Crimson Dichotomy (Dichotomy Saga)

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Crimson Dichotomy (Dichotomy Saga) Page 15

by Aubrey Ross

  Without warning, Bianca knelt before them. Lukas wrapped his arm around Katsu’s waist and drew their hips together. She grasped one cock in each hand, pumping them both with eager abandon. Her breasts swayed enticingly as she sucked one cock and then the other. Her firm hand kept the excitement building each time her mouth pulled away. Then she angled their bodies toward each other and rubbed their cocks against each other. Katsu shivered violently, his body shaking with the strain.

  “How is this going to end?” Lukas panted. His abdomen rippled as tension pulsed through his balls. He imagined Bianca as he’d imagined Rebecca, held between them, stretched around both their cocks, surrendered to the ultimate joining. Possessive passion blazed a trail through his mind, demanding he make the image real. He needed this more than he’d needed anything in his entire life. “Have you ever been with two men before?”

  “No, but I’ve done everything else.” She sucked on the tip of Katsu’s cock and then offered Lukas the same pleasure. “You won’t hurt me.”

  “There will be no turning back once we enter the bedroom.”

  “I won’t change my mind, but I’m not done playing.” She pulled his cock back toward her mouth.

  Lukas twisted away. “My balls have been blue since you transitioned. I can’t wait.” He took them by the hand and led them toward the bedroom in the back corner of the cottage.

  “Are you sure this is what you want?” Katsu asked her. “We can start with something less…physically demanding.”

  “No.” Lukas wasn’t sure why he was being so relentless, but his body would accept no compromise. “If she isn’t willing to accept a full joining, we’ll wait until she is.”

  “I’m not afraid.”

  Famous last words! Bianca watched Katsu stretch out on his back, his erection arching to his navel. Lukas was even bigger. And she’d just agreed to take them both inside her.

  Lukas dug a bottle of lubricant out of his nightstand and motioned toward the bed. “Ready?”

  “No.” She released a nervous laugh. “But I’m willing.”

  Tossing the lube to the bed, he took her in his arms and kissed her. His mouth was warm, his tongue stroking boldly over hers. He tasted like sex and an image flared to life within her mind. She saw Katsu locked in a similar embrace, helpless against Lukas’ aggressive appeal.

  “Would you like me to lick your pussy? I haven’t enjoyed you directly.” He made the offer against her mouth, his lips teasing hers.

  “If I can’t play, neither can you.”

  “Fair enough.” He scooped her up in his arms then set her down on her knees beside Katsu who now sat on the side of the bed.

  Katsu smiled and helped her swing her leg over his hips. She lifted with her knees and he positioned himself between her thighs. Closing her eyes, she savored the fullness of his shaft pushing into her pussy.

  Lukas moved in close behind her, pressing his cock lengthwise into the crack between her ass cheeks. She chuckled and craned her neck, trying to see his expression. “I don’t think it works like that,” she teased.

  “I’m well aware of how it works.” He reached around her and found her clit with his middle finger. “Pinch her nipples, Katsu. I want her more than ready when I join you inside her.”

  They stroked her body, building her passion from smoldering heat to blazing fire. Lukas massaged her clit with amazing skill, launching sensations all through her abdomen. Katsu was no less thorough, discovering erogenous zones she hadn’t realized she possessed. Their patience challenged her control, while their caring soothed her anxiety.

  Only after she was trembling with desire, did Lukas push her toward Katsu. She bent over, snuggling against Katsu’s chest. Lukas parted her cheeks and rubbed lubricant around and into her tight back passage.

  His fingers breached her slowly and she sighed, tingles rippling up along her inner muscles and skittering up her spine. Her clit pulsed madly as he pulled back. The sensation was even more pleasurable.

  Katsu pulled her closer, guiding her mouth to his. She abandoned herself to the familiar as Lukas shifted into position.

  “Push out, sweetheart. I’ll take it slow.”

  She felt the blunt head of his cock against her anus. Then her body stretched, stretched, then stretched some more. Tearing her mouth away from Katsu’s, she gasped and tried to keep from tensing up. Pressure flared into pain as he fed his cock deeper into her body.

