Client No. 6: A Dial-A-Date Romance

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Client No. 6: A Dial-A-Date Romance Page 88

by Cassandra Dee

  And slowly, I got up from the table to help my mom bring out more food. Pete glanced over at me then, his look knowing, totally aware of what I’d just done despite the fact that he appeared to be listening to my cousin blabber away. Because yeah, I’d stuffed my panties into my cunt, soaking up his cum, my hot hole filled with his sperm. And all I wanted was more because that’s what my lover did to me. Despite the fact that he’d just led me to the highest heights, breaking through barriers I didn’t even know existed, all I wanted was more. More, much more, with Mr. Parker, my love, my life, my everything.



  Holy shit, that was the best Christmas brunch I’d ever been to. Usually I hate these things, I prefer staying home on holidays because for a busy guy like me, it’s a real day off. Even on weekends, I’ve got things to take care of. There are always emails, calls, endless questions to be answered, but for one blessed day, December twenty-fourth, all that turns off and I actually have some time to myself, some peace for my family.

  So yeah, usually I resist the invitations, making up some excuse, anything to avoid unwanted commitments. But with Mandy, it was different. The beautiful brunette had insisted that I go to her parents’ house, like a date almost, and fuck, but I’d made it a date and then some. I’d fucked the little girl right at her parents’ dining room table, we hadn’t even bothered to find a room, or even some kind of dark closet. Naw, the gorgeous girl and I had done it right there, in public, surrounded on all sides by her relatives as her dad blabbed away about his vacation slides.

  So I shook my head. It was fucking incredible in every way, what this girl did to me. All my inhibitions were gone, I just wanted to take her again and again, maybe forever in fact. But that was the problem. We didn’t have forever. Mandy had college, her whole life in front of her, and I wasn’t sure what role I played in all that, if any at all.

  So being a no-nonsense guy, I asked her about it.

  “When do you go back?” I asked casually, in the bathroom together after the party, watching as she stripped, slowly pulling off her clothes, those curves revealed like the most tempting magic act. Secretly, I was hoping she’d say never, and instead mention something along the lines of “I want to stay here with you, I’m yours now, Mr. Parker.”

  But Mandy didn’t meet my eye, instead focusing on pulling the panties from her pussy. And fuck, but it was a beautiful sight. The girl was nude as she squatted slightly in the bathroom, bending her knees as her fingers quested for the cotton inside. And with a sigh, a gasp, she finally found a seam and began pulling. Oh shit, oh shit, I watched with eyes ablaze, dick stiff once more as that pink fabric edged out. The material was sopping wet and the brunette was so beautiful, so dirty, exactly what I needed as her pussy gave it up.

  Knowing my eyes were on her, she shot me a coy smile.

  “What Peter?” she cooed softly. “What did you say?”

  I shook my head, dumbfounded. What was it I’d been saying? This girl had the ability to throw me off track like none other, all thoughts flying away like they’d never existed. But this was too important, too critical, so I pushed ahead.

  “When does spring semester start up again?” I rumbled deep in my chest, eyes still fixed on her body. And as I watched, she stretched and sighed a little before stepping into the shower stall and turning on the water. Yeah, we’re so close now that we share the bathroom with one another, unselfconsciously bathing, soaping ourselves in each other’s presence, treating our lover to generous eyefuls.

  So I watched, aroused, as the curvy girl lathered up, but I wasn’t going in there, not yet. There were things to figure out.

  “Mmmm,” she murmured, closing her eyes as she rubbed shampoo through those curls. “I think next week?”

  And my heart caught in my throat. Next week? Holy shit, that was seven days from now, that was way too soon.

  And her eyes opened, smiling at me through the steam.

  “Yeah, I think classes start next Monday, so I should drive up Sunday at least, get myself settled before, you know,” she murmured through the mist.

  And I gripped the ledge of the tub where I sat, heart pumping fast. Holy shit, it wasn’t even seven days. It was more like five if she was leaving Sunday. What the fuck? What the fuck, I wasn’t ready, I wasn’t prepared. So my mind grabbed on the closest excuse at hand.

