Colton and the Single Mom

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Colton and the Single Mom Page 15

by Jane Godman

  “And this matters because...?”

  “I think he stopped fighting when he found a more lucrative occupation.” She turned her head to look at him, her eyes sparkling. “I think Roper Keene discovered there was more money to be made from armed robbery.”

  Brayden draped an arm around her shoulders, leaning closer. “I’m guessing you didn’t choose this guy at random?”

  She shook her head, the action causing her hair to tickle his cheek. “Keene and Richie Lyman are mentioned in Jack’s notes as part of a gang who carried out an armed heist ten years ago.”

  Brayden sat up a little straighter. “You think Keene could be the shooter?”

  “I’m sure of it.” Esmée pointed to a small image in the corner of the screen. “This picture doesn’t help us at all. It must have been taken around the time Keene started fighting and it’s only a head-and-shoulders shot.” She opened a new tab. “But this one...”

  It was coverage of the buildup to one of Keene’s last fights. A picture beneath the headline showed the boxer getting out of a car and posing for the cameras as he dwarfed the people around him. Brayden sucked in a breath. Although the image was twelve years old, there was no mistaking the shaved head, the broken nose, the width of those shoulders or the fists the size of hams.

  “This robbery took place when Jack was in the Chicago PD. After I saw Richie’s name in Jack’s notes, I checked it out on the internet.” Esmée had obviously memorized every detail of what she’d read. “It was a break-in at a safe-deposit facility.”

  “I’ve heard about that case.” Brayden frowned in an effort to remember. “It was huge, and the press reported it as if the gang were celebrities instead of vicious thugs.”

  Esmée nodded. “They burst into the building and overpowered the security guards, beating them all badly and pouring gas over them to make them give up the combination numbers. One of the guards was killed. The robbers got away with millions in gold bars, jewelry and precious stones. No one was ever caught.”

  “What made Jack suspect Richie and Keene?”

  “Jack knew Richie when he was a juvenile. In his notes, he detailed how Richie graduated from petty crime to bigger things. He had gotten in with the gang who were suspected of organizing this robbery. Jack had an informant who told him pretty much all he needed to know about the heist, including the information that Richie was the getaway driver. But, no matter how hard he tried, Jack couldn’t pin anything on any of the guys involved. Richie and Keene had been seen hanging around together in the days prior to the break-in and Keene’s description matched that of the guy who killed the security guard.” Her mouth turned down as she outlined the details of the murder. “Even though the robbers were armed, he didn’t use a gun. He killed the guard with his bare hands. First, he punched him in the side of the head, then he broke his neck.” She turned her head to look at him. “That was what Keene was planning to do to you up on the ridge, Brayden.”

  It was a sobering thought. Even more troubling was the notion that Keene was nearby, waiting for the opportunity to get at Esmée again.

  “There was more information in Jack’s notes. His informant told him that after the robbery, there was a split within the gang. Part of the spoils included a stash of rare blue stones known as the Angelika diamonds. The gems were worth more than the rest of the haul put together. Keene disappeared immediately after the robbery and so did the diamonds. The rest of the gang were convinced he’d double-crossed them, but there was nothing they could do. According to what Jack’s informant told him, the gang’s leaders were torn. While they were angry at Keene’s treachery, the diamonds were seen as a liability. They were so distinctive, trying to sell them would have attracted attention. In the end, there was a feeling of relief. They were rid of the guy who had killed the security guard and, of course, they didn’t have to give Keene his share of the proceeds.”

  “The Angelika diamonds are legendary in law enforcement,” Brayden said. “As time has gone by, it’s almost impossible to believe they’ll ever be found.”

  “Exactly. Even the most crooked dealer wouldn’t touch such high-profile gems. The leaders of the gang knew that, but it looks like Keene didn’t.”

  “Do Jack’s notes hold any clue to where Keene has been for the last ten years?” Brayden asked.

  “No. His trainer was Colombian and Keene fought there during his career. I wondered if he could have gone there after the robbery, but it’s been impossible to find any information on him from the internet. The only other thing that’s interesting is that Keene served in the army and was a survival expert. Hiding out in a cave probably wouldn’t be a hardship to him.” Esmée set aside her laptop with a sigh. “And, although we know he came to Red Ridge to kill Jack, we don’t know why he has hung around.”

