No Going Back (Revolving Door Book 3)

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No Going Back (Revolving Door Book 3) Page 12

by Dani Matthews

  He sighs, knowing I have a point. That’s one thing I love about Colt. He’s always fair, even when he doesn’t want to be.

  I look at him earnestly. “Answer me this. When you pushed her away, was it with the intention of hurting her?”

  He scowls at me. “Of course not.”

  “Exactly. It was an accident. Do you think you’re the first guy to push away a clinging woman?”

  He reaches up and rubs a hand over his jaw. “I grew up with it. That shit sticks.”

  He’s not giving me an inch, and I don’t know how to get through to him. The way he looks at himself hurts me deeply. He’s such a good soul, why can’t he accept that?

  Colt’s eyes linger on my face, and I can see him beginning to shut down. “We can’t do this again, Quinn.”

  The time for talking has passed, and I know I’m back to square one. “I didn’t make you do anything you didn’t want to do.”

  “You’re right,” he reluctantly agrees. “When you take the decision out of my hands, it feels right. Afterwards… I can’t do this with you, Quinn.”

  “Don’t worry about afterwards, I’m not.” I lean into him and press a light kiss to his cheek, causing his jaw to tense. It’s time to leave him to his thoughts. I move away and ease off the bed, not the least bit self-conscious. I’m aware of him watching me dress, and when I move to his door and reach for the doorknob, I turn and glance at him.

  He’s still lying there, looking sexy as sin against those black sheets. His eyes are locked on me, and I have a feeling he’s trying to memorize this last moment, because he doesn’t think this will ever happen again.

  He should know better.

  I give him a soft smile before turning to leave, quietly closing the door behind me. When I enter the entertainment room, I falter and come to a complete stop.

  Sebastian’s sitting on the sofa, and the expression on his face is dead serious. “I thought that was you in there.”

  I hadn’t considered the possibility that Sebastian might come home. All I’d been able to focus on earlier was simply getting Colt to talk to me. After we were in his bed, I just wanted him inside me, and the world around us completely fell away. “It’s complicated, Sebastian,” I say softly. “Please don’t say anything to him or anyone else.” This is only just beginning, but it’ll never evolve if we have Gabe and Channing breathing down our necks.

  Sebastian studies me. “Be careful, Quinn,” he warns. He knows Colt has no intention of ever settling down.

  I give him a wry look. “For once, I know exactly what I’m getting into.” And I hope the end result will be worth it.



  Once more, I find myself knocking on Bryce’s apartment door. I’d needed to get out of the house after Quinn had left my room. I’ve been trying to get the sex out of my mind, but nothing’s working. I can’t stop thinking of her, and the only thing that can get my mind off how good she’d felt in my arms is her current predicament. This thing with Slade or whoever he is needs to come to an end.

  When I’d come back from buying Quinn new tires, Bryce had already been gone. I’d planned to reach out to him anyway so that we could talk in private, so here I am.

  Bryce opens the door, not looking the least bit surprised to see me. “I figured you’d be dropping by. Come on in.”

  I enter the apartment and see that the TV in the living room is turned to a local news channel.

  “Beer?” Bryce asks.


  A minute later, we’re sitting in the living room, both of us holding bottles of beer. Bryce leans over and picks up the remote off the coffee table, and he mutes the TV before turning to look at me. “She reported the incident, but she’s also dragging her feet.”

  I set my beer on the table and rake a hand through my hair. “She’s the most obstinate person I know.”

  Bryce quirks a brow. “I can name someone who tops her.”

  His words cause an image of earlier to pop up in my head of Quinn beneath me, her legs wrapped around my hips as I pumped in and out of her. I quickly shove aside the memory. “She’s honestly not scared, Bryce. She’s not coming face to face with him, and it’s giving her the illusion that she can somehow control this. That scares the shit out of me,” I confess.

  “That’s what he wants. He wants her scared and yet secure with the knowledge that he’s not physically coming after her.”

  “What do you think that means?”

