Untamed Abduction: Alien Romance Collection

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Untamed Abduction: Alien Romance Collection Page 20

by Ponderosa Publishing


  Vanessa looked in the mirror one more time. She turned to inspect herself from all angles. She had to make sure she looked the part she was going to play tonight. She smoothed her sleek, black cocktail dress and secured her dark, wavy hair in a bun high atop her head. Then she blotted her cherry red lipstick and spritzed on some perfume. Chanel No 5. Just then, her cell phone rang. She picked it up and looked at the screen. It was her employer.

  “Yeah,” she said.

  “Are you clear on your instructions for tonight?”

  “Yes,” he said with a sigh. It came out a little louder than she had planned and she could hear her employer’s annoyance over the phone.

  “Repeat them to me,” he said curtly.

  “I enter building on Henry’s arm. I am to let him hand over the invitations. My name is Camille Sumpter and his name is Charles. He’s my husband, and we’re traveling from France. We’ll mingle for a reasonable amount of time and then I’ll excuse myself to go powder my nose. That’s when I give the guard the slip and get into the library. I search for the safe, crack it, and retrieve the necklace. Then I’ll pretend to have fallen ill and we'll make a hasty exit.”

  “Is that it?”

  “Shall I send the host a fruit basket with my apologies?”

  “Don’t be a smart-ass.”

  Too late for that.

  “If anything goes wrong, if anything seems amiss, you are to abort the mission. Is that understood?”

  “But then you don’t get your precious necklace.”

  “And you’ll be out of a job. So I strongly suggest you make sure nothing goes wrong.”

  “It won’t.”

  “Don’t be unfriendly, but don’t be too memorable either.”

  Vanessa rolled her eyes. She couldn’t understand why she had to go through this drill again when she’d done it countless times. She was a pro. Even if she was the only one, who realized it.

  What did she have to do to make this guy understand that?

  She hoped when she finished this job; things would be different. She hoped to get a little more respect in the organization. Dismissing the thought for now, she grabbed her clutch and applied another layer of lipstick.

  A car honked its horn outside her bedroom window. Vanessa smiled at herself in the mirror. It’s showtime.


  Vanessa hopped into the car next to Henry.

  He smiled over at her. “Feeling good about this?”

  “I’m always feeling good,” she replied?

  Why did everyone doubt her?

  They enjoy the rest of the drive in silence. It wasn’t too long before they pulled up in front of the high-rise. Henry gave the car to the valet, and Vanessa took tow steps toward the place. She had to crane her neck to see the very top, and even then she couldn’t be sure.

  It was a long way down. They stepped inside and got onto the elevator. A fumigates later, the arched the penthouse floor.

  “Ready?” Henry looked at her, smiled, and held his arm out.

  “Ready.” Vanessa hooked her arm through his, and they walked ahead to where a small crowd had gathered.

  They waited patiently as the group in front of them was ushered inside and then they stepped to the front.

  Vanessa smiled at the large man at the door. He didn’t return her smile. “Invitations?”

  Henry pulled the invitations from his breast pocket and handed them to the man.

  The man scanned the invites through some small machine and then looked briefly at their faces. “Charles and Camille Sumpter,” he said. “Welcome. The hostess will show you in.”

  They were in. It was time for Vanessa to work her magic.

  She looked over at Henry, who was straightening his tie. “We’re here.”

  Henry let out a slow whistle when he finally took in the surroundings. Everything was perfectly manicured. Vanessa studied him. He looked uncomfortable. “Chin up,” she said. Then she smiled and led the way inside.

  Once they were in, the scene was pretty much how Vanessa imagine it would be. Short men in penguin suits carrying sterling silver trays of tiny food on sticks. Endless glasses of champagne floating around. Older, plastic women on their husband’s arms while thinking of their pool boys. Everything one would expect from a high society event like this one.

  Henry immediately grabbed a glass of champagne off of a floating tray and downed it. Vanessa turned to him with two glasses of champagne in her hands, just as one of the penguins had come around to take an empty glass from his.

  “Never mind,” said Vanessa, raising her eyebrow. “I see you’ve had one already.”

  Henry snatched the glass from her hand and downed it. “I could use another,” he said, wiping his mouth.

  Vanessa giggled.

  “Don’t laugh at me,” he said. “This is not my scene.”

  She took him by the hand. “We won’t stay long,” she said. “We just need to make the rounds, show our faces, and then I’ll get to work. Try to relax.”