  Brayden gave that statement some thought. “I think we have an idea.” Esmée raised questioning eyebrows. “It seems clear that Richie Lyman is a key figure in all of this. He and Keene were associates at the time of the safe-deposit robbery and Andy has confirmed that it was Richie who introduced him to Keene.”

  “But Richie has disappeared,” Esmée pointed out.

  “And I wonder how much Keene knows about that?”

  “I’m confused,” Esmée said. “What is there in Red Ridge to interest the man who has the Angelika diamonds in his possession?”

  An image of twin, charming smiles flashed into Brayden’s mind. Was it possible? The Larson twins were audacious—believing themselves above the law—but if he was right, what they were planning was close to lunacy. Could they have come up with a scheme to dispose of the Angelika diamonds?

  “During your Groom Killer investigations have you encountered Evan and Noel Larson?”

  Esmée wrinkled her nose. “Not in person. From what I’ve heard, I’m not sure I want to.”

  “Very wise. Those two are responsible for most criminal activity in Red Ridge, but their followers are so loyal, it’s impossible to get anything on them. Richie is one of their most loyal gang members.”

  “You think the Larsons could be the reason why Keene has come to Red Ridge?” Esmée snuggled closer to him, momentarily endangering his ability to concentrate.

  “I think it’s a possibility. I also think we have to try harder to find Richie.” He tightened his arm around her shoulders. “But since it’s still early, maybe we should go back to bed?”

  She tilted her face up to his. “I couldn’t sleep.”

  “I wasn’t suggesting sleep.” He slid a hand under her chin, running his thumb over her lower lip.

  “Oh.” Her indrawn breath sent a delicious shot of heat straight to his groin. “Rhys will wake up in about an hour.”

  “In that case—” He got to his feet and reached down, scooping her up into his arms and carrying her toward the door. “I suggest we don’t waste any more time on talking.”

  Chapter 13

  “I have to be sure Rhys is safe,” Esmée said as they left the house after breakfast.

  “And I need to be sure you are both safe.” Brayden strapped Rhys into the child seat in his car as he spoke. “That’s why I’ve been talking to my chief for the last half hour and getting some plans in place for how we deal with Roper Keene. All the cops in the Red Ridge PD have been alerted to be on the lookout for him. He’s not an easy guy to miss.”

  “That’s one of the things I don’t understand. Where is Keene staying? He’s an unmistakable figure, yet he doesn’t seem to have been seen around town.” She wrapped her arms around herself, scanning the open countryside. Surely a man as big as Keene would be noticeable if he tried to sneak up on them?

  “The chief is going to interview Andy again himself to see if he can get any more information from him.” He ran a finger down her cheek and his touch instantly soothed her. “Finn is the best chief of police there is. He’s also my cousin. He’ll do everything he
can to catch this guy. We all will.”

  “I know that.” She gave him her best attempt at a smile. “Are you sure Sarah’s house is the best place for Rhys?”

  “Yes. I know Hester comes across sometimes like all she thinks about is gossip, but appearances can be deceptive. She was a good cop. You can trust her to take care of Rhys.” His expression was serious as he stared down at her. “It’s you I’m worried about.”

  “I’m not going to get into a fight with a man as big as a bison.”

  “I don’t want you in a position where Keene can get close to you.” They had already been through this as they ate breakfast. Although Esmée tried to keep things lighthearted, she was touched at the depth of his concern for her safety. “Which is why I’ve cleared it with Finn so that I can stay with you as much as possible.”

  “What happens if you and Echo get called out on a search-and-rescue mission? You can hardly take me along.” She rested a hand on Echo’s head as the dog jumped eagerly into the back of Brayden’s car. “I’d slow you down.”

  “If I can’t be with you, another officer will take over.” He drew her into a quick hug, the warmth of his body comforting her while also igniting a series of wonderfully erotic memories. When she drew away, she could see the same residual heat in Brayden’s gaze. “Touching may be a bad idea until we can be alone.”

