Untamed Abduction: Alien Romance Collection

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Untamed Abduction: Alien Romance Collection Page 37

by Ponderosa Publishing

  They ended up in one frat that was playing great music, and Alice started dancing on the bar with her suite mates cheering her on. Jessica was dancing and having a lot of fun. She didn’t even notice when a drunken James and a few of his teammates entered a party, but James noticed her immediately. He had been looking for her in every party he went to that night, making it his mission to dance with her. As soon as he saw her dancing in that little black dress, he started making his way through the crowd towards her. But someone else beat him to her.

  A guy crept up behind Jessica and started dancing behind her, all up on her behind. Jessica tried to move away, but the guy just followed her and kept trying to dance, grabbing her hand. James saw, and when they got close, he grabbed Jessica’s other hand, pulling her towards him and freeing her from the creep who couldn’t take a hint. Jessica looked up at James, realizing who it was and grinned big. She grabbed James' hands and started dancing, winding her hips and shaking her butt while James watched her. He couldn’t resist pulling her close, and Jessica began dancing on him, rubbing her body against his then moving away, teasing him. Jessica looked back at James with a seductive smile, and he grinned back, biting his lower lip before wrapping his arms around her from behind. They danced with each other for hours, until James leaned down and whispered in Jessica’s ear, “want to see my sculptures?”

  Jessica turned around to face him and wrapped her arms around his neck. She looked him into his eyes and tried to look as serious as she could before telling him, “I would love to,” and she meant it. “Let me find my roommate and tell her that I’m leaving.” James nodded, never taking his eyes off of her.

  “I’ll wait for you outside,” he said.

  “Good idea,” Jessica agreed. She searched the crowd for Alice while James made his way towards the door. She found Alice, and all of their other suitemates, still dancing on the bar. Jessica climbed onto the bar beside Alice and said, “Alice, I’m leaving.” Alice stopped dancing and looked at her.

  Alice didn’t even stop dancing, but yelled over the music, “be careful,” she said. Jessica nodded and carefully climbed down from the bar.

  Jessica weaved through the crowd towards the exit and found James standing outside waiting for her. Together, they began walking towards the dorm. Jessica was aware that everyone would probably think that she had left to have sex, and she shrugged. Let them think what they wanted. She actually was pretty excited to see James sculptures. Something told her that she wouldn’t be disappointed. Again, James held the door for Jessica to walk through, but this time, he stared at her booty the whole time she walked to the elevator. He memorized every bounce and jiggle without shame. They didn’t run into anyone on their way to the fourth floor; everyone was out celebrating. James led the way to his suite door, unlocked it, and held it open for Jessica. James closed the door and led Jessica to his room door, unlocked it, and let her in. She was surprised by how neat it was. Every room had a built-in closet, a bed, a dresser, and a desk with a rocking chair. Atop James desk was a closed laptop and his sculptures. Beautiful sculptures of people. There was a sculpture of a little boy, of an older woman, of a tall, slim young woman, and a sculpture that he was currently working on. All of them were made of clay and other than the one he was working on, they were all painted. Jessica’s jaw dropped when she saw them, and she walked slowly towards his desk, sitting down on the rocking chair in front of the work in progress. Jessica pointed at the work in progress, still gaping. It was a curvy girl in a dress, standing beside a stack of luggage. The girl had a dreadlock Mohawk.

  “Is this me?!” she demanded. James smiled shyly and nodded. “Wow, I’ve never been anyone’s muse before. I’m honored. This is incredibly beautiful.”

  “Thank you. I’m glad that you like it. It still needs to be painted,” James said.

  “Who are these others?” she asked.

  He pointed at the kid, “this is me when I was a baby. I used a baby picture to do it. It’s a selfie.” He chuckled at his own joke before pointing at the older woman, “this is my mom.” She held her breath as he pointed at the last one, “and this is my older sister Kelly.” Jessica exhaled, relief flooding her body. Jessica looked at James, searching his face.

  “Why did you sculpt me?” Jessica asked.