  “This guy’s smart,” he says. “Everything he does has a reason. He wants to play his game and draw out the anticipation. If he comes for her—which is a possibility—she’s not going to see it coming. My job is to try to anticipate his next move, but she’s making that difficult by baiting him,” he states in a dry tone.

  I shake my head with exasperation. “It’s impossible to curb her natural recklessness.”

  “I’m aware, and I already discussed it with her.”

  “Think you got anywhere with her?” I ask, already knowing the answer.

  “Doubt it.”

  I sigh and reach for the beer I’d set down. I’m definitely in need of one of these, and I take a long drink before asking, “What do you think his next move will be?”

  “Good question, and I’m not sure,” he says honestly.

  “What’s your gut telling you?” I press.

  “He’s done with the photos. He trashed her car this morning, so he’s beginning to move closer to her. Everything points to him confronting her. Whether to frighten her or physically harm, I’m not certain. We don’t really know anything about this guy. There’s no priors to base a profile on.”

  “It’s likely he’s done this before, right?”

  “I’m thinking so, yes. But we don’t have a name to enter into the system, so there’s no way to look into past cases.”

  “What about blood fetish cases?”

  “That’s a long shot, Colt.”

  I give him a look. “How many cases do you think there are of women receiving notes written in blood?”

  “Probably more than you’d think.”

  I look at him with frustration. “At least it’s something to go on.”

  “True. I’ll look into Colt, but I can’t promise anything will come of it.”

  I nod. “In the meantime, what can I do to help protect her?”

  “He got to her vehicle, so I would suggest someone walk her out to it every morning—making certain that everything is as it should be.”

  “What about parking her car in the garage?”

  Bryce shakes his head. “No, don’t do that. If he’s going to vandalize anything, better it be her car than him trying to get inside. If you take away his means to contact her—to leave his mark—he’ll find other ways. Trust me, we don’t want him looking for other options, because that could turn deadly.”

  I scrub a hand over my face. “Shit. Okay.”

  “I’ll keep looking into things from my end. I’m ass deep into cases, but I’ll make time for Quinn’s situation.”

  “When does this become a big enough problem that she’s assigned an investigator? Someone who’s actively working to figure this shit out?” I ask broodingly. It’s one of the things that bothers me the most about all this. Bryce is the only one actively searching for this guy, and that’s because he knows Quinn.

  “When he tries to or succeeds in hurting her. Colt, I’m going to do everything I can to prevent that from happening.”

  We talk for another half hour before I take off and head home. I’d planned on going out tonight to hit a few bars, but after earlier with Quinn, I have no urge to sink my dick into some random woman.

  I slow for a stoplight, and my chest tightens as I recall our conversation before she’d left my room. She has so much faith in me, and it’s making me miserable trying to keep her at a distance. I’ve always felt drawn to her, but these days, it’s so much worse.

  My hands tighten on the steering wheel.

  How the hell do we move on after having sex? I feel like I’m hurtling towards certain disaster, and yet as much as I want to deny it, it feels damned good.



  “I have no idea what to get Channing for his birthday,” Ash says as we eat our lunch in the breakroom at the salon. The twins’ birthday is Friday, and we’ve all made plans to celebrate at the pool hall that Ash, Harper, and I had visited a few weeks back.

  I dip my spoon into my yogurt and shake my head. “The four of us have never done the gift thing. Actions have always, and will be, more important than presents. I wouldn’t suggest buying him anything, and instead, make Friday the best day he’s had in a long time.”

  Her eyebrows draw together. “Really?” she asks a bit doubtfully.

  I smile. “Yep. It’s completely up to you, though. If you’d feel better getting him something, then do what you feel is right. If you’re still not sure what to get him, you could always do something special for him,” I suggest.

  Ash turns thoughtful as she takes a bite of her sandwich, and I can practically see the wheels turning inside her head. She reaches for her water. “How are you doing?” she asks, switching the topic.

  I look at her questioningly as I finish off my yogurt.

