Infinite Surrender: 2 (Blood Feud)

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Infinite Surrender: 2 (Blood Feud) Page 18

by Gayle Donnelly

  She kept her tone steady, her voice controlled, but her mind was racing. “And now you’re here. Not because of me but because of some erroneous sense of obligation to either my brother or some ingrained sense of duty as a Coteri warrior.”

  She moved to the far side of the deck and crossed her arms over her breasts, rubbing her arms to remove the chill that was quickly seeping into her flesh.

  “Chloe.” Talon’s deep voice glided over her senses as he moved with controlled strength to stand in front of her. “You don’t know anything about my feelings for you. Hell, I’m still trying to figure it all out myself.” He replaced her hands with his own as he gently stroked her upper arms. She suddenly wasn’t chilled anymore.

  “And I told you, I’m sorry for all the garbage I said to you in Germany. I was an ass. I admit it. But I can tell you, I’m damned sure not here out of any obligation.” His strong hands stopped and cupped her shoulders.

  She pulled away from his hold once again and began to pace, her frustration and confusion rising with each step she took. When her mind finally locked on to the only possible answer for his presence, she stopped directly in front of him, hands on her hips as she looked up to meet his hard gaze.

  “You forget, Talon, I know of your reputation. In fact I heard all about it from friends who kept me up to date during my time away in the States. You’ve made quite the name for yourself.”

  His brows furrowed in confusion and then his jaw clenched as he must have realized where she was going with this. “Do you really need another notch on that bedpost of yours? Am I a bigger challenge because you now know the truth about my lack of experience? Well I’ve got news for you, Talon. I’m not anyone’s toy and I certainly won’t be yours.”

  She let out a sigh and sat down on the edge of the chaise before looking back up at his towering form. “I finally grew up enough to realize I deserve better, damn it, whether you think I’m good enough or not.”

  She shook her head as she dropped her chin. Her utter exhaustion allowed her to admit to herself that since his arrival she had once again, stupidly allowed her heart to hope where Talon was concerned. “Just go home, Talon,” she almost whispered. “Surely you can’t hate me enough to press this.”

  * * * * *

  He remained silent during her tirade, letting her get out whatever she felt she needed to say, but he had definitely reached his limits of tactful consideration after hearing her last statement. He slipped his hands under her arms and lifted her from her seat so they weren’t even a breath apart. He was seething, mostly at himself and his own idiocy that he could have ever allowed her to think these things.

  “Hate you? I’ve never hated you, Chloe, and you damn well know it. Not even when Mina unwittingly taunted me about your so-called preferences in men.” His lips slammed over hers, devouring as his grip moved to her hips and pulled her tightly to him, grinding his throbbing erection on her core. She molded to his body as if she were made specifically for him. He couldn’t get close enough and the deep moan that escaped from her throat nearly had him coming in his jeans. His mind was a whirlwind of emotions. The primary one being anger, mostly at himself, for allowing her to ever believe she wasn’t good enough for him. As he continued to feast on her silky, lush lips, his hands moved to the hem of her T-shirt, finally reaching the buttery soft skin he was seeking.

  He heard his own low groan as his lips moved to the beating pulse point behind her ear. He had marked her skin earlier, just as Tre had noticed. He knew now, without a doubt, that mark had been intentional—a warning to all other males to back the fuck off. Men flocked to her like bees to honey, through no fault of her own. Chloe exuded sexuality with every fluid movement of her body. He didn’t fault her for it, how could he, when he was just as drawn to her as every other male in her presence.

  He was lost in his own burning need as he slid his calloused hand up her silken skin to encompass her full breast. She was the perfect size for his large hand. He massaged and gently rubbed his thumb across the lace of her bra, feeling her tight nipple peak in awareness. His mouth watered at the thought of tasting the luscious bud again. As his lips moved back to hers, he ground his erection harder into her lower abdomen as he rolled her nipple between his thumb and fingers. Her little moans ignited flames straight to his dick. He needed to be inside her.

