Colton and the Single Mom

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Colton and the Single Mom Page 1

by Jane Godman

  This Colton cop falls for a ready-made family

  A Coltons of Red Ridge story

  A serial killer is on the loose, and true-crime filmmaker Esmée da Costa is on the case. K-9 cop Brayden Colton, the prime suspect’s half brother, works hard to stop her prying, but sparks fly as he falls for Esmée and her son. When Esmée and Brayden’s little family comes under siege, can they save all they love?

  “I should go.” Brayden jerked a thumb over his shoulder in the direction of his dog, Echo, who was snuffling along the edge of the lawn. Even though he said the words, he made no movement.

  That awareness of each other was growing and building, causing the air around them to crackle. Instinct told her he wouldn’t make the first move. The damage he’d suffered—whatever it was—wouldn’t allow him to risk rejection. And Esmée wasn’t ready to act on these matter how compelling they might be.

  Placing a hand on his shoulder, she rose on the tips of her toes and brushed her lips against his cheek. It was intended to be a chaste kiss. Instead, when her mouth made contact with his skin, it instantly became the most decadent thing she had ever done. A jolt of desire shot through her and she had to force herself to step away instead of gripping the front of his T-shirt and pulling him closer.

  “Good night, Brayden.” It was hard to breathe, let alone speak.

  He stared down at her for a moment or two, the look in his eyes stealing the remainder of her breath. “Good night.”

  * * *

  The Coltons of Red Ridge: A killer’s on the loose

  and love is on the line

  * * *

  If you’re on Twitter, tell us what you think of Harlequin Romantic Suspense! #harlequinromsuspense

  Dear Reader,

  I’m a big fan of all Harlequin Romantic Suspense stories, but I particularly love the Coltons miniseries. I think it’s because the stories perfectly capture that soap opera feeling where we get a peek into family life, but there is also an added dash of danger.

  I’m delighted to share with you my own contribution to the unfolding drama of the Coltons of Red Ridge! Having been part of the experience, I am even more in awe than ever of the amazing authors and the incredible editorial team who pull this spectacular series together.

  When I’m writing a story, I often find that the characters step up and take over, demanding that their voices and personalities come to the fore. In this book that sensation was incredibly strong. Brayden and Esmée practically shoved me out of the way in their determination to get their story told!

  There is an engaging cast of characters who support Brayden and Esmée on their journey to overcome their differences and get past the danger that is threatening them. As well as Esmée’s cute two-year-old son, Rhys, we meet Echo, the search-and-rescue dog who loves sausages and kittens.

  I’d love to hear from you and find out what you think of Brayden and Esmée’s story. You can contact me at, on Twitter, @JaneGodman, and on Facebook: Jane Godman Author.

  Happy reading,



  Jane Godman

  Jane Godman writes in a variety of romance genres, including paranormal, gothic and romantic suspense. Jane lives in England and loves to travel to European cities that are steeped in history and romance—Venice, Dubrovnik and Vienna are among her favorites. Jane is married to a lovely man and is mom to two grown-up children.

  Books by Jane Godman

  Harlequin Romantic Suspense

  The Coltons of Red Ridge

  Colton and the Single Mom

  Sons of Stillwater

  Covert Kisses

  The Soldier’s Seduction

  Secret Baby, Second Chance

  Harlequin Nocturne

  Otherworld Protector

  Otherworld Renegade

  Otherworld Challenger

  Immortal Billionaire

  The Unforgettable Wolf

  One Night with the Valkyrie

  Awakening the Shifter

  Harlequin E Shivers

  Legacy of Darkness

  Echoes in the Darkness

  Valley of Nightmares

  Darkness Unchained

  Visit the Author Profile page at for more titles.

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  This book is dedicated to my agent, Jill Marsal, of the Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, who always gives amazing advice and support. Thank you, Jill!


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Excerpt from Navy SEAL Rescue by Susan Cliff

  Chapter 1

  “It’s official.” Chief Finn Colton faced his K-9 officers in the morning briefing. “The Groom Killer has claimed a fourth victim.”

  Brayden Colton remained silent throughout the buzz of conversation that followed. Four dead men...and this time it felt personal. Again. The first victim had been the half brother of a cop. This time, the murdered guy was an ex-cop. Although he shared the shock and grief that gripped his colleagues, Brayden had even more reason to feel anger and frustration.

  He was aware of the chief watching him closely and guessed Finn was concerned about how he would react to this latest bombshell. Brayden was aware of his role. He knew how he was supposed to play this. He should keep an open mind, stay professional. Although the evidence against his kid sister was stacking up hard and fast, inside this building he was a police officer first and Demi’s brother second. Right now, he should be doing everything he could to convince his cousin, the chief, that he was impartial.