  Henry followed Vanessa as she glided across the room. She stopped here and there to shake a hand and offer a big peck on the cheek. Henry was expected to be polite, say hello, and shake a hand or two. He tried this approach with one old bat in a green gown that was cut way too low to be appropriate for a woman her age. She refused to take his hand and insisted that he give her a kiss, cooing about how handsome he looked in his tuxedo. Henry hesitated, but she grabbed him and pulled him closer to her. And with no choice now, he reluctantly pecked her on her cheek and pulled away as quickly as possible.

  “What are you smiling at?” he said to Vanessa, who just couldn’t seem to hide her amusement.

  “I think she likes you. Want me to get her number for you?”


  “Let’s go stand somewhere else.”

  “Near the back please.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Fine, near the back.”

  Vanessa stood, watching the crowd, sipping champagne, and waiting for the right moment to make her move. Aiden slowly made his way around the already crowded room. He surrounded by people and yet he was bored to tears. At least everyone in attendance seemed to be having a good time. He guessed that was a good thing. He took another sip of his scotch and the suck out onto one the balconies. He was over it and needed a moment alone. He stared out across the vast sea of city lights and pondered his next move. Maybe he’d go away and take a long vacation once this party business was done.

  He turned back to look through the window. That was when he saw her. He didn’t know how he hadn’t noticed her before. Had she just arrived? She was standing in a small circle of people. They were all deep in conversation it seemed. But it didn’t look like she was paying attention. She wore a long black dress with a slit up the front of her thigh. It hugged her in all the right places. Her hair was swept up, and her lips were painted a bold crimson. Her smooth brown skin glistened in the soft light. She quite literally took his breath away. She was one of the most beautiful women he’d ever seen.

  But it wasn’t just that.

  There was more. There was something interesting about her. The way she carried herself. The way she looked straight into eyes of whoever she was talking to. The way she held her frame. She was a confident woman, Aiden observed. Borderline haughty. Not easily cowed. He was immediately interested. He watched her for awhile, unable to take his eyes off her. Then he decided he needed to find out who she was. He stepped back inside and began to make his way over to where he’d seen her standing but she was no longer there.

  He had lost her in the crowd. He then began asking around for her, but no one seemed to know who she was. And now that he thought about it, even he couldn’t readily recall where he knew her from.


  Aiden was about to tell himself to forget about it when he saw her out of the corner of his eye. She was sitting alone at the bar. He pushed through the crowd and then paused when he got close. Slowly he walked up behin
d her, inhaling her scent as he approached.

  She must have felt his eyes because suddenly she spun looked straight at him. Her eyes flashed with something. Was it anger? Recognition?

  He smiled, and she seemed to relax a little. “Can I buy you a drink?” he asked.

  She smiled a wry smile. “It’s an open bar,” she said. “ Clever, though.”

  He laughed. “I was making a joke. Apparently it wasn’t a very good one.”

  He sat down next to her. “And yes, I know the bar is open. This is my party.”

  “Ah, the infamous Aiden English.”

  “Am I?”

  “You certainly are.”

  “So we haven’t met then?”

  She looked confused. “I’m sorry?”

  “You didn’t seem to know who I was. And yet you’re at my party. So it’s safe to assume we haven’t met, no? I’m pretty sure I would have remembered.” His gaze traveled over her and settled on her lips.

  “No, we haven’t.”

  He held out his hand. “Then might I know your name?”

  She smiled. “Camille.” She placed her hand in his.

  He brought it to his lips and kissed her, pressing his lips to her fingers and keeping them there just a touch longer than he should have. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Camille,” he said.

  Vanessa’s cheeks colored. Eyes were on them, and a crowd had started to gather at the bar. One man had obviously already had one too many, pushed his way through the crowd and bumped into Vanessa on his way past. She crashed softly into Aiden, who held his hand out to steady her.

  “You OK?” he asked. “I’ll have him thrown out.”

  His hand was on her elbow, and she could swear she felt a slight squeeze. He was looking into her eyes, and suddenly she felt very exposed.

  “I'm all right,” she said breathlessly. “If you’ll excuse me. I have to run to the ladies room.”

  Reluctantly, Aiden removed his hand from her arm, and it was as if he took all the warmth in the room with him. “Please see me before you go,” he whispered. Vanessa could only manage a nod.


  Vanessa hurried toward the far corner of the room where the concentration of people was a little less. She felt the heat rising in her cheeks. She was flustered, and she couldn’t believe she’d let that man get under her skin the way he had. She decided she actually should duck into the restroom for a minute. Just to regain her bearings. She marched into the ladies room and into an empty stall and shut the door behind her.

  She forced herself to take in a deep breath. Her heart was still racing, and she could feel a faint wetness beginning to trickle down her thigh.