  “With the Slade situation,” she clarifies.

  I shrug. “I can handle it.”

  She studies me.

  “It’s aggravating as hell,” I add. “Colt insisted on checking my car this morning before he’d allow me to go anywhere near it.” As annoying as that was, it was more frustrating watching him act as if we hadn’t had sex. Not that I’d expected him to act any other way, but it’s still disappointing.

  “After what happened to Harper, can you blame him? Channing’s concerned about you.”

  I roll my eyes. “Channing’s always worrying over me.”

  “And you’re lucky to have him, Quinn. Some people never had that growing up,” she gently reminds.

  “You’re right,” I quietly agree. Ash had grown up an only child, and her parents had been superficial assholes with only one goal in mind—making their bank accounts bigger.

  “They love you, so try to accept their acts of concern with a little patience. I don’t want anything to happen to you, but if God forbid it did, those that love you need to know that they did everything they could to help you.” Her forehead wrinkles. “Totally morbid, I know, but remember how Gabe beat himself up for not being around that morning when Harper was grabbed?”

  I fall silent. Even now, weeks after it happened, I’ll catch Gabe staring at Harper’s cast, and I’ll see the self-condemnation in his gaze. I slowly nod. “I get what you’re saying, and I’ll keep your advice in mind.”

  Ash smiles. “Good. Did you know that Gabe’s beginning to look at houses?”

  “Get out. Really?” I’m so happy for Harper, and I’m beginning to think the sooner they move out, the better. I don’t want her near this mess with Slade. It’s ironic, because a few months earlier, I’d been devastated when she’d been talking about moving out, but then she and Gabe had worked out their issues. Now, I’m anxious for her to leave. I want nothing but the best for her, and right now, that’s not me.

  “Gabe had his laptop out last night and was looking at houses,” Ash informs me.

  “Good, they deserve a new beginning.”

  “I agree.”

  Our break is about over, and we clear off the table and go back to our jobs.

  After work, I’m a little nonplussed to see Gabe leaning against my car. I frown, walking over to him. “What are you doing here?”

  “I thought I’d make sure you get home okay.”

  I scowl, but then I remind myself of Ash’s advice. “Did Colt put you up to this?” I ask, struggling to put aside my annoyance.

  “No, Harper did.”

  I blink. “Harper?”

  He nods, his eyes serious. “You can never be too careful.”

  “But it’s daylight, and I’m in public,” I say, waving a hand at the building behind us and the parking lot.

  “Not really,” he counters. “This parking lot is for employees only, and it’s behind the building. Something could go down back here and no one from the street would know.” His eyes flicker back to the building. “That, and there are no windows facing the lot.”

  I rub my temple. “Gabe… Ugh, never mind. Let’s just go.” It’s impossible to argue with his logic.

  The entire drive home, I am conscious of Gabe following me in his own car. Once we arrive at the house, he wanders off, and I head to the kitchen for a snack. I’m not hungry enough for a full meal, so I grab a bag of chips and take it to my room.

  I’ve just finished changing when someone knocks on my door. My heart leaps in my chest, hoping that it’s Colt. “Come in.”

  Harper opens the door and comes in, closing it behind her. “Are you mad at me?” she asks, eyeing me.

  I plop down on my bed, shoving a hand into the bag for a handful of chips. “You mean am I mad because you sicced your boyfriend on me?” I deadpan. Harper sits down beside me, and when she tries to slip her good hand into the bag, I playfully jerk it out of reach. “Nuh-uh. No rewards for your underhandedness.”

  She laughs under her breath. “Okay, okay. I’m sorry, but I love you and I want you to stay safe. Now may I have a chip?”

  I hold the bag closer to her so that she can take a handful. “Someone told me today that I’m blessed to have you all breathing down my neck,” I say dryly.

  Harper finishes the chip she’d just popped into her mouth. “You are. Please tell me this isn’t your dinner.”