  Reaching out a hand, he placed it on the head of Echo, his K-9 partner. As always, the dog’s calm, quiet presence soothed him. Brayden made sure his gaze was steady on Finn’s face as the chief continued with the briefing. Crime-scene photographs appeared on a large screen behind him. “Like the other victims, Jack Parkowski was shot through the heart. A black cummerbund was stuffed in his mouth. He was forty-eight years old, born and raised in Red Ridge, but hadn’t lived here for over twenty years. Came back six months ago in preparation for his marriage to Sarah Mull. She was the one who found his body.”

  “How is she?” It was a voice from the back of the room. Sarah Mull had to be about the most popular person in Red Ridge. She had been Brayden’s first-grade teacher.

  “Not good. She’s being treated in the hospital for shock. As far as the Groom Killer case goes, there is nothing new to report. Since we have another murder, let’s recap on why finding Demi Colton is our priority. When the first victim, Bo Gage, was found, he had written Demi C in his own blood. Then, a gold heart necklace with the initials DC was found under a pickup wheel near Bo’s body. We also have a witness who saw Demi close to the scene just before the murder. When we add in the fact that she went on the run as soon as we got a warrant for her arrest, it’s hardly surprising that every finger in town is pointing her way. Last month, a witness also c
laimed to see her shoot the third victim—a witness who ended up dead soon after. However, the FBI reported a sighting of Demi across the state at the time of that murder.” Finn’s gaze moved purposefully around the room, lingering for a second on Brayden. “So, just because we are focusing our resources on the search for Demi, I don’t want anyone to stop looking at other angles.”

  “There are rumors that Demi is pregnant,” Officer Juliette Walsh said. “If that’s true, we have to hope she’ll seek medical help at some point. Is there an alert out to the medical centers in the region?”

  Finn nodded. “Demi’s photograph has been circulated throughout the county.”

  “Demi Colton is half feral. Why would she care about the welfare of her baby?” The sneering voice came from behind him and Brayden kept his head down, riding the wave of anger that swept over him. This was the way it had been from the minute Demi took flight. This constant fight between his job and his loyalty to his sister. It was getting harder each day.

  “We suspect that Demi is pregnant with Bo Gage’s child and is several months along. All we know for sure is that Bo ended their relationship and became engaged to another woman. Unfortunately, that speaks to Demi’s motive.” Finn’s voice was firm.

  “Yeah. But then again, Bo might not be the father. Anything is possible with Demi—”

  Brayden was on his feet before he had time to think, swinging around to face the unknown speaker. “What are you trying to say about my sister?”

  Among the faces looking back at him, one stood out. Lucas Gage, Bo’s brother, was a bounty hunter who had been deputized to the police department. Since Demi was in the same profession, they were fierce rivals and Lucas had been convinced from day one that Demi was the killer. Although Brayden couldn’t be sure Lucas was the person who had spoken, the other man stared back at him, provocation in his eyes. It was a challenge Brayden was more than happy to take.

  To hell with impartial. To hell with all of it.

  “My sister is not a killer.”

  “Let’s calm this down.” Finn’s cool, authoritative voice cut across Brayden’s overheated senses. “Personal comments have no place in this investigation.” His gaze swept the room. “They have no place in this department. I hope that’s clear to everyone?”

  There was a general murmur of agreement as Brayden returned to his seat. His fingers sought the reassuring softness of Echo’s fur and the dog gave the inside of his wrist a quick lick.

  When the briefing ended, Finn spoke quietly to Brayden. “My office.”

  With Echo keeping close to his heels, Brayden followed the chief to his room. “I know.” He spoke as Finn was closing the door. “I was out of order. I shouldn’t let it get to me.”

  “This has got to be hard on you, Bray.” The change in Finn’s manner told Brayden this was his cousin speaking, not his boss. “You’re one of the best officers I have, and I need all the friends I can get. The Groom Killer case is the biggest thing to hit Red Ridge since I took over as chief. If I start taking officers off the investigation because of family loyalties, we’ll struggle to keep up with what this murderer throws at us next. Not to mention our regular caseload.”

  Brayden knew exactly what he meant. “While this is going on, the Larson twins are stepping up their criminal activities.”

  “Our attention is split two ways.” Finn’s expression was grim. “We have a killer with a grudge against engaged couples, and the Larsons, who are intent on growing their crime empire. Our resources are stretched to the limit. In addition to that, you are the lead search-and-rescue officer on the team. I’ve never doubted your loyalty and you know the problems I face.”

  Finn didn’t need to elaborate. The mayor, their uncle Fenwick, was breathing down their necks to get an arrest in the Groom Killer case. The Colton-Gage feud that had torn Red Ridge apart for a century was alive and well right here in the police department. The tensions were never far from the surface. The Gage officers on the team would grasp any opportunity to stir up old hostilities.

  “You have a temper, Bray. You’ve said publicly you believe in Demi’s innocence. Don’t give anyone a chance to push you on this.”

  It was good advice. Brayden couldn’t help Demi by getting himself thrown off the force. And Finn was right about the search-and-rescue side of his job. The pressure increased as summer approached. The Coyote Mountains attracted large numbers of tourists. There were always the inevitable cases of inexperienced hikers wandering off the trails, falling or staying out after dark. Brayden and Echo were often all that stood between them and disaster.

