The Alien Artifact 7

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The Alien Artifact 7 Page 9

by V Bertolaccini

  “What?” he muttered.

  “You were Prime Minister David Cameron’s twin brother!”

  Cameron gasped, and as he thought it over he realized that if it was true that they were reacting to him crazily for a reason, and he gasped at the problem and trouble that it would cause!

  “What was the story on the killer lion?” he quickly asked, trying to change the subject.

  “What killer lion? I never heard anything of any lions!”

  “No circus or zoos have been here!”

  “The circus has not been here in years! There were no animals like that either!”

  “Why was the army camp put there then?”

  “I don’t have a clue! Wait a minute! All of you were searching all over the place! I heard they were looking for something! Right! Now I remember! It was to do with that airplane or satellite, whatever, that crashed! They were looking for where it crashed!”

  Cameron gasped and realized that they had not been there to look for a killer lion after all and he wondered why they had been put there to find the crash sight and he realized that it had been of alien origins, and that they had to have been put there on a confidential mission to search for it and investigate it!

  “I also saw you when you woke up with your lost memory, in that field, and in that pool of muck! I was passing there on the road behind you!”

  “Did you see anything before then?” Cameron gagged, and realized that he had actually seen him there, and he hoped he had seen him before he woke up.

  “I passed there earlier! It was too distant for me to be totally sure it was you! I think you were with someone that resembled you, and you were at the wood at Floors Road, where I’ve seen you before with the other three soldiers you hangout with!”

  Who the hell looked like him? He hadn’t seen anyone like him!

  He was more confused than when he got in the taxi, and stared miserably at the floor, and the driver looked on and thought of everything he knew for what Cameron wanted to know!

  Cameron started scrupulously going over everything, and he examined his facial features in a mirror, and after examining the Prime Minister on the internet he realized that he might be the Prime Minister’s twin, as he was strangely the same, and he realized the only way of properly proving it and finding out his identity and what had happened was to meet him, and he removed a drink and poured it down his throat and started to search for a way to meet the Prime Minister!

  Part II

  The Final Encounter

  Chapter 1

  The Extraterrestrial Dream

  In the dark depths of space above the world a sphere of light shot out and exploded with extraordinary brightness!

  The dream was now like it was something else and some form of telepathic recording being transmitted from somewhere, which Cameron could not comprehend! Its magnitude made him gasp and he was unsure if he felt anything and wondered why he thought it had somehow damaged him. Strange sounds and lights sent sensations through him!

  His entire sight exploded and filled with its vivid visions of strange energy alterations and silent roars vibrating through his mind, and the blur of light swirled in space, and he seemed to fall out of space and go crashing down towards the Earth.

  As he did he watched space all around him staggered and for some reason he never knew what space was, as though he had never seen it before and he was use to something else, which he could not grasp, and at the fringes of deep space he was sure there was intergalactic space and a starless expanse of space where he thought something existed.

  Cameron thought of the dream and whether to awake and he rested on his bed wondering why he had never had such dreams before and if he could have had and if his memory of it was gone, and he wondered if the dream was from brain damage!

  It continued and he realized he was falling into the atmosphere at a fantastic velocity and he was unsure if it was exaggerated.

  Cameron opened his eyes and examined his pale cold complexion in a side mirror beside his hotel bed and quickly shut his eyes and was amazed that the dream was actually still there, like a movie, and he had only missed some.

  He studied the velocity of movement in it with great curiosity and was baffled, but still determined to follow the dream to its conclusion as he would not forgive himself the next day for missing it, and he wondered again if all the drink he had was causing damage to his mind.

  He realized it was surely the extraterrestrial in the wood that he was visualizing and he felt his blood explode through him thinking of it and he unintentionally let out a loud long gasp of horror through his mouth!

  The entire horrific energy formation vividly surrounded him, as visions of deep space emerged and vanished through his thoughts, which he could not spot any differences in to reality, which left him staggered.

  What strange place had this thing come from? What wonders had it? Where had it been traveling to in the deep dark depths of space and time?

  He wondered if it even had a real form as they knew it and if it was actually entirely made of energy formations!

  He imagined it as an alien like monster materializing out of the realms of hell, from some world somewhere beyond space, with bright blood red devil features, a giant demon shape, glowing, altering, whirling, within hideous energy surges, while it shifted like a distorted grotesque wild killer monster, ready for the kill, as it fully materialized into this universe.

  His dream altered and reappeared and in a sudden blast of energy the formation went crashing into the world and instantly smashed into the trees in the wood, and its impact and destruction nearly destroyed it!

  He imagined its thrust blasting over the dark sky of the world, while watching it on the world below, with it having a background of space made up with vast billions of stars shining brightly throughout its expanse.

