Her Love, Her Dragon: The Saga Begins (Dragon Guard Series)

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Her Love, Her Dragon: The Saga Begins (Dragon Guard Series) Page 3

by Julia Mills

  Her quick intake of breath was music to his ears. Whether Abigail Donovan wanted to admit it or not, she was attracted to him and attraction was something he could use.

  Tempering his tone, not wanting to push too hard too fast, he continued, “I know you don’t remember but we met as children. And I must admit, I have been more than a little smitten with you all these years.”

  Her brown eyes widened and Manus could feel her holding her breath but he had to tell her everything. She had to know the depth of his feelings. He hurried, not wanting to lose his nerve. “Even when away at battle I would receive news of your well-being.”

  Abbie narrowed her eyes and the fiery spirit that had drawn him to her all those years ago, flared to life. When she spoke it was with suspicion but also curiosity. “So, you had someone spying on me?”

  Manus chuckled, then bit the insides of his cheeks when her brow furrowed. It wouldn’t do to upset her. Not when he was trying to tell her he loved her. One deep breath later he answered, “No, I did not have anyone ‘spying’ on you. I did have a squire that would ask after you when he saw your father in the market or at court. He would then relay his findings to me. And before you get upset, for once just listen. I did it to make sure you were okay, protected, unharmed. Not a moment of every day, week, month, year that I spent far from the shores of our home went by that I did not pray for your safety.”

  The look of recrimination left her face and was replaced with one of confusion. “Why…I don’t…” Taking a breath and starting again, she said, “I simply don’t understand. Why would you do that for someone you only met once?”

  He saw the depth of her strength and her determination to understand, along with emotions he was too afraid to name. Feeling as though he was facing his most daunting foe to date and knowing this moment was more important than King or Country, Manus did the only think he could. He spoke from his heart.

  “I love you, Abigail Donovan. I think I have loved you from the first moment I saw you. I will make no apologies nor will I beg. I will simply tell you that I intend to spend the rest of my life loving you and making you the happiest woman in this realm or any other.”

  Abbie squinted her eyes but this time there was a twinkle present that he didn’t yet understand. Turning from him, she walked across the stone terrace and stopped to gaze across the beautiful foliage. Manus stood, unsure of his next move, deciding to wait for her response.

  “So you saving me in the marketplace was more than a coincidence?”

  “If you are asking if I was there to see you, then the answer would be yes. I came back to just to catch a glimpse and prayed maybe speak to you.”

  “And my father knew you had been ‘watching over me’ all these years?”

  Marveling at how her mind worked, he quickly answered, “No, he did not until I told him earlier today?”

  There was another long silence and he prayed for her to turn so he could see her face but was content that she hadn’t told him to sod off or left to the safety of her rooms. Her next question took him completely off guard, “Would you still be a knight if we were to marry?”

  Struggling to contain his excitement that she might actually be accepting his proposal, Manus answered the only way he could. “Aye, I would stay in service to the King. It is as much a part of who I am as the love I feel for you. I would not be who I am without either one.”

  His wish was granted. His words had worked. Abbie spun around and looked at him with more love than he ever could have hoped for. It was as if his proclamation had let her realize her feelings as well. Unsure what to do next, but needing to take charge, Manus walked to her. It was then he saw her tears, just a few, slide down her silken cheek.

  Holding her face in his hand, wiping the moisture with his thumb, he softly asked, “What is it, Abbie? What makes you cry?”

  “It’s happiness, Manus. Pure, simple happiness. Mama has always said you know when it’s right. That love just grabs you and won’t let go. I guess I’ve known from the moment you plucked me from the sky that I loved you. It was just that quick.”

  “But you punched me in the stomach.”

  She giggled and the last of his nerves unfurled. The wicked little glint returned to her eyes while she teased, “And I may just do it again.”

  “Abigail Elizabeth Donovan, will you make me the happiest man in the world and be my wife?”

  “Yes, Manus O’Brien, I will be your wife.”

