a full-blown sneer. “It won’t be public for long, Red. And my friend is real anxious to see you so this really can’t wait.”

  Without hesitation, his hand reached out to grasp Chloe’s upper arm, the grip painful. At the same time, his partner shot toward Sean. A heavy thud sounded as she saw Sean’s head thrown back by the violent blow to his jaw.


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