Her Cowboy Doms [Pleasure, Texas 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Her Cowboy Doms [Pleasure, Texas 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 12

by Jane Jamison

  The men waited for Georgia to get settled on the blanket, then sat on either side of her. Destin poured them each a glass.

  Georgia peered at the glass. “Plastic. First class all the way, huh?”

  “Only the best for you, sugar,” joked Destin. “Besides, riding with breakable glass isn’t a smart idea.”

  “That makes sense.”

  She took a couple of drinks, steadied the glass on a patch of dirt, then lay on her back, her breasts full and stretching at the limits of her shirt. He ached for her. She was so beautiful. On the one hand, she was so worldly with her life as a policewoman, while on the other, she was naïve and open to learning how their lives were.

  Paul downed his wine, hoping it would steady his nerves. When had he ever been nervous around any woman, much less a sub? But none of those women had meant so much to him.

  Destin remained seated, but twisted around so he could stare at her. Paul understood how Destin felt. Gazing at their sub was like gazing at the most entrancing sight in the world. She was their sub, and she had captured their hearts.

  “Tell us more about your life, Georgia.”

  He’d purposely called her by her given name and not baby, wanting her not to think as a sub, but simply as their woman.

  He and Destin had talked about it often. She was holding back something. Something that had caused her pain and kept her from real enjoyment. If they could help her turn loose of whatever it was that she kept so fiercely guarded inside her, they’d give her the freedom to truly submit, to enjoy their life together and to put the past behind her. No doubt the multiple murder had affected her, but he wasn’t sure how it had damaged her.

  Getting naked in front of strangers, obeying their commands hadn’t given her total freedom. Even the onslaught of emotions that had overwhelmed her after the initiation hadn’t brought her the necessary trust to tell them what haunted her. She needed an awakening that was beyond what she’d already experienced. He just hoped that what they were about to do would accomplish that.

  She gave him a quizzical look. “What else do you want to know? I’m a cop and now I’m a sub.” Laughing, she added, “Now there’s a sentence I never thought I’d say.”

  “Do you like being a cop?” Paul ignored his brother’s silent urging not to push.

  “Sure.” Yet the sadness in her eyes betrayed her. “Or at least I used to. I’d rather be here now.”

  Was she finally opening up? “Used to? Does that mean you wouldn’t want to be a police officer anywhere else?”

  They hadn’t talked about the future and he could see that she couldn’t bring herself to think past today. As far as she was concerned, today was where she wanted to stay. It was the past that had wounded her and the future frightened her.

  She swallowed as moisture filled her eyes. “I don’t want to get into that. Can’t we keep things about the here and now?” The sadness faded, replaced by a challenge. “Or are you ordering me to spill my guts?”

  Questioning her wasn’t doing any good. They had to try another tactic. As he’d known they would.

  “Fine. Then how about we have some fun?” He arched his eyebrows up then down, sending a clear message, but with a hint of humor.

  She sat up, took her glass, and drank the rest of her wine in two gulps. “What do you have in mind?”

  “You’re used to taking down a prisoner, right?”

  She narrowed her eyes, leery of what he was about to say. “Yes. At times I’ve had to wrestle someone into custody.”

  “But have you ever been on the receiving end?” Paul leaned closer and caressed her arm. Her hairs were already standing on end, showing her excitement.

  “I’m not sure what you mean.”

  Destin leaned closer, too. “Don’t a lot of women have a fantasy about someone forcing her to have sex? Of course, if you’re not up to it, or once we get started, you know how to bring things to a stop. It’s play. We’d never force or hurt you.”

  “Is he right? Have you thought about men taking you by force and then ravishing you?” He saw her answer, before she managed to speak.

  “Sure. Lots of women think about that. As long as it’s not real, of course. I’m not unusual in that regard.”

  Oh, baby, you’re unusual in every regard. Unusual and amazing. No other woman is like you.