  “You can’t go, I don’t have another nanny lined up,” I ground out roughly.

  But the girl just tittered.

  “Mr. Parker, you’ve forgotten already. We do have another sitter lined up,” she reminded me. “Mrs. Larson and Violet got along like a house on fire today, and she’s agreed to stay on a long-term basis,” she added softly. “I think she’s really good with Violet, I think your daughter really likes her.”

  Was there a note of sadness in her voice? Oh god, I hoped so, but that was nothing compared to the overwhelming disappointment, the lump in my throat. Fuck, what was wrong with me? Grown men don’t cry, especially not alphas like me. But the thought of rattling around in this huge house, my anchor gone, Violet and I bouncing around like loose change was a serious downer, made me feel like my life had gone flat, I was in some kind of sick nightmare.

  So I tried again.

  “I’m not sure why you’re going back so soon,” I began roughly. “I thought you said you didn’t like school. Besides, don’t I pay you enough?”

  And this time, Mandy stopped soaping herself for a moment, looking at me pointedly through the steam.

  “Of course you pay me enough, Peter,” she said gently. “You’re the most generous man I’ve ever met,” she added softly, eyes going warm, appreciative. “But you know my parents are so proud that I’m a college girl, so proud that I’m getting a BA, that I might be a lawyer one day.”

  I snorted. What her parents wanted was different from what she wanted, and I didn’t get why she was confusing the two. So I stuck to my guns.

  “Yeah, but what Jim and Trish want is irrelevant,” I ground out harshly. “You’re looking to be a mom, this college shit is bullshit, you told me that yourself.”

  And the brunette sighed then, soaping up her breasts now, those curves slickly wet and delicious.

  “I know,” she murmured in the stall, “I know. But things are different for me, Pete. You’ve always done what you wanted, other people be damned. It’s part of the alpha male in you, why I love you so much,” she said with a gentle smile. “But don’t you see? It’s not like that for me. I can’t just do whatever I want,” she said helplessly, shrugging her shoulders. “Even though I know the degree is more for my parents than anyone, still, it makes them so happy, and they’ve done so much for me in life. I can’t just blow it off, not now.”

  I seethed. Honestly, I didn’t understand what she was saying. Mandy and I grew up differently, I was out on the streets by the time I was sixteen, my parents never played a role in my life. So this pleasing your forebears shit made no sense, and it didn’t make me happy. But there had to be another way.

  “Listen, you can always go back to college, take a leave of absence. They have those, right? You can leave for two years and then go back without having to reapply,” I ground out.

  And this time Mandy put her hands on her hips, still nude, looking at me through the clear glass of the shower stall.

  “Pete, I get it,” she said pointedly. “I get what you’re saying. We’re in love, we adore one another, we get along great in so many ways, emotionally and physically,” she said, cheeks coloring, flushing a bit under the hot water. Yeah, that’s what we did to one another. The loving was so strong that even talking about the attraction revved us both up to two hundred miles an hour immediately. “But I can’t just stop my life like a freight train screeching to a halt. There’s too much going on. My parents raised me since birth to get a degree, they’d be so disappointed if I didn’t finish, or even if I took a leave. And yes, I want your baby, but I’m not supposed to want it, don’t you see?
Ever since junior high, they’ve been making us go to these safe sex seminars, warning us that our lives were over if we have babies too early.”

  I snorted.

  “You’re hardly a baby, not with the way we’ve been fucking,” I ground out.

  She smiled gently at me then, that slick, nude form still beckoning to me from inside the shower stall.

  “I know, Pete, I know I’m not,” she said with a softness in her voice, an acknowledgment of the Russian roulette we’d been playing. “But I can’t go against everything I’ve been raised just like that.”

  This was getting out of hand.

  “You’re not a robot,” I ground out. “You’re not programmed like a fucking computer, you don’t have to do everything they tell you.”

  And this time, the brunette fixed me with a glare.

