Infinite Surrender: 2 (Blood Feud)

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Infinite Surrender: 2 (Blood Feud) Page 23

by Gayle Donnelly

“What the fuck is going on here?” MaKane’s loud voice boomed from the open front door as he and Michael stepped inside.

  “Pile-up!” Michael yelled as he ran and dove over the sofa to land on top of the heap of men on the floor.

  Talon heard Tre wheeze at the added weight, being that his friend was the unlucky bastard on the bottom of the pile. They were all laughing, rolling, and taking cheap shots. Damn, Talon thought. He couldn’t remember the last time he just chilled like this. It was nice, a good release of the tension that had been building throughout the day. But playtime was over.

  “Okay you pussies, recess is over.” He stood from the bottom of the pile, causing the other men to go tumbling into furniture. All except Tre, who still remained flat on his back, unmoving, his arms and legs spread wide.

  “You fuckers weigh a ton,” Tre rasped, slowly trying to get to his feet.

  The others were still laughing as they headed into the kitchen to grab beers. Talon extended a hand to help Tre up. “Who’s the pussy now, Betty?” he goaded as he shoved Tre’s shoulder.

  “Fuck you, man. You cheated,” Tre replied with a grin as he moved to join the others in the kitchen.

  MaKane stepped toward the back doors and looked out. “Hey, who’s Chloe talking to?”

  David answered. “Her brother. The king’s general.”

  “Oh shit,” Michael replied.

  Daniel moved to the table and gathered up all the documents, putting them back in the accordion file. “Yeah. Oh shit is right. Let’s head out and I’ll fill you guys in on everything back at our place.”

  He paused and looked around. “Hey, where’s the new guy, Gabriel?”

  “Said he had his own place,” MaKane shrugged. “And that he’d meet up with us tomorrow.”

  Daniel turned to Talon. “You good here?” he asked, tucking the accordion file under his arm.

  Talon looked out the window at Chloe, still seated on the chaise, her knees curled into her chest as she lay on her side. “Yeah, we’re good here. Let’s meet tomorrow at noon to make some plans.” He had a feeling Chloe was going to need her rest after tonight.

  “And Daniel?” Talon turned to face him. “Leave the manila folder from the office here.”

  Daniel clapped him on the shoulder as he made his way to the door. “I already put it in your room, man.” He paused at the door and turned back to Talon, his voice serious, the glimmer of amusement now absent from his eyes. “Just don’t hurt her. That’s all I’m gonna say.”

  With that, Daniel and the others left the house, Tre giving him the one-fingered salute as the last one out the door.

  “Asshole,” Talon muttered with a grin.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chloe walked back inside as Talon was righting all of the overturned furniture. “What in the world happened in here?” she asked while looking at the utter destruction of her living room.

  Talon shrugged as he continued working. “Just a little male bonding. No big deal.”

  She closed the door behind her and began helping. “Male bonding?”

  “Yeah, it’s a guy thing,” he responded with indifference.

  Chloe chuckled despite how she was feeling inside. She was drained after all that happened today and after her conversation with Mathias.

  “I think I would have liked to have seen that,” she said as she moved into the kitchen and righted one of the chairs that had obviously toppled over during their bonding experience. She sat down, utterly exhausted.

  Talon moved to the refrigerator. He grabbed a beer and poured her a glass of wine before joining her at the table.

  “Thank you,” she said softly as she took the glass from his hand.

  “For what?” he asked, taking a large drink before setting the bottle on the table.

  Watching his throat work while he swallowed the liquid really shouldn’t look as sexy as it did. She brought her gaze up to stare into his gorgeous blue eyes, remembering her brother’s warning yet unable to stop where her heart kept leading her.

  She shrugged. “For the wine, for making an effort with my team, for not asking me about my conversation with Mathias” she paused and looked down. “For being here with me.” She said softly, hating herself for showing any weakness around him.

  She gasped in surprise as Talon grabbed the seat of her chair and pulled it quickly toward his own so she ended with her knees between his legs. He traced her bottom lip with his thumb before slowly leaning in and brushing his soft, full lips against hers in a gentle kiss that almost brought tears to her eyes.