  “You’re not another fucking notch, Chloe,” he breathed heavily. “Do you have any idea how hard it’s been for me to stay away from you? All these years, all this time?”

  Her eyes widened in genuine surprise and he cursed himself again for ever hurting her. He had to make her understand. He leaned in and slowly traced her soft lips with his tongue, needing to taste her. “I need you, Chloe. Now,” he murmured against her full lips. “But I’m not taking you on this fucking deck. And you need to be sure or it stops here. Is this what you want, baby?”

  He pulled back and looked down into her now heavily lidded gaze. Her lips were swollen from his kisses and her cheeks were flushed. She was perfection and she was his, at least for this moment in time. He didn’t deserve her but he also knew he didn’t have the strength to stay away from her anymore. Unless she told him to stop. It would kill him, he was certain, but if Chloe didn’t want this, he’d find the strength to step away.

  She stared up at him for several seconds before he saw the subtle change in her beautiful green eyes—eyes that now emitted a saddened resignation, a sadness that nearly broke his heart.

  Her voice was soft when she spoke and she met his gaze directly. “I’m not your baby, Talon. Nor am I a little girl. I’m a grown woman who knows what I want. When tonight is over, I’ll be fine. I know what this is and what it isn’t. You don’t have to worry. There won’t be any confusion on my part.”

  He felt his entire body stiffen in anger at her statement. But before he could reply, she threaded her fingers through his hair and pressed her pelvis into him as she continued. “But for now, Talon, can’t we just pretend there’s no past, no recriminations? I want you and I’m tired of waiting.” She slid her soft, wet tongue across his lower lip and he felt his cock jerk in response. “Just for tonight, let’s forget everything else,” she whispered.

  He wanted to argue her suggestion of “pretending” but just as the words were ready to reach his lips, the little minx ran her hand down his chest and into the waistband of his jeans, curling her fingertips around the head of his straining cock. He lost all control as he hastily jerked her into his arms and bolted into the house. He’d argue her statements later. Her soft lips were on his neck, sucking and biting, sending fissions of pounding heat straight to his cock. He stopped just long enough to lock the door and re-engage the alarm before moving to the stairs and her third floor bedroom.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Held tight in his embrace, Chloe’s entire body was on fire as Talon kicked her bedroom door closed without pause. He continued his path toward the bed, stopping just at the edge. He released her legs and slowly lowered her to her feet, allowing her to feel every muscular inch of his hard body as he held her close. The small table lamp across the room illuminated the bedroom in a soft hue. Through the dim light, she realized he was staring at her with an intensity she had never seen in him before. It frightened her, but even more, it excited her to know she was the cause of the sizzling gaze in his turbulent blue eyes.

  His large, calloused hands moved to the hem of her T-shirt, gingerly lifting it up and off before tossing it carelessly to the floor. His fingers slowly traced the top swells of her breasts just above the white lace of her bra and she sucked in a startled breath. This was Talon and he was finally touching her. How long? How many years had she fantasized about having his hands on her body? How many dreams had she experienced only to wake up alone and aching? And now he was here. This was really happening.

  Chloe’s heart was racing, her breathing erratic then it stopped all together when with a quick twist of his fingers Talon released the front clasp of her bra and slid the s
traps down her arms. His gaze narrowed on her bare breasts and what she saw in his eyes flooded her core with heat.

  He still hadn’t said a word but his expression spoke volumes. The blue of his eyes darkened to almost black as his pupils dilated. His lips were full and his muscles taut. He wanted her as much as she hungered for him.

  “Talon…” she whispered as his hands reached out to encompass her heavy breasts. Her hands slid up his muscular biceps to grip his shoulders. He didn’t move initially, just allowed the heavy weight of her swollen mounds to settle in his hands. Then slowly his thumbs started to slide easily over each tight nipple, sending arcing sensations straight to her clit.

  “My god, you’re perfect,” he whispered in a roughened voice.

  She arched into his touch, needing more. He answered her need by lowering his head and replacing the fingers of one hand with the wet heat of his mouth.

