Privateer (The Five Kingdoms #1)

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Privateer (The Five Kingdoms #1) Page 3

by Robin Roseau

  "And so I shall." She glanced at her bed. "You may share with me."

  "No!" I yelled immediately.

  "Oh, please," she said, exasperation in her voice. "It would be like two cousins. I wouldn't possibly touch you." Then she smiled. "Unless you were ask me to."

  I shrugged off the commander's hands on my shoulders and rose awkwardly to my feet, glaring up into the captain's face.

  "You're a bitch!" I said into her face. "You are a bully and a brute. You prey upon those weaker than you for your own selfish gain. You are a coward, afraid to commit to a cause, but instead fly the flag of whatever nation will let you plunder and steal. You have no honor and, I dare say, no self-respect. You singled me out for this treatment intentionally. If you didn't have room for guests, you shouldn't have taken so many. But what should I expect from a greedy bitch like you? Well, the joke is on you. My parents disowned me and I have no husband. My brother won't ransom me, and the most you'll get is the minimum payment from my insurance. And once I am released, I will spread the word how you treat your guests. You will in the future perhaps find them more willing to slide a knife through your guts than go along complacently. Coward! Bully! Bitch!"

  "Shall I consider that a 'no'?" she asked with clipped words.

  "Go to hell," I told her. "And take your crew with you."

  "So be it," she said. The commander immediately grabbed me from behind, her hand yanking my hair firmly. I found myself arched backwards helplessly, and then the captain forced the gag over my mouth and spoke a word.

  The gag's magic engaged and in spite of my lips clamped firmly together, it wormed it's way between my teeth, and immediately my jaw clamped down around it. The captain tied the laces of the gag behind my head and spoke another word, and I felt the laces draw snug.

  The gag was there to stay.

  Immediately I felt the magic assert itself. My tongue went numb, and then my whole mouth. The first mate continued to hold me bent awkwardly backwards, my nose to the air. I began to salivate, and my own wetness dripped into the back of my mouth, spreading the numbing magic even more quickly than the first time.

  I managed to whimper.

  But not once did my eyes leave those of the captain. Her blue eyes pierced me, and my green flashed at her with hatred.

  "You are right," she said. "I did single you out. But it was not done out of pettiness or lust. It was done out of kindness. I had already counted beds, and I knew we were short. I would not have touched you against your will. But I thought of all our prisoners, you would be the most interesting company. Company, not sex toy. I thought perhaps you might enjoy mine as well. I guess I was wrong."

  She stepped away then turned to the door. "Let's go."

  * * * *

  Sorri Westmere

  I could have been kinder. Her tirade had caught me off guard. Her sister-in-law had been correct; she had a tongue on her. I perhaps understood why no one had offered space in their cabins for her.

  I stepped onto the main deck, blocking the door. I did a quick scan. It was night, and I had suggested our guests remain in their cabins until morning, but it wasn't an order, and the terms of their parole wouldn't have prevented a midnight stroll. I thought Ms. Karden wouldn't appreciate being paraded past the people who clearly didn't like her, and for some reason I wasn't interested in embarrassing her any further than necessary.

  There were sailors about attending to their duties, but none of the hostages were visible. I led the way across the deck, Radha following me. I heard Ms. Karden struggle briefly a few times, but I thought perhaps it was token resistance. It didn't matter. She was a small thing, and I knew Radha could handle her easily.

  We crossed to the forecastle, entered, and then turned right to descend into the bowels of the Fleetwind.

  The brig was small. Perhaps Ms. Karden expected a cell, a sort of closet. I opened the door into the brig then turned up the lamp. Radha entered behind me, pushing Ms. Karden before her. I turned and watched her expression.

  Lined up along the walls were planks, securely fastened in place at a small angle. Heavy mounting hooks were attached to the edges of the planks, and strong straps hung from many of them. Ms. Karden took in the situation and began to whimper again.