  “Anytime, sweetheart.” His voice was deep, soft, and potent.

  He leaned back in his chair and took another long pull from his beer. He flashed a wicked grin that immediately had her wondering what he was up to.

  “I have an idea.” He stated as he rose to his feet. “Let’s get out of here for a while and go for a run.”

  She stared at him in utter shock. “A Talon, it’s almost midnight.”

  He took the glass out of her hand and set it on the table then lifted her to her feet, that sexy grin still in place. “Exactly. No one around to bother us.” He waggled his brows up and down. “It will do us both some good. Come on.”

  He grabbed hold of her hand and was already leading her to the door so she had no choice but to follow. She stopped at the foyer closet to pull on her black boots over her jeans. They both slipped into their leather jackets then Talon led her out to the driveway and over to his Harley. He swung one long leg over the seat and damn, did he make a fine picture straddling the huge bike.

  Chloe slid on the seat behind him as he passed her a helmet before putting on his own. Once she had hers secured, he started the engine. He reached back to grab her wrists and pulled her arms tight around his middle.

  “That’s better.” He purred into the helmet mic.

  She watched as he pushed some buttons on the control panel and one of her favorite 30 Seconds to Mars songs blared through the helmet’s internal wireless speakers. His right hand smoothed down her thigh and squeezed.

  “Hold on tight, baby.” He said before he revved the engine and accelerated out of the driveway and down the curving road.

  Her thighs tightened against his, her hands splayed across his tight abdomen, and her pussy was flush with his backside. The heavy vibrations of the engine sent a maelstrom of sensations to her core.

  Talon handled the bike with ease, leaning through the never-ending curves of the tree-lined road, each curve almost in sync to the music. She squeezed him tighter, loving the feel of him, the bike, and the open air. He was right. This was exactly what she needed after the day she’d had. Chloe closed her eyes and pressed her chest into Talon’s back, listening to the heavy downbeat of the music playing through her helmet. She couldn’t wait to run.

  Before she knew it, Talon turned the bike down a narrow path that led into one of her favorite parks in the area. He slowly maneuvered through the dense foliage to take them further into the dark canopy of trees, well out of sight. He killed the engine and removed his helmet before climbing off the bike. She removed her own helmet and shook out her curls, stupidly worrying if she had helmet hair.

  “That was great, Talon. You need to take me riding more often.” She smiled as he offered his hand to help her off the bike.

  He pulled her close, running his fingers through her hair with one hand and holding her tight to him with the other. “Like I said, anytime babe.” He pressed a quick kiss to her lips that had her aching for more.

  Talon stowed both helmets in the side compartments then slid his jacket off before helping remove hers. He draped them over the back of the bike and stepped back. “You ready?” He asked with that wicked grin.

  Chloe lifted her head and spun in a circle, arms spread wide. The utter beauty of this place surrounded her senses. She stopped and faced him. “You know, Priest Point is one of my favorite places. Thank you for bringing me here, Talon.” She met his heated gaze with utter si

  Without allowing him time to reply she shifted to her most dominant form, the Snow Leopard, and bounded off through the foliage. She hadn’t gotten far when she heard him gaining fast behind her. She hastened a look back and almost stumbled to a stop at the sight of his magnificent form. It had been years since she’d seen it last. He was large, over three hundred pounds. His coat was pure black, that of a Melanistic Jaguar. His blue eyes appeared to glow through his darkened fur as he gained on her.

  She accelerated, her smaller form darting in and around the fallen branches, loving the freedom and exhilaration of running through the forest. It had been so long and she gloried in the experience. He was beside her now, easily keeping pace.

  They hadn’t done this since she was young. Chloe had always loved running with Talon, back at a time when she still believed in fairy-tales, running free in the Black Forest in Germany with Talon and her brother. She didn’t believe in childhood fantasies anymore though. She knew as soon as this assignment was over and the danger gone, Talon would be gone too. But she could build and enjoy the memories she made while he was here. Build the memories that would carry her through the dark, lonely nights she was sure were to come when this was all over. Chloe jumped gracefully over a fallen log with Talon right behind her.