  She laughed. “We’ll just have to try for a little restraint.”

  “You call it restraint. I call it torture.”

  When they arrived at Sarah’s house, Esmée was relieved to see the way Rhys treated her place like a second home. Greeting Sarah and Hester with a casual wave, he headed straight for the basket where Bella-cat and her kittens were curled up. Since the cats were sleeping, he kneeled close by to watch them.

  Rhys wasn’t the only one who was fascinated by the feline cuteness. Echo left Brayden’s side to go and sit next to the little boy. His expression was entranced as he gazed at the kittens. Every now and then, the large dog turned his head to look at Brayden as though to say, “Have you seen this?”

  Rhys draped an arm around the dog’s shoulder. “Kitties,” he explained.

  Since the kittens weren’t ready to play, Rhys moved onto the stash of toys Sarah had kept from her time as a teacher. These soon littered the floor as he emptied boxes and threw various toys around in his search for the items he wanted.

  Sarah smiled as she watched him. “I can’t tell you what it means to me to have him here. After everything that’s happened, having a child around the place has been exactly the distraction I needed.”

  Esmée raised her brow as a building block was thrown in their direction. “Plus you get the benefits of a daily workout as you dodge the toys on your rug and duck to avoid flying playthings.”

  Brayden quickly filled in Sarah and Hester on the latest developments regarding Roper Keene. “I don’t think he’ll come after Rhys. I believe Esmée is his target, but we can’t be too careful. The chief has placed an alert on this address and on this landline number. I also want you to call the police department and give Lorelei Wong your cell phone numbers so she can make sure they are also included in the alert. That way, if either of you place a 911 call, it will be given the highest priority.” He looked directly at Esmée. “This is a precaution. We already have all our resources focused on finding Keene.”

  “Could this man be the Groom Killer?” Sarah asked.

  Esmée could see Brayden battling briefly with his emotions. She could tell he wished more than anything that the answer was yes. But Brayden was a realist. And he was a cop. His instincts and his knowledge of the case overruled his heart.

  “Keene has a violent past, but the Groom Killer murders are very personal to Red Ridge. I just can’t see a stranger turning up and carrying out these attacks.” There was trace of regret in the way he shook his head. “I believe his reason for being here will be connected to the raid he and Richie Lyman were involved in ten years ago. Which is why Esmée and I are going to pay a visit to Lulu Love.”

  Esmée kneeled beside Rhys, who had found a set of wooden dinosaurs and was arranging them in height order. “Mommy has to go now. Be a good boy for Sarah and Hester.”

  He turned to wrap his arms around her neck, planting a kiss on her cheek. “Bye, Mommy.” Her heart gave a little jump of joy, just as it always did when he called her that. Although it was new, she had a feeling it always would. He waved a hand at Brayden. “Bye, Bray. Bye, Ko.”

  Esmée got to her feet, watching as he returned to his toys. Sarah placed a hand on her shoulder. “You should be very proud that he’s confident to see you go, knowing you’ll be back. That’s the sign of a child who knows he’s loved.”

  Once they had left the house and were seated in the car, Brayden turned to study her face. “He’ll be okay. Trust me.”

  “I do trust you.” More than she had ever trusted anyone. Even Jack. It was scary how fast it had happened, but she didn’t question her faith in him. She knew he would do everything he could to protect her and Rhys. “It’s just hard to accept that Keene is out there, lurking in the shadows.”

  “At least we know he has to look for big shadows.”

  Esmée chuckled. “Now I have an image of him tiptoeing from one dark place to another like a cartoon character.”

  He started the engine. “I’d rather you were laughing at him than worrying about him.”

  “I’ll do both. Laugh when I’m with you, but worry until he’s caught.” She looked out the car window in silence as the scene changed from Sarah’s neighborhood to the rougher part of town. “Tell me about Lulu.”

  “There aren’t enough words to do her justice.” He halted the car outside a sleazy apartment block. “But you are about to find that out for yourself.”