  Unable to hold back any longer, Manus lowered his lips to hers, promising with all that he was to be the man she deserved. In that simple touch he felt their souls merge. As he deepened the kiss, Abigail sighed and opened to him. Only the sound of someone clearing their throat stopped the couple’s passion.

  Neither willing to lose touch with the other, they turned in unison to find Abbie’s parents smiling, approval of their union written on their faces. Wanting to make everything official, Manus moved his bride-to-be to his side, held her hand and addressed Lord and Lady Donovan. “As I am sure you can guess, Abigail has agreed to be my wife. I ask your blessing on our union. I want you to know that I will spend every day of my life doing everything possible to make your daughter happy. She will want for nothing.”

  Marion wrapped her daughter in her arms, squealing her delight. “Oh, Abbie, I am so happy for you.”

  Bryan shook his hand while looking lovingly at his wife and daughter. “Of course you have our blessing. I could not have hoped for a better man for our Abigail.”

  Manus thought the trip back to his camp was the longest of his life but nothing compared to the week he waited to wed his Abigail. Finally the day came and the gardens of Donovan manor were filled with the sounds of laughter and celebration.

  Manus waited beside the priest with Michael MacLendon, his second-in-command at his side. The music began and Abigail came into view. There never had been nor would ever be a lovelier sight. Every step she took brought her closer…closer to being his forever.

  When Bryan Donovan placed Abbie’s hand in his and gave his blessing as Abigail’s father in front of God and their witnesses, something deep inside Manus leapt for joy. It was as if for the first time he had found peace…he was whole.

  The rest of the wedding and the party following was a whirlwind of congratulatory hand-shakes and slaps on the back. When the sun began to slide from the sky Manus took Abigail in his arms, sweeping her around the dance floor, simply enjoying the feel of his wife in his arms.

  Placing his mouth next to her ear, he breathed, “I want to be alone with my wife, Lady O’Brien.” He felt the goose bumps rise on her skin and the shiver his breath caused.

  She let her head fall back and the lust-filled look in her eyes made him weak in the knees. “And I with my husband, Lord O’Brien.”

  Dancing them towards the door, they said their goodbyes to her parents and quietly exited. Their journey to the guest cottage on the far side of the manor where they were to spend their wedding night was filled with passionate kisses and intimate touches. By the time he carried his bride over the threshold, Manus was sure he would explode.

  Abigail’s lips on his throat, her elegant hands working their way beneath the leather of his jerkin, stoking the fire that had begun all those years ago, threatened his hard fought control. His overcoat fell to the ground followed by his tunic leaving only his linen undershirt. Setting her away at arm’s length, he grinned when she grumbled at their separation, “Manus…”

  “I understand, my love. I feel the same way but we must be cautious. I must be cautious. This is the first time we have been together as man and wife.” He lowered his voice for emphasis, “The first time you have been with a man. I will not have you hurt. I want this to be one of the best nights of our life together.”

  She pushed against his grasp and argued, “But Manus, I want to be with you. I need to be with you. We are married. I am your wife. I want to share all that I am with you.”

  He hadn’t thought it possible but her word
s made him love her even more. “And I you, my love. We just need to go slow and if at any time you feel overwhelmed or are uncomfortable you must tell me immediately.”

  Smiling like a Cheshire cat, Abbie nodded her head in agreement right before ducking beneath his hold and launching herself at his chest. She latched her mouth to his, demanding he kiss her as she kissed him. Manus’ resistance broke.

  Lifting her in his arms, Abbie automatically wrapped her legs around his waist. He felt the heat of her arousal against his stomach as his already hardened cock jump against his codpiece.

  Crossing into the bedroom, Manus sat on the bed with his wife in his lap and kissed her as he would never get enough. They were completely open to one another, holding nothing back.

  His fingers wove into the intricate braid of her hair, unwinding the silken strands, needing to see her auburn locks unbound and wild…so like the woman he married. Manus smiled against her lips at the sound of the ornate hairpins tapping the floor as he pushed them free.