  "I offered the best I had," I told her, my words clipped. "You have chosen these accommodations instead. I believe you will grow to regret your choice." I stepped forward and reached with my hands for her arms. She shrank away from me, back into Radha; it was like backing into a mountain. I grabbed Ms. Karden firmly and stepped backwards. She resisted, but she was a such a small thing, it was no more resistance than one might expect from a child.

  I turned her around and pushed her backwards towards the furthest plank. She tripped over the foot of it, but then I had her back against the plank. She tried to kick me, but Radha stepped forward, captured the wayward legs, and shoved them against the plank, efficiently strapping them in place.

  The woman made animalistic noises, but I knew the gag would have her completely silent soon. She struggled against me, but I held her in place while Radha fastened the straps around her, holding her snugly in place. She needed to adjust several of them, as they had been positioned for someone much bigger than Ms. Karden, but soon she was firmly trussed into place. I stepped away.

  "Feeding tube?" Radha asked.

  "Yes," I said. "Water until morning. She may as well get the full experience." I turned to face the woman. "I tried to be kind."

  "Breathing tube?" Radha asked.

  "Yes," I said. "Do it first."

  As our prisoners couldn't breath around the gag, it was imperative their nasal passages remain open. Prisoners tended to cry with the expected results. So we would first insert a tube into one nasal passage, ensuring that passage remained open. The tube was magic, of course. It started small and knew how to position itself. Once in place, it expanded, filling the entire passage and remaining wide open. The prisoner would not suffocate.

  Radha retrieved one of the magic tubes from the supply locker and held it up for the woman to see. "I don't think she believed me," Radha said. "Perhaps you wish to give her another opportunity."

  I turned to the woman. Her wide eyes were locked on the breathing tube.

  "Do you know what is going to happen now?" I asked her.

  She turned towards me and made a noise. It sounded vaguely like "Go to hell."

  "Do it," I told Radha.

  "She's going to struggle."

  "Of course she is," I said. "It wouldn't be fun if she didn't." I stepped forward and clasped the woman firmly, bunching my fingers in her hair. I used my other hand to clasp her chin, holding her as still as I could.

  "We can make this worse," I said into her ear. "Consider that." I glanced at Radha. "Do it."

  Radha stepped forward. As she drew closer with the breathing tube, Ms. Karden began to struggle, twisting her head from side to side. I clasped her more firmly, then Radha added her strength to mine, and we held our prisoner's head still enough for Radha to begin sliding the tube into one nostril. As soon as it began, Radha spoke the magic word, and the tube came alive, seeking its own way deeper inside the prisoner.

  She began to moan as the tube slid its way into her. Her eyes were wide, and I could tell she was in a full panic. The tube finished its journey, and just the wide portion at the end remained sticking out. Ms. Karden breathed rapidly, most of her breath through the tube, which had widened as far as it could.

  I'd worn one before, more than once, and I knew it wasn't comfortable. But it could be worn nearly indefinitely; that was part of its magic. She could probably breathe easier now than she had been.

  We released her and stepped back. She continued to struggle, I suppose to attempt to dislodge the tube, but of course, it was there until either Radha or I removed it, or we were both dead. That was also part of the magic. Even if someone else released her from the brig, the breathing tube would remain where it was.

  Radha retrieved a feeding t
ube. She stepped in front of the prisoner. "I warned you," she said.

  "Give her a minute to try to calm down," I told Radha. I stood back, crossing my arms, and watching the prisoner.

  I had been angry with the way she had spoken to me and still hadn't become calm after strapping her into place. But now I was ashamed. I could have tried talking calmly to her. But I couldn't back down now. We had to go through with this, but I could give her another chance tomorrow.

  I stepped up to her. "If you cooperate, I will give you another chance to offer parole in the morning. If you fight us again, I won't be back until tomorrow night. It is your choice."

  She looked at me, glaring and breathing rapidly. I caressed her cheek; she probably couldn't feel it, but she pulled away from my hand anyway.

  I held out my hand, and Radha set the feeding tube into it. I found the intelligent end and held it up where Ms. Karden could see it. She began to struggle.

