Play Fair (The Devil's Share Book 3)

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Play Fair (The Devil's Share Book 3) Page 13

by L. P. Maxa

  If I wasn’t so damn pissed off thinking about Bryan and Shep together “after hours” I would have laughed at Dylan’s hilarious save. As it were I crossed my arms over my chest and ground my molars together.

  “I’m not really sure what that has to do with anything, but yes, we hung out after hours.” Bryan sent her sister a snotty look.

  Lexi choked down another bite, wincing. “Was he a bad hangout?”

  Ah, Lexi, the little sister I never wanted. She was doing this for her own amusement and my discomfort. “Really, Lex? Do you think this is the best topic of conversation right now?” I nodded my head toward Landry. I wasn’t above using my kid to stop this discussion. I didn’t want to think about Bryan with anyone but me. I knew it was stupid, I knew I’d slept with so many other chicks it wasn’t even funny. But still.

  Lexi smiled, sweet as pie. “What? It’s a simple, very coded, question. Why can’t she answer it?”

  “He was an incredibly average hangout. Not great, not horrible, just average.” She shot daggers at Lexi, which only made her chuckle.

  Dylan nodded, pointing at B with her spoon. “See? Things get physical, get serious, and you bolt.”

  Bryan rolled her eyes. “I broke up with him because there was no future, because I wasn’t in love with him. I didn’t look at him the way you look at Smith or the way Lexi looks at Dash.”

  Landry put her book down. “Or the way you look at Jacks?”

  My face broke out into the biggest smile at her words. Did Bryan look at me like that? Did she feel the same way I did? Was she falling for me too? “How does B look at me, Buttercup?”

  Landry looked at Bryan, not sure if she should say anything else. But when Bryan winked at her, she brightened. “Like you’re all her favorite things.”

  My throat swelled with emotion. What was it about having a kid in your life that turned you into a sap? I crossed the room and placed a kiss on Bryan’s upturned face. I didn’t care who saw; in that moment I wanted to kiss her, so I did. I held my hand out to Landry. “Come on, Buttercup, let’s take Dagger to the beach for a walk.”

  Chapter Twenty


  So Jacks kissed me in front of my sister and then left the house? If he thought he was still getting his third base tonight, he was sadly mistaken. I refused to look up. I knew Dylan’s eyes would be trained on me, demanding an explanation. She was my big sister; she was protective and smart and honest. But damn, I did not want to deal with her questions and, no doubt, opinions.

  “You’re going to have to talk at some point, Baby Dil.” Lexi sat her half-finished yogurt on the coffee table.

  “So, Baby Dil is going to stick?” I looked across the room, smiling.

  Lexi nodded. “I think it’s perfect. You’re Dylan’s little sister and Jacks calls you baby doll. Baby. Dil.” She did a mock bow from her seat on the couch. “I’m a genius.”

  “Start explaining.” Dylan’s tone was harsh, and she wasn’t smiling.

  I let out a long sigh. “A couple nights ago, Jacks and I—”

  “A couple nights? Like after the bar?” Dylan narrowed her eyes. Typical.

  I ignored her and kept talking, “—decided to take our friendship to the next level.” That statement sounded boring. “I want him. He makes me laugh; he turns me on; he’s sweet and romantic. He’s a good dad. He’s the best friend I’ve ever had.” There, that was better.

  Dylan sighed. “With Landry’s mom showing up, he has to be the picture-perfect dad. Part of that is stability. That means long term; that means permanent, Bryan. Do you understand that?”

  Lexi held her hand up. “Wait, back up. Jacks is romantic?” She was trying to break the tension and lighten the mood, and I was more than willing to let her.

  “He is.” I shook my head. “He says the sweetest things to me all the time.”

  Dylan scoffed. “Yeah, he’s perfected his pick-up lines over the years, I’m sure.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “You really think Jacks needs to spit lines to get girls to sleep with him?” When she didn’t answer, I continued. “Here’s the problem with you guys: you don’t give Jacks enough credit. In anything he does.” I started ticking off a list on my fingers. “Jacks may like to have a good time, but has his good time ever gotten anyone hurt? Or in the press? Or landed anyone in jail? Nope. Did you know that Jacks sponsored a wing in the new children’s hospital in Dallas? Bet not. Did Jacks freak out when a social worker showed up with his nine-year-old daughter? Not once.” I stood up. “Jacks is the most amazing man I’ve ever met. And I’m NOT going anywhere.”