  “Fuck, that makes her tight.” Katsu groaned.

  “Almost there.” Lukas maneuvered the words around his gritted teeth.

  Her ass pressed into the bend of his body and Bianca exhaled. They were both inside her! A strangled whimper escaped her throat.

  Lukas grasped her hips and pulled her upward, dragging her body halfway off Katsu’s cock. “Can you reach her clit?”

  Katsu found the oversensitized nub and she jerked back against Lukas. “I don’t think that’s going to help.”

  “Relax. Let your body adjust.”

  Lukas’ strong arm banded her waist while Katsu gently circled her clit. They surrounded and filled her more completely than she’d ever imagined. She let the tension melt out of her muscles and heat washed over her in soothing waves.

  “That’s right.” Lukas lowered her, without disturbing the placement of Katsu’s hand. With tentative slowness, Lukas pulled back. The sting was gone, but the sensation was still too sharp for pleasure. He lubricated his shaft again, allowing him to slide more smoothly.

  Katsu held her still, accentuating each of Lukas’ strokes with the pass of his finger. Her nipples tingled and her pussy clenched. “Ready for more?” Katsu asked.

  She couldn’t summon the words, but managed to nod. He pushed her hips toward Lukas, dragging her nearly off him in the process. After a momentary pause, Lukas reversed direction, pushing her onto Katsu as he pulled back.

  Pleasure blossomed deep in her belly and rippled along her inner walls. The lazy slide passed tingles back and forth, building in intensity with each turn. “Oh,” she cried out as her body found a rhythm that set her senses on fire.

  She took over the motion, no longer able to remain passive. Her head spun and her body burned. Nothing in her past prepared her for the intensity consuming her now. Katsu moaned, lunging up to meet her as she thrust herself down onto his cock.

  “Together!” Lukas grasped her waist and Katsu held her hips. The first stroke took her breath away. They thrust inward together and slid out the same way. Each in-stroke forced the sensations higher and the outstroke dragged the pleasure back down through her entire body.

  Overwhelmed by the sensual storm, she could do little more than whimper as her orgasm drove reality beyond her grasp. Everything went black for just a moment then Katsu’s sharp cry drew her back to the present. He thrust up into her, his back arched clear off the bed. Lukas reached beyond her and clasped Katsu’s waist, holding them together as they shuddered in unison.

  * * *

  Shaken and unsure, Rebecca sank deeper into sleep state and still oblivion remained out of reach. Lukas had anchored her to the physical realm, tethered her in a way she didn’t understand.

  Were the emotions bombarding her real? Had Bianca surrendered herself body and soul to…

  And Katsu!

  The image had been so vivid. Starkly sexual. Their faces tensed, while their bodies arched and thrust. She’d felt their desire, the consuming urgency that eclipsed all other thoughts and feelings. And it wasn’t just Bianca. She’d shared the experience with all three, joined in the staggering pleasure. Never before had she witnessed anything so carnal, or so appealing.

  Lukas wanted the same thing with her. He’d made his desire obvious from the start. She could trust him with her life. He’d proved himself a capable protector. But could she trust him with her passion, and ultimately her heart? Those questions weren’t so easily answered.

  Time passed. Hours or days, she couldn’t be sure, but Bianca’s emotions stabilized. Rebecca crept toward
the physical realm, easing into Bianca’s mind. Peaceful now, Bianca hadn’t been this happy in years, perhaps not ever. With a deep sigh, Rebecca let Bianca’s contentment curl around and flow through her. This was the elusive goal, the intangible reward awaiting those brave enough to trust. She’d often dreamed of a loving relationship, an emotional partnership where her lover… Bianca hadn’t found this with a lover. She’d only attained this peacefulness when she’d shared her heart with two men.

  Rebecca tried to assess the others. Had they found Utopia too? She sensed Katsu’s presence, but his mind was distant and inaccessible.

  Katsu and Bianca will likely sleep for hours. It’s just you and me.