  “You want me to focus on the Larsons?”

  “If you can. Obviously, if anything comes your way to do with the Groom Killer case, you’ll need to follow it up. And, Bray?” Brayden paused with his hand on the door handle. “Esmée da Costa tells me she’s having trouble contacting you.”

  That would be because I’ve been ignoring her calls. Apparently, Esmée da Costa, the documentary maker who wanted to make a film about the Groom Killer, couldn’t take a hint. So, instead of respecting Brayden’s privacy, she had gone to his boss. His antagonism toward the woman he’d never met spiked higher. He was the Colton cop from the wrong side of the tracks. His sister was on the run, wanted for a series of grisly murders Brayden knew she wasn’t capable of committing. He was half out of his mind with worry for Demi, as he tried to focus on his job and deal with the taunts of the Gages and the arrogant skepticism of his better-off Colton relatives, and he was also aware that the eyes of the town were upon him wherever he went. Why the hell would he want to put his feelings on the record for a true-crime documentary film? If Brayden ever did come face-to-face with Ms. da Costa, he would give her his opinion of how she made her living. He doubted she’d enjoy hearing it.

  Brayden smiled for the first time that morning. “You know me. I’m not much of a talker.”

  * * *

  As she pulled into Hester Mull’s drive, Esmée da Costa gripped the steering wheel so tight it hurt. Determined not to cry in front of Rhys, she battled back the tears. Her son had seen too much high drama in his two years. While Esmée knew it wasn’t possible, or healthy, to cocoon him from every negative emotion, she did her best to keep his world on an even track.

  Even so, hiding her sorrow was tough. She supposed it was because, until now, she hadn’t really believed Jack Parkowski was dead. It had been impossible for her to accept that the big, strong man who had been such a powerful force for good in her life wouldn’t be there forever.

  Seeing Sarah, Jack’s fiancée, her face pale and her smile strained as she lay in that hospital bed, was what had made it real. Esmée had held one of Sarah’s icy hands in her own while Hester, Sarah’s sister-in-law, held the other. As they talked, Rhys had played one of his noiseless games with the wooden animals he took everywhere. That was when the truth had come crashing down on Esmée, gaining speed until it reached the full force of an avalanche. She would never again see the man who had been there for her and Rhys when they had most needed a friend.

  “The dog show is one of the most popular events in Red Ridge.” Hester’s voice brought Esmée back to reality. She had stowed a large picnic basket in the trunk of the rental car and was getting into the passenger seat.

  “And you’re sure all the K-9 officers will be there?” Esmée asked. She wasn’t interested in all of them, but Hester didn’t need to know that.

  In the course of her research about the Groom Killer case, Esmée had learned that there was one man who was prepared to speak out in support of Demi Colton, the chief suspect in the murders. Despite his job as a member of the K-9 police team, Brayden Colton was brave enough to declare his belief in his half sister’s innocence.

  As she delved deeper, Esmée would need to talk to all three of Demi’s half siblings, but Brayden was the one who fascinated her. He must be going through hell right now. His sister was
accused of murder, with most of the town happy to vocalize her guilt, yet Brayden had to turn up for work each day and investigate the crimes. He had to hear the details and listen to the theories about Demi’s guilt. How did that make him feel? How did he balance the two different sides of his life? Colton and cop. Which did he put first?

  Brayden’s was the voice Esmée wanted to hear, his was the story she wanted to use as her starting point. If she could only get in touch with him.

  “Oh, yes. Chief Finn Colton insists on it. Part of the trust that funds the unit provides for the K-9 team to do outreach work in the community.”

  Esmée and Hester had only just met and the circumstances hadn’t exactly been pleasant. Sarah Mull had been happily married to Hester’s older brother until he died in a car crash a few years ago. Now, Hester was helping her sister-in-law recover from another shock death, that of her fiancé, Jack.

  Esmée, having met Hester a few times at the hospital when she visited Sarah, had instinctively liked the other woman. Hester was warm, kind and she had offered to show Esmée and Rhys around Red Ridge.

  Before Hester had retired, she’d been a police officer herself, so Esmée was confident she knew what she was talking about. “The police dogs take part in demonstration events, and the officers are there to answer any questions members of the public have about the unit.”

  Hester turned to wave a hand at Rhys, who was in his safety seat.

  “Rhys will enjoy today,” Esmée said. “He loves all animals, but he really likes dogs.”

  “Such a pity he can’t talk.” Hester lowered her voice to a whisper as she fastened her seat belt. “Isn’t there anything the doctors can do to cure him?”

  “Rhys can talk.” Esmée dealt with this all the time. People meant well, but they didn’t understand. “There’s nothing wrong with him,” she explained to Hester. “He had a very bad experience when he was just twelve months old. Before that, he made the usual babbling noises all babies of his age make. Then he went quiet. Not speaking is his way of dealing with the trauma. It’s called selective mutism.”


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