The Broken H

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The Broken H Page 9

by J. L. Langley

  When Shane’s hands wrapped around his head, he swore his own prick leaked copiously. Oh, man, he loved that. There was just something that turned him on to no end about having Shane’s hands on his skull while Gray sucked him off. The idea that Shane was so desperate for him that he didn’t want him to stop, that he needed to hold his head there, was a huge turn on. He’d always loved sucking dick -- he had a bit of an oral fixation, truth be told -- but the fact that it was Shane ...

  He’d never been able to get off just from giving head before -- well, aside from the first time he’d ever done it -- but with chief it was becoming the norm. In fact, if Shane started thrusting, he was a goner. The very idea that he could make Shane lose control just about did him in every time. Now, if he could just get the man to talk dirty to him, he’d be set.

  He began to stroke himself as he bobbed his head up and down on Shane’s prick, sucking every time his mouth slid up. Shane groaned, his hands caressing Gray’s head, then he started moving, thrusting up as his hands pushed Gray’s head down. Shane already knew that Gray could not only take it, but loved it when he did that.

  Gray opened up, relaxing his throat muscles. He sat back on his heels and used his hand to push Shane’s cock down so he could get a better angle, allowing Shane’s penis to slip all the way down. He could feel the blood throbbing in his own dick and the slick precome dribbling out the tip. His balls were so tight, so close to emptying.

  The sounds of Shane’s rough breathing and the slick sounds of his own saliva and the suction of his mouth sounded loud in the quiet room. “Oh, damn, Grayson. That’s it. Take all of it.”

  The hoarse whisper was all Gray needed. He shot hard, groaning around Shane’s dick. Come squirted out, slicking his fingers and splattering on the floor. The whole time he continued to suck, never slowing in his quest to pleasure Shane.

  Shane bucked up into his mouth several more times, then tensed. His fingers flexed in Gray’s hair and he gasped something that sounded like, “Grayson, love, now,” and came. The salty flavor poured into Gray’s mouth and down his throat as he swallowed.

  Gray slumped a little, trying to recover from his own orgasm, but kept Shane’s prick in his mouth. He sucked and licked, reluctant to let go, enjoying the weight of Shane’s softening prick in his mouth.

  Shane chuckled and caressed his cheek. “That almost tickles.”

  “Ummm ...”

  Shane laughed outright. “That does tickle.”

  Gray smiled, letting Shane slip from his mouth. He kissed Shane’s thigh and rested his head on Shane’s knee.

  “You really love doing that, don’t you?” Shane combed his fingers through Gray’s hair.

  He nodded. “Yeah, I do. Especially with you.”

  Shane caught his head in his big tanned hands and pulled Gray up, urging him onto his knees. Once Gray was face level, Shane leaned forward and kissed him, his tongue softly caressing, exploring. It wasn’t a deep or passionate kiss -- it was soft and sweet and lazy, with just a hint of tongue -- but it spoke volumes. Shane pulled back, his gaze tracing slowly over Gray’s face, a soft smile on his lips. “I told your parents today that I’m gay.”


  “Yeah. They said they already knew.” Shane frowned at the memory.

  Gray grinned. “Well, hell, chief, they’ve known you since you were sixteen. If they hadn’t had at least an inkling, I’d have to wonder. I’m sure they know about me, too.”

  “Well, you didn’t know I was.”

  “Yeah, but I had reason to believe otherwise.”

  Shane shrugged. “I didn’t mention you, but they know I’m seeing someone. I’ve been told that I should bring you home to meet them.”

  Gray chuckled. “You could have told them. I wouldn’t have cared.” He knew they’d all deal with it. He had great parents. Heck, he would have told them years ago if he hadn’t been worried about what Shane would say. Ironically, telling them now wasn’t a big deal since he knew he wouldn’t have Shane’s censure to deal with.

  Shane shook his head. “It’s not my place. You need to tell them.” His brows drew together.

  Gray smoothed the lines. “You’re worried about what they will think? About us together, I mean?”

  Shane gave a crisp nod.

  “You want me to tell them? I can do it tomorrow.”


  Gray started. “Okay.”