  All around him vociferous exploding energy and blinding brightness kept exploding everywhere and he thought of withdrawing from it!

  He sensed its composition unsuccessfully tried to leave the confines of the universe, and its shape glowed and altered into powerful bright explosions of energy.

  It was like for the first time in its existence it had felt pain and death, and its formation constantly altered as it controlled its individual parts to the degree of atoms, stopping itself from being absorbed and destroyed by a colossal infernal.

  He felt its destruction with horror but then it was instantly allowed to escape and formed into a flying formation and darted out of the colossal energy into the dark night on the world.

  The cold outer world was unrecognizable to it and left it staggered, but it felt satisfaction as it completed repairing a major region of damage to it, and its glowing monster shape formed strange ghostly shapes of life forms from extraordinary worlds it visualized in this universe.

  The thing clearly altered like a monster materializing out of the realms of hell, from beyond reality, and took insane forms and alterations to its features and took forms of blood red demon shapes, glowing, altering, whirling, within hideous energy surges – while it consistently stopped itself vanishing – and it repaired the damage done to it, altering energy formations back into their original states.

  Its giant translucent demon shape floating through the trees, glowing and beaming in altering shapes, shifting through the wood like a distorted grotesque wild monster, ready for the kill, with parts of it frequently altering into other creature’s organs.

  This world was unrecognizable to it and it was left staggered and it monitored its formation’s fight to repair itself and it was eventually able to alter to an extraterrestrial humanoid formation, it detected in this universe, which allowed it to gain more of its normal powers, and it managed to adapt to the surrounding environment and it shifted into the long black shadows of unknown tree formations like a transparent ghost monster lurking around, transforming shapes and appearances in regions of it.

  The moon shifted overhead as its monster shape staggered through the sm
all wood, and it even took comfort in the moon’s existence, and it stopped to examine a life form, a small black cat shifting by it, and it copied some of its formation!

  Then it roamed the wood and it became clear the life form it had copied affected it far more than it had realized, and it realized it was not just the life form but its own damaged state!

  While it propelled itself forward its body adapted its form and repaired damage and formed more powerful and better Earth legs and razor-sharp claws, creature fangs, and thick tentacles formed and expanded from its neck, from creatures it studied on other worlds in this region of space, and while it shifted on head tendrils formed from its ears that shuddered frantically checking the region for signs of life forms and dangers.

  When the wood ended strange glowing hills illuminated all around it, stretching out to the rim of the world, as the sun rose below the horizon, and it stopped and watched a glowing spot accelerating across the sky, and it detected a dim radiance illuminating in its surroundings, and it detected one of the world’s intelligent species on its own nearby!

  The whole dream vanished and Cameron opened his eyes and stared out of his hotel window into the dim morning sky, as the sun rose below the horizon, and he examined a vague gleam of sunshine appear and its strange glow emerge into swirling patterns of cloud, and he realized the dream had been crazy.

  Chapter 2

  The Psychiatrist

  Cameron rushed into the London psychiatrist’s waiting room late and clumsily tripped and went crashing through the door, landing face first, and rolled over the carpet, and jumped onto his feet and stood watching the aged psychiatrist staring at him insanely.

  He calmly studied Cameron’s face, and gasped, “You’re ...?”

  “It’s me!” he replied, brushing his new clothing of dust.

  Cameron accidentally gave out a drunken burp, from all the beer he had consumed in a nearby bar – where he had forgotten the time, and was late for the appointment.

  “You’re ...” the psychiatrist repeated, with his mouth open.

  “It’s alright! I’ve an appointment!”

  “You’ve an appointment? When? I’ve no mention of any appointment with you! I would have noticed! Perhaps you’ve the day wrong?”

  The psychiatrist started to look through his appointment book!

  “I’m Cameron!”

  “Dave Cameron!” he gasped, reading the appointment.

  He studied his face over and over with confusion, and continued, “You’re the soldier sent by the army ...?”


  “You’re suffering memory loss?”


  The psychiatrist started writing notes and instantly ignored him and Cameron grew impatient at the treatment.

  This had to be his lucky break – and he realized that he had actually talked Sergeant Malone into arranging the trip to London and appointment with the psychiatrist – and it should solve his mental problem and allow him to explore and meet the Prime Minister and discover if he was the Prime Minister’s twin brother, which the taxi driver had convinced him he was, which he had not been able to confirm or prove wrong! He looked the same as Prime Minister David Cameron, and the other soldiers at the army base thought he had something about him that was the similar!

  “Now tell me when you first lost your memory and what occurred afterwards!” the psychiatrist spoke firmly, after adjusting his seat in front of him, eager to get to the bottom of the mysteries about him!

  Cameron sat firmly in his seat and realized that if anyone could solve his loss of memory it might be him, as there had to be many other cases like it, and he would at least get if there was an answer to it, and perhaps he could help him accept the facts.