  How the hell could he have forgotten how utterly beautiful she looked in this form? Her snowy white coat, spattered with soft gray spots over the thick fur, only accentuated the light green glowing gaze of her eyes. He ran with her, easily keeping pace with her smaller form. He felt feral and wanted nothing more than to take her down and mark her as his own. Talon fought off the need, knowing how much she was enjoying the freedom of the run. Knowing how much she needed this after the day she’d had. And this was for her, he reminded himself. He had to maintain control.

  After about thirty minutes Chloe stopped running, now slowly walking just ahead as she turned her head back to look at him. She shifted back to her human form and stood before him, her beautiful breasts rising and falling with each heavy breath. Right about now he was cursing the Coteri’s ability to shift fully clothed. He didn’t shift back immediately but approached her slowly, circling around her legs and nuzzling her jean-covered thighs. He sat at her feet then shifted before taking her hand in his as he led her back to the bike.

  “Come here, baby.” He said softly, leaning her back against the side of the bike.

  His hands gently lifted her shirt up and off before moving to the button of her jeans. His gaze never left hers as he slowly slid the zipper down. He moved slowly, giving her the opportunity to stop him. She didn’t. Her breathing accelerated as he lowered to his knees and removed her boots then slowly slid her jeans and panties down her amazingly long, toned legs.

  Talon had to fight the trembling of his hands as he stood and took her face in his hands. He leaned in, needing her taste on his tongue, and took her lips to his as he toed off his boots. His intent was to be gentle but as her nails scored lightly down his chest, he drove his tongue into the sweetest essence he’d ever known. She loosened the button of his jeans and lowered the zipper, her knuckles grazing lightly over his painfully hard cock. He gripped her shoulders and broke the kiss.

  “Here. Now.” He growled. Unable to wait, he helped her back onto the bike. Chloe’s long legs straddled the main seat with ease as he helped her to sit with her back to the handlebars. Talon hurriedly shucked his jeans, tore off his shirt, and mounted the bike, facing her, his feet planted firmly on either side to hold the bike steady. He grabbed the luscious curves of her ass and pulled her hips forward until they were flush with his, the heat of her pussy scalding him. He was so damn hard it was painful. He needed to be inside her. But he wanted her ready. He wanted her screaming with need.

  Tracing the curve of her breasts above the white lace of her bra, he wondered if the shiver he noted was from the cold or his touch. Regardless, he planned on warming her up soon enough. Talon released the front clasp and slid the straps down her arms. Without averting his gaze, he reached behind him to grab his coat before lowering his head to suck one plump nipple into his mouth. As his mouth continued his ministrations, he splayed the jacket behind her.

  “Talon!” She arched closer and drove her fingers into his hair.

  Sliding kisses across her chest, he moved to the other tight bud, licking and laving before giving it a gentle tug with his teeth. She moaned softly and began grinding her core into his erection. He was going to come at this rate and he had every intention of being balls-deep inside her when that happened.

  He sat back and placed his hand in the center of her chest. “Lay back, baby. Let me look at you.”

  Talon helped her recline, his jacket protecting her back, then lifted her arms up and to each side to rest on the handle bars. His heart nearly stopped at the picture she made. Her gorgeous auburn curls fanned out behind her. The green of her eyes had darkened with arousal and her lush lips were begging for his kiss. She was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen, her body splayed out for him as if in offering. And he knew right then, he could never let her go.

  He traced his hands up her toned thighs and to her slender hips, still amazed at the silky softness of her skin. He continued his path up her sides, stopping his progress only long enough to massage and caress her generous breasts. They fit his large hands perfectly. She moaned softly as he grazed her tight nipples with his thumbs. Talon watched as the pupils in her emerald eyes began to dilate. She was beginning to burn…but not nearly enough.