  “I’m sorry, I just need a little time. They need a little more time. They’ve had a lot to deal with lately, what with Ted’s heart attack, then the Kauffmans and their lame-ass accusation, then me telling them I’m gay. Maybe we should wait a while.”

  Gray didn’t think it was that big a deal, but obviously it meant something to Shane, so he could hold off on telling his folks. “Yeah, we can wait as long as you want, but I don’t think it will matter. Well, they might be a little surprised at first, but they love us. They’ll be happy.”

  Shane leaned forward and kissed him again. Just a soft brush of lips. “God, I hope you’re right.”


  Maybe he could just do like he did as a kid: open the back door and shout, “I’m at Shane’s!” Back in the day, no one would have raised a brow. It would be so much simpler if he could tell them the truth, but he’d promised Shane to give him time.

  Gray blew out a deep breath. By the time he rounded the second of the four curves on the way to the Broken H, he still hadn’t decided what he was going to tell his parents -- or rather how not to tell them until Shane was ready to do so.

  Gray wasn’t sure why exactly, but he had a feeling Shane needed to work out something for himself.

  Around the third curve, he spotted riders on the edge of the Broken H’s property. As he got closer, he realized it was Shane with Mac, one of the older ranch hands. Mac had worked on the Broken H since Gray was a kid. The man used to stay up at the bunkhouse, but he’d gotten married close to fifteen years ago and move to his own house in town. He was a nice guy, closer to Shane’s age than Gray’s.

  Shane saw him and waved. He waved back, pulled over to the side of the dirt road, killed the engine and waited.

  Shane and Mac veered toward the fence, coming to meet him.

  Gray hopped out, heading toward the two men. “Hey, chief! Hey, Mac!”

  “Hey, sheriff! Mac smiled.

  “Grayson.” Shane tipped his straw cowboy hat.

  Gray stopped next to the fence, petting Kokopelli, Shane’s black gelding, on the white star above his nose. “What are y’all doing out this far?”

  Mac grinned. “As little as possible. Ahem, I mean, we’re riding the fence.”

  Shane shrugged, grinning. “You’re off work early.”

  Gray nodded. “Sure am. I got out of there an hour earlier than I expected. I’d already packed a bag before I left, so I came right here. How’s daddy today?”

  Mac let out a long whistle. “Grouchy as hell!”

  Gray laughed. “In that case, I’m in no hurry. How about you, Mac? You want to trade me? Take my truck back to the ranch and let me ride Dixie back?”

  Mac’s face lit up, then he looked over at Shane.

  Shane nodded. “Sure, go ahead. You can go home when you get there.”

  “Thanks, Shane.” Mac got off the chestnut mare and climbed through the fence.

  Gray tossed him the keys to his truck. “Just park it out behind the big house and leave the keys in it.”

  Mac caught the key ring from the air and smiled. “Will do! Later, Shane. Later, Gray!”

  Gray climbed between the barbed wire, nearly knocking his tan hat off, then mounted. He glanced at Shane. “Let’s go.”

  Mac honked and saluted them as he drove off.

  “How long has it been since you’ve been on a horse?”

  “About a year. Why?”

  Shane grinned. “Well, since you somehow managed to stay off one while you were out here helping the last two weeks, I was just trying to get an idea of how sor
e you’re going to be.”

  Gray snorted. “I stayed off the horses so I could stay close to the foreman’s cottage and ride you instead. Besides, it’s like riding a bike.” He gave Shane a heated look.

  Shane chuckled, turning the black quarter horse around so that he was facing the big house. “Be nice and I’ll message your thighs and ass for you tonight.”

  “I’m counting on it. And maybe afterward we could --” His gaze flicked down and back to Shane’s eyes, or rather his glasses.

  “No.” Shane started Koko moving again.

  Gray turned Dixie and caught up to him. “You don’t even know what I was going to say.”

  “Does it have to do with my glasses?”

  Damn! Gray groaned. “Fine.”

  Shane smiled. “You have any other perversions I should know about?”

  “Is that a trick question?” Gray studied Shane for a minute. Damn, the man looked fine on a horse.

  “Why would that be a trick question?”