  “Then let us give you that.” Destin took hold of his buckle and pulled his belt free. “If you’re up to it. But you need to know the risks first. There’s a possibility of getting hurt either from us holding you or from you trying to get away. It brings up a lot of feelings, too.”

  Paul watched her reaction. “Do you understand? Sometimes it brings up a lot of stuff you’ve pushed down.”

  Paul’s cock was so hard against his jeans, it wouldn’t have shocked him if his zipper had unzipped on its own. He wanted her, more than ever, and he was determined to have her. The only question was how. Did he want to take her pussy? Or fuck her sweet, dark hole?

  And yet, the most important thing was that he helped her get past her pain.

  She ducked her head, and as difficult as it was, he and his brother remained quiet. It had to be her decision. Resistance play was a difficult step for some women.

  “I know you’d never hurt me. Besides, I’m a pretty tough girl.”

  “We know you are. Maybe even better than you do.”

  When she lifted her head again and met first Destin’s, then his gaze, Paul knew she’d made her decision.

  “Would this give you pleasure?”

  Aw, shit. She couldn’t have said anything sexier. “It’s you who has to make the decision to try.”

  She gave him a cocky, all-too-confident smirk. “I get a head start. Agreed?”

  Destin’s laugh was filled with hunger. “Anything you want, sugar.”

  She was up and moving a second later. Destin started after her, then he was on his feet and chasing her.

  With any other sub, Paul would’ve worried that they were going too fast. But he couldn’t shake the impression that she needed an act of major proportions to knock her off her feet—even if that meant he had to literally knock her off her feet. He was prepared to do anything to get her to open up.

  He raced to keep pace with Destin. His brother wasn’t running as fast as he could. Instead, they’d give her the lead and let her get winded first.

  Georgia dashed around a large tree and they could’ve each easily taken a side to catch her between them, but again, they didn’t push. The act of running would help her emotions rise to the surface.

  * * * *

  They weren’t really trying to catch her. Georgia wasn’t a fast runner and it didn’t take her long to figure out that they were toying with her. Her police training helped out and she was in great shape. She kept her breathing regular and watched for ways to stay one step ahead of them.

  Her laughing at every other spin and turn didn’t help, though. Playing chase with the men she cared for was fun.

  She darted behind another tree, then reversed directions and sped past Destin. His fingers brushed her arm, catching her breath in her throat. She dashed out from under the trees, then darted to the left and headed for a slight drop in the ground. Without slowing down, she launched herself over the small rise and into the air.

  The gulley wasn’t much, and thankfully, didn’t have any water in it. When she hit the ground, her body shuddered at the impact, but that didn’t stop her. She scrambled up the other side and sprang to her feet. Pausing, she saw the men hesitate at the edge of the rise, then jump into it.

  “Can’t catch me, huh?” Sticking out her tongue as she’d done when her friends had played cat and mouse as a child, she whirled and took off again.

  She’d just reversed direction and had made it back to the grove of trees and the horses when arms made of steel wrapped around her waist and hoisted her into the air.

  “Let me go!”

  “Not a chance.” Destin threw his body down on top of the blanket
and took her along with him. He straddled her, putting his torso over her and wrestling her arms above her head.

  The heat flared between her legs as she struggled. But Destin was too strong for her.

  “I’ve got her arms.” Paul took her wrists in one of his large hands.

  “We want you and we want it now.” Destin slid his hand over her cheek then along her collarbone. “Let’s see what you’ve got to offer.”

  The sound of her shirt tearing away threw her. Now she knew why they’d asked her to wear old clothes. She struggled, but he had her pinned to the ground.

  “Get off me, pervert.”

  Paul leaned over her so that she had to stare straight into his face. “Are you saying red, baby?”

  Her breasts heaved, the hardness of her nipples pushing at the thin material of her bra. “Fuck, no!” Wasn’t she supposed to play the part convincingly?

  But Destin must not have been convinced. In his confusion, she managed to twist her body around and toss him off her. Paul loosened his grip on her long enough for her to get away. But she didn’t get very far.

