Colton and the Single Mom

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Colton and the Single Mom Page 22

by Jane Godman

  She had to see Brayden again to tell him how he made her feel. All this emotion inside her couldn’t just die. It had to have a happy ending... It would if she could get out of this, because she knew he felt the same way. She hadn’t known him for long, but loving him felt right. It was meant to be. They had both been burned in the past and they loved each other despite, or maybe because of, what they’d been through.

  When she was with Brayden, Esmée was at peace. She was completely at home with him. From the first moment of meeting him, there had been no need to hold back or pretend. And she loved the way he was with Rhys. Her little boy was going to grow up with the best role model. She scrubbed a hand across her eyes, brushing away a tear. She wanted to spend the rest of her life thanking her stars she’d come to Red Ridge and found Brayden Colton.

  Just let me get out of here...

  A faint sound reached her ears and she froze, straining to listen. There it was again. Something, or someone, was coming toward her. She could hear panting. Pressing her knuckles to her mouth, she stifled a sob. She had been so sure Keene wouldn’t be able to get down this tunnel.

  Without warning, a wet nose thrust into her hand and a warm, furry body pushed up against her. Echo? She wondered if she might be hallucinating, then she heard Brayden’s voice calling out to the dog. The sound was muffled, but it was unmistakably him. When Echo gave an answering bark, Esmée wrapped her arms around the dog’s neck, letting her tears soak into his thick fur. Echo accepted the situation in his usual calm manner, turning his head to lick her cheek.

  She could see a faint light approaching. “I’m here.” Her voice was painfully wobbly, but she got the words out.

  Clambering out of her hiding place, she managed to throw herself into Brayden’s arms even though neither of them could stand up straight. She didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, so she did both. Brayden held on to her as if he was never going to let her go. And that suited Esmée just fine.

  “Keene?” She almost choked as she whispered the name.

  “I don’t know where he is.” Brayden was hunched over in the enclosed space. “Let’s get out of here. The K-9 team will search for him later.”

  She shivered. He was right. They had to get back above ground, but she’d have felt so much better if he’d told her Keene had been captured. The thought of the Neckbreaker on the loose in the cave as they made their way out sent her pulse rate spiking again.

  “He has a gun.” She kept her hand in Brayden’s as he led the way into the wider tunnel. Echo was behind her.

  “So do I.” His voice was grim.

  At least this time, she was making her way through the caves at Brayden’s side and they could see where they were going. When they reached the large cavern, she started to breathe normally. Maybe, just maybe, it was going to be okay. Perhaps Keene had moved onto a new hiding place. When she glimpsed daylight through the cave exit, she tugged on Brayden’s hand, urging him into a run.

  She was focused on that patch of sunshine, those trees. She could almost smell the rich, forest smell...

  The hand that gripped her upper arm came from nowhere, jerking her away from Brayden and pulling her against a body that appeared to have been hewn from the same rock as the rest of the cave. Something hard and cold was pressed into her ribs.

  “Drop the gun, Officer Colton.” Esmée couldn’t see Keene, but the triumphant note in his voice made her flesh crawl.

  Brayden slowly turned, keeping his eyes fixed on hers. She could read his expression. He was asking her to trust him. Did he have to ask? Her belief in him was unshaken. She hoped that, even with a gun in her ribs, she could convey that to him.

  Brayden tossed down his gun. As Keene kicked it aside, Esmée heard the sound of a rattle and realized he was holding the baby toy in his other hand. Still?

  “Time to say goodbye.”

  Everything seemed to slow down. She expected to hear the gun go off and feel the impact of the bullet. Instead, Keene pushed her aside and raised the gun, aiming it at Brayden. Her brain took a second to register that he was dealing with the greatest threat first.

  In the same instant, Brayden lifted his arm and pointed at Keene. Echo, obedient to the silent signal, leaped across the distance between the two men, knocking Keene to the ground. Clamping his jaws onto Keene’s leg, Echo held on tight.

  Esmée, swinging around to see what was happening, could tell this was different from the time Echo had pinned down Corey Gage. That had been a harmless hold. This was a bite.

  Keene still had hold of his gun, but he had dropped the rattle. Now everything was happening too fast. Brayden dived for his weapon at the same time that Keene tried to point his gun at Echo’s head.

  Desperate to save the brave dog she had come to love, Esmée lunged forward and snatched up the heavy rattle. Holding it in both hands, she lifted it high and brought it down on Keene’s head. It made a crunching sound as it connected, confirming her suspicions about its unsuitability as a baby toy. As Keene grunted and collapsed, the rattle split open, spilling its contents on the ground.

  Esmée could finally see why the rattle was so important to him. Even in the gloomy light of the cave the stones that tumbled from the broken toy were mesmerizing. Esmée had never seen a blue diamond, but she knew what these were instantly. The hiding place of the Angelika diamonds was no longer a secret.