  He leaned forward, the movement placed the underside of his cock in between the dewy wetness of her folds. Her hips began to move, sliding her juices up and down over his shaft. He had to grit his teeth to fight for control, especially when he felt the swollen bud of her clit glide over the engorged head of his cock. Fuck, that’s good.

  I know. Her response streamed into his mind as he pulled his head back in shock to stare at her features. They had never communicated in such a way. The intensity of her gaze nearly knocked him off the bike. The heat, the lust, the love she registered tightened his chest to the point of pain.

  Talon lowered his torso, his chest rubbing against her breasts as he slid his hands over her outstretched arms, clasping her fingers in his. He lowered his head and took possession of her lush lips, devouring her taste. His hands glided up her arms and moved to her hair as he adjusted her head to the angle he needed.

  She was grinding harder against him now, her hips rotating and undulating, making him fucking insane.

  “Talon, please.” She whispered.

  “Hold on, baby. I need you ready for me.” He groaned against the side of her neck as he continued his path lower. He wanted to taste every inch of her.

  “Oh god. I’m ready, Talon. I swear!” She rasped.

  He chuckled. “Not quite but I’ll make sure you get there soon, sweetheart. Trust me.”

  He moved his hips farther back on the seat as he trailed licks and kisses down her center, stopping to place an open-mouthed kiss to her navel. Talon heard her sharp intake of breath and smiled against her soft flesh. He continued his path over to her right hip bone and lifted his gaze to hers.

  “You ready to tell me about this?” He traced the small open-looped infinity cross tattoo with his fingers before repeating the action with his tongue. It was emerald green and a perfect match to her eyes. “I noticed it the other night but was too distracted to ask.”

  Chloe lifted her head to look down at him, a look of concern in her eyes. He didn’t want her to lose the burn, the need he knew that was flowing through her veins as fast and hard as it was burning through his. His hands slid under her knees and he draped them over his shoulders. Gripping her hips he lowered his head and took a slow, steady lick through her wet folds and swirled his tongue around the tight little bud of her clit.

  She gasped and reached for his hair. He looked up and grinned then grasped her wrists with his hands. “Put them back where they were, baby. I need you to stay
just like that for me.”

  When she complied he rewarded her with another swipe of his tongue, her taste exploding in his mouth. “Now sweetheart. Tell me why you have our warrior’s symbol.” He murmured against her core. He continued his slow explorations with his tongue as she moaned in response.

  “Talon, more. Please.” She cried, her hips undulating in an effort to get him where he knew she wanted him most.

  He pushed a finger inside and instantly felt her pussy clench him tightly. He circled his tongue around her clit and began to slowly pump his finger in and out. “Tell me, Chloe. Tell me and I’ll give you what you need, baby.” He added a second finger to the first.

  She lifted her hips to his fingers. “It was Roderick,” she said in a breathless tone. “Before I left for the States to watch over Mina.” Her breaths were coming faster. She was close. He flattened his tongue on the underside of her clit before softly circling it again.

  “And?” He asked, continuing the slow in and out movements with his fingers.

  “Talon!” She cried, now writhing beneath him. He pulled back a little to encourage her to continue.

  “Roderick commissioned the mark.” She paused, panting and letting out a long moan as he speared her with his tongue.

  “He said as the only person he entrusted to protect and watch over his child…” She paused and gasped when his fingers returned. “That I should carry the mark of his…strongest warriors.” Her hips undulated against his mouth, breathless, needing more. “No one else knows.” She continued. “Not even Mathias.”

  He was shocked at the level of pride that infused him. His Chloe. His little warrior. Just…his. Talon was quickly realizing he didn’t know near as much about this woman as he had assumed he had over the years. But he had a feeling he was going to love every minute of uncovering all of the layers that were uniquely Chloe.

  He heard her whimpered moan. She was more than ready. He increased the speed and depth of his fingers and growled as he took the swollen bud between his lips and sucked, flicking his tongue on the underside. She screamed and arched her back off the bike with the strength of her orgasm. He quickly removed his fingers and replaced them with his tongue, spearing into her core and taking her release into his mouth.


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