  "Rani!" I said firmly. "Look into my eyes. Look into my eyes. Right. Now!"

  She obeyed, and we stared at each other. She breathed heavily, staring into my eyes. I waited several moments, then I reached forward and clasped her forehead, bringing the tube towards her nose.

  She immediately began struggling. Without a word, Radha stepped up and clasped the prisoner's head firmly. She continued to struggle, but I got the tube started and spoke the magic word. It slowly slithered through my hands, entering into the prisoner. She keened, and I understood what she was feeling.

  The tube found its own way home; it always did, and once there, it also expanded, not filling the passageway, but growing large enough to be useful. Radha retrieved a water bottle, and we hung it over the prisoner's head then attached the tube to it. We opened the stopcock, and water began to drip very slowly down the tube and into the prisoner's stomach.

  "The numbness will spread," I told her. "I know this is horrible now, but you will grow numb and complacent. Everyone does. I did." I paused. "Are you going to soil yourself by morning?"

  She looked at my wildly, tears welling in her eyes, but not yet streaming down her cheeks. She didn't answer me.

  "This was not my first choice," I told her. "I will see you tomorrow evening."

  I turned away, ignoring her feeble struggles against the straps binding her in place. She wouldn't burst free; I knew that. I took the lamp from its hook, gestured Radha in front of me, and then closed the brig door behind us.


  Rani Karden

  I knew my tongue would get me into trouble. I remained belligerent the entire time as they dragged me to the brig, but as soon as I saw the arrangements, I knew the first mate hadn't been lying about any of it. I would have taken my words back then, if I'd been given the chance.

  They left me alone in the dark brig for a long time. I felt the movement of the ship, of course, and was pleased it didn't make me sick.

  The captain was right; the numbness spread. I could breathe easily through one tube. I presumed the other was slowly delivering water into my stomach, and my traitorous body would consume the water the way it always did. Soon, I couldn't feel either tube. With the numbness came a certain lassitude.

  To the rocking motion of the ship, I slept.

  * * * *

  I don't know how long they left me there. There was no light in the brig, no way to tell the time of day. Perhaps there had been ship's bells, but I hadn't heard them. My only company was the creaking of the ship and my own dreams. I think I woke a few times, but then I came wide awake when the door opened, a light spilling in. Someone entered, and I searched hopefully for the captain, come to take my parole.

  Instead, all I saw was the first mate. She was carrying a sack, which she hung on a hook near the door.

  "It is morning," she told me. "Time for breakfast."

  I looked past her, hoping the captain would appear. Instead, the first mate stepped up in front of me.

  "We will feed you twice a day," she said. "You get a late breakfast and an early dinner. The captain has also ordered me to offer use of the head. I will do so prior to each meal and once more late in the evening. If you turn me down, it will be a long time until your next opportunity. You may choose to remain belligerent and I can leave you where you are." She waited, letting me consider it. "Do you wish to use the head?"

  I nodded frantically.

  "Are you going to cooperate?" she asked.

  Again I nodded frantically.

  "If you fight me, I will win, and then you can stay where you are. Are you going to fight me?"

  I shook my head "no".

  I hated her. I hated what they were doing to me. But I knew fighting her would only make things worse for me. I watched as she stepped closer, releasing the feeding tube from the bottle hung over my head. The bottle was empty, and only a few drops of water dripped out once the tube was removed. She stepped to the supply cabinet and returned with a clip. She used the clip to secure the open end of the tube to the hair at the top of my head.

  "My other choice is to remove it," she explained. "And then you would need to suffer the indignity of my replacing it again."

  I nodded understanding.

  She began unstrapping me carefully. I slumped when the straps released me, and the mate had to catch me or I would have crashed to the floor.

  "You shouldn't be this numb," she said. "Can you stand?" She helped me to my feet. I wobbled, but I could stand. She clasped my arm and pulled me from the brig. Directly across the hall was the head. She led me inside then helped pull my clothing out of the way.