  His tongue rasped around and around her distended nipple, tantalizing and driving her crazy, before he pulled the tight bud into the heat of his mouth, continuing the ministrations on her other breast with his talented fingers. Chloe swore she saw stars as she arched her back and dug her nails into his skin.

  Sucking, nipping, licking, his groans of pleasure mixed with hers as he continued to devour the sensitive tip. His mouth was pure heat and she needed more. Chloe’s fingers drove through his hair and pulled as she tried to bring him closer. He switched to give her other breast the same intensive treatment and she felt her knees go weak.

  “Oh god. Talon. I can’t stand this.” She cried in a hoarse voice that didn’t even sound like her own, fearful her legs were going to give out.

  In an instant his lips were on hers again. She opened instinctively and the heat of his tongue feasted on her own. She vaguely felt herself lifted into his arms then gently lowered to the bed. He placed one knee on the edge of the mattress as his hands slowly slid her soft cotton leggings and panties down her legs, dropping both to the floor. His gaze tracked her naked flesh in such a way she swore she felt his heated touch from the tips of her toes to the top of her head.

  Talon stood and took a step back before shedding his own shirt and tossing it aside. Her mouth went dry at the sight. Before she even had time to fully appreciate his broad chest, dusted lightly with dark hair, his bulging biceps, or his chiseled abdomen, his hands were moving to his jeans. Toeing off his boots, he quickly released the button and zipper, lowering the dark denim to reveal his powerful erection before kicking the jeans to the side. Her eyes widened in surprise at his sheer size and she licked her suddenly dry lips.

  “Commando, huh?” she teased when she finally found her voice.

  He shrugged. “They’re not comfortable and they just get in the way.”

  Chloe chuckled and then her gaze roamed the absolute perfection of his body. He stood unmoving, allowing her to look her fill as she noted the small smile that tilted one side of his luscious mouth. Chloe sat up and moved to her knees, her gaze flickering up to his once again before returning to what she wanted. What she needed. She reached out with one hand as he stepped to the side of the bed. One of his hands reached for her hair, smoothing the curls back from her face.

  “What do you want, baby?” His voice was low, hungry.

  “This.” The heat against her palm surprised her. The skin was soft but he was iron hard and pulsing at the same time. Her fingers couldn’t fully encompass his width so she brought forward her other hand. She had to touch. She had to taste. She leaned down and slid her tongue around the engorged head, taking the small amount of pearly liquid that escaped into her mouth.

  His taste exploded in her mouth, awakening her senses. With a moan she opened her lips and slid her mouth down his length, sucking and licking her way down until the tip hit the back of her throat. She swallowed before slowly sliding her lips up and rubbing her tongue on the underside of the sensitive head. His fingers drove into her hair, pulling tightly and he let out a moan that ignited her own desire even higher.

  “Yeah, Chloe. Suck it, baby. Suck it deep,” he growled.

  She knew what to do. Mina had taught her through books, movies, and even on one drunken night, through a detailed drawing accompanied by practice with a carrot. She had honed her skills later with toys, always fantasizing it was Talon in her mouth instead of a rubberized substitute. But he was here now, his taste driving her own needs as she continued to suck him deep into her mouth, using her tongue and teeth, following his signals to bring him pleasure.

  He pulled the strands of her hair, bringing piercing stings of sensation that sent her senses into overdrive. She used one hand to stroke the base as her mouth and tongue continued to concentrate on the head. She was getting drunk off his taste.

  “Ah god. Chloe. Baby. You’re killing me. Your mouth is burning me alive.”

  He dropped his head and met her gaze through his hooded, dark lashes and she felt another wave of warmth soak through her core as he continued to tighten his fists in her hair and pump his cock into her mouth. She loved knowing she was giving him pleasure. Her clit was throbbing, begging for its own release. As she took him to the back of her throat once again, she moaned then swallowed as her other hand lowered to gently massage the tight sac below.

  He hissed his pleasure. “Fuck, Chloe. It’s so good, baby, but you gotta pull back. I’m gonna come, sweetheart. Shit.”