  “Because, from the moment I saw you, I knew that you were the one,” James admitted. He had not expected to tell her that, but it was true. Jessica stopped breathing again. The tension was thick and heavy. There was no going back, no unsaying what had already been said. Jessica thought to ask what he meant, just to fill the silence with words, but she knew exactly what he meant because she felt it too. Before she could think, before she could stop herself, Jessica stood up and walked over to James. She stood there looking up at him.

  “Congratulations,” she said, remembering the winning game. They both laughed. James reached down and cupped Jessica’s face in his hand. Jessica lifted her face up to meet his, closing her eyes as he closed his own. Neither of them saw their lips touch, but as they did, they both felt all resistance fall away. Jessica melted into James as he wrapped his arms around her. He tried to run his fingers through her hair, remembered the bun, and undid it, her long hair tumbling down her back. He ran his fingers through her shaved sides and then through her long locks, caressing her scalp. Jessica stroked his strong arms as he slid his hands down her back. James went to grab her butt, but Jessica pulled away and stepped back, breathing heavily.

  “We should stop,” she said as they looked into each other’s eyes. “We just met, and I’m not about to go all of the way with you.”

  “I respect you, and I didn’t expect you to,” he told her although he had hoped so.

  “Thank you,” Jessica said quietly, then, “I should go.” James didn’t speak for a while. Jessica started walking towards the door then turned around and said, “I like you, I just want to take things slow.” James nodded and smiled.

  “I like you too, a lot,” he admitted. Jessica grinned and walked back over to him, making him lean down so that she could kiss him. This time, when she pulled back, she held his hand, and he walked her to the suite door. James opened it for her, and they kissed in the doorway. Voices could be heard from down the hall. The partygoers were returning.

  “Goodnight,” she said with a smile.

  “Goodnight.” She started to walk away, but James grabbed her again and pulled her in for one more kiss. His suitemates walked up as he was letting her go. Jessica blushed and headed for the stairwell. James sighed as his drunk suitemates pushed him into the suite for an interrogation.


  James and Jessica started seeing more and more of each other as the semester went on. James started working work study at the financial aid office and took Jessica out on a date with his first paycheck. On their second date, he officially asked Jessica to be his girlfriend. The basketball team was undefeated, and James was riding a natural high off of how good things were going in his life. Unfortunately, the sun doesn’t shine forever. Through his job in the financial aid office, James found out that he still had a lot of his tuition that he was unable to pay. Between basketball practice, classes, and homework, he didn’t have the time or energy to pick up more hours at work. Jessica noticed that James was stressed out, but he wouldn’t tell her about his troubles.

  James decided to take matters into his own hands. Through some guys that he knew from high school, he was able to buy a large amount of marijuana and began selling it out of his room. His suitemates knew but didn’t really care, just as long as he didn’t get caught. The weed selling brought in more than enough money, and James was able to take care of his business. Jessica noticed that his mood had lifted but didn’t pry, she just enjoyed the adjustment, but James didn’t stop adjusting. The drug dealing started to change him. James started taking Jessica out more, but he also started pressuring her for sex more. They had not yet gone all the way and the more James pressured her; the more Jessica resisted. James st
arted distancing himself from Jessica, flirting with other girls to make her jealous, hoping that this would make her have sex with him, but it only made her insecure and distrustful of him. James started caring less about his school work, started cutting class and when Jessica would ask him about it, he would say that he was out making money, but wouldn’t specify doing what.

  Eventually, James quit his job at the financial aid office, and Jessica figured out how he was really making money.

  “Why are you doing this?!” she demanded one night in his room when they were alone.

  “Because I need money!” James snapped.

  “If you need money, why would you quit your job at the financial aid office?” Jessica asked.

  “Because that shit is dumb!” he said, growing annoyed with Jessica.

  “No, you’re dumb.” She snapped back.

  “Clearly. I must be dumb, staying with a girl who won’t even have sex with me,” he muttered. Jessica gasped and sucked her teeth.

  “Well, if that’s your attitude then you don’t deserve to have sex with me anyway!” Jessica said, crossing her arms over her chest angrily.