  Before he could begin on the bodice of her gown, Abigail broke their kiss and tore his shirt over his head. The look of unbridled passion in her eyes as she returned to their kiss was like fuel to the already burning inferno of his passion.

  Working each of the pearl buttons free from their loops with the dexterity of man in love, Manus removed the offending garment, expertly throwing it to the floor. A spark like none he had ever felt started where Abbie’s hardened nipples touched his chest and traveled throughout his body. A small gasp escaped her lips, assuring him she felt it too.

  Manus stood, letting the skirt of her gown fall away as her legs slid from his waist. He spun, gently laying Abbie on the bed, maintaining their kiss until she was positioned where he wanted. Lying beside her, he looked at the woman that owned his heart and soul. From the auburn curls that haloed her head, to her kiss-swollen lips begging for more. He adored her.

  He looked down her body and all he saw was absolute perfection. Her hardened berry nipples broke his resistance, forcing his mouth to her breasts, tasting first one and then the other. Abigail’s hands flew to his head, holding him in place, as the moans of her pleasure filled the room.

  Manus kissed the valley between her ample bosom, making his way down her body, paying special attention to every seductive curve and erotic dip. He nipped and tasted the skin of her stomach, pleased she had the shape of real woman…soft, supple and gorgeous.

  He positioned himself between her thighs, and looked to her. He had to know she was comfortable with what he was about to do. “I want to taste you, my love, and to prepare you for our joining.”

  She smiled sweetly, understanding in her expression and nodded. Lovingly placing her legs over his shoulders, he smiled at her glistening curls, wet with her arousal. Manus kissed, licked and sucked every inch of her outer lips, leaving no area untouched. Her hands in his hair and the sweet moans falling from her lips almost broke his resolve to go slow.

  He pushed his tongue between her swollen lips. Her taste exploded on his tongue. Flashes of light and swirls of color burst behind his eyelids from just one taste of her honey. Manus pushed one finger into her aroused flesh as he removed his tongue, then added another, driving her passion higher as he moved in and out. Separating her outer lips, he drove his tongue as far into her as he could reach. Abbie’s back bowed off the bed, her thighs tightening around his head, as she screamed, “Manus!”

  He filled with pride at the responsiveness his wife gave to his touch. Her nectar alone could sustain him for all his years. He loved her with his tongue while teasing her clit with his thumb. Flattening his tongue at the bottom of her slit, licking as slow as possible only stopping to suck her engorged clit between his lips. He teased the swollen nub with his tongue and teeth, as she moved against his face. Manus continued his sensual torture until Abbie thrashed against his hold on her hips and pulled at his hair just short of pain.

  Once again, Manus licked her long and slow, from bottom to top and again sucking her clit into his mouth. But this time, he bit down with intent, thrusting his fingers into her wanting channel. He curled the tips of his fingers in a ‘come hither’ motion teasing the sensitive bundle of nerves at the top.

  Abbie came with such force, he reveled in her complete abandon. He petted and suckled as she floated back to earth, not even trying to stop the grin that came to his lips as once again she graced him with his name upon her lips. The sweet sign of contentment a beautiful sound, “Manus…”

  The Dragons

  Manus had no idea how long he stood watching his beautiful wife. Abigail sat on the ridge, looking at the sea, contentment and peace in her every expression. He wondered what she was thinking and smiled anew at remembering how she had become his for all time.

  There had never been a doubt in his mind that they would spend their lives together but the past years had been more than he could have ever hoped for. She was his partner in every way, his confidant, his lover, the very embodiment of his heart and soul….she was his everything. Manus only hoped that the news he was about to share would strengthen what they had.

  Walking to his love, he called, “Aye, my love, what are doing on the rocks?”

  Turning, Abigail graced him with one of her beautiful smiles. “Just watching the waves, appreciating the day. And what brings you back to my arms a day earlier than expected?”

  As always, he told her everything, knowing there was nothing they couldn’t handle together. “I have news. King Arthur has selected me for a mission of the highest importance. One that will affect us both.”