  “Stop it,” she said sharply. “I’m just explaining to you what’s going on in my head, it’s not as simple as you think. I’m an eighteen year-old college girl, I can’t just throw everything away. I’m sorry you don’t feel that way, but that’s how I feel.”

  And my shoulders slumped then because Mandy was right. Yeah, I wanted to take care of her, I wanted her to move into my huge house, for her to take care of my kid, shit, for us to have a dozen babies of our own. That’s what would make me happy, that’s what would rock my world. But Mandy didn’t see it that way, and it frickin’ broke my heart. My little girl still had a future to pursue, a life to live, and couldn’t just drop everything for me. She had a path of her own, something she’d been building and planning, something waiting for her. So I turned to the only weapon I had left. Shedding my clothes, I stepped into the stall with her, big frame hard and demanding against her soft, succulent one.

  “You’re gonna have my baby whether you want to or not,” I murmured into her ear, tweaking a hard nipple, squeezing her breast in my hand. Oh god, Mandy was so bountiful, so soft, her curves so generous that I almost lost it right there, dick jerking against her tummy.

  “What was that?” she murmured, her fingers slowly trailing along my length, savoring the hot, hard pole, following a pulsing vein.

  And my dick jerked in her hand, pre-cum dripping off the tip, making me groan in agony. I grabbed her close again, so that we were flush against one another, her pussy rubbing against my fuckpole.

  “Fuck you, you’re probably pregnant already,” I ground out into her ear, circling my hips, pressing closer to the inevitable finish.

  And she sighed in my arms, pushing closer to it, begging for my strength, my arousal, the satisfaction that only I could provide.

  “I know,” she breathed. “I know. And Pete, I didn’t want you to use protection because … I want to be pregnant,” she admitted, whispering.

  That only made the heat jack up further.

  “But if you want to have my baby, why are you going back to campus?” I rumbled harshly. “This makes no sense.”

  “I know it doesn’t,” she murmured in reply, throwing her head back and sighing as I stroked her soft tummy. “I guess it’s just part of how complicated this all is. I don’t even get it myself,” she said slowly, shaking her head. “Going to school isn’t what I want, you’re right,” she admitted. “But I’m doing it because it makes my parents happy. I’m not at a point where that can just be brushed off. Even though Jim was a little bonkers with the vacation slides during lunch today,” and here she shot a smile my way, “they’re still my parents, they love me, and I can’t just give them the middle finger. So I hope you understand.”

  I shook my head, more confused than ever.

  “I don’t get it baby, I don’t,” I ground out. “You’re going back to school, which you don’t want, and at the same time you’re hoping to have my baby? What the fuck? That’s like three different directions at once, how does this make sense?”

  And the brunette gave me a small smile then, shrugging her shoulders a bit.

  “I guess it doesn’t,” she said softly, whispering against my throat. “I want to have your baby, Pete, and it’s my way of seeing how the land lies. Maybe if I get pregnant, that’s the universe telling me that it’s okay to drop out of Evergreen, that my life’s going in a different direction.”

  And suddenly I desperately wanted her to swell with my seed, wanted Mandy to blossom with my child so that I could keep her with me. None of this “see how the land lies” stuff, or “see what the future brings.” What the fuck happened to charting your own course, determining your own fate? Her philosophy was foreign because this wasn’t how I operated, ever.

  So I took things into my own hands then, fucking into her, grabbing her hips and thrusting my dick in, pushing into that hot hole, seating her deep so that there was no space in that sweet cunt. No space at all, except for some virile sperm, the beginnings of my baby.

  “I’m gonna get you pregnant,” I muttered against her lips. “God help me, but I’m gonna get you so fucking pregnant that you never leave.”

  And Mandy sighed against my lips, immediately willing, pliant, warm and wet.

  “Yes, Mr. Parker,” she murmured. “Yes, get me pregnant, fill me with your cum.”

  And so we did it again, right there in the shower, her curvy body embracing mine, pussy pulsing as I filled her with gallon after gallon of my man milk. I wanted her so badly that I was especially alpha this time, swallowing her moans, devouring breastflesh, sucking wetly at her cunt until she came again and again, on my mouth, dick, fingers, wherever I wanted to touch.