  In the next moment, she was sent rolling when Paul tackled her from behind. She somehow managed to get onto her hands and knees, but soon ended flat on her back again.

  She kicked out, landing a blow against Destin’s shin, then stopped, horrified, when she heard his moan. “Oh, shit. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to—”

  “Don’t talk, woman.” Destin took hold of her jeans and yanked them over her hips. He fell backward, tugging her shoes off along with the jeans.

  “Hold her, man.”

  “No problem.” Paul whipped out a strip of wide cord that was lined with soft fur, then much like a cowboy tying a calf, he circled it around her wrists until her hands were bound together.

  Her heart pounded, picking up an irregular rhythm. She’d longed to play like this. Yet another part of her, the part that kept the hardness of life buried, rose to the surface.

  These are my men. They won’t hurt me.

  Paul pulled her to him, putting her on his lap and enclosing her in his arms. She fought again to get free, all while enjoying the hardness of his solid chest against her back. Another quick move and he tore her bra away.

  She was getting hot, not only from the heat of the day, but from the way the men explored her body, cupping her breasts, sliding their fingers over her nipples and between her legs.

  Destin stood and slowly unbuttoned his jeans. He shoved them to his ankles and his erect, slightly curved cock came free, pointing at her.

  Her breathing lifted her breasts in heaves, and her pulse surged in her ears. When Destin went to his knees, then grabbed her legs and spread them wide, pushing at her knees to hold them in place, she let out a yell. Lust made a strange mix with a spark of alarm as his cock teased the opening of her pussy.

  “You’re so fucking hot,” whispered Paul against her ear. “I want to watch my brother fuck you.”

  Destin’s jaw was tense, the muscle twitching as he lifted his gaze from her pussy to her face. “I’m going to eat you out. Then I’m going to fuck you until you cry for mercy.”

  He lowered his head, then put it at her pussy and pressed his face against her. She cried out again as he took her clit between his teeth and bit down. Throwing back her head, she stared at the leaves above her.

  The sounds of Destin sucking her juices sent her spiraling above them. She no longer fought them, instead widening her legs for him. Paul played with her nipples as she dropped her arms, squeezing her breasts between them.

  “Damn, but that’s fucking amazing. Eat her, man.”

  Destin’s head bobbed up and down as he raked his tongue over her clit, then drove it into her pussy. He held her pussy lips back then sucked on her clit and used two fingers to pump into her.

  She lost control. Control of not only her body, but of her mind and her emotions. A storm of feelings rushed into her. Feelings of lust. Feelings of guilt. Feelings of the need to let go, to lose the real bindings that had held her captive for so long.

  When Destin stopped and pulled away from her, she let out a curse. He laughed, then turned her on her side.

  “You ready, bro?”

  Paul opened the flap of his jeans. “Always.”

  She started to try and get away, but Paul jerked her back onto her side. “Both at once, baby.” Tugging back her hair, he swept his tongue over her cheek and whispered, “You’re going to love this.”

  Destin moved her leg over his as he got onto his side. His cock came at her like the sword of an avenging warrior. He plunged his cock inside her, driving deep and hard.

  She moaned, then gasped as she felt the coolness of the lube against her butt hole. Working faster than he had before, Paul smoothed it over her tight muscles then into her dark space.

  With him holding her head back, she opened her mouth and shouted Paul’s name as he eased his cock inside her.

  God, I never knew it could be like this.

  She drew in a hard breath that Destin knocked out of her as he slammed into her. The sensation of having both men’s cocks inside her was deliriously overpowering. They surged together, first going at the same time, then alternating as their cocks drove into her fast and deep.

  Her mind blanked, giving way to the emotions running amok. She was their woman, for as long as they’d want her. The storm escalated like a tropical storm spinning faster and faster as it grew into a hurricane. Her muscles rippled, her flesh heated as they took her, holding her tightly as though she might escape.

  As though she wanted to escape.

  “Come for us, baby. Scream it out.”

