by Meg Anne
Helena found herself at the end of the line, smiling softly as she watched them wind their way through the halls. Their laughter bounced off the walls and filled the Palace with easy joy. No one was thinking about what tomorrow would bring. No one except her.
Seeing her lingering behind, Von waited for her to catch up. He didn’t have to say anything, she could feel his concern brushing against her and see its echo in his somber gray eyes. The eyes that had always looked straight to the heart of her. Helena never could hide what she was thinking from him.
“I’m fine,” she promised, giving him a quick kiss once she reached him at the top of the spiraling stairs. “Just enjoying this while it lasts.”
Von rested his arms on the banister beside her. “Aye. It’s nice to be home with everyone like this, even if it’s temporary.”
Home. The word brought a smile to her lips. She had never really thought of the Palace as home. To some extent, that would always be the cottage she had shared with her mother. The Palace was just the place where her things were. For Helena, home was not a building as much as the people that were housed within it. If by home, Von meant spending time with the ones she loved, then she was inclined to agree. It was nice.
On the heels of that thought was a reminder of the people that were missing: Anderson, Darrin, Miranda, and Effie. Those she loved that were no longer able to sit around and drink themselves silly as they toasted to a future they wished would come to be. Her smile turned wistful as she studied her Mate’s chiseled profile.
His face was serious despite the smile, as if his thoughts were as heavy as hers. She ran her finger along his nose, causing him to laugh and glance over at her.
She stared at him, her eyes lovingly memorizing every line and angle of his face. The dark slash of his brows, the perfect line of his nose, and sharp edge of his cheekbones. She ran her fingers along the scruff at his jaw, loving the way it scratched her fingers before they made their way into the feather soft strands of his inky black hair.
Von nuzzled into the caress, pressing his lips into the palm of her hand.
“I love you,” she whispered when his eyes met hers again.
His eyes darkened, and his hand lifted to brush her cheek. Helena let her eyes fall closed as she leaned into the touch. “I love you, Helena.” His voice was deep and warm, wrapping itself around her.
She felt the whisper of a touch on her nose, it was the only warning before his lips dipped down to meet hers. The kiss was achingly gentle, like the sealing of a promise. She pressed against him, eager to deepen it, but he kept it sweet and slow.
“There’s no need to rush,” he whispered through their bond, his lips continuing to tease her. “We have our whole lives for this.”
Helena was about to protest, but he stopped her before she could with a hand that tangled in her hair, lightly tugging her back.
“You promised me forever,” he said against her lips. Helena’s eyes fluttered open to find his tinged with gold and boring into hers. “I refuse to act like tonight will be our last.”
Desire and love spiraled through her at the tender rebuke. What had she ever done to be worthy of such a Mate?
Von nipped at her bottom lip before pulling away to gift her one of his most seductive smiles. “I intend to hold you to your promise, Mate.”
“As well you should,” she whispered, her voice husky. She was leaning forward to claim another kiss when Ronan called loudly from the bottom of the stairs.
“Save that for later, you two. We should probably get on with this before too many of us get too deep in our cups. I can’t imagine the alcohol will do much for your magicking.”
Helena stepped away with a scowl. She knew he was right, but that didn’t make her need any less.
“One day, Ronan,” Von called, taking Helena’s hand in his as they began their descent, “you’re going to find a woman, and I will be able to return the favor with no shortage of enjoyment.”
Ronan shrugged, his arms crossed. “Good luck with that, brother.”
Once Von was beside him, he leaned close and said in a low growl. “May your balls forever be blue, you smug bastard.”
Ronan threw his head back and laughed, the sound rolling through the room and bouncing off the high ceiling.
“What is with you two and your obsession with balls tonight?” Helena asked, shaking her head.
Von raised a brow in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“Ask him, he started it,” she said, stepping away from the still laughing Shield and out into the gardens below.
Helena never would have known that the party was unplanned. By the time she reached the garden, tables and chairs were set up with sparkling centerpieces and laden with food. There was also a small platform in the middle of the set-up where Helena assumed she would be standing as people stepped forward with their offering.
Overhead, the sky was filled with stars. She tipped her head back, breathing in the fragrant scent of night-blooming flowers and just basking in the glow of the moonlight. It was a beautiful evening. One made for dancing or sneaking off into the dark corners of the garden with a lover, definitely not one for bloodletting, although that was what it was about to be used for. She sighed and opened her eyes, making her way to the platform. Maybe one night soon she could dance beneath the stars, but tonight was not that night.
Helena took her place, and her friends’ animated voices grew quiet as they took note of her. She cleared her throat awkwardly, not sure what to say. She hadn’t planned to make a speech tonight, although it was starting to look like it was about to happen anyway.
“I, uh…” she trailed off and shrugged at their polite laughter. “I have no clue what I’m supposed to say right now. Thank you seems too small a phrase to express the depth of my gratitude for your continued sacrifices.”
