Forever Caspia

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Forever Caspia Page 8

by Michelle Hoppe

  “It’s all right. You may leave us.” Tiro looked at his mother, raising a knowing eyebrow. “Yep, a spanking might be in order.”

  “I will go first,” Amara countered, without acknowledging his statement.

  “I don’t think so, Mother. Father will kill me if I allow my wife to damage you.”

  “Stop. I will be safe,” Amara insisted.

  Tiro bowed to his mother’s wishes and stepped back from the door. He waited as Amara announced her presence and listened to Callista welcome her into the room, her voice calm and sweet. “Queen Amara, it’s a pleasure to see you again.”

  “I, too, am pleased to see you looking so well. How have you been since I last visited?”

  “As well as can be expected, since your son has chosen to toss me aside.”

  “Toss you aside!” Tiro stormed into the room. “I didn’t toss you aside, wife.”

  “What are you doing here?” Her entire attitude changed the moment Tiro entered the room. The soft smile on her face turned to an angry scowl.

  Amara touched Callista’s sleeve, nodding in the direction of a nearby table and chairs. “The time for this childish behavior is over. Take a seat, and we will see if there is a way to settle this disagreement without yelling.”

  Tiro was amazed at the calm control his mother showed. Callista, on the other hand, shot him a look of contempt. “Yep, a spanking is what you need.” Tiro tossed the words at her, taking a seat at the table.

  “You won’t dare.”

  “Try me!” he threatened.

  Callista raised her chin in the air, gave Tiro a fuck you look, and turned back to smile at his mother as she settled into a chair on the other side of the table from where he sat.

  Unable to help himself, Tiro shot another barb in Callista’s direction. “Also, dear wife, I didn’t toss you aside. You’ve refused to talk to me since our return, locking the fucking door of this room, and refusing my every effort to bridge the gap between us.”

  “My door isn’t locked,” she countered.

  “I didn’t want to be in your line of fire, Princess. Vases hitting my head, nails scratching my eyes out, or teeth sinking into my arm are not my idea of foreplay.” Tiro laughed at his own words and the look of shock now clouding Callista’s face.

  Amara’s hand slapped the table. “This bickering will stop at once.”

  Tiro ignored his mother. “I can send out for a paddle, Princess. Spank your ass until its red and you’re unable to sit for a week.”

  Callista sputtered. “You beast. Lay one hand on me and I’ll…”

  “Enough!” Amara’s voice cut them both off. “If only you two could put as much effort into loving each other as you do fighting. You are both being childish. There is passion and fire between you, and I can think of more pleasurable ways for you to expend it.”

  Callista looked across the table at Tiro, something softer written in her eyes. A small smile played at the corners of her lips. “Amara…”

  Amara cut her short. “The time for talking is over. I will no longer tolerate the two of you living in separate rooms.” His mother sat straighter in her chair, her eyes closed, trying to gain control of her temper before continuing. “Callista,” she spoke again, “I have ordered your things moved to Tiro’s suite. You will no longer live in these rooms. This evening you will join the family for dinner.”

  Tiro laughed as shocked disbelief registered on his wife’s face. His mother had spoken, laid down the law, and he felt a smug satisfaction knowing things would finally move in the right direction, but his delight was short-lived.

  “Tiro, you will stop laughing this minute. Your wife has every right to be upset, and it will take much effort on your part to restore her faith in you. Until such time, you will devote every waking hour to making her happy.”

  “Now wait just a damn minute, Mother.”

  “Do not interrupt me, and I suggest you watch your language. I have been patient long enough. The time for our family to reunite is now, and I will abide no further argument from either of you. Now take your wife to her new rooms and help her settle in.”

  Tiro knew enough not to argue. Instead he took Callista by the hand, helped her from the chair, and led her out the door. “If you value your skin, do not say a word until we reach my suite.” He looked at her face, realizing she was still in shock at his mother’s outburst. Once they were safely in his rooms, he closed the door and directed Callista to the couch.


