Redeeming the Earl

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Redeeming the Earl Page 5

by Jenn Langston

  “Lorraine was next, followed by Allison. They each had fathers who had fallen on hard times. My arrival had been convenient for everyone.”

  “Then there’s your fifth wife. You came to London to steal her away from the constant activity of the city.”

  Was that how she saw it, that he was stealing her away? Did she not want to leave London?

  “When I told you I prefer to live in the country, it didn’t mean I’m adverse to a visit. I have a comfortable townhouse. It would be no trouble to make occasional visits to the city.”

  The delicate smile touching her full lips as she looked up at him made his body uncomfortable. How could something so small affect him so deeply?

  “I meant nothing by it. I’m simply continuing your story.”

  “Not a very good story, I’m afraid,” he replied, still captivated by her mouth. What was happening to him? A woman’s lips had never interested him before.

  “I think it’s romantic.”

  Her voice became even huskier, but in a different way. A way that made him contemplate moving closer. Realizing where his thoughts took him, he snapped his gaze up to her eyes.

  “You can kiss me if you’d like,” she breathed.

  Her acknowledgment of his thoughts was exactly what he needed to allow sanity to reenter his mind. He pulled himself together and leaned away from her.

  “What would I do that for?”

  She reeled her head back as if in utter shock at his denial of her request. “From what I understand, it’s an effective way to become better familiarized with someone.”

  “Well, I don’t believe we need to be acquainted in that way.”

  Hurt passed through her brilliant blue eyes before she turned them from him. He wanted to take it back. To pull her into his arms and give her what she wanted, but he held himself steady. He had never felt pleasure from kissing and couldn’t understand the compulsion now.

  “I see.” She stood and began to walk up the path.

  He jumped to his feet and followed her. “What exactly do you see?”

  “You are a terrible kisser.” She glanced back at him over her shoulder, a sparkle in her eye. “Don’t feel ashamed, I’m sure you are not the only man who suffers this affliction.”

  Stunned, Charles froze, which only allowed Rebecca to get further ahead of him. Unfortunately, by the time he reached her, he could not retaliate. Too many people would be witnesses, and he couldn’t have that.

  He seethed. She would pay for that remark. He would make sure of it.

  Chapter 4

  “Just because he calls doesn’t mean you have to go running,” Alex practically spat as he fumed in the corner with his arms crossed.

  Rebecca blew out a breath. The only people supportive in any fashion were, surprisingly, her father and Andrew. However, she knew their reasons to be completely selfish. At this point she wasn’t sure if she should accept Charles’s proposal or not. The more time she spent with him, the more she wanted to say yes. But she still couldn’t be sure of her safety.

  “I agree,” her mother said, standing before her with an identical look of disapproval to that of Alexander. “What even possessed you to consider his proposal?”

  “Don’t blame me. The earl has already obtained father’s blessing,” she pointed out.

  Alex jumped up and stood beside their mother. “That may be, but had Father realized who he was granting permission to, he would have denied him.”

  With a roll of her eyes, Rebecca stood. She refused to sit and allow them to lecture her like she was the child. She had long passed the point of needing such attention.

  “You know that isn’t true. He knows and still encourages Lord Dunmore’s attentions. You can’t convince me otherwise.”

  The anger flashing in Alex’s eyes made her jerk back in surprise. Why was he reacting like this? She hadn’t even agreed to marry Charles. Honestly, this was not in her control.

  “Do you even know how the previous Countesses of Dunmore died?” Alex demanded.

  She shook her head. Although curious about the fate of those women, she couldn’t be sure he was responsible. Confused emotions swirled inside her.

  Their mother eyed Alex before turning back to her. “I really don’t think anyone knows. Most of the details have been either lost or ignored. To make things even further suspicious, I heard it was the Prince Regent who ordered the charges to be dropped.”

  “I would think Lord Dunmore’s connection to royalty would be an asset, not a liability.” Rebecca narrowed her eyes, as if to challenge them to contradict the benefits the relationship would have. “None of this matters anyway.”

  “Why the bloody hell not?” Alex yelled, and for once, their mother didn’t comment on his foul use of language.

  Looking into the beloved faces of the two most important people in her life, she suddenly became very weary. She couldn’t argue with them. No one would win or lose in this situation, at least not until she made her decision.

  “We are wasting daylight. Lord Dunmore said he had a donation for Lady Minor’s charity, so I’m going to go collect it. Will you escort me, Alex?”

  “I want nothing to do with this, and neither should you.” Their mother pointed to Alex as she hastened from her chair. “I told you both the charity isn’t worth seeking that man out. I will be speaking to your father about this.”

  The door slammed shut, making her jump. No good could come from a conversation with her father, but she wouldn’t try to dissuade her mother. Over the years, her mother had lost many battles to that stubborn man.

  “Which leaves me to commit the heinous deed.”

  She fondly patted Alex on his arm. “You were going to take me to Lord Dunmore’s townhouse anyway.”

  With a hand over his chest, he looked appalled. “Am I so malleable?”

  “Come. We’ve wasted enough time.”

