Past Transgressions: A Russian Roulette Love Story

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Past Transgressions: A Russian Roulette Love Story Page 7

by Janae Keyes

  My dear cousin hadn’t heeded my warnings as I learned from Igor’s visit. I couldn’t help, but be a big brother to her. Protecting the women in my life was my ultimate job. No matter what I’d make sure my mother, grandmother, aunt, and cousin were cared for and happy.

  Yes, she was an adult, and I shouldn’t meddle in her personal life, but I’d also seen her when Igor had broken her heart. It was never pretty, and Katya deserved better.

  My knuckles made contact with the door of my aunt’s apartment as I knocked. I’d finally gotten all my work done and was able to abandon my responsibilities at the club and hope to get the smallest glimpse of Rae.

  The door opened, and my dear grandmother stood there, her once blonde, but now gray hair pulled back into a low bun as she tended to wear it. She’d aged, but had done so like a fine wine. Women in my family aged well and even in her 70s, she looked to possibly be in her late 50s.

  “My Alexei,” she cooed as she pulled me inside the apartment that she shared with my aunt.

  I bent to her and kissed her cheek as I always did. When my father died, my mother made the decision to move home. My grandmother was there waiting to care for me and help my mother get on her feet. So much was owed to her, a very resilient woman.

  “You look tired,” she mentioned to me, and I nodded. “You need a good woman to take care of you. Keep you happy.”

  “I’m looking for her, Babushka,” I told her with a smile. “Is my cousin here?”

  “Yes, she’s in the room chatting with her friend,” she told me, and I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek in response before wandering up the hall.

  The apartment wasn’t terribly large, and I could already hear my cousin chatting excitedly with Rae before I reached the door. The moment I heard Rae’s voice, I paused and my heart quickened.

  I knocked on the door to have my blonde cousin open it, standing in her bra and jeans. Her blue eyes widened before she slammed the door in my face, cursing as I heard her rushing around to get clothes on.

  At once, the door swung open to a now fully dressed Katya. She leaned against the frame of the door, arms crossed over her chest. I looked past her to see Rae sitting on the bed. She gave me a smile and a small wave, I waved back before turning my attention to the woman in the door.

  “Your boyfriend came to my bar today,” I said to her. “I don’t know why you insist on being with him. He isn’t good for you. I’ve tried telling you, and then you will leave me to pick up the pieces.”

  “I don’t need you to pick up the pieces, Alexei. I’m an adult. I can take care of myself, whether my heart is broken or not. Please, just let me be. I love Igor, and I won’t stop loving him. Get that through your head.” Katya had made a point. I’d spend my entire life trying to keep her from falling, maybe she needed to fall.

  I let out a growl in frustration at her. I knew the outcome, and it wasn’t good for her. Protecting her was a priority, but you couldn’t protect someone who didn’t want the protection. I shook my head at her, and she shrugged.

  “Alexei,” she began. “I did want to ask you a favor.”

  “What?” I snapped.

  “Tomorrow, I have my appointment for my passport in the morning and then at the US Embassy for my visa. Rae won’t be able to come with me and she can hang out here with Babushka, but that might be boring. She knows you and maybe if you have time, you can keep her company.”

  At once, I was filled with life. I’d give anything to spend time with the only girl to ever make my cold heart feel. I watched her, her curly hair over her shoulder and her curves looking as delicious as ever.

  “Yes, only if she wants,” I answered.

  “Rae, tomorrow, want to spend with Alexei?” Katya turned and asked Rae in English, who instantly perked up, her brown eyes sparkling as she looked at me.

  “Umm, sure, if you have time Alexei,” Rae said, her voice gentle and beautiful. Her voice nearly sang to me. The same way her voice sang when she came at my touch.

  “Of course, Kisska, I will take you to food restaurant. I think you like,” I said, still hating that my English skills weren’t as good as they could be.

  Rae flashed me a smile and nodded.

  “Kisska?” Katya questioned with a confused look on her pretty face. My cousin was beautiful and could get any guy she wanted, but why she wanted Igor, I could never know.