  But the thing is, it wasn’t enough. Who was I to stand in the way of a blossoming young woman and her dreams? I couldn’t tell her what to do, I could only tell her what I wanted. And if Mandy’s ties to her family were so important that she’d get a college degree for them, then there was nothing more for me to say. I couldn’t understand, having no family but Violet, but god, it fucking sucked, I was so hurt, angry and destroyed all at once. So I took the girl again and again, bidding that curvy body farewell, loving her with every fiber of my being. Because yeah, I adored the beautiful brunette … and despite my best intentions, our fling was coming to an end.



  Campus was miserable, but then I wasn’t expecting much. I knew what I was coming back to. It was winter, the sky grey, the buildings grey, heck, even the people and plants were grey to me now, everything looked the same.

  But right, I was here to get an education and not moon endlessly about my past life. Because oh god, winter break with Mr. Parker had been crazy … crazy amazing, that is. I’d fallen in love with a man twice my age, a divorced guy with a daughter, the emotional, the physical, everything between us so good, so right, that I was questioning myself now. Why had I left? Why had I given up a future with the man that I loved for this, studying by myself in the library, an endless parade of exams, tests, quizzes, essays to write, all about things that I didn’t care about?

  So I waited impatiently in the bathroom, tapping the counter, fidgety and nervous. The instructions had said the results would be immediate, that there was no wait time but so far, nothing had appeared on the pregnancy test. Not one stripe, not two, and I checked the back of the box again, maybe I’d read the instructions wrong.

  But slowly, the blue liquid seeped a little more and the applicator began to flicker. I held my breath, eyes fixed on the plastic stick, heart beating so hard I was sure my roommate could hear outside even though she was listening to music. And then, with a whoof, I exhaled. Not pregnant. There was only one line. Mr. Parker hadn’t knocked me up, I was still me, just me, no baby inside.

  And I stood stock still in the bathroom, trembling before the mirror, heart pounding. I looked the same of course. From the outside, I was still Mandy Smith, nerdy girl with curly brown hair and wide brown eyes. But as I stared at myself, my chin started quivering, lips trembling, and slowly, so slowly, a tear formed in the corner of my eye, sliding down my cheek until it dripped off onto the counter.

  Because I wan
ted to be pregnant. I’d wanted Mr. Parker’s baby in me, for his virile sperm to do its work, to make me his, make both of us his. And I guess I’d been waiting for a sign. If I did get pregnant, then it was definitely meant to be, I was going to leave school and move in with him, burrow myself in love, relax in his arms as I grew large with his child. But no. Instead, I was still me, un-pregnant, not pregnant, just the same as before with the same future that had been set out since birth.

  What did you expect? I asked myself angrily. That you’d get knocked up in a flash, like some kind of easy-bake oven? But the truth was, yeah, I was kind of hoping so. Mr. Parker and I had made love countless times, never getting enough of one another’s bodies, savoring the physical again and again and again. Shit, the last few days I’d been at his house, he hadn’t worked at all, taking me to bed instead of flipping open his laptop. We hadn’t even eaten any real meals, just snacking here and there because we were so desperate for one another, gorging ourselves on each other, our love fest rolling non-stop.

  But maybe I’d done it wrong. He’d come in my mouth a few times, maybe I should have let him come in me instead. Or maybe that one time he did me in back, I should have forced him to put it in my pussy, gotten one more load, that could have made the difference. But it was too late, and I shook my head, still shaky and jumbly in my skin, realizing that I was starting to sound erratic and irrational. What’s done was done, and I had to get a grip.

  So I threw the test in the trash, grabbing the plastic bag and tying it up, striding out to the dumpster. I didn’t want that thing in my apartment, didn’t want a reminder of how I’d failed at something I’d secretly desired, so close to my heart. And with a grimace, I grabbed my backpack and trudged off to the campus health center before class. Because yeah, I’ve been feeling unhappy enough lately that I signed myself up for a counseling session with a professional, someone with a degree.


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