  Although his sluggish pace irritated her, she felt grateful he was at least following her. However, he didn’t speak again until they were in the carriage.

  “I know you better than our mother does, so tell me what you’re thinking,” he ordered.

  “You know already. I’ve printed the story about Lady Valerie’s maid stealing the jewels, and I have nothing else to print. When that last sheet had been delivered to Mr. Brinter, he made it clear people don’t care about small news. They want big stories, and he doesn’t want to waste his time.”

  The idea that her contact at the printer’s office didn’t want to publish her sheet any longer terrified her. If Mr. Brinter wanted big news, she would give it to him. Beginning with the Earl of Dunmore.

  What if Charles was guilty? The question continually plagued her. The more she got to know him, the more she wanted him to be innocent.

  “This isn’t about the Unscandal Sheet. I’ve seen the way you gaze at him. You’ve never looked at another man like that before. Not even Kenneth Rawson, and I thought the two of you had become close.”

  She laughed. “Kenneth is a dear friend. Nothing more. And I look at the earl with curiosity and a news reporter’s mind.”

  “If that is what curiosity looks like, I want some lady to be just as curious about me,” he mumbled.

  The jolting of the carriage stopping saved her from having to respond. Nerves engulfed her as she and Alex followed the same routine as before until they were in the drawing room. Exactly like last time, Alex’s disapproval rolled off of him in waves.

  Memories of the night in the garden with Charles paraded through her mind. She’d had the impression he’d wanted to kiss her then. Thinking about his rejection stung her still. In addition, he hadn’t spoken with her the remainder of the night. Was he angered by her comment? She sincerely hoped so.

  “Good afternoon,” Charles greeted. “
Thank you for coming so quickly.”

  Her eyes took in his easy clothes, and something moved deep in her chest. He was a powerfully attractive man. Why did he have to be surrounded by scandal? She must have done something terrible in her life to be rewarded with a possible murderer as the only gentleman interested in her.

  “It wasn’t a problem,” Alex answered. “Honestly, we were surprised by your summons. Last time we spoke, you indicated having nothing to donate. And with no mention of it since then, we believed you hadn’t found anything of use.”

  Charles smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. He was hiding something.

  “As I indicated last time, I sent for some items from my estate. I apologize for not offering an update, but I didn’t realize you required one.” He turned his brown eyes on her. “Miss Doutree, if you would be so kind as to follow me, I can show you to the trunks. Then you may go through the items in private while your brother and I visit.”

  She swallowed. Something in his gaze made her very uncomfortable. He had a hidden agenda. Did she want to go with him to find out what it was? Yes, she did. Sometimes she really hated her inquisitiveness. Without another thought, she rose to her feet.

  “Certainly, my lord.”

  As she trailed behind him, she wiped her sweaty palms on her skirt. Surely he only wanted to show her clothing. She shook her head at herself. Her brother’s words earlier had simply put silly notions in her thoughts. Even if Charles had something to do with his previous wives’ deaths, he certainly wouldn’t kill her in his own home while her brother waited.

  “Just in here,” he said, holding the door open for her.

  Relief relaxed her features as she smiled at him. He didn’t intend to enter with her, so how could he harm her? Stepping past him, she saw a trunk placed in the middle of the room. It was exactly as he’d claimed.

  Nearing the box, she silently prayed she’d find something useful amongst the dresses. Perhaps a note hidden in a seam or a bloodstain. Anything to help her search. The trunk loomed before her, a silent reminder of the women whose lives had been cut short. The idea of rifling through their belongings made her uneasy, but she had to do it. For Charles and for herself.

  The door clicking behind her made her jolt and spin around. Charles stood in front of the door with such an intense look, she couldn’t move. Panic pricked at her skin and made her heart pump wildly. What would become of her now?

  As he took a step closer, she drew a hand to her chest. Purpose shown in his eyes, and stole her breath away. Looking at him now, she clearly saw the danger that clung to him. He had been hiding this side from her.

  “Are you scared?” His gravelly voice sent a shiver down her spine. “You deserve this, you know.”

  He took the last steps to bring him directly in front of her. Her heart hammered in her chest. She should have known better than to leave the protection of her brother.

  She winced as he brought his hand down and tilted her face up to his. A scream lodged in her throat. She would die now. No one could come save her.

  “You can’t throw out such an insult, then escape . . . unpunished.”

  Before she could find her voice, he captured her in his arms and sealed his mouth against hers. Shock pulsed through her limbs, further immobilizing her. What was going on? Was this how he intended to kill her?

  Charles moved his mouth on hers, nibbling on her bottom lip. The sensation melted her frozen arms, and she slid her hands up his chest to rest on his shoulders. She closed her eyes, allowing the wondrous feeling to surround her. All her previous thoughts and concerns disappeared in response to the sensory overload. She never wanted it to end.

  Of their own volition, her lips parted. Charles groaned, pulled her tighter against him, and plunged his tongue into her mouth. Caught off guard by his exuberance, she clutched onto him to hold herself upright. Never before had she imagined the sheer pleasure of kissing.

