The Match King

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The Match King Page 35

by Frank Partnoy


  Eberth, Ingeborg

  Ehrenburg, Ilya: The Single Front

  Ekman, Carl Gustav

  Enron (company)

  Ericsson, L. M. & Co.

  Ernst & Ernst (US accountants)

  Ernst, Alwin

  Ernst, Theodore



  Fairbanks, Douglas

  Fairburn, W. A.

  Ferber, Edna

  film industry: IK’s interests in

  Financial Times

  Fisher, Irving

  France: seeks post-war loans; match monopoly; deals with Morgan; IK offers loan for match deal; repays loan to IK

  Frankfurter, Felix

  Franklin, Benjamin

  Fuld, Richard

  Fuller Construction Company, New York


  Garanta (N. V. Maatschappij Garanta); audit

  Garbo, Greta (née Gustafson): IK’s friendship with; films; plays in The Kiss; on travel by sea; and IK’s speedboats; contract with MGM; and IK’s supposed escape

  General Motors: share value; and Lee Higginson

  Germany: IK negotiates loan; and fiscal monopolies; deals with Morgan; defaults on war reparations; and Young plan; trade relations with Russia; bonds exchanged against Italian securities

  Gershwin, George: Rhapsody in Blue

  Gilbert, Parker

  Glowacki, Marjam

  gold debentures: for International Match

  Goldman Sachs (US bank)

  Gore, Albert, Sr

  Grängesberg iron mines (Sweden)

  Grayson, Admiral Cary T.

  Great Crash (1929)


  Grünewald, Isaac


  Guggenheim family

  Gustaf V Adolf, King of Sweden


  Harding, Warren G.: presidency; death

  Hellner, Johannes

  Henie, Sonja

  Hennig, Sigard

  Hibma, O.

  Higginson & Co. (London bank)

  Higginson, George

  Higginson, Henry Lee

  Higginson, T. L., Jr

  Hilferding, Rudolf

  Hirsch Lilienthal (brokers)

  Hitler, Adolf

  Hoffman, Ernst August

  Holland: no currency controls

  Homeric (Ship)

  Hoover, Herbert: IK advises; as Secretary of Commerce; on US economy; IK’s relations with; and IK’s German loan

  Huldt, Sven



  Ile de France (ship)

  Insull, Samuel

  International Match Corporation: formed and financed; gold debentures; money transferred from USA; IK controls; taxes; board of directors; US audit of; pays money over to Swedish Match; Wisconsin authorities question; financial statements; participating preferred shares; redeems gold debentures at profit; loan to and agreements with Poland; lacks cash; and control of Garanta; and increase in smoking; annual meetings; fails to disclose commissions to Lee Higg; undisclosed assets; listing on New York Stock Exchange; and loan to France; convertible debenture derivative; Metropolitan Life invests in; sources of income; Durant suggests reporting lower profits; and transfer of Swedish Match profits; share price falls; dividend increased; and German loan; advances to foreign governments; Durant agrees to raise extra funds for; Durants dissatisfaction with reports; IK sends directors confidential memorandum; subsidiaries; German bonds; lacks assets; condition at IK’s death

  International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation (IT & T); dividend payments

  Italy: and fiscal monopolies; deals with Morgan; IK negotiates with; IK forges Treasury Bills


  Jönköping Vulcan Trust

  Jordahl, Anders: business in New York with IK; relations with IK; works for Kreuger & Toll; and US auditing of IK’s companies; and International Match’s financial statements; in Stockholm for opening of Match Palace; influence on IK; and IK’s trading through Aminoff; IK transfers debentures to; final letters to IK; later lawsuits; and IK’s supposed escape

  Jordahl, Mary


  Kahn, Julius

  Kalmar, Sweden

  Keynes, John Maynard

  Kiss, The (film)

  Körkarlen (film)

  Kreuger & Toll Building Company

  Kreuger & Toll (company): as IK’s public holding company; capital; financial statements; pays dividends; formed; businesses; Durant favours; fixed-date completion agreements; Toll’s role reduced; profits and obligations; International Match funds transferred to; construction work; and convertible debenture derivatives; as source of money; share values; Durant approves new share issues; Durant questions auditing; issues American Certificates; IK’s debt to; and Italian contract; Hennig suspects fraud; IK issues report on 1931 profits; securities traded at IK’s death; balance sheet declared misrepresentative; condition after IK’s death; American Certificates burned

  Kreuger, Britta (IK’s sister)

  Kreuger, Ernst August (IK’s father)