  After my tiny little outburst toward my sister I went for a run around the neighborhood. I needed to clear my head, and I needed to get out of the house. I’d texted Jacks to let him know, and he said he was going to take Landry and Dagger to the park after the beach. See? Quality time with his daughter. Dylan was so far off base with everything that had to do with Jacks and me it was ridiculous. My feet pounded the pavement up the driveway. I was dripping with sweat by this point and needed hydration. I ran in the front door and straight to the kitchen, throwing open the refrigerator and downing a bottle of water.

  “You were right.”

  I jumped about a foot in the air when Luke spoke from his seat at the island. “Holy shit, Luke! You scared the crap out of me! I didn’t see you there.”

  He grinned. “Sorry.” He was so pretty. I knew that was an odd word to use to describe a guy, but he was. “You were right, earlier when you were talking to Lex and Dil about Jacks.”

  I sat my water down. “So you weren’t sleeping?”

  “Well, I was until you and your sister started going at it.” He shrugged. “This band, this group of people…we look out for each other. I didn’t think Dash was good enough for Lex. And Lex didn’t think Smith was good enough for Dylan. And now Dylan doesn’t think you and Jacks are good for each other. The first instinct around here is to protect. It has to be. There are always people trying to hurt us, bring us down. It’s even more so with you and your sister. I’m sure she’s been looking out for you your whole life.”

  I didn’t think I’d ever heard Luke say this many words at one time. “And were you right? About Dash? Was Lexi right about Smith?”

  “No. We were all wrong. Dash worships the ground Lexi walks on. And Smith works hard, every damn day, to be the man Dylan deserves.”

  I leaned forward, resting my arms on the cool countertop. “And Jacks and I?”

  He bit his lip for a minute, obviously thinking about his answer. “Like I said before, everything you said about Jacks was right. He’s the best of us.” Luke reached across the table and grabbed my hand. “You and Landry? Two of the luckiest girls in the world.” He cocked his head, studying me. “As far as you being good for him? I don’t think you’d ever intentionally hurt him, and I can see that you would walk through fire before you ever hurt Landry. Time will tell what that means for your future.”

  “You’re a good friend, Luke.” I squeezed his hand.

  He smiled, his eyes sad. “Be happy, take care of each other. Your sister will see, she’ll realize how perfect you are together. Just give her some time.” He got up and left.

  I wanted him to stay. I wanted to ask him more about Dash and Lexi. I wanted to ask him if that’s what made him go out every night. I wanted to ask him if he was in love with her.


  I had the best day with Jacks and Dagger. We went to the beach and ran in and out of the waves. Then Jacks took us to the park and we played on everything. We got lunch and ice cream. I’d never had this much fun in my whole life. My mom never really even seemed like she wanted to play with me. There was a rusted-out playground near our trailer. But it wasn’t all that fun, and there usually weren’t any other kids around.

  When we finally came home, we ate pizza on the back porch with Bryan and Uncle Luke. And then I got to go down to the studio and practice my drums some more. Uncle Luke said I was
a quick study. All my teachers said I was smart, but I missed a lot of school. Sometimes my mom wouldn’t feel good enough to take me.

  I didn’t miss her. I tried not to wonder where she was or what she was doing. I was afraid if I thought about her, she would come find me. I didn’t want to be found. I wanted to stay here with Jacks and Bryan forever. Jacks said I could. He said it was me and him no matter what. I was afraid him and B would be mad at me for what I said this morning, about the way B looks at him. But he said it was sweet and exactly what everyone needed to hear. When we got back to the house, B didn’t seem mad at me either. She gave me a hug and a kiss as soon as we walked in. She did seem upset at Jacks though; he didn’t put enough sunscreen on me, I guess. I had tan skin, even in the winter. I’d never been sunburned before. It was nice to have someone worry about me like that.