  The room, much like hers, held many large pieces of wooden furniture. Vases of tastefully arranged fresh flowers adorned tables, and paintings hung on several walls. A large bed could be seen through a doorway on her right, and Tiro walked into the bedroom, stripping his clothes off as he went.

  She drank in the sight of his muscles. They rippled down his back. His discarded shirt on the floor at his feet, Tiro worked the zipper on his pants. Standing naked, framed in the doorway, he turned to smile at her before disappearing into the bathroom. She could hear water flowing from the shower, and once she was sure Tiro could no longer see her, she stood and walked into the bedroom.

  Looking into the bathroom, she glimpsed his body behind glass doors, his hands working the lather over his skin. Her eyes were drawn to his cock, and the need grew between her legs. She shook her head and returned to the living room.

  Four weeks had passed since their return to Caspia. During that time, Amara spent countless hours telling her about her father’s betrayal, the curse, and Tiro. At first Callista doubted everything, but eventually she came to realize the truth. The queen did her best to portray Tiro as a decent man forced to seduce her in order to restore the family. More than once Amara insisted Tiro loved her, but Callista couldn’t allow herself to believe, couldn’t fathom how he could love her, even when she’d come to realize she loved him.

  As each lonely night slipped by alone in her bed, she had become more determined to have him again. Yet finding a way to heal the rift between them would not be easy. Her frustration grew and so did her temper, until finally Amara stepped in to end their separation. Callista knew in her heart she would need to make the first move if she hoped to become Tiro’s wife in all ways. Determined to fight for his love, she returned to the bedroom. Stripping off her clothes, she sat on the edge of the bed and waited for him to finish his shower.

  It seemed like only seconds before the water stopped, and the shower door opened. She could no longer see his body, but she could hear him. Anticipation built as she waited for him to enter the room. Tiro’s face held a note of surprise when he stepped into the room and found her naked on the bed.

  Without words, he dropped the towel on the floor and in three steps had her in his arms.

  Tiro’s hands moved over her body in soft, sensual strokes, teasing her nipples. A burning hunger grew deep inside her. Her lips pressed, demanding he kiss her. Warmth flowed over her skin, and her fingers found his cock. She stroked his penis, her tongue sliding between his lips. A soft moan rumbled from his throat, his cock growing hard, his body leaning into hers.

  Unsure what to do next, she cupped his balls in her fingers, lightly massaging with one hand while her teeth nibbled his tongue. Leaning away from his body, she stroked his cock, watching his face. Tiro’s eyes were closed, his head tilted back.

  Taking his penis in her hand, she squeezed. Tiro flinched, his eyes opened, and his lips curled in a smile. “You want to play rough, Princess?”

  She didn’t answer. Her fingers continued to tighten around his cock. Taking her wrists in his, Tiro applied pressure until she released him. He lifted her in his arms, and in one swift movement he pinned her to the bed with his body. He lifted her knees, planting her feet firmly on the mattress, his cock poised between her legs.

  “Say you want me, Callista,” Tiro’s voice commanded.

  She countered with an order of her own. “Say you want me, Tiro!”

  He used his teeth to bite softly on her nipple, refusing to let go
until she responded to his demand. “Not fair.” He bit a little harder. She gasped for breath. “I want you.”

  He released her nipple, looked into her eyes again, and commanded, “Tell me you need me.”

  She tried to pull her wrists free, knowing he would once again take her nipple if she refused to answer. Tiro held fast. “I’ve told you I want you. What more do you need?”

  His teeth clamped once more onto her hardened nipple. She moaned. “Say it,” he demanded between clenched teeth, applying more pressure to his bite.

  A wave of pleasure shot through her body. She tried to dislodge him by lifting her hips off the bed and slamming into his thighs. Tiro’s teeth bit harder.

  His voice floated over her. “Callista, say you need me.”

  “Damn it. I need you.”

  She dropped her hips back on the bed, his mouth now sucking on her tit, his hand moving between her legs.

  Releasing her nipple once again, Tiro moved to kneel on the bed between her legs. Lifting her ass with his hands, he again positioned his penis at her vulva and demanded her final surrender. “Do you love me?”