  Paul’s tone brooked no argument. It was a command she had to obey if it was the last thing she did. Her body trembled as the hurricane picked her up and rode her to shore. Cream gushed from her, shaking her to the very core. Her two Doms, the men she’d never believed she’d find, pounded into her, saying her name over and over, like worshipers to their goddess.

  She cried out again, shouting their names, as she hit the shore, breaking through the waves. Her climax thundered through her, taking along with it her last rational thought.

  Oh, God. I love them.

  The rampage of her feelings rose higher, unstopping as the shudders of her climax grew smaller. As though coming from a distance, she heard Paul and Destin ground out their orgasms, never letting go of her.

  The world around her darkened.

  For a time, she felt nothing except satisfaction as she’d never experienced it. Their soft murmurs of love floated around her like the tender caresses of their hands over her skin. She wanted to touch them, too, to answer their sweet words with her own.

  And then it came. The horror she’d fought so hard to hold back.

  The rush of feelings swarmed over her like a flight of angry birds finally let out of their cage. She reached out, not with her hands, but with her mind, searching for help, trying to run away. But the swarm continued to circle around her, engulfing her until she couldn’t hold back any longer.

  She sat up, still surrounded by her men, and gulped for air.

  “It’s okay, sugar. We’re here. Let it out.”

  “Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit.” She clutched at Paul’s strong arms that held her and begged Destin with her eyes. “He got away and it’s my fault.”

  “What’s your fault, baby?”

  She stared at them, recognizing them, yet straining to remember who they really were. “I could’ve caught him. Don’t you get it? I saw him and I let him get away.”

  “Easy, sugar. Take a big breath, then let it go.”

  She couldn’t stop trembling. “It’s my fault. I was scared. I’d never seen anything like it.”

  “Like what, baby?”

  Paul’s arms couldn’t hold her strong enough. But then again, no one’s could have. “He stabbed them. All four. Even the kids.”

  She searched Destin’s eyes and saw no surprise. But how could they have known? She hadn’
t told anyone at the ranch. “I–I can’t talk about it.”

  “You can tell us anything and everything.” Paul’s voice was tender and caring, breaking through the last barrier that kept her from saying what she needed to say.

  They didn’t deserve to bear her guilt, to see her terror, but she couldn’t stop the words from spilling out. “He stabbed them, ripping their stomachs open and slitting their throats. Even the kids. Oh, God, even the kids.”

  She cried, harder than she’d ever cried. Cried until her voice grew hoarse. And yet the tears still came. “I could’ve caught him, but I let him get away. I searched and searched, but I couldn’t find him.”

  Destin took her legs and put them over his while she dug her fingers deeper into Paul’s flesh.

  “It’s not your fault, baby. You did what you could.”

  Her throat ached from her cries. Her eyes burned from her tears. She could never let it go. Not until she found the killer.

  * * * *

  “Are you sure you’re okay, sweetie?”

  Georgia jerked out of her trance. She smiled, knowing that’s what Barb wanted to see. “Of course. Never better.”

  “Uh-huh.” Barb wasn’t anyone’s fool. “Well, if you want to rest or whatever, you just let me know, okay?”

  “Thanks, but I’m fine.” She held her head up and strode over to one of her tables. Shooting her friend a thumbs-up, she turned to the men and asked to take their drink orders.

  It was a slow night at the club with only a few of the regulars showing up. She was thankful for that. Once she had their orders, she strode over to the bar and gave them to Wilson.

  She’d had a rough time getting back to normal after the men had brought her back to the house. Destin had cradled her in front of him on his horse. She remembered the way he felt holding her tightly against him, but not much else.

  They’d stayed with her, comforting her, talking softly to her for the next two days. One of them was always in her room, never leaving her alone. She’d had the nightmare again, but when she awoke, they were there to lull her back to peace in the safety of their arms. Although they tried to talk her out of working her shift, she’d had her fill of lying around and being treated like an emotional cripple. The scene had taken a lot out of her, but it wouldn’t get her down. Not if she had any say in it.


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