  Fire built up in the pit of her stomach as he pressed his body up against hers. She thrust her hands in his hair, desperate to be closer to him.

  Her body had never felt so sensitive. The frantic movements of his hands along her back drove her crazy. Still, she wanted more. Desperate to tell him of her predicament, she pulled back, but she couldn’t speak. Instead she stared into his wild eyes as she sucked in breaths.

  Immediately his hands dropped, and he stepped back, gazing at her as if she were a stranger.

  “I apologize. I—”

  He didn’t continue, merely spun around and fled the room. Surprised by both the kiss and his abrupt departure, she could do nothing but stand there and stare after him.

  For some strange reason, her arms felt empty, so she wrapped them around her middle. Her lips were swollen, but not in an unpleasant way. And her legs wobbled, causing her to sink down to sit on the trunk. That had been the most enjoyable experience she’d ever had in her life.

  Well, he’d proved his point. She had been wrong. Charles was an excellent kisser. Had he not wanted to show her the other night for fear she’d become addicted? He was right to be concerned. Even now she wanted to experience it again.

  Staring at the still open door he’d passed through, she wondered if she should agree to marry him. There was still so much about him she didn’t know. But she wouldn’t be allowed to live as a burden on her family forever.

  Were his miraculous kisses worth marrying a man who could be a murderer? She was afraid she already knew the answer to that.

  Charles shot out of bed. He feverishly scanned the room as he gasped for air. From the vivid dream that left his body in an incredibly uncomfortable state, he half expected to see Rebecca in his bedchamber. Finding himself alone, he fell back against the mattress and tried to control his breathing.

  The man in the dream had undoubtedly been him, but never in his life had he acted on the inclination to do any of the things he’d experienced in the night. However, if reality brought even a fraction of the pleasure, he had to reconsider his decision to refrain from such activities.

  Covering his face with his hands, he groaned. What was wrong with him? A simple kiss had never elicited such a response from him before. He didn’t even like kissing, or rather hadn’t before now. With Rebecca it wasn’t an uncomfortable concession, it was something to be enjoyed.

  His dream brought back memories of the boy he’d been and of the woman who’d taught him all about the fairer sex. He’d never forget the service the downstairs maid, Nicole, had provided for him during his more trying years. Under her unorthodox tutelage, he’d learned to keep control of his base desires. She had educated him on the nature of a woman’s discomfort during relations, and explained it should only be done for procreation purposes. If she could hear his thoughts right now, she would be appalled. As she should be.

  As Charles dressed for the day, he managed to regain control of himself. Rebecca deserved better than to have him fantasizing about her due to some nighttime hallucination she had not been responsible for.

  Hurrying down to breakfast, he drew to a halt at the sound of a spoon clinking on china in his breakfast room. Peering around the doorway, he saw Gloria sipping tea. Shock held him immobile. What reason did she have to be at his home so early in the morning?

  “Charles,” she exclaimed, setting her teacup down harder than he expected considering the delicacy of the cup. “I was beginning to believe you’d never awaken.”

  “What are you doing here?” He slowly walked into the room, deciding to deal with his butler later.

  She leaned back in her chair and observed him with a slightly amused smile on her face. “I haven’t seen you in a while, and I thought it would be nice to have breakfast like we have done in the past.”

  “Your visits to the manor in the early days after your sister left us were completely different than this. London is very unf

  Her laughter filled the room. “And what do I have to apologize for? I’m not some maiden who must protect my virtue. No one will notice my comings and goings. Besides, when did you start caring about the whispers?”

  Crossing the room, Charles poured himself a cup of tea before sitting down at the table. In the past, he wouldn’t have minded her sudden appearance, but today he felt different. He was definitely changing, and he didn’t like it.

  “Who said I care?”

  “So it’s true, then?” Her lips were drawn in a tight line. “No good will come from this. I’ll have you know this lady of yours only cares for your title and wealth.”

  His jaw clenched. “And I crave an heir, so what do her motivations matter? I came to London for a wife, not to find some woman who suffers from an imbalance in her brain that makes her believe she loves me. You, best of all, know that emotion isn’t real.”

  She sniffed, turning her face from him. “True. I simply can’t believe you have decided to go through with this again. And so soon.”

  “Why don’t we talk about something else?” With a nod to the man standing outside the door, he indicated the food should be served immediately. Perhaps if they dined soon, her visit would be shortened.

  “I heard from my father yesterday.”

  He smiled his approval of the topic change. “I hope your family is well.”

  “Yes, thank you. He wrote so I could inform you the magistrate received Prinny’s letter. You now have been officially absolved of any wrongdoing in regards to Allison’s death.”

  The food he’d placed in his mouth turned to ash. Although grateful for the Prince Regent’s support, he couldn’t stand how people looked at him, just as Gloria was doing now. Like he’d gotten away with murder.

  From the typical person, the look came with disgust, but pleasure always seemed to lurk in Gloria’s eyes. He cleared the anger from his mind, knowing she couldn’t bear the thought of anything bad happening to him. She was a true friend.


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