  I really hoped my mom stayed gone. I hoped she didn’t look for me. I hoped that one day Jacks would ask me to call him Dad. Maybe him and B would get married, and then I could have two parents. Like the kids on TV.

  Chapter Twenty-one


  “I lucked out, big time. Landry loves bedtime.” I looked out into the hall before shutting my bedroom door. Bryan had read with Landry and then came to shower while I tucked her in. Now she was sitting cross-legged on my bed, my computer balanced on her bare legs. “Whatcha lookin’ at? Porn? Trying to brush up on your skills before I get to third base?”

  She snorted. “Yeah, I googled ‘how to fit a giant cock in my mouth.’”

  My eyes went wide. “Holy shit! Did you?!”

  She shook her head. “No.”

  I stuck out my bottom lip, pouting. “You shouldn’t joke like that.”

  “I am looking up some good child counselors in the area.” She copied a number down on the piece of paper she had beside her.

  “I thought you were going to ask your sister?” I hated that I was the reason there was tension between them.

  “I want to have all this ironed out before Diane comes back for her first check, but I just don’t want to deal with Dylan right now.” She closed the computer and set it on the bed side table. “Do you want to tell me why you were looking at dog adoption websites?”

  I had porn sites up and down my browser history, but she wanted to know about the puppies I was looking at? Soul. Mate. “Well…Landry loves Dagger so much. But Dagger is Lexi’s dog, and he’ll eventually live in their house with them and the baby. And then Landry won’t have a dog around…so…”

  Dylan climbed in my lap, straddling my hips. “Don’t you think it would be better to wait until you guys move into the new house before you bring home a puppy? This place is filled to the brim with people.”

  “I thought maybe if we got it here, it would be potty-trained before we moved. The label is paying for this house; if the puppy pees everywhere they have to pay to clean it up.” Bryan opened her mouth to say something and I silenced her with a kiss, sweeping my tongue into her mouth before pulling away. “Plus, this way Dagger can teach the puppy how to be a badass.”

  She cocked her head to the side. “I’m not sure it works that way.”

  I nodded. “It does. Trust me. Now, no more talking. Your mouth has other things to do.”

  She put her hands on her hips. “Date three and all the romance goes out the window?”

  I moved quick, laying her back on the bed and placing my dick at her center. Adding some pressure, I kissed her neck, her collarbone, her shoulder. “You are so damn beautiful, so fucking hot.” I rubbed against her, causing her breath to hitch in her chest. “Last night? Wasn’t enough. It’ll never be enough. I need to be inside your body. I need you to be so full of me that you can’t think straight.”

  “Let’s skip third base.”

  I pulled back, afraid to believe her. “Are you serious? Because if you aren’t, it’s not funny. It’s cruel.”

  She giggled and wrapped her legs around my waist. “Stop talking, I’m letting you steal home.”

  I laid my head on her chest, catching my breath and willing my heart to slow down. I wasn’t sure why she wanted to speed up her timeline. Maybe she felt like I did, maybe she just needed to feel me, feel close to me. Maybe she wanted to reassure me that she was here, she was in this with me, all the way. And I wasn’t going to argue. I wanted nothing more than to be inside of this girl. My girl. I looked up, locking eyes with her before slowly bringing my mouth to hers. She opened for me, her tongue matching mine, stroke for stroke. Her thighs gripped my hips and her hands fisted in my hair. I let my fingers skim down her body, dipping them into her panties. I found her wet, ready for me, and I couldn’t help the groan that came out of my mouth. “You are so fucking sexy, doll.” I slid two fingers inside her, causing her to arch into my hand. She peeled her shirt off, then mine. I rolled us over then trailed kisses down her throat to her chest before taking her taut nipple into my mouth. I let my tongue and fingers play her body like an instrument. “I want you so damn bad, baby.” When she was panting and writhing underneath me, I added a third finger, stretching her as much as I could. I moved back up to her lips, kissing her until she was dizzy. “If you aren’t ready, you better tell me now.”

  She opened her eyes, finally looking at me. “I want you inside me.”