  “Release.” Brayden gave the order to Echo at the same time as he cuffed Keene’s hands behind his back. The dog immediately let go of Keene’s leg.

  “Is he...?” Esmée didn’t dare touch the slumped figure. Blood poured from the wound she had inflicted on his temple.

  Kneeling, Brayden checked Keene’s pulse. “He’s alive and his pulse is strong. Let’s get outside so I can make some calls.”

  Leaving Echo to watch over the injured man, he slid an arm around her waist. Esmée leaned against him gratefully as they walked the few yards into the afternoon sunlight. When they stepped from the cave into the woodland, the sound of voices reached them. Esmée looked up to see a group of four K-9 officers and their dogs descending the slope from the Eagle’s Nest rest stop.

  Brayden stepped forward to greet them, introducing Esmée to a female officer. “This is Juliette Walsh. Did Lulu tell you what was happening?”

  “Yes. She wasn’t making much sense, but she said you were in danger and Frank already had your location.”

  Brayden’s arm tightened around Esmée. “There’s a guy in the cave who needs medical attention. He took a blow to the head and Echo had him in a bite hold on his leg. He’s the suspect in Richie Lyman’s murder. He’s also the person who’s been targeting Esmée. Oh, and the Chicago police will want to speak to him about a bank robbery that took place ten years ago, particularly as he’s surrounded by blue diamonds.”

  As Juliette organized the rest of the team, Brayden guided Esmée to a large rock so she could sit down. After a few minutes, Juliette sent Echo out to join them. Leaning her cheek against Brayden’s arm, Esmée watched the activity as the police officers checked the area.

  “When I was in that cave, when I thought I wouldn’t see you again, I swore I wouldn’t let another minute pass without telling you...” She hitched in a tearful breath, unable to continue.

  He placed a shaking finger on her lips. “I know. I did the same. But not here. Not with Keene still around.” He smiled and she saw everything she needed to know in his eyes. All the love, strength and warmth she’d ever want, or need, was right there. “Let’s do it properly. At home...our home.”

  “Can we go there now? I have to see Rhys. I need to hold him.”

  Brayden kissed the top of her head. “Me, too.”

  * * *

  The next evening, Esmée was seated on the porch watching Rhys play on the grass. Echo dozed at her feet. When Brayden came out of the house, she edged along the bench to make room for him.r />
  “For the first time since we moved in here with you, I don’t feel the need to look over my shoulder.”

  He placed his arm around her. “I just got off the phone with the chief. Keene didn’t suffer any ill effect from the blow to his head and Echo’s bite didn’t even break the skin.”

  “Oh.” She stayed very still, staring out at the view of rolling countryside and tall trees. “What happens now?”

  “He’ll be charged with Richie’s murder and with attempting to kill you.” He ran his hand down the length of her hair. “There’ll be a trial, of course, and you’ll be a witness.”

  She nodded. “I can do that. He needs to be behind bars for the rest of his life. Will he implicate the Larsons?”

  “Keene’s not talking at all right now, but Finn isn’t hopeful he’ll provide the breakthrough we need when it comes to the Larsons. Even if Keene admitted they were the mystery ‘business associates’ he’s been dealing with, it will be his word against theirs. The sale of the diamonds never went beyond the talking stage. The Chicago PD have been in touch and a couple of officers are coming to interview him about the robbery. They know he was involved, of course, because he had the diamonds. Their real investigation will center on the murder of the security guard.” He smiled. “And they will have some news for you.”

  “For me?” Her brow furrowed. “What do you mean?”

  “You, Esmée da Costa, are due a reward for the recovery of the Angelika diamonds.”

  She started to laugh. “Are you serious?”

  “Very. Finn said it’s not life-changing, but it’s a nice sum.”

  She still appeared torn between amusement and disbelief when Sarah and Hester arrived. They were both concerned over what had happened, but relieved that everyone was okay. Brayden quickly transferred Rhys’s car seat to Hester’s vehicle and they were ready to go.

  Hester took the little boy’s hand. “Say goodbye to Mommy and...” She stopped, looking from Esmée to Brayden with a question in her eyes.

  “Rhys calls me Bray.” He was fine with that. They could take their time over anything else.

  “Bye, Mommy. Bye, Bray. Bye, Ko.”

  “I think Rhys has unrealistic expectations about what feeding the ducks in the park, followed by a visit to the ice-cream parlor, may entail,” Brayden said, as Hester and Sarah drove off with an overexcited Rhys.

  “Hester may have even more unrealistic expectations about why you and I wanted some time alone. I think she could be picturing a white wedding in the near future.”

  He leaned against the door frame, looking down at her. “What are you picturing?”

  “I, um...” She looked adorably confused. “I just want to be with you, Brayden. I love you. I don’t need bells and ribbons.”