  * * *

  Lulu lived on the second floor of a run-down apartment building. The front door was hanging off its hinges, so they walked straight in. After mounting stairs with a handrail that wobbled dangerously, Brayden knocked on the door. He knew from experience that the buzzer didn’t work.

  “You may want to stand back,” he told Esmée. She raised questioning eyebrows. “Lulu likes to throw things.”

  Lulu opened the door wide, a scowl descending when she saw who it was. “I have to see to my baby—”

  Since she stalked away from them before she’d finished speaking, Brayden took that as an invitation to enter. Wrinkling his nose as the smell hit him, he beckoned for Esmée to follow him. The distinctive aroma was soon accounted for when he saw the overflowing pail of used diapers in one corner of the room.

  “I’m here to ask a few questions.”

  The baby was screaming and Lulu held her over one shoulder as she tried to fix a bottle of formula in the small kitchen area. “You can take that look off your face right now, Officer,” Lulu snarled as she followed the direction of Brayden’s gaze. “I got no one here to help me. Unless you want to take the dirty diapers down to the trash for me?”

  Motherhood hadn’t softened either Lulu’s aggression or her appearance. Her trademark waist-length hair was as eye-wateringly yellow as ever and her silver eye shadow matched her long nails. She frowned when she saw Echo at Brayden’s heels. “That animal isn’t coming near my baby without a muzzle.”

  “He’s a K-9 officer and he is used to kids of all ages, Lulu.” He pointed to the door and Echo laid down next to it, placing his head on his paws. Although the dog’s attitude was relaxed, his gaze remained on Lulu as she continued her tirade.

  “You know what you can do with your questions, Officer Colton?” Her hand was shaking as she pointed at him, her voice rising over the baby’s cries. “Why are you here harassing me when you should be out there looking for Richie? He’s been gone four weeks now—”

  “Why don’t I take your baby while you finish getting her formula ready?” Esmée’s quiet tone cut across Lulu�
��s agitation.

  For a second, Brayden contemplated grabbing her by the arm and dragging her out of there. Baby or no baby, the full force of Lulu’s rage was like a full-on flamethrower and he didn’t want Esmée exposed to its blistering effects. To his surprise, when Esmée stepped up close and held out her hands, Lulu blinked at her as though she couldn’t believe her eyes and then handed over the baby.

  “She’s beautiful.” Esmée smiled down at the tiny baby in her arms, rocking her back and forth as she walked up and down in the limited space. The motion seemed to have a soothing effect and the baby started gnawing on her fist instead of bawling. “What’s her name?”


  Brayden could hardly believe it was Lulu talking. It was as if someone had flipped a switch, softening her features and voice.

  “Shall I feed her while you talk?” Esmée held out a hand for the bottle and, to his astonishment, Lulu agreed.

  Lulu dumped clothes, take-out cartons and baby toys onto the floor so they could sit on a corner sofa. Her eyes remained on Esmée and the baby as she spoke to Brayden. “Make it fast.”

  “I already know you haven’t seen Richie for about a month. I want to ask you about what happened before he went away. Did he say or do anything different?”

  Lulu hunched a shoulder. “Like what?”

  “Had he talked about any new people? Met anyone you hadn’t seen before?” Brayden asked.

  Lulu dragged her eyes around to his face. “You mean the cop who was murdered by the Groom Killer? You can’t pin that on Richie. He’d already left town when the guy was killed.”

  “I’m not trying to pin anything on Richie, Lulu. I’m just trying to find him. But since we’re on the subject of Jack Parkowski... He knew Richie from a case he was on ten years ago. You were there when the two men came face-to-face again here in Red Ridge. Can you tell me what was said?”

  Lulu picked at one of her fingernails. “I was drunk—” She stole a look at his face and sighed. “Okay. Okay. I remember it because it was so strange. We were fighting. Richie wanted to go home and I wanted to stay in the Pour House. The cop came over to us and I started to tell him to butt the hell out, but Richie was just staring at him. Then Richie said, ‘It’s you’ or ‘You.’ The other guy stepped up real close to Richie. He spoke in a normal voice, like he was talking about the damn weather or something. It freaked me out and Richie just stood there and listened.” She laughed. “That is so not Richie.”


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