Helena paused to take a breath and settle her nerves, her eyes seeking out each person individually. In the back were her Circle, their strength and combined power making them a considerable force, even at rest. She gave each of them a smile before looking on to Reyna and her favored guards. Next was Anduin and the two women who joined him for most diplomatic events. Then Serena and Nial, representing Daejara; Alina and her brother, the selected representatives of Tigaera; the Etillions, Amara and Xander; the Caedarans, Tinka and Khouman. It looked like everyone was here. Or maybe not.
With a mighty roar, a bright jet of orange flame, Starshine flew through the sky and landed in the back of the group. The floor rocked with the force of her landing, and a few of the guests stumbled into each other. It would seem that a certain Talyrian had not appreciated being left out of this gathering.
Helena snickered. “Always one for the dramatic entrance,” she teased.
Starshine opened her mouth and let out a smoky huff, pale gray smoke twisting up into the sky as her mouth closed. If the sound had a translation, Helena was certain she had just been told to shut up.
Settled once more, the Chosen returned their attention to their Kiri.
“I never wanted this war, but Rowena took that choice away from me when she began slaughtering hundreds of our brothers and sisters. She must be stopped.”
There were cheers of approval as her friends lifted their glasses in salute to her words.
“This ends tomorrow. Come dawn I will leave you to set the trap that will bring her straight to me. Your gifts tonight will make that possible.”
More raucous cheers rang out at her words. Helena gave them a fierce smile, one filled with bloodlust and promise.
“There is only one way this will end, my friends, and that is with the Corruptor’s death. Some sins cannot be forgiven or overlooked. While the Mother is merciful, she will not stand for the slaughter of her Chosen. The time has come for justice.”
Starshine tipped her head back and roared into the night sky, the cries of the Chosen deafening as they joined her.
“In the days to come, hold firm to your faith in the Mother, and in me. Th
e only way through this is united. To justice!” Helena shouted, holding up her glass.
“To justice!” they shouted in unison.
Helena drank deep, draining her glass completely. Even without the Jaka, she could feel the love and approval radiating from those standing before her. More than anything, Helena wanted to be worthy of it, of them. These people were her family, they were her home, and she would die to protect them.
Nial was the first to step forward, an orb of swirling crimson held in his outstretched hand.
He gave her a lopsided grin. “I went ahead and consolidated the other gifts for you. I had the feeling you might appreciate not having to deal with it in its organic form.”
Helena grinned. “Whatever gave you that impression?”
He winked. “Call it instinct.”
“Thank you, Nial.” Her heart clenched at the sweetness of his gesture.
He placed the orb in her hand and she was surprised by its warmth. The orb was smooth, like glass, while the swirls of red rose and crashed like the sea inside.
Nial nodded, holding out his hand as he slashed his palm with a silver dagger she had not noticed until then. He squeezed his fist together, his eyes focusing intently on the orb she now held cupped in her palms. Two drops of blood dripped onto the surface of the orb, which absorbed it instantly, leaving no trace of the dark liquid on its surface.
Helena shivered, the hair on her arms standing on end as the offering merged with its predecessors. This was potent magic indeed. Her eyes lifted, but Nial was already holding out the now clean blade to the next person.
One by one they came to her. First the Chosen delegates, then the Forsaken, with her Circle going last. Just as Kragen was to hand the blade to Ronan, Starshine snarled, stalking her way to Helena’s platform.
Ronan raised a brow, unsure of the Talyrian’s intent. “Are you next?” he asked.
Starshine huffed and nudged him to the side.
Ronan backed away with wide eyes. “Are you seeing this?” he asked Von in a loud whisper.
Von, who had slightly more experience with the Talyrian Queen than the others, merely chuckled. “Just don’t get in her way and you’ll be fine,” he promised.
The platform gave Helena enough height that she was able to meet Starshine’s gaze head on. The Talyrian dipped her head, using a fang to slash at the thick pad of her paw. The blood welled quickly and Helena held out the orb, her heart aching at the beading red that left a trail behind it on the snow-white fur.
Beyond all others, Helena had never anticipated this. “Thank you,” she whispered, emotion causing her voice to break.
Starshine huffed again and then held out her paw to Von. It took a moment for clarity, but he finally realized she was demanding that he heal the wound.
“Me?” he asked as he took the paw in his hand.
Starshine bared her teeth like she was just about at her limit of dealing with silly humans when Von held his hand above her paw and closed his eyes. The bright blue of his healing magic moved into Starshine’s paw, closing the gash and wiping away all traces of blood.
Von dropped her paw, and Starshine nudged his shoulder with her snout.
Helena snickered. Starshine had practically just called Von a good boy in front of the rest of them.
Ronan was still shaking his head in disbelief as he moved into place. “I don’t know how you handle being around more than one of them.”
Helena shrugged. “We’re kindred.”
Ronan’s eyes shone bright as he looked into hers. “Yes, we are.”
Helena smiled at the way he twisted the words, which allowed her to miss the flash of the blade as he sunk it into his flesh. Even still, she grimaced. She could feel the sting of the cut for each of the men in her Circle, and it resonated a bit more as they went down the line.
“’Tis but a flesh wound,” he said with a wink. “I’ve had worse on the practice field, Hellion. No need to get your panties in a bunch.”