  It was deeply embarrassing when she cleaned me afterwards, but I accepted the treatment stoically. Once my clothing was back in place, more or less, I docilely allowed her to pull me back to the brig, and when she pushed me into place, I cooperated with her. She secured me back into the rack. I didn't struggle.

  "You're learning," she said when she was done. "I warned you."

  I nodded. She had.

  "I thought you were smarter than this," she added.

  She turned around and walked to the doorway, then returned to me with the sack she had left there. From it she withdrew a metal bottle. "Breakfast," she said. She suspended it in place of the water bottle, over my head, then attached the feeding tube to it. I watched as she opened a stopcock on the bottle. I couldn't tell what was happening right away, but them my stomach began to fill.

  I tried to whimper, but nothing came out.

  The first mate watched me the entire time, not speaking. I tried to glare at her, but my heart wasn't in it. After a while, she began tapping the metal bottle, I presume to make sure everything drained into my body. Eventually she pulled it from the hook, turned it right side up, and disconnected the tube. She unscrewed the top then retrieved water from the supply cabinet. I watched as she poured water into the metal jar, swirled it around for a moment, then connected it back to the tube. She didn't bother attaching it to the hook; she simply held it over my head, swirling it around until it was empty. She disconnected the tube again then hung the fresh water jar in place, attached the tube, and began a slow drip.

  She packed everything away then turned to me.

  "I bet you are bored. I bet you are frightened. I bet you are still deeply angry this is happening to you. Your sister-in-law was on deck when I came on board, standing at the railing with the wind in her hair, her children playing a game of some sort." She paused. "You may want to decide how you intend to respond when the captain asks for your parole tonight."

  I already knew how I would respond. I would do whatever she said.

  The mate read the answer in my eyes.

  "Are you wishing you had held your tongue last night?

  I nodded.

  "Good." She collected her things, stuffed them into the sack and headed for the door, collecting the lantern on the way. A moment later, I was plunged back into darkness.

  I hated her. I hated both of them. If my niece weren't on board, I would be wondering if I could find a way to sink
the entire ship.

  * * * *

  Sorri Westmere

  The prisoner's eyes blinked in the light. I hung the lantern from the hook and stood so she could see me. Her eyes widened, and I wondered if she would smile, if she could.

  I walked slowly to her.

  "If you send me away again," I told her after studying her face, "I will not return for two days. Do you wish to discuss the terms of your parole?"

  She nodded vigorously.

  "Do you agree to the terms we discussed last night?"

  Again, she nodded vigorously.

  "Are you going to give me any trouble?"

  She shook her head from side to side.

  "Are you going to give me any more of your tongue?" I asked her.

  She didn't move. And then she closed her eyes tightly.

  "I see," I said after a moment. "Look at me, Ms. Karden," I said firmly. She opened her eyes and looked into mine. "Will you give your parole?"

  She nodded.

  "All right," I said. "I will remove the feeding tube first, then the gag, then once I am sure you are able to breathe properly, the breathing tube. You will stay bound where you are until you have given proper parole."

  She nodded understanding.

  I turned to the supply cabinet and retrieved a pail, returning to the prisoner. "Try to relax," I directed, stepping closer. I disconnected the feeding tube from the water bottle then spoke the magic to release it. Slowly it slipped from her nose, and I let it coil into the pail. It would need to be cleaned before we would use it again.

  It took time, and the prisoner's eyes turned wild long before the tube had retracted completely.

  "Rani!" I said. "Look at me!" She looked around wildly, but I repeated the order. "Look at me!" Her eyes settled on mine and she slowly calmed down. Finally the tube finished crawling from her nose, and I set the pail aside for a moment.

  "Now the gag," I said. I released it the same as I had last night. I caressed her cheek, which I knew she wouldn't feel, but she would recognize the gesture and perhaps understand it was meant in kindness.

  "I am leaving the breathing tube while the numbness fades a little," I said. "I don't want you choking."


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