  “Between Rae and me,” I answered quickly to Rae biting down on her bottom lip, sending me into overdrive.

  My body urged to kick Katya from the room and give Rae everything she desired as I knew she craved it all. My dick hardened quickly in my pants, wanting to be buried deep in her, and to her her purr like a pussycat once again.

  My cell phone rang, interrupting my provocative thoughts and breaking the gaze I held with Rae. It was like a bucket of icy water was thrown on me. It was likely business related, and I’d have to be off. I did have a club to run, and as it got closer to New Years, things got busier for me.

  “This is Alexei Stepanov,” I answered the call to the frantic voice of my head waitress at the club. Of course, something would go wrong when I wasn’t there to supervise it. I sighed and told her I’d be right back.

  Ending the call, I frowned, but then I remembered, Rae would be all mine as we had a day planned together. I had an afternoon to get to know her and possibly a night to get to know her in another way, a way that would leave her spent from pleasure.

  Chapter 9


  It was only lunch, but it felt like so much more. I swear I’d tried on every outfit in my suitcase and some of the few I’d bought while in Russia.

  Katya had left before I woke up. The main trip to Russia, besides spending the holidays with her family was because her passport was about to expire and she needed a new one. Getting a new one also meant some changes with her US Student Visa and there was a lot of business to take care of. That left a day where I’d be alone.

  She knew exactly what she was orchestrating when she matched Alexei to spend the day with me. I was happy for it, but also nervous. It wasn’t like it was a date, but it felt that way, and my nerves were rattled.

  Finally, I’d settled on a form fitting long sleeved black t-shirt with a fur vest and skinny jeans. I put my hair in a ponytail and wore a light bit of makeup. As soon as I finished my lipgloss, Sofiia was calling my name as Alexei had arrived.

  I took a final deep breath before leaving the bedroom I shared with Katya behind and taking the short walk down the hall into the front sitting room where Alexei waited. He came right to me and kissed my cheek. I loved how tall he was, possibly 6’4” and I adored how his large frame overtook my small 5’4” body.

  “You are ready, yes?” Alexei asked me as he peered down at me, his eyes burning with a deep intensity.

  I nodded “MmmHmm.”

  “Good, the car waits,” he announced as his big hand took mine.

  He pulled me along with him, out of the apartment and into the hallway. We waited for the elevator in silence, and he allowed me in first. Inside, we were pressed together in the small box. I could inhale his scent, it was a cologne with a cool fragrance that relaxed me.

  Alexei rubbed his thumb over the back of my hand and gave it a small squeeze. Just his small gestures drew me into him. I wondered, would this be considered a date?

  Waiting outside the apartment building was a black SUV, a Range Rover, with a driver that opened the back door for us. Alexei allowed me into the car first before he followed. The entire way to the restaurant he pointed out little places in the city, it was like having my own personal tour guide.

  We stopped at a small cafe that sat right next to one of the city’s canals. It was a nice place, and apparently, a table had been reserved for us already.

  The small place was busy, and the eyes of many of the patrons were on Alexei and I. I felt a little awkward as it seemed our every move was being watched.

  “No pay attention, it is only us,” Alexi asserted as he
felt my uneasiness. I loved his attitude, it could be a mixture of being carefree, but at the same time collected. He alone could dominate the entire room from his size to the way he carried himself.

  Alexei ordered for the both of us, and as we waited, I sipped on my water. I kept my eyes away from his. The other night still played out in my head constantly. There was something pulling about the way he kissed and about the way he pleasured me. I needed more of it and looking in his eyes would only intensify my feelings.

  “You told me at club, you no see family. Explain to me your family,” he said, inquiring.

  I smiled thinking about the two people who kept me grounded, those two people were my entire life, and I busted my ass for them.

  “My mom and my sister. Mom is a hard worker and did what she could for me and my sister.”

  “You have sister?” Alexei asked. My eyes had finally met his, and that yearning remained in them, it drew me in.