  She didn’t respond.

  His voice deepened. “Say it, my wife,” he commanded.


  Tiro slammed his cock home. Pumping hard, he held her ass off the bed, driving his rod deep, slamming into the walls of her pussy, igniting a fire that threatened to overwhelm her. She rode the wave. Juice rushed from her pussy, moistening the crack of her ass.

  His voice vibrated around her. “Do … you … love … me?” Tiro demanded, his cock slamming with force. Imbedded deep, he stopped thrusting. Looking down into her eyes, he waited for her to respond.

  “Yes, you idiot, I love you. Now quit being stupid and make me come.”

  Before the echo of her words faded, his cock pulled free and slammed back home. Sucking in a deep breath, she pulled down on her stomach muscles, allowing his cock to penetrate deeper. Juice flowed, and his rod started a slow rhythm in and out. Thrusting deep, and then pulling free. Her muscles grabbed tight, sucking him in on each downward plunge.

  “And I love you.” His voice sounded husky, deep.

  Again he drove his shaft forward. The heat continued to rake over her body. She could feel the pressure building. A soft moan of pleasure escaped her lips. “Harder.” His thrusts continued to slam home, hitting the walls of her pussy. Heat and need overtook her. Her hips pumped up and down as his cock slid in and out. A scream escaped her lips as her orgasm exploded. Wave after wave of heat washed over her frame, her breath coming in shallow rasps, her muscles contracting, and her body trembling.

  Tiro continued to pump his cock in and out, her muscles sucking hard, her clit throbbing. She could no longer control the soft moans of pleasure escaping her lips. Lost in need, hungry for release, she continued to thrust against his hips, demanding without words he make her come again. Opening her mouth to scream, she dug her nails into his ass, pulling him tight to her hips. His cock imbedded deep in her pussy, she screamed as another climax broke over her body. Racked with contractions, her muscles pumped cum from her body, coating his cock once again.

  Callista felt the hot fluid of his release moments after her own. His breath came in short, shallow gasps as he pumped his seed deep into her folds. She marveled at the look of pain mingled with pleasure rocketing across his face. His head tilted back, lips parted, and a hiss escaped from his lungs. Seconds later he collapsed beside her, pulling tightly to bring her body next to his, his fingers stroking the soft flesh of her back.

  Giving in to the warm glow of climax, she closed her eyes. Slowly the tremors subsided and her breathing returned to normal. After weeks of frustration and sexual tension, her body relaxed. Unable to stay awake, she cuddled in her husband’s arms and slept.


  Tiro watched as Callista slept at his side. Her naked body molded to his. Her breath was shallow. The scent of sex lingered on their skin. His surprise when he found her waiting for him, naked, still fresh in his mind, he tried without success to find a solution to the mystery of his wife. Only hours ago she’d been throwing things at a lady’s maid, screaming nonsense about him having tossed her aside, and now she snuggled against his naked skin as if the last four weeks never occurred.

  Her body stirred and her eyes opened to settle on his. “Hmm, nice.”

  His laughter rang through the room. “Yes, my love.”

  “I expect you to do that often, Prince Tiro.” Her face once again assumed a regal pose.

  Tiro responded in kind. “And I expect you to be naked and waiting for me at all times.”

  She laughed. “Go to hell.”

  “Only if I can take you with me!” he teased.

  Callista melted into his arms. “I expect you to be ready to make love again after dinner, My Prince.”

  Tiro laughed and pulled her on top of his chest, kissing her lips softly. “Now is good for me, Princess.”

  A smile lit her eyes. “Yeah, well get over it. Your mother is expecting us for dinner.”

  “If I remember correctly, my mother ordered me to spend every waking hour making my wife happy,” he countered.

  “I’m happy. Wet, satisfied, wet, and did I say satisfied?”

  “Yep, I believe you did.”

  “Let me up, you kolo,” Callista demanded, trying to pull free of his embrace. “I need to find my clothes and get ready for dinner.”