“You should go take a long walk off a short cliff,” she said with a shit-eating grin of her own.
He reached out with his uninjured hand and gave her arm a squeeze. “A drop of blood is nothing, Helena. If needed, I would lay down my life for you.”
Helena swallowed, her laughter dying at the serious blue eyes that stared into hers. “And I for you, Ronan.”
“But not today,” he said, his teeth flashing in a smile. “Today, we live.”
Helena nodded, still blinking back the tears his words had caused. “Today, we live,” she agreed.
Ronan stepped away, leaving only her Mate.
Von looked up at her and grinned. “And so we meet again.”
“At least no one is booing you this time.”
“I’m sure I could remedy that if you’d like to reenact the first time we met?” His words were so earnest that laughter bubbled forth.
“As much as I would love to relive the moment our souls found each other, they just started tolerating you a few weeks ago. No need to get them riled up again.”
Von laughed. “Fair enough, Mira.”
Between one heartbeat and the next, Von had cut his palm and pressed it down into the orb. He closed his hand around it, keeping it cupped in between their hands.
“Von,” she warned since he had already given more than just a drop or two.
He did not look away from her. “Everything that I am is yours.”
It was a vow he had made to her before, and Helena opened her mouth to reply as lightning flashed in the sky. There were a few shocked gasps as thunder followed, so loud that it sounded like the sky had split in two. Even though she did not look away from her Mate, she could see the rest of the guests look up toward the sky.
“It would seem the Mother has spoken,” he said with a wry smile, lifting his hand from the orb.
“Apparently,” Helena replied, her body thrumming from the contact with the orb. As his hand lifted, she looked down. The swirls of color were moving so fast they blurred, but that did nothing to hide the effect Von’s blood had. After he had added his offering to the mix, the crimson had changed into a bright, luminescent gold.
“You sure know how to give a girl a gift,” she murmured, staring at the orb in awe.
“You told me you were tired of flowers,” he said.
Helena’s eyes cut to his. “Never,” she insisted.
He tilted his chin up, and Helena leaned down, meeting him halfway for a soft kiss. His hands went to her waist, and he lifted her off the platform and back onto the ground.
“What are we supposed to do now?” she asked.
Von shrugged, his grin so filled with mischief that her heart began to race with excitement. “Whatever the fuck we want.”
“Oh, I’ll drink to that,” Helena said.
And so they did.
Chapter Twenty-Five
Helena woke the next morning with only a small headache from the previous night’s festivities. All in all, it could have been much worse. At least she had memories of laughter and dancing—which she was happy to note did occur after all—to offset the minor ache. She rose before the sun, spending those quiet moments brushing the hair from Von’s face and kissing him sweetly awake.
“Good morning, handsome.”
“Good morning, my love,” he grumbled sleepily.
“If we want to leave before the others wake up, we need to get up now,” she whispered as she ran her fingers along the curve of his spine.
Von grunted, his word quota for the morning already met. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her body until it was flush against his.
Helena chuckled, appreciating the sentiment even though she knew she couldn’t indulge in it. “I’ll leave without you, if you’d rather sleep.”
That got his attention. Von opened one bleary eye. “You’ll do no such thing.”
Helena nodded. “Indeed, I will.”
Von sighed and rolled over onto his back with a groan. Helena openly ogled him, appre
ciating the way the sheet rode low on his hips. How easy it would be to forget the task at hand and spend the morning in bed with her Mate. Helena forced her eyes away from the chiseled V at his hips. The temptation would be damn near impossible to resist if she didn’t try and maintain some semblance of self-control.
“Five more minutes,” he pleaded, his arm thrown across his eyes.
She smiled at the petulant cast of his voice and lifted his arm, waiting patiently until he looked at her.
“Now,” she said firmly, following the word by sliding out of bed.
“Oh, that’s just mean,” Von growled as Helena made her way across the room stark naked.
“Consider it an incentive.”
Von’s eyes were predatory as he sat up, one arm propped behind him. “How so?”
Helena looked over her shoulder, her chestnut curls sliding across her back as she looked up at him through her lashes. “If you catch me before I get dressed, you can have your way with me.”
Von was launching himself over the foot of the bed before Helena had finished the sentence, slamming her into the wall with his lips claiming hers in a breathless kiss. He pulled away to look down at her with an unapologetically smug smile. “Challenge accepted.”
Helena melted into him, his proximity making her lose track of just exactly what she had been trying to do. There was nothing sweet or gentle about the way his body pressed against her. Von slid his hands down her sides, stopping mid-thigh to grasp her legs and pull them up around his waist.
At Helena’s gasp, he pulled back with a chuckle. Nipping her lip before moving his head back toward her ear. “You did promise anything,” he growled.
Her head fell back against the wall. “By all means…” her voice trailed off, further coherent words impossible.
He anchored her against the wall with his hips, the throbbing length of him pressed tightly against her aching core while he used his phantom hands to tease her body. “I like this game,” he murmured, coming up from another breath-stealing kiss.
Helena’s eyelids felt heavy as she forced them open to look at him. “Mmm,” she murmured.