  I didn’t want to take my fingers out of her tight center, afraid that I would have to start all over. “Get my pants off, doll.” She grinned and used her hands, then her feet to move my jeans and briefs down my body so that I could clumsily kick them off.

  I used my free hand to reach into my nightstand and grab a condom. No part of me wanted to have anything between us. But we hadn’t talked about that, and with my past… I tore the wrapper open with my teeth and then Bryan took it and rolled it down my stiff length. I finally removed my fingers and positioned myself at her entrance, and slowly started inching in. I felt her body go rigid beneath me when I was about a third of the way. “Breathe, doll.” I kissed her neck, trying to make her body relax. “If you don’t let me in, this isn’t going to work. I promise, I’ll go slowly.” I pulled back to study to her face. “Trust me, baby.”

  She nodded. “I’m okay.” She took a few deep breaths and her body slowly started to melt again.

  I eased in a little more, then stilled my hips and distracted her by kissing her collarbone, whispering dirty things in her ear, and thumbing her nipples. I had to do this three more times before I was fully inside her. She was so fucking tight I wasn’t sure I was actually going to be able to move. I pulled out slightly and then slid back in. “You okay?”

  Bryan took another deep breath and then let her nails rake down my back. “I’m good, now. I promise.” She grabbed my ass, urging my hips toward her. “Please…”

  I was sweating from holding back. I was still somewhat terrified that I was too much, that I would hurt her. But when she started arching under me, all that flew out the window. I had wanted this for so long. I had wanted her from the moment I met her. I pulled out and surged back in. “Fuck,” I whispered against her skin. “You feel so fucking perfect, doll.”

  She brought her legs up higher on my hips. “More.”

  I pumped into her, over and over. She was meeting me now, matching me thrust for thrust. We were both panting. I gripped her ass, angling her up so I could dive deeper. Give her everything I had. “Fuck…” This time it was more of a groan. I couldn’t seem to say anything else. My brain had completely shut down. I could feel my orgasm building. I needed her to get there. I reached between our bodies, rubbing her clit with two fingers.

  “Oh god. Don’t stop.” I put my hand over her mouth, muffling her cries.

  We were both so close to the edge. Neither one of us could hold back. I was nailing into her, dripping sweat onto her chest, and she was getting louder by the second. I needed to end this before we brought the whole fucking house down. I rested my forehead against hers, angled her hips a little more, and whispered, “Come for me, baby.”

  I felt
her body tighten, and when she called out my name as she came I covered her mouth with mine. Swallowing her words and exploding inside her. I rolled to the side so I didn’t crush her under my weight. We were lying side by side, breathing heavy and staring at the ceiling. “Holy fuck.” I turned to her, smiling like a kid after his first time. “Marry. Me.”

  She rolled her eyes. “No.” She propped herself up on her elbow. “But we can do that every damn night from here to eternity.”

  I grinned. I loved that this moment wasn’t awkward or loaded with silence. We’d kissed, we’d touched, and fucked and we were still Jacks and Bryan. We were still laughing and joking. And she was still here wanting more. “Being inside you is now my favorite place in the world.”

  She scooted over and laid her head on my chest, “Oh yeah? What held the title before me?”

  I ran my fingers up and down her side. Her skin was so warm and smooth. I kissed the top of her head. I never wanted to let her go. “The stage.”

  She kissed my chest. “You love performing?”

  “Yeah, it’s addicting. The energy, the crowd.” I palmed her ass, squeezing. “Now you’re my favorite high.”

  We were both quiet for a few seconds and then she sighed. “As much as I hate to say this, we should get dressed.” She sat up and reached for her discarded shirt. “If Landry wakes up from another nightmare or walks in here…”

  I grabbed her shirt out of her hands, throwing it into the bathroom and out of her reach. “If you insist on being responsible and sleeping in clothes, then you’re sleeping in mine.” I loved seeing her in my shirts; I loved watching her walk into the kitchen first thing in the morning wrapped up in me. And to be honest, seeing my chick wearing a vintage Nirvana shirt and nothing else? Hot. As. Fuck. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and went to my dresser. I pulled out a t-shirt for her and pair of shorts for me.


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