  “‘Cause I’ve always had a thing for your hair.” What would that long mane feel like wrapped around his --

  Shane laughed. “Oh, no.”

  “No?” Gray grinned so wide his face hurt. God, this was fun.

  “No, you aren’t jerking off in my hair.” Shane was still chuckling.

  “How ‘bout using it to wrap around my dick while I --”

  Shane shook his head and snorted loudly. “No. Geez, I had no idea you had all these fetishes.”

  “What can I say, chief, you inspire me.” And he did, too. Gray had never really considered himself kinky. But, man, he sure did want to try out a few things with Shane. He peered down at the cuffs on his belt. Gray shivered, his cock hardening right up.

  “What was that about? That little moan?”

  Moan? He’d moaned? “Just thinking about you cuffing me to the bed.”

  Shane turned, meeting him eye to eye, serious as could be. “Now, that I could do.” That intense stare made Gray’s cock stiffen further. He swept a glance down Shane’s body.

  Shane adjusted himself, facing forward. “You ever done that? Let someone tie you up?”

  “Nope. Never trusted anyone enough.” And that was the truth; the thought of it with any other lover would have scared the hell out him.

  Shane groaned. “Damn!” He rearranged his dick again. “Change the subject already. How was work?”

  Good idea. Gray shifted in the saddle, making Dixie side step a little. “Work was good. Slow as usual. Not that I’m complaining. It beats getting shot at like the time I was on the force in San Antone.”

  Shane’s jaw tightened. “Yeah, definitely better.”

  The realization that Shane had worried about him should have made him feel good, but it didn’t. He’d never considered that his former job scared Shane, but he supposed he should have. He didn’t like the thought of Shane being uneasy because of him. Shane had been there with Gray’s parents the day he’d been shot. It had only been a flesh wound, but all three of them had showed up on the door step of his apartment mere hours after they’d heard. They had to have left the ranch immediately to have gotten there as quickly as they did.

  “It’s better than you riding bulls, too.”

  “You never said anything. You never told me it bothered you.”

  “You weren’t speaking to me at the time.” Shane gave him a meaningful look, then abruptly grinned. “I used to get nauseous when I saw you ride.”

  “You watched me on the circuit?” He couldn’t remember ever seeing Shane at a rodeo. Of course, if Shane had been in the stands and stayed away, he wouldn’t have.

  “Several times. I was there the night you came off that bull and hit the gate, knocking yourself unconscious.” Shane sat straighter in the saddle, his jaw tightening again. “I like you being sheriff.”

  Damn! That had been a fucked up night. Later, Gray thought he’d seen Shane stay with him in the hospital, but he’d convinced himself that it was a hallucination from his concussion. “I’m sorry I worried you, chief.” A little quieter, he added, “Thank you for sitting with me all night.”

  Shane’s eyes shot to his, surprised.

  “I thought I was seeing things.”

  Shane nodded once, his demeanor still stiff, but slowly relaxing.

  It was time to change the subject again, but first ...”I like me being sheriff, too.”

  Shane smiled. His eyes raked down Gray, then up. The stare was so intense that if Gray didn’t know better, he’d have thought Shane could see through his uniform. Shane moved on the saddle and looked away.

  “So, what am I going to tell my parents?”

  “I told them you were coming out to help with chores this morning. I also told your mom we’d both be eating dinner with them.”

  “I know, but aren’t they going to wonder why I’m sleeping at your place?”

  “Nope. I told them that I’d put you up at my place, so you wouldn’t be going in and out disturbing them.”

  “That worked?”

  “Yup, ‘cause then I remembered something I had to do and rushed out, before they could assure me you wouldn’t disturb them.”

  Gray laughed. Well, that was one way to handle it. He still thought it would be easier to just tell them. That way they’d quite bugging Shane to meet his boyfriend and everything would be out in the open, but he wasn’t going to pressure Shane.

  “Come on. I need a shower before dinner. And if we hurry, I might have enough time to cuff you to the bed before we have to go eat.” Shane and Koko took off in a gallop.

  Gray choked back a laugh and heeled his horse. So much for his thighs and backside not being sore; his cock had decided to give chase.

  § § § §

  “Really, honey, you won’t be disturbing us if you want to stay here.” Kaitlyn bussed Gray as she handed him a plate of cookies.