  She cursed Aiden English silently from behind the bathroom door.

  Why had he approached her? Why had he asked her all those questions?

  And why was he so damn sexy?

  The way all the hairs on her body stood on end when he touched her. The way he looked at her. Like he wanted to do things to her that were unspeakable.

  And if he had tired she was sure to let him.

  Vanessa sighed. She was definitely off her game tonight.

  She took a few more deep breaths. Henry would be wondering where she’d gotten off to.

  It was about time to get this show on the road.

  But now she was having second thoughts. She was shaken to her core and considered, if only for a few seconds, abandoning her assignment.

  You’d be committing career suicide, Vanessa. And then what next? He whisks you off to Tahiti for a clandestine wedding? Stop being silly.

  She was backed up. That’s what the problem was. It had been a long time since she’d been with a man. And even longer still since she actually enjoyed it.

  Vanessa straightened her dress and exit the bathroom stall. She went to the faucet and ran some cool water onto a plush hand towel. She wrung the towel out and then pressed it to her forehead. Then she took a minute to fix her makeup.

  You’re a professional; she said to herself. Act like one.

  She exited the bathroom. Henry was nearby, looking worried, and she joined him.

  “Hey,” he said. “I’ve been looking for you. You OK?”

  “Yes,” she replied, grabbing his champagne glass from his hand and taking a sip from it.

  “You ready to go?”

  She nodded. “Yeah,” she said. “Cover me.”

  And then she took off in the direction of the back corridor.


  Aiden checked his watch. The night was starting to drag, and he couldn’t find Camille anywhere. Where did she run off to? He shrugged. He should let it go, be a good host and attend to his guests. But there was something about her. He had to find her and talk to her some more, probe her just a little further. That would mean walking the entire length of the penthouse as she was likely all the way on the other side of it by now.

  He started to make his way across and no sooner did he put one foot in front of the other he was approached by someone. And then it seemed as if someone else stopped him every thirty seconds or so.

  Great party, they would say. So glad I finally got an invitation. Please make some time to talk to me before the night is over.

  Aiden smiled and nodded politely, as he was expected to do. But he kept making his way for the other side of the penthouse. Then he felt a tap on his shoulder. It was Hans, the head of his security detail.

  Hans pulled him to the side. “Excuse me, sir. If I may have a word.”

  Aiden followed Hans to a nearby corner. “What is it?”

  “We have a situation. One of my guys is reporting movement in an unauthorized area of the penthouse. He says the sensors are going off. He’s going to investigate it now. Just thought you should know.”

  Aiden sighed. “Someone probably just got drunk and stumbled down that way, and now they’re lost.”

  “Whoever it is seems to be moving around deliberately in that area.”

  Something didn’t seem right about what the man was saying, yet Aiden was sure he was overreacting. “I’ll handle it,” he said finally


  “I said I’ll handle it. Call your men off.”

  Hans nodded and Aiden took off toward the back of the penthouse. “Excuse me,” he said to an older woman who was just about to approach him and start a conversation. He pushed past her and took the back way around. The hallway was empty. No sign of anyone. He paused outside the door to his library. Then he opened it and took a step inside.


  Vanessa heard the door to the library creak open and immediately turned off her flashlight. She ducked between the last of the bookcases and the wall and flattened herself against it. She hadn’t wanted to risk turning on a light, even to put it on dimly.

  Now she was very glad that she hadn’t.

  Everything had gone well up until this point. She had found the safe with ease. It was behind an obvious panel in the wall. And then she had cracked it open in under three minutes, silently chiding Aiden English for not keeping a better eye on his precious jewels.

  Then she had lingered, taken in by the sheer beauty of the piece. The photographs didn’t do it justice. She’d even taken a moment to put the necklace on. She wanted to feel it around her neck, even if it was just for a minute.

  That minute would cost her dearly now.

  Whoever it was who’d entered the room, she hoped he wouldn’t find anything amiss. The door to the safe was still wide open. She couldn’t risk closing it now.

  Why hadn’t turned the light on?

  She had barely heard the footsteps. He was moving lightly around the room in the darkness. Which meant he knew the place. And then she caught a whiff of his scent, manly, musky, with notes of sandalwood.

  It was him.

  Vanessa held her breath. She could still get away. She could slip out from behind the case and right out the door. He walked into the middle of the room and paused. This was her chance. Her only option was to wait there fo
r him to leave ,or for him to eventually turn on the light and catch her. Vanessa slipped her pumps off, one by one. With her stockinged feet, she shuffled silently out from behind the case and toward the door.


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