  Kreuger, Ivar: appearance and dress; conversation; travels to USA; charm and personal magnetism; invests in safety match; family background; early career in construction; conduct of business meetings; interest in film industry; property holdings; financial successes and achievements; earlier financial ventures in USA; proposes match monopolies scheme in Europe to Lee Higg; early love life and disappointment; takes over competitors in Sweden; social life and reputation; employees and staff; friendships and intimates; multiple financial interests; raises funds; and off balance sheet financing; accounting techniques; gambles on foreign currencies; investigated by Swedish Bank Inspection Board; wealth; and US audit of International Match; and International Match’s financial statements; granted increased powers by directors of International Match; and national match monopolies; acquires rubber stamps of signatures; reluctance to lose control of companies to shareholders; reluctance to sell common shares; introduces B-Shares; and control of Garanta directors; private Stocholm home (Villagatan); diet and eating habits; memory; personal habits; secrecy over factories and production methods; and US inspection of Swedish factories and operations; claims International Match’s financial statements understate profits; confides in Berning; offers loan to France for match deal; devises convertible debenture derivatives; honors; purchases other businesses and real estate; tax payments; in Silence Room of Match Palace; and listing of International Match on New York Stock Exchange; personality change; mental state; gifts to Berning; Saturday Evening Post cover story on; interests in Germany; and stock market crash (1929); agrees to guarantee American Certificates; negotiates German loan; lectures; caginess over company profits; maintains reputation; prints Italian Treasury bills; forges signatures on Italian bills; transfers fund between different separate companies; under strain; negotiates merger of Ericsson and IT & T; wins control of L. M. Ericsson; blames short sellers for fall in share values; securities plummet (1931); considers suicide; New York penthouse; collapse; holds high value Italian bills; business interests and foreign loans; returns to Europe on Ile de France; buys pistol; relations with women; suicide; affairs investigated after death; private apartments and possessions sold; creditors; posthumous reputation; murder theory; escape theory

  Kreuger, Jenny (IK’s mother)

  Kreuger, Torsten (IK’s brother): birth; role in IK’s operations; as IK’s confidante; registers company in Liechtenstein; operations in Poland; in Stockholm for opening of Match Palace; sentenced to hard labor; claims brother murdered; The Truth About Ivar Kreuger

  Kuhn Loeb & Co. (US bank)


  Lagerkrantz, Gustav

  Lagerlöf, Selma

  La Guardia, Fiorella

  Lamont, Thomas W.

  Landgren, Eric

  Lange, Karl


  Laval, Pierre

  Law, John

  Lee Higginson & Co. (US bank; ‘Lee Higg’): and appointment of Du
rant; IK opens account with; character; elects Durant partner; and IK’s scheme to advance loans to European governments; and loans to foreign governments; unaware of IK’s Swedish difficulties; and audit of International Match; and International Match’s financial statements; and International Match’s preferred shares; and IK’s Polish deal; and International Match’s gold debenture shares; sells B- Shares in Swedish Match; and Berning’s adjusted figures for Wisconsin investigators; vouches for listed companies; objects to term monopoly in International Match report; and IK’s Swedish audit; supports IK’s application for listing on New York Stock Exchange; and IK’s negotiations with Germans; and great crash (1929); and Kreuger and Toll’s American Certificates; and IK’s Italian negotiations; and IK’s put back pledge; IK pays fee for financial advisor services; and IK’s inconsistent figures; and IK’s fall; extends four million dollar loan; and IK’s suicide; on condition of IK’s companies at death; liquidation; insolvency; inadequate questioning of IK

  Lee, John

  Lefèvre, Edwin: Reminiscences of a Stock Operator

  Lehman Brothers (bankers)

  Lenin, Vladimir Ilich


  Liljefors, Bruno


  Littorin, Krister: joins Kreuger & Toll; as director of International Match; as IK’s confidante; as president of Swedish Match; and Berning’s visit to Stockholm; and Bawl Street Journal; in Match Palace; and IK’s personality change; and IK’s Italian deal; and stock market crash; and Durant’s request for figures; raises credit for IK; finds IK’s Italian treasury bills; meets IK in Paris (1932); and IK’s death

  Livermore, Jesse

  Lowell, A. Lawrence


  MacDonald, Ramsay

  Madoff, Bernard L.

  McNamee, Graham

  McNeel’s (investment analysts)

  Majestic (ship)


  Marcosson, Isaac F.

  Marias, Baron Emile du

  Match King, The (film)

  matches (safety): IK’s investment in; invention and development; manufacture and marketing in USA; IK proposes European monopoly scheme to Lee Higg; competitive industry; national monopolies

  Mauretania (ship)

  May, George O.

  Mayer, Louis B.

  Mellon, Andrew: as US Treasury Secretary; friendship with Harding

  Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (Met Life)


  Milken, Michael

  Milles, Carl

  Mississippi Scheme

  Mitchell, Charles

  Mönsteras Matchworks, Sweden

  Morgan, Jack: qualities; paranoia; inherits father’s business; status; and French loan; and German post-war economy; and design of new yacht; Presidency of Harvard Alumni; and great crash (1929); and IK’s financial dominance; and IK’s German loan; and IK’s attempted deal with Italy; tensions with IK; and Italian loan; and IK’s death

  Morgan, John Pierpont

  Morgan, J. P. & Co. (banking house)