  “Whatever. There’s plenty of girls here who would happily—“

  “Maybe you should fuck them then!” Jessica yelled, storming out of the room and slamming the door behind her. James didn’t follow.

  After their fight, Jessica and James didn’t talk. James stopped showing up to art class and then Jessica stopped seeing him around campus entirely. Jessica tried to keep busy, getting a job waitressing in an off-campus café, but she couldn’t stop thinking about James and she grew worried.

  One morning, in the dining hall, Jessica stopped James roommate Jarred to talk.

  “Hey, have you seen James?” she asked.

  “He dropped out,” Jarred answered with a frown. Jessica was taken aback, and sadness washed over her. She hadn’t talked to James in weeks and decided that it was time to go straight to the source, so she called him. At first his phone just rang, and she was about to hang up when he finally answered.


  “Hey, what’s up?” Jessica asked.

  “You tell me..” James said indifferently.

  “I’m worried about you!” Jessica exclaimed. James could hear the tears in her voice.

  “I’m trying to figure things out,” he said gently.

  “Well, why don’t you let me help you?” she asked.

  “Because I can’t depend on you..or my sister! I need to be a man!” James exclaimed.

  “Then be a man! Find a way! But this isn’t it!” Jessica snapped. James was quiet.

  “Can I see you?” he asked. Jessica wiped the tears from her face.

  “Yea,” she said.

  “I’ll meet in front of the freshman dorms in half an hour,” James said.

  “Ok.” Jessica agreed.

  Roughly half an hour later, James and Jessica were sitting at a table outside of the freshmen dorms.

  “So what have you been up to?” Jessica asked him, searching his face for answers.

  “Hustling,” James answered simply with a sad chuckle. Jessica nodded and was quiet.

  “Where are you living?” she asked.

  “With friends,” he answered. Whatever that means, Jessica thought to herself.

  “Are you still sculpting?” she asked hopefully. James seemed to brighten.

  “Yea, that’s the only thing I still do. I feel like I’d do that no matter what happened,” he told her. Jessica nodded.

  “Well, that’s good. I’d like to see some of your new pieces.” James pulled out his phone.

  “I have pictures,” he said and started showing her, flipping through the pictures on his phone. And as she looked through the pictures, Jessica had a brilliant idea.


  “Why don’t you sell your art?!” Jessica exclaimed. James didn’t share her enthusiasm, but Jessica was excited. It was perfect! James could sell his art then he wouldn’t have to hustle anymore, and he could come back to school.

  At first, James was skeptical to say the least, but then Jessica’s excitement started to rub off on him. She helped him create an online account on a popular site where he could sell his art and helped him market. Within a few days of his artwork being up on the site, James had his first sale. When James found out that the buyer was Jessica, he was upset.

  “James, I believe in you. I didn’t buy your art to help you; I bought your art because it is beautiful and it’s worth it,” she told him. This was the first sale of many. Within a month, James was sold out and needed to create more. He reenrolled in school for the spring semester and begged the coach to let him back on the team. When the coach complied, James took Jessica out to a fancy restaurant to celebrate. It was just before Christmas break and soon Jessica would be leaving to go home to her family, so she and James were spending as much time with each other as possible. Jessica looked beautiful in an intricate floor length, white fitted maxi dress with matching white heels that she had purchased with the money that she had made from her job at the café. James looked just as handsome in his all white cashmere sweater and tailored pants with white suede loafers that he had bought with the money he made selling his sculptures. The restaurant offered a beautiful view of downtown Baltimore.

  “I just want to thank you for not giving up on me and not letting me give up on myself,” James said. They each had glasses of champagne, and he lifted his. “A toast to you!” They clinked their glasses together, and each took a sip.

  “I’d also like to propose a toast to your successful art career. I hope to one day follow in your footsteps,” Jessica smiled as their glasses kissed once more before bringing them to their lips. James put down his glass and stood up. He had let his hair grow out so he had a small afro that one day he would let Jessica twist into dreadlocks for him. James got down on one knee beside Jessica and looked up at her expectantly.