  His pulse raced with joy every time he looked at her. Hearing her say she loved him in return made his heart do a backward somersault. “Esmée, before I met you, I thought life was complicated. It was like a puzzle that everyone else understood and I didn’t get. I tried falling in love once and it was too damn difficult. Now I know that was because it wasn’t love. I was dazzled by something that was dressed up to look like it. Finding you was like finding a missing piece to the puzzle. Suddenly, everything made sense. There was nothing complicated about it, after all. I just needed you to make me complete. Loving you is the easiest, simplest thing in the world and I’m going to do it for the rest of my life.”

  Her mischievous smile peeped out. “I thought I was the talker?”

  “Shh. I’m not finished.” He caught hold of her around the waist. “Now that I’ve found you, I do want bells and ribbons. I want everything with you. I want to buy you the biggest engagement ring Red Ridge has ever seen. I want a wedding that will rock Bea’s Bridal back on its heels. I want Quinn to be working until midnight every night for a month on the cake. I want Rhys to have the cutest page-boy outfit so Sarah and Hester don’t know whether to laugh or cry. I want it all and then I want forever.”

  By the time he’d finished, she was crying and laughing at the same time. “But the Groom Killer...”

  “I know. I’m crazy about you, Esmée. But I’m not crazy. We’ll keep this between us until the killer—the killer who is not my sister Demi—is caught.” His heart was pounding as though he’d run a marathon. “Say something.”

  “I want all those things, too, Brayden.” She stood on the tips of her toes and looped her arms around his neck. “Before I came to Red Ridge, I’d convinced myself I could live without love, but that was because I didn’t know what love was.” She took a deep breath. “And because I was scared. The first time you took my hand, my fear vanished. I know you’ll always be there for me and Rhys. You’re my emotional security blanket as well as the person who sends electrical currents running through me every time I look at you.”

  “I do that?” He drew her closer. “Wow.”

  “Every time.” Her voice was husky.

  “There’s just one thing.” No matter how much he wanted to lose himself in this moment, he needed to ask a final question. “What about your job? You need to travel for your work, and I’m based here in Red Ridge.”

  “I’ve been thinking about that. Come with me.” She took his hand and clicked her fingers to Echo, who had been snoozing on the porch.

  Bemused, Brayden let her lead him around the side of the house. When his grandfather bought the property, it came with plenty of land. Everything as far as the eye can see. That had been Grandpa Colton’s saying.

  “Echo helped Rhys with his talking, and that got me thinking about dogs as therapy. I’d never really been around animals until then, but I can feel it myself. When I’m around Echo, I’m more relaxed.” She tucked her hand into his arm. “I still want to make my documentary. Demi’s story needs to be told, but after that I want a change of focus. I’ve been thinking about opening an animal-assistance center. Dogs are used to support people with all sorts of conditions, including depression, autism and Alzheimer’s. They also help people recover from physical ailments and injuries. I would need to do some training, and we’d need to do some building work. I was going to look into whether my savings would cover it. But now that you’ve told me about the reward money—” She waved her arm to indicate the large square of land at the side of the house. “What do you think?”

  “I think it would be perfect. We’ll need to extend the house to make room for Rhys’s new brothers and sisters when they come along, but there is enough land to do both.” He gave Esmée a sidelong glance and saw the answering smile in her eyes. He ruffled Echo’s head. “And this guy can teach the newbies how to behave. The only thing left to decide is how many kittens we let Rhys have?”

  “Uh-uh.” Esmée shook her head. “The only thing left to decide is what we do with the remaining time we have until Sarah and Hester bring Rhys home.”

  In response, he slid one hand under her knees and the other around her waist, lifting her off her feet. “I’ve already decided about that.”

  She linked her arms around his neck as he marched toward the house. Her eyes sparkled as she gazed up at him. “You have? Will I like it?”

  “I hope so. It will be intense and demanding and we’ll both be exhausted when we’re through.” When they reached the porch, he set her on her feet. “But we need to search the house to find out where Rhys has hidden my watch.”

  * * * * *

  If you loved this suspenseful novel,

  don’t miss the previous books in the

  COLTONS OF RED RIDGE miniseries:


  by Lara Lacombe


  by Addison Fox


  by Marie Ferrarella

  Available now from Harlequin Romantic Suspense!

  And look out for the next installment in this saga,


  by Regan Black

  Available in May 2018!

  Keep reading for an excerpt from NAVY SEAL RESCUE by Susan Cliff.

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  Navy SEAL Rescue

  by Susan Cliff

  Chapter 1

  Telskuf, Iraq

  Hud was in hell.

  He’d woken up here two months ago, buck naked and half-dead, caked in a mixture of blood and dust.

  This particular corner of hell was an underground spider-hole with four walls, a solid dirt floor and no light. The only exit was an impenetrable metal door. It had a slot wide enough to push a tray through. He ate whatever they served with his bare hands. On good days, the gruel had bits of meat and gristle. On bad days, he went hungry.


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