  One brow raised higher than the other and she worried her bottom lip with her teeth. A sure sign she was preparing for his news, not knowing what was to come. He sat beside her, wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close. Just being near his Abigail, calmed whatever fears he had.

  “Abbie, you know when you look at me like that I am obliged to kiss you the frown from your lips.”

  Not waiting for her response, Manus took her mouth with his. She sighed and opened to him just as she always did. Their kiss was deep and long, loving and complete as was always the case. He kissed first one cheek and then the other, first one eyelid and then the other, savoring the gift he had been given by God and the Universe. He placed one last kiss on her forehead before settling back against the rocks.

  Abbie snuggled into his chest and said, “So tell me your news.”

  He had to smile, Abbie would always be a force to be reckoned with. She waited for no man, not even him. “Well, my love. It is a fantastic tale and one you will need to see to believe.”

  She sat up, looking to him as she turned, furrowing her brow, “Manus, what is going on? What are you keeping from me?”

  “Nothing, Abigail but if I tell you before you see, you will surely think me daft.” He stood, holding his hand out to her. When she placed her hand in his, he was reminded of the incredible trust they shared.

  As they walked away from the ledge, she asked, “Can you at least tell me where we are going?”

  “Aye. Just the other side of the cove.”

  The look she gave him said it all…she was going, but only because she trusted him.

  Thankfully, their destination was close because the silence between them was deafening. He took up the path that wound around the side of the jettys and led to the largest cavern on their coast. Stopping at the mouth of the cave, he turned Abbie until they were face-to-face. Putting his hands on her shoulders, he said, “Until today I thought what I am about to show you was only a legend. But it is real, my love, and it is fantastic.”

  She took a deep breath, let it slowly exhale across her lips and then nodded once. “I’m ready Manus, just show me what all the fuss is about.”

  It took a moment for his eyes to adjust. When they did, he saw the sconces lining the tunnel, their light making the crystals embedded in the walls and ceiling glisten. He led Abbie down the passageway towards the grotto in the middle of the cave. His stron
g, independent wife did not pause or show any sense of unease except for the death grip she had on his arm.

  The sound of a waterfall, flowing into a pool echoed against the stone walls adding an ambience to on otherwise dank exterior. He knew the dragons expected him, he had told them of his wife and they were eager to meet her. Manus was the only married knight selected for this very special assignment and something that thrilled the Dragon Elders.

  Entering the grotto, Abigail gasped but held firm. She didn’t back away, only looked to him for assurance that she had not lost her mind. He nodded, understanding what she felt for he had experienced the same thing just hours before.

  When she spoke, her whisper echoed throughout the cavern. “Manus, how can this be?”

  “Let me answer that for you Lord Manus,” a deep, growling voice sounded from the side of the pool. Abigail’s eyes widened as she followed the voice to a large silver dragon, relaxing on the rocks.

  “Lady Abigail, my name is Alarick. I am the one remaining King of Dragon kin. I am sure you have many questions but first I ask that you let me explain.”

  The Dragon King moved his large bluntly-formed head to the side, laying it just feet from where they stood. The mammoth creature moved with the grace uncharacteristic of his size. His silver scales glimmered in the low light, adding a beauty to his enormity. But it was the wisdom of the ages and a kindness the size of the beast himself shining in his large blue crystalline eye that gave Manus the confidence to bring his wife, the one person who meant the world to him, into the cave of the dragons. There was also the honest, forthright way this being…this dragon, spoke of his race and their fate at the hands of the humans.

  He watched Abigail nod at the dragon and listened as the ancient being spoke. “Lady Manus, as you can see, not all the dragons are mythical creatures nor were we destroyed. Along with us, there are others whose clans are spread thin across the world. Together, we fight alongside the knights of the realm to protect our kind, as well as, humans. Unfortunately, hearsay and pure flights of fantasy have again painted us as the villains and thus endanger our entire race.”


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