  Lukas’ casual statement startled her. No one had ever been able to sense her except Bianca. His being blazed like a forest fire on the horizon, mesmerizing and powerful. Will you behave?

  Probably not.

  Then I’ll stay put until you change your mind.

  You can’t hide forever.

  Technically she could, but her pride was still stinging from her first retreat. Tucking tail and running really wasn’t her style.

  She emerged into the physical realm with unusual ease. Strong emotions generated energy and energy was the key to control. Bianca slid peacefully into sleep state unaware of the transformation.

  “If Bianca breaks her arm, will your arm be broken as well?” Lukas sat with his back against the wall, a sheet draped over his lap. Katsu sprawled on his stomach on the far side of the bed, his features relaxed, almost serene.

  Rebecca scrambled off the mattress and grabbed the first garment she found, the solid black T-shirt Lukas had worn the day before. Had it only been one day? Her mind was still a bit muddled.

  “Why? Are you contemplating violence?” The T-shirt grazed the tops of her thighs, barely protecting her modesty.

  “No. I was wondering if you’re feeling the aftereffects of what we’ve been doing with Bianca. We’ve barely left this bed in over thirty hours.”

  Embarrassed by the reminder of all she’d witnessed, she shook her head. “Our bodies are completely separate. In fact, transformation allows us to repair damage.”

  “Good to know.”

  “I want you to sever the link you created with me. I don’t want you in my mind.”

  “No. It’s there for your protection.”

  “Oh really?”

  “If your emotions surge for any reason, I’ll sense it instantly.”

  “That might be true, but that wasn’t why you formed the connection.”

  He just smiled and flipped back the sheet. She spun around, resisting the image emblazoned on her mind. She would not think about the perfection of his body or the ache building between her thighs. Bianca had opened her heart and the reward had been amazing. Lukas obviously meant for them to take the same path. Could she allow herself to be so vulnerable?

  “We still have a few hours before nightfall.” His warm hands lightly touched her shoulders and he whispered in her ear, “Let’s go take a bath.”

  Chapter Six

  Raze shifted his gaze between Ella and Taerok as dread swelled within him. “I’ll be powerless.”

  “It’s necessary.” Ella dismissed his fear with a wave of her hand.

  There were only five Titseeny collars in existence and the Sentinels had located three. Had Taerok known Ella had one as well? Was this a secondary reason for contacting her?

  The details didn’t matter. She meant to fasten the thin silver band around his throat and render him helpless. Each collar had been enchanted by an ancient sorcerer. They bound the power of any paranormal being, making them physically incapable of doing harm.

  “Vampires must have a specific reason for venturing beyond the Veil,” she told Taerok. “I have a contact in the capital who deals in eccentricities.”

  “Meaning?” Taerok reached for the collar. She pivoted to the side, keeping it just out of reach.

  “People come to her when their appetites can’t be sated on the open market. She would be extremely interested in a fledgling vampire as well trained as Raze.”

  “I offered him to you as a gift. I will not allow him to be sold to a whoremonger.”

  Pleased by the master’s belated defense, Raze moved closer to Taerok.

  “I have no intention of selling him, only offering him in exchange for information. D’arcy Aiden is massive. It could take weeks to locate Lukas on our own.”

  Taerok grabbed Raze’s upper arms and turned him to face Ella. “If anything happens to him, you die.”

  Her lips parted, the smile falling short of her eyes. “This might sting a bit.” She snapped the collar against the side of his neck and the flexible band curved around his throat, fastening to itself with a subtle hiss. “Estri miko fon. Tallanty norest fontae. Fontae miko estri setra to.”

  A violent shiver shook his body as the cold metal adhered to his throat. He tried to jerk free of Taerok’s grasp, but the master held him firmly. Heat sank into his flesh and searing streamers crawled across his skin. “It feels like fire!” He tossed his head and twisted frantically.

  “You’ll get used to it.” With her usual nonchalance, she waved away his concern.

  Embrace the sensations. Welcome the heat. This is only temporary.