  His lips captured hers again, effectively cutting off her protests for a few seconds. When he released her, Tiro countered her desire to dress with one of his own. “I think it’ll take a few more days to be completely sure you’re happy, my love. Mom will have to live with disappointment at our absence.”

  “You can be such a jerk.”

  He bit her lip, eliciting a small cry of pain. “Don’t call me names, Callista.”

  “Well, damn, if you keep biting me, I’m going to find a way to return the favor,” she smirked.

  “Give it your best shot.”

  He didn’t move fast enough. Callista lowered her head and clamped her teeth on his nipple, her nails dragging down his side.

  “You want to play rough?” Tiro spat as pain coursed down his spine. Trying to dislodge her teeth from his nipple, he wrapped his hand in her long red hair and pulled. “Let go, Callista.” Tiro was surprised when she obeyed him. Once free of her bite, he rolled her body off his, pulling her over his lap, her ass exposed to his eyes and hands. “Now, Princess, you will learn not to bite.” Tiro’s flattened palm hit her ass cheek. The sound of flesh hitting flesh echoed around them.

  “Stop, you brute.” She tried to push herself off his lap.

  “Soon,” Tiro said as his hand once again connected with her skin.

  Her howl of pain rose to his ears, and his hand descended once more. Tiro spoke again. “I can make your body sing with pleasure, or sting with pain, Callista. Never forget, I’m your husband. From this day forward, you are my wife first, princess of Caspia second. Do I make myself clear?”

  Her soft purr was all he needed to roll her body under his and make her his forever.

  The End

  Preview another book by this author

  The Diner

  Michelle Hoppe

  Chapter 1

  May 22nd

  Late afternoon sun filtering though the stain glass window cast a kaleidoscope of color over the interior of the small church. A gentle breeze blowing off the bay drifted through the open doors, making candle flames dance, adding to the romantic setting. Lovely yellow roses adorned the end of each pew, altar, and vestibule of the wedding chapel on Van Ness Avenue in the heart of San Francisco.

  Tuxedo dressed ushers had seated over a hundred guests: the bride’s family and friends on the right, the groom’s on the left. The flower girl was walking down the aisle, yellow rose petals dropping from her fingers as she skipped toward the altar. The ring bearer, struggling to keep up, had tears running down his cheeks because he’d lost si
ght of his mommy.

  Nicole Weston waited at the bottom of the aisle for her turn to walk before the assembled crowd. Resplendent in her pale yellow, backless, maid of honor dress, a small bouquet of yellow roses was clasped in her hands. Thank the stars in heaven it was a dress she didn’t mind wearing. Unlike the last bridesmaid dress she’d been forced to endure—lime green, big bell skirt, bows in stupid places, and shoes to match. At least Tami has taste, she thought to herself. Music flowed from overhead speakers. The magical strains of Between Now and Forever, sung with emotion by Bryan White, sent chills down her spine.

  Watching closely, she took her first step out, just as the young ring bearer’s mother gently pulled him into a pew at the front of the chapel. One step, pause, next step, pause, Nicole made her way toward the groom, soon to be her best friend’s husband. The smile on Jerry’s face lit the entire room, his happiness only exceeded by that of the bride. Nicole smiled to herself; it was amazing that in six short months, her friend Tami White had gone from nervous virgin to bride. With the rocky start their relationship endured, it was amazing they’d made it this far.

  Taking her place on the right of the minister, Nicole thought back to that first day, six months ago, and again saw the tear-streaked face of her friend.

  Chapter 2


  The lunch hour passed, the crowd thinned, and Nicole Weston sat alone in the corner booth with her lukewarm coffee and half-eaten piece of cake. She looked down at her watch, noting the time. One fifteen, she only had about ten more minutes to wait for Tami to arrive.

  She and Tami had been friends for over six years now and shared everything. Nothing escaped their conversations, including details of their sex lives. Nicole could hardly wait to hear about last evening. She knew Tami had been worried about her date with Jerry. She’d revealed yesterday her certainty about his desire to have sex. The women discussed whether Tami would be ready for the big step or not.


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