  Morgan, Junius

  Mosconi, Antonio

  Mouter, Marius

  Murnane, George

  Mussolini, Benito


  Narutowicz, Gabriel

  National Biscuit Company

  National City bank

  Nederlandish Bank

  New York Stock Exchange: activities; rules; Livermore trades on; Wall Street; shrapnel bomb explodes (1920); IK’s social life in; and International Match shares; lists IK’s securities; and company reports; and listing of International Match; share trading; and 1929 crash; reaction to IK’s death; criticized in investigation of IK’s affairs

  New York Times

  New York World

  Norbeck, Senator Peter

  Norris, Senator George


  N. V. Maatschappij Garanta see Garanta


  off balance sheet accounting

  Ohio Match Company

  O’Neill, Eugene

  Oxford, Robert Harleyt Earl of


  Panic, A (film)

  Paramount Famous Lasky Corporation

  Paribas (bank)

  Parker, Dorothy

  Peter the Tramp (film)

  Pickford, Mary

  Pius X, Pope

  Poincaré, Raymond

  Poland: IK seeks government loan and monopoly in; match manufacture and export; International Match loan to; IK makes second agreement wih; IK makes further deal with (1930)

  Ponzi, Charles

  Poole, J. B. (export broker)

  Porter, Cole


  Post, Emily: Book of Etiquette

  Price Waterhouse & Co. (accountants)

  Primo de Rivera, Miguel

  Proskauer, Judge Joseph M.

  PUB (Stockholm store)

  pyramid schemes


  Radio Corporation of America (RCA): value of shares

  Remick, William H.

  Riksbank (Sweden)

  Ripley, William Z.

  Robinette, Edward B.

  Rockefeller, John D., Sr

  Rockefeller, John D.

  Rockefeller, Percy A.

  Röda Kvarn (Stockholm cinema)


  Roosevelt, Franklin D.

  Rosenberg, Katharine von

  Royal Baking Powder (US company)

  Russia: cheap imports in Germany

  Ruth, Babe

  Rydbeck, Oscar


  Saga of Gösta Berlin, The (film) Salter, Sir Arthur

  Saturday Evening Post (magazine)

  Schacht, Hjalmar

  Schéle, Sune

  Seatree, W. E.

  Securities Act, 1933 (USA)

  Securities Exchange Act, 1934 (USA)

  Segerstråle, Torsten

  Sequoia (yawl)

  shareholders: voting rights

  Siewerts, Siegred

  Sillén, Oscar

  Singer Manufacturing (US company)

  Skandinaviska Kredit A.B.

  Skilling, Jeff

  Sleepy Hollow Country Club, Tarrytown

  Sociedad Financiera de la Industria Española (SAFIE)

  Soros, George

  South Sea Company

  Spain: and match monopoly; IK claims secret deal with; declines deal with IK; IK declares loan to

  Standard Oil (company)

  Steel Corporation (USA)

  Stiller, Mauritz

  Stinnes, Hugo

  Stockholm: IK’s property in; City Hall; IK’s home in Villagatan; Match Palace; Berning stays in Grand Hotel; Olympic Games (1912)

  Storrow, James, Jr

  Stowell, Alice

  Svenska Filmindustri (SF)

  Svenska Handelsbanken

  Svenska Revisions Aktiebolaget

  Svenska Tändsticksaktiebolaget

  Swan, Joseph R.

  Sweden: develops safety match; regulators investigate IK and Swedish Match; banks invest in IK’s companies; IK’s factories and operations inspected by US businessman

  Swedish Bank Inspection Board

  Swedish Credit Bank

  Swedish Match (corporation): output; investors; IK forms; Durant favors; Diamond Match seeks merger; holdings in International Match; Littorin appointed president; subsidiaries; profits and obligations; covert loans; and separate syndicate; investigated by Swedish regulators; International Match funds transferred to; investment in International Match; dividends; and European fiscal monopolies; common shares; and Polish agreement; payments to Garanta; US imports; sells to France; and IK’s loan to France; growth; deals in foreign countries; in Brazil; Berning requests accounts from Wendler; profits transferred with International Match; and German loan; financial statements; IK unable to pay shareholders; condition at IK’s death; recovers

  Swedish Pulp Company

  Switzerland: IK’s operations in

  Syracuse University, New York state


  Tengbom, Ivar Justus

  Time magazine

  Titanic (ship)

  Toll, Paul



  United Founders Corporation

  United States of America: IK travels to (1922); prosperity; investments and investors; lack of financial regulations; IK’s earlier financial ventures in; monopolies illegal in; Federal Reserve; literature and arts; property and land prices increase; smoking; business companies’ inadequate reports; lowers interest rates (1927); financial boom (1928/29); great crash (1929); investigates IK’s affairs after deaty; securities legislation



  Versailles, Treaty of (1919)


  Waite, Wilma

  Wall Street Journal

  Wallenberg family

  Wallenberg, Jacob, Sr

  Warburgs (bank)

  Warner Bros Pictures, Inc.

  Wendler, Anton

  Wheelright, Dr Joseph

  White, William Allen

  Whitney, George

  Whyte, Frederic

  William, Warren

  Wilson, Woodrow

  Wisconsin Railroad Commission

  World Match Company (Canada)


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