  “Ever since I found myself in a pool of mud in a farm field I’ve lost my memory of my identity and have been trying to get it back, and I do not know how I got there and can barely recall anything I did before then! I sometimes have the memories of two people!”

  “Did you get any damage to your head from the fall in the pool, and have you been taking anything that might have influenced it?”

  “I strangely had no damage to my head or body and as far as I know I never took anything!”

  The psychiatrist asked many questions and Cameron continued telling him everything he knew, accept he avoided telling him of the army being there to investigate a suspected alien landing/crash, even though his dream the night before had been so vivid that he had been sure that the incident had somehow influenced him, and he was now sure it might be a mental problem!

  Why would the British army and US military and NASA insist there was an alien, and investigate the crash site they found?

  Now he mainly did not know what to believe, and at times definitely believed it and at other times never, as the others surely did, and he left it until any proper discovery and facts arose.

  The treasure hunt and map, and the well they were exploring for it, had left him confused and he wondered why he and the three soldiers at the army camp had been looking for it! Yet they had found the well at the location the treasure was supposed to be, and the information he had given the three soldiers about it had been enough to convince them that there was something there, which he was somehow sure was evidence enough.

  The army setting up a campsite base there to search for an alien landing was confusing, and he could not even believe the British army would believe an alien existed, and why was there treasure located at virtually the same site as the crash – whatever crashed down in the wood – which could be an advanced secret weapon!

  The psychiatrist finished off, before he allowed him to go, by giving him advice and another appointment, and told him he would do everything he could to have his medical problem solved and that he would arrange an appointment for him at a hospital, to have his brain examined, but Cameron saw he was still baffled over several unexplained aspects!

  Chapter 3

  The Arrest

  Cameron sat at a table in a bar near a front window and watched the sun go down into the horizon, and the busy street turn dark, and he got drunk and sat sulking and running through thoughts and what he knew trying to find even a vague suggestion of a way to approach the Prime Minister, but he just could not think of anything, and he did not know what to say or do to talk to him.

  Yet if he was his twin surely he would start to talk to him, and he would know if he was his twin, but how could he explain he had no memory of him, and if he never recalled anything about him and their relationship he would think he was not his twin and just someone looking like him! He was stumped again!

  He suddenly had an idea and wondered if there was anyone in the bar that knew him and if he could question them! He was desperate to investigate ways of getting his true identity!

  At the side of his sight he spotted two men watching him outside from over at the side of the street! Their official detective suits and looks grasped his attention, and when he looked at them they looked away, and then seemed to watch him from the sides of their eyes.

  After a long time he watched them hide away further along the street, and was considering where to go next when he spotted a group of policemen march along the road in the opposite direction and was surprised when they entered and went to the bar where they questioned the barman about something and Cameron was astonished that one turned and looked directly at him and when he looked away the others all started looking at him with surprised looks, examining his features.

  Cameron gasped and decided he had to do something, knowing if they did intend to confront him they would get him if he left so he decided to go to the bar toilet, when they were preoccupied.

  As he entered the toilet they all watched him and he sensed they intended to do something and he realized that he could have been a wanted man, before he had lost his memory.

  Once in a toilet cubicle he sat and listened, and just when he thought they would not bother him he heard the door open and two of them enter and march
along the cubicles until they were behind his door, and one called out, “We want to talk to you!”

  At first he panicked and then he wondered what kind of people confronted people there, and why had they not just waited, and he grew furious at their violation of his rights, and finally shouted at them, “What? What idiot wants a conversation with someone in a toilet cubicle?”

  “What?” the policeman shouted back, annoyed. “You get out here now!”

  “Your violating my rights and I’m going to report you and have you fired for it!”

  The two policemen gasped and started whispering, out of the range of his hearing, and eventually seemed to agree over something, and he gasped and expected the door to come crashing in on him and started getting ready.

  “When you finish off in there! We’ll be outside!”

  Once they had left he jumped up and looked over the top of the cubicle and checked and listened to their faint voices outside, as they waited.

  For a moment he wondered what the hell they were talking about, and why they were there, and gasped and he realized that he had made a mistake in coming to London, and that he might not be able to achieve his mission, and he jumped up on the back of the toilet and tapped the glass window testing its thickness, reassuring himself, and realized if he broke the window the noise would be tremendous!

  Just as he was standing contemplating it he heard a cough and turned and saw the policeman standing staring at him, with a half smirk, and he finally remembered that he had not locked the door, and the policeman swiftly grasped him by the waist and lifted him down and threw him across the floor.

  He slumped over and rolled over the floor, and he realized the police were clearly all local, and had been visiting there for some time, and he sat near to him.


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