  She didn’t want to pull back. She felt empowered. She felt her own juices dripping, her nipples were enflamed and aching, she wanted him to lose his control and give himself over to the pleasure she was able to bring him. She sucked harder, moaned, and used her tongue to swirl around the sensitive underside of the thick head.

  “Enough!” Without warning Talon pulled her off him and she was on her back, his large body covering hers on the bed. They were both breathing hard. His biceps bulged as he held the weight of his much larger frame above hers. His stare burned a flame of need through her center.

  “Want to tell me where you learned to do that, sweetness?”

  Chloe licked her lips nervously, suddenly feeling self-conscious. “You didn’t like it? Did I do something wrong?” she asked hesitantly.

  Talon let out a low chuckle before nuzzling her neck and taking a gentle nip at her lobe. “You know damn well I liked it you little minx. Just curious where you learned your skills.”

  No way was she answering that one. Talk about a mood killer. “I learned everything I know about blowjobs from having my best friend draw it for me in detail then utilizing vegetables and rubber dicks for practice.” Yeah, that was so not happening. Instead she replied, “Maybe I should ask where you came by all your experience, Talon.”

  He growled low in his chest as his lips moved from her ear to her jaw to finally mesh with her mouth. Desire flooded her system just that fast as his tongue and teeth devoured her. He pulled back slightly and spoke against her lips. “How ‘bout we table this particular discussion for a later time?”

  His hand moved slowly down to cup her breast. His lips kissed down her chin to her neck as he rolled a tight nipple between his fingers. “Yes,” she moaned. “Much later.” Her hands moved to his head and he continued his descent until his lips replaced his fingers and he sucked one sensitive tip into his mouth.

  * * * * *

  Talon moaned at the taste that was uniquely Chloe, using his teeth to gently tug at the sweet tip before pulling back and gently blowing on the pink bud. He allowed his hand to slide over the silken softness of her skin, down her flat stomach and around her luscious hip and thigh, as his mouth moved to the other breast. He couldn’t get enough but he had to stay in control.

  She was a virgin, damn it, and she deserved her first time to be special. Problem was, he was a hard lover and Chloe lit the fires of his desire like no one ever had. He’d almost lost it when that wicked little mouth of hers worked his cock to near explosion. And he definitely wanted to know where she gained that particular knowledge. But right now, he needed to concentrate on bankin
g his own hungers, because he knew if he hurt her more than he already had it would rip out his soul. Tonight was about her.

  His lips moved down her chest to her stomach, stopping to swirl his tongue in her navel before slowly moving over to her right hip. He paused, only for a moment at the sight before him. Then he continued to use his lips and teeth and tongue to taste every inch of her. The sweet sounds she made were driving him insane. He felt primal and his animal wanted to devour.

  Her legs parted to make room for his broad shoulders as he settled in between and his mouth continued his path lower. And then he could only stare.

  “So fucking beautiful,” he crooned, unable to take his gaze away from her slick folds that glistened with her juices. Only the top of her mound was covered with silky, dark red curls. The rest of her was downy smooth and bare. Her scent taunted his well-intentioned control as he heard his own low growl rumble through his chest. Drawing his tongue through the slick center and up and around her engorged little clit, he closed his eyes to the ecstasy of her taste.

  “Talon!” Chloe cried at the first swipe of his tongue as her fingers drove through his hair.

  Her body jerked as if a jolt of electricity had shot up her spine. Talon clasped her hips to hold her in place as he groaned against the silky folds of the sweetest flesh he’d ever tasted. He continued to lick, using his tongue to pierce her center and draw in her essence only to retreat and slide up and around her tender clit.

  “Your taste is addictive, baby. I may just have to stay down here forever.” His voice was low and roughened by his own arousal.

  She arched and twisted, tried to lift her hips closer, all the while letting her moans and whimpers free, making his cock throb with need. He drew the tender bud of her clit into his mouth the same time he stroked one broad finger into her saturated center. She cried out at the sensation then began moving frantically to deepen the impalement. Her response to his touch was going to drive him mad.


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