  “Yeah, she’s great. Rayna, she is nonverbal autistic, but incredibly smart and as she doesn’t speak, she’s found other ways to communicate. That girl is a star.” I laughed for a moment as I thought of my crazy sister. She always wanted to be the center of attention and was always trying to make someone laugh. When I was down, she could always bring a smile to my face.

  “Your sister no speak?” Alexei seemed confused.

  “She can’t, but that has never slowed her down. I work hard to help mom pay for her therapy programs. They’ve helped so much, and I don’t mind making sacrifices for my sister to have a better life,” I explained thinking of all the times I’d rather go out with friends, but I had to work, and I worked for my sister.

  “You are saint,” Alexei declared with a grin.

  “I wouldn’t say I’m a saint, but I’d rather put those I love first before myself.”

  “Much like me.”

  “I’ve heard,” I informed him. Alexei gave me a soft grin and took my hand that lay on the table into his. I inhaled at the magnetic flow that connected us, it was strong and intrigued me. Why him? I had no idea, but it felt too good to be true.

  “Tonight, you and Katya come to club?” he questioned.

  “I’d love to,” I answered quickly.

  I was letting my hair down, letting go, and living with no regrets. I wanted to see how the other night would have ended up. I wanted to know and feel everything Alexei wanted to do to me. I ached for him to have his wicked way with my body.

  Katya was an exhausted mess when she returned from her day of taking care of business. She wasn’t up for going to the club. Instead, she opted for a nap until her phone went off with a text from Igor who wanted to meet up with her.

  My friend bounded from bed and was dressed quickly. She could spring into action and look like Russian Barbie at a moment’s notice. Me on the other hand, it took a little longer to get that look that was just right.

  I slipped into the back of the SUV sent for me in my short red dress and tall ass stiletto heels. The back of my dress was completely out, and therefore I wore my hair up to not cover the exposed skin of my back.

  The ride was smooth and arriving at the club, I was greeted by Vladimir, Alexei’s head of security, who escorted me past the line and into the busy and loud night club.

  It was how it had been a couple nights prior, music bumping, people dancing and drinking, lights dim. Vladimir was tall and buff, similar to Alexei. I didn’t know why Alexei needed security when he could take someone in the beat of a heart. He scanned the crowd before he pointed towards the full bar, where I saw a frazzled looking Alexi.

  I was lucky to have a huge guy escorting me. With his size, it was like he was parting the seas as he took me across to the bar where Alexei was speaking to a waitress who hurried away with bottles of vodka on her tray.

  Peering up from a computer screen, Alexei’s dark eyes met mine. I gave him a soft grin as he gawked at me, eyes taking in every inch of me. My cheeks warmed at his inspection.

  Quickly, he came around the bar and in my direction, planting a kiss on my cheek and settling his hand on the small of my bare back, sending aches to my already weeping core. It was difficult to be around him and not be aroused especially after knowing all he could do with only his hands.

  “I am sorry. There is much crazy. Two waitresses quit, and my staff is short,” he told me in my ear before his name was called and he let out a loud grunt in reaction.

  “Let me help,” I said instantly. He gave me a questioning look at my proposition. “I’m a waitress in the States. Let me help.”

  “You cannot be sure,” he reacted quickly.

  “I am, I can do it. You need my help, let me.”

  Within minutes, Alexei showed me the layout of the club and where each table was located. My job was to deliver drinks, that was easy enough and doing it in heels was no problem as back home I frequently worked nightclubs.

  I moved around the club with ease, a few times my eyes connected with Alexei as he delegated the atmosphere around the bar. Turns out one of the other waitresses was new, and she was being trained. Though she didn’t speak English, I started to show her a few tricks I’d learned over my years waitressing in diners to exclusive Seattle nightclubs.

  Finishing a table, I went straight back towards the bar, ready to pick up another tray of drinks and keep it moving. Luckily, my job didn’t need much talking as I didn’t speak Russian.

  Reaching the bar, my hips were grabbed and pulled against a hard body, from the scent alone, I knew it was Alexei and relaxed into his arms. His hot lips seared the skin of my neck as he planted sensual kisses on my exposed skin.