  Raze didn’t react outwardly to Taerok’s unexpected compassion. The master would have spoken out loud if he’d wanted her to know what he was thinking. Still, the momentary kindness moved Raze more than anything else in the world. All was not lost so long as the master cared.

  Summoning skills he had developed at the end of Ella’s whip, Raze absorbed the discomfort, defusing the agony as it traveled along his nerve endings. The raging flames became smoldering embers and finally prickly sparks.

  “You will pose as my protector,” Ella told Taerok. “They must believe I am in charge. I have blood ties to the Sidhe. You do not.”

  Taerok didn’t reply though Raze spotted subtle evidence of his displeasure. His eyes narrowed fractionally and a vein above his jaw began to twitch.

  She swept Raze with a long, assessing stare. “Much as I hate to deprive myself of the view, you’ll need some form of clothing.”

  “I am unable to oblige you with this collar around my neck,” he said softly. Without further explanation she blinked out of sight. He indulged in a brief shudder, dispersing the tension building between his shoulders. “Will she return?”

  “If it were her intention to desert us, she would not do so in her lair.”

  Will you…set things right once she has led us to the Sentinel?

  Taerok’s only response was an enigmatic smile.

  Ella flashed back into view with a velvet cloak draped over her arm. “This is the best I could do with so little time.” She spread the calf-length garment around Raze’s shoulders and tied the cord at his throat. “Keep your gaze downcast and do not speak unless someone addresses you directly. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  “Let’s get this over with. I’m anxious to continue training my new pet.”

  * * *

  “Night has fallen. Shouldn’t we awaken Katsu?” Rebecca wiggled away from Lukas, splashing water on the bathroom floor in the process. She pushed one of his hands away from her breast only to find the other sliding across her thigh.

  They’d relaxed and cuddled for nearly an hour before Rebecca grew restless. “Relax. You’re safe here. We’ve got all the time in the world.”

  She stopped struggling and his long finger curved over her mound, touching without parting her folds. “You’ll sense it if Taerok figures out where we are?” The fear in her voice annoyed her nearly as much as her inability to resist Lukas. His touch eroded her defenses like grains of sand beneath high tide.

  “Every person is scanned at the perimeter wall and no one can teleport directly into the city. Taerok would be stopped long before he reached this cottage.” His free hand formed mesmerizing patterns upon her damp skin. “For the sake of
argument, let’s say he makes it this far. I would sense him immediately and my powers are stronger in this dimension than they were on Earth. Now relax. Let your senses guide you.”

  Anticipation coiled through her body. The mental link had offered her a preview of the pleasures awaiting her. All she had to do was trust him and—no, she had to trust them. Without Katsu, Lukas would be just another lover.

  Like the two halves of a Dichotomy, Lukas and Katsu contrasted and blended. They offered different yet equally intriguing personality traits. Katsu’s patience balanced Lukas’ arrogance, while Lukas’ confidence augmented Katsu’s uncertainty.

  Yet she knew so little about Lukas, his past, his family, belief system, and priorities.

  “What are you thinking about?” Lukas shifted, reclining in the tub and pulling her against his chest. His shaft pressed lengthwise into the crack between her ass cheeks, an inescapable reminder of his intentions. Warm water lapped at the underside of her breasts and cool air teased her nipples.

  “This is happening so fast.” She rested her head against his shoulder and grasped the rim of the tub. He stroked her breasts and belly, thighs and sex, building her arousal gradually. “I’m not used to making rash decisions. I don’t really know you that well.”

  “Anything you want to know is there in my mind. Use the link. Scan my memories. Answer your questions. You need to be sure this is what you want.”

  She let the flames engulf her, following the link into his mind. His power vibrated all around her, raw and intimidating. He was open, accessible, holding nothing back. She flowed through his childhood, his adolescence, sensing the forces that had shaped his personality.

  Disappointment and grief, victory and pride, she followed each emotion to its source, reliving decades in an instant. He was older than he looked, his experiences diverse and extensive.

  Aching hunger drew her back toward the present. She saw herself in Katsu’s arms. Lukas craved her, needed to claim her with obsessive intensity.


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