  “It’s okay, Mom. I’m going to get up early with Shane tomorrow and feed the animals and stuff. Maybe go fishing.” Gray kissed his mother back and opened the kitchen door.

  Shane snagged a chocolate chip cookie off the plate Gray was holding on his way out the door. Gray grumbled playfully and pulled the plate closer to his body. “I got these for me.”

  “Don’t be greedy, or I won’t take you fishing tomorrow.” Shane took a bite of cookie, making sure to “Mmm” loudly.

  Kaitlyn chuckled. “Should I fix you your own plate of goodies, Shane?”

  He kissed Kaitlyn’s cheek. “Nope, I’m good. Thank you for dinner. Call if you need anything.”

  “I will.” She returned Shane’s kiss and whispered, “I’m so glad the two of you are getting along again.”

  Shane felt a stab of guilt but managed a grin and a wink. “Me, too.” He popped the rest of the cookie in his mouth and stepped onto the porch, leaving Gray to follow. “Night, Kaitlyn.”

  “Night, Shane. I’ll fix breakfast at six tomorrow if you boys are interested.”

  “We’ll be here, Mom. Night.”

  “Night, Gray.”

  The back door clicked shut and Gray caught up to him, halfway across the drive. “They seemed happy to have us both at dinner.”

  “Yeah, they did. It’s been a long time since we’ve both been there, with the exception of Thanksgiving and Christmas. They’ve missed you, and you’re probably the best medicine possible for your dad. He looked better tonight. More color in his face, did you notice?”

  Gray moved beside him, offering him a cookie. “Yes, I did.”

  Shane accepted it, popping it into his mouth as he swung open the front door of his home. Gray strolled in past him, stuffing another cookie in his own mouth, looking happy and carefree.

  Shane grinned and shut and locked the door. He finished off his cookie and followed Gray into the kitchen. After Gray dumped the remaining cookies into the cookie jar on counter, Shane took the plate from him and placed it in the sink. He twined both arms around Gray’s neck and kissed his chin. “Go to the bedroom, get naked
and I’ll be right there.”

  Gray’s lip lifted on one side. He opened his mouth to say something, but Shane silenced him with a finger on his lips.

  “Shh. Go.”

  Gray’s eyes twinkled, then he turned and hightailed it to the bedroom so quickly Shane couldn’t help but chuckle.

  As soon as Gray was out of sight and rustling from the bedroom signaled he was getting undressed, Shane went to the closet next to the front door. Unfortunately, they’d had to hurry to dinner and hadn’t gotten to play earlier, but he was pretty sure there was some rope in there.

  He’d never given much thought to tying anyone up, but after Grayson had mentioned it this afternoon, the idea had taken root and refused to let go. A chance to worship that magnificent body without Gray touching back and making him insane with those incredible hands and mouth was very appealing. All throughout dinner he’d sat there, alternately conversing and eating while imagining Gray naked and cuffed to his bed. He’d had a hell of a time not reaching under the table and repositioning his hard on during dinner. His prick was rock hard just thinking about tying Gray up.

  Shane rummaged through the junk, a lawn chair, a baseball bat, a tent ... good grief he needed to go through this closet. Aha! He pulled out a coil of nylon rope. This would work much better than cuffs. He put all the other stuff back, closed the door and headed for the bedroom.

  Gray was stretched out naked on the big four-poster, his long legs slightly spread and his hands behind his head. His cock was hard, arched slightly over his defined belly. His abs and pectoral muscles quivered, flexing when he saw Shane. Shane’s own cock was fully erect. He unsnapped and unzipped his jeans, giving himself more room.

  Gray grinned, examining him closely. When he noticed the rope, he got a gleam in his eye. “Thought you were going to use my cuffs, chief.”

  Shane shook his head, coming close to the bed. “They’d hurt your wrists. ‘Sides this way I can tie your legs, too.” He tossed the coil on to the bed next to Gray and opened the nightstand drawer, looking for a pocket knife. He pulled out the lube and tossed it next to the rope and continued to dig. Finally, he found what he was looking for; Gray had given it to him as a gift one Christmas.


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