  “The dress, you wear on purpose, yes?” he urged before taking the lobe of my ear in his teeth and giving it a nibble, all while pulling me into his hardness that rested on my back. I tried to keep my moans at bay, but he’d sent me into a place of sensual oblivion with only that. “I has question, I expect answer.”

  Goodness, I loved the way he demanded my compliance. Alexei was the king of the castle and asserted his dominance at every turn.

  “Yes,” I hissed as my eyes fluttered closed.

  One of his large hands slipped down under the hem of my dress and between my thighs before moving back up, causing my breath to hitch in my throat.

  “And Kisska, do you want my cock inside?” He gruffly asked, barely grazing the fabric of my panties.

  I nodded, unable to form actual coherent words. Alexei had a way about him that took my words away. I was a well-educated woman with a brain full of knowledge, stats, equations, and facts, but with Alexei, all of it went out of the window, and I was merely a girl that needed him desperately.

  “Come, I think rest can live,” he noted as he laced our fingers and pulled me toward the hall that I knew contained an elevator at the end, which went up into his penthouse apartment.

  Reaching the elevator, Alexei pressed the button and the doors instantly opened for us. He allowed me to step inside, unlike last time where he’d carried me in.

  At the shutting of the doors, he was on me. His agile fingers folding the fabric of my panties and at once ripping them from my body, a hiss coming from my lips as he did so.

  Alexei dropped the lacy fabric to the floor of the elevator unceremoniously, and his looks took to mine. I allowed him to kiss me roughly, pulling me in by his magnificent dominance that drew me to him.

  The tips of my fingers making quick work of unbuttoning his dark blue shirt before with a ding, the elevator opened to his empty penthouse.

  Scooping me into his arms, I wrapped my legs around him as he carried me, my mouth taking all the control as I kissed him the entire way to his bed. Alexei dropped me down, and his eyes moved rapidly as they took catalogue of my every dip and curve.

  I glanced up from my position on the bed, biting my lip and anxious for all Alexei wanted to do to me.

  Bending over the bed, Alexei took the hem of my dress into his hands and shimmied it up my body and ripped it over my head in a nearly
fluid motion. I was suddenly completely naked on his bed.

  “I have taste for you, Kisska,” he growled as he finished removing his shirt, but stopped short of doing so with his pants, but instead he bent down towards me, hands on my thighs and spread my legs wide for him.

  The wicked grin on his face at me exposed for him only made me more eager. The cool air that wafted over my exposed sex made goosebumps rise on my skin.

  My eyes watched Alexei’s as they held a connection with mine while he bent down to me more, his fingers slipping over my slit and opening me more to him. Up and down my chest moved rapidly awaiting his next move.

  When his tongue ran up my slit, all while his eyes stayed glued to mine, I was a goner. I moaned at the lapping of his tongue over my neglected clit. I hadn’t had sex in months, thanks to ending things with my ex. The only action I’d received in the months after were from my own hands or the cute little purple vibrator I kept in my bedside table drawer.

  A gasp escaped my throat the moment he pushed a finger deep into my folders. Rhythmically, my hips began to move with his single finger that was soon joined by another one. I felt a fullness I remembered from the days before as I allowed him to once again fuck me with his large fingers, though this time, I prayed we would go much further.

  “That is it, ride. You are close,” he mumbled against my heated flesh. “Open eyes.”

  I hadn’t even realized I’d closed them as I was trying to take in every sensation that was coursing through my body. Alexei had dragged me under the raging waves and hell, I wanted to drown so fucking bad.

  “I want to hear, I want to hear come,” he gruffly demanded of me. He was demanding for my screams of blissful passion. I’d seen it in his eyes, he wanted me to scream his name, the very name on the edge of my lips.

  Mouth back on my aching core and fingers ramming into me with force, I couldn’t help, but to cry out in the moment my orgasm crashed into me.

  “Oh Alexei!” I squealed out, slightly embarrassed at my outburst of passion, but it felt so good as it flowed through me from head to toe.


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