  “May you forever walk beside me,” he said as he removed a small black box from his pocket. Jessica’s jaw dropped as she raised her hands to cover her mouth. James opened the box, revealing a beautiful diamond ring. “Jessica, I love you, and I need you more than you will ever know. Will you marry me?” Jessica could not speak; she just held out her left hand as James slipped the ring onto her ring finger.

  Warm tears streamed down her cheeks as she exclaimed, “Yes! Yes, James, I will marry you!” James picked Jessica up into an embrace and they kissed passionately. Jessica seductively whispered into his ear, “I have a special surprise for you now, too.”

  “I booked us a penthouse suite,” James told her, as if he already knew. Jessica raised an eyebrow.

  “Oh, so you just knew that you were going to get some, huh?” she asked. James smiled.

  “No, I just like to be prepared,” he said. Then, “can we go now?” Jessica laughed but James was serious, he had been waiting for this for a long time.


  James paid for dinner, and they exited the restaurant. A white stretch limo was waiting for them outside. Jessica was impressed by how thorough James was. The driver got out and opened the door for them, and Jessica climbed in first, with James right behind her.

  The penthouse suite was immaculate. It had a kitchen, a living room and dining area with a large conference table, two bathrooms: one in the master bedroom that had a Jacuzzi tub and a shower. James had arranged for there to be flower arrangements of all different types of white flowers placed all over the room with white rose petals scattered all over the surfaces and floor. James carried Jessica to the king sized bed and laid her down amidst the rose petals, kissing her gently on the lips, then on her jawline, her neck, then her collarbone. He kissed her shoulders and her fingertips. Then, he slowly undressed her, kissing every part of her that he uncovered. When she lay there naked, James stepped back to admire her. He stood there smiling, thinking about how blessed he was, and she smiled back, thinking the same.

  “You are beautiful,” James t
old her. He couldn’t stop smiling and neither could she. He went over to kiss her but had to hold back before he got too excited. “I’ll be right back.”

  “I’ll be here,” Jessica assured him. James went into the bathroom and ran a warm bath, filling it with beautiful smelling oils and rose petals. He lifted Jessica back up into his arms and carried her into the bathroom, gently placing her in the warm water. Then he undressed before her, doing a little strip tease before climbing into the bathtub with her. With a wet sponge and body wash, James bathed Jessica, kissing her wet skin. When he was done, Jessica bathed him. There was a bottle of champagne with two champagne flutes on the counter surrounding the tub. James poured them each a glass and passed one to Jessica. They touched the glasses together before taking sips.

  Jessica leaned back, resting her head on James' chest.

  “I love you,” she whispered.

  “I love you too,” James kissed her on her temple. Jessica put her glass down and turned around so that she was straddling James. Jessica wrapped her arms around James and kissed him on the lips. James put his glass down and wrapped his arms around Jessica’s waist. They could no longer hold back, too aware of where their naked bodies touched. James slid his big hands over Jessica’s big butt, caressing and squeezing her soft skin. As he touched her, she began grinding on him, awaking what was never sleep but was patiently waiting for this very moment. Jessica sucked on James bottom lip, their tongues dancing as Jessica rubbed against him. James licked her neck, sucking ferociously as he lost control. Jessica pulled away; leaning back as she smiled mischievously, beckoning for James to follow. James cupped her large breasts in his hands and squeezed them together, sucking on her nipples. Jessica bit her lip, watching him expectantly. James stared intently into her eyes as he kissed the part of her belly that was above water and then the part that was submerged. James went down and kissed what was underwater but was just as wet. Jessica moaned and grabbed his head, pulling his hair and squeezing her thighs around his face. James inserted one large finger inside of her tight pussy, licking on her hard clit. He couldn’t hear her moans underwater, but he could feel her body responding. James came up for air, and Jessica kissed him hungrily. She pushed him back and kissed all over his collarbone and strong chest, down his abs and then underwater, her long locks floating. James wasn’t expecting this, and it only aroused him further. When Jessica wrapped her small warm mouth around him, he shuddered and moaned.


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