  “It’s not.” I inspect my nails on my left hand. “I need to have my nails redone, so I think maybe I’ll do that and then grab something to eat while I’m out.”

  “I could use a manicure. Want a tag along?” she muses.

  I glance at the tips of her fingers that are peeking out of her cast. Her nails are looking pretty rough. I’m also certain she could care less how her nails look, she just doesn’t want me to go out alone. I don’t mind the company, so I smile. “Sure.” I give her a look. “Does that mean Gabe has to come with?”

  “Oh,” she murmurs, obviously not considering that Gabe might insist on coming too.

  “We’ll be in public. Nothing’s going to happen,” I point out.

  “Just leave him to me,” she decides.

  I arch an eyebrow. That was easy considering she’d sent him to the salon to follow me home.

  She notes my look. “I owe you. I know how it feels to have people hovering, and it’s frustrating. I’m glad he made sure you made it home safely, but I think we can handle the nail salon and a restaurant on our own. Though it would go over a lot better with Gabe if we promise to be home before dark,” she lightly suggests.

  “I can agree to that. Let’s go before Colt gets home,” I say, standing. “If anyone’s going to want me to stay put in the house, it’ll be him.”

  We leave my room and go in search for Gabe. He’s out by the pool, using the net to clean the bugs and leaves from the water. When he looks up and spies us walking towards him, the net stills as his eyes narrow on us. “You both look like you have trouble on your minds.”

  “We’re going to get our nails done and grab a bite to eat.” Gabe’s already beginning to frown, and Harper adds, “We’ll be home before dark.”

  “I don’t mind coming with, I can always hit up one of the other stores while you girls are doing your thing,” he offers.

  “That defeats the purpose of coming with. If you join us, you join us at the salon and get a pedi,” she informs, giving him a stern look.

  “A what?” he asks, his expression confused.

  “Pedicure. That’s when they do your toes,” Harper explains with a straight face.

  I’m enjoying this, and I struggle to contain a snicker when Gabe looks at Harper with abject horror.

  “Pedi, or you’re staying home,” Harp
er warns in an uncompromising tone.

  Gabe’s eyes slide to me, and he doesn’t look happy.

  “If I thought we’d be in any sort of danger, I wouldn’t go out or take her with. I can’t put my life entirely on hold, and it’s not fair of you to ask me to,” I say lightly.

  He sighs. “You’ll be back before dark?”

  “I promise,” I assure.

  “Fine, just stick together.”

  We agree, and then Harper and I leave the house and climb into my car. “I feel like a teenager asking for permission to go out for the evening,” I grumble as I back into the street and drive away from the house.

  Harper gazes at me with compassion. “I’m sorry you’re going through this.”

  “Me too.”

  “Is Bryce doing anything?”

  “There isn’t much that can be done at this point.”

  “You’d think there’d be something,” she says.

  I shrug and slow for a stop sign. “Photos, one note, and slashed tires doesn’t equate to my life being in imminent danger.”

  “The possibility is there, Quinn.”

  “It is,” I agree. “But do I think it’s likely? At this point, no.” I glance at her briefly. “Looking in from the outside, I get how bad it looks. The thing is, I know more about Slade than you guys do, and I’m familiar with his twisted ways.”

  She shivers. “He sounds creepy.”

  I grimace and flip on the blinker so I can switch lanes. “Looking back now, I would have to agree.”

  We both fall silent, and when I pull into the plaza, I have a tough time finding a parking space until I spy a car backing out. Once we’re in the nail salon, we’re separated as we’re led to separate cubicles.

  Afterwards, we drop by a restaurant, and while Harper orders a salad, I order a grilled cheese sandwich. The restaurant is busy, but the low murmur of other peoples’ conversations isn’t enough ruin the atmosphere.

  Harper sips her water. “We haven’t talked about Colt in a while. How are things going?”

  I’m relieved that she’s the one to bring him up, so I feel better about confiding in her. I would like to keep some of my interactions with Colt private, but I could use someone to talk to. “I’m taking your advice.”


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