Surrounded by Secrets

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Surrounded by Secrets Page 6

by Mandy Harbin

  But wanting her? No, that wasn’t something he was looking forward to. Wanting her company, wanting her touch on him, wanting her snippy little voice bitching at him, he was a glutton for punishment when it came to Lillian Caldwell, and he couldn’t help it. She pissed him off and turned him on, and he could not get enough of her.

  Which was why he’d searched everywhere for her when she hadn’t returned to work. He had yet to find her. But when he did . . .

  Jack pushed the dining room door open amid the murmurs of his family and quickly scanned the room for his wayward mate, assuming she’d come out of her hidey-hole for dinner.

  He’d assumed incorrectly. Shit. She wasn’t in here either.

  “Where is she?”

  “Who?” Mikaela asked coyly.

  Jack growled. “You fucking know who.”

  “You better back off, bro, or I’ll take you out. You know better than to growl at my mate,” Josh warned.

  Jack shook his head and grunted. “Where. Is. Lillian?”

  “She went home,” Krista said. “She snapped at me and said she was leaving.”

  Mikaela sighed. “She was provoked, Krista,” she said without any judgment. “You’d have acted the same if someone bad-mouthed Toby to you.”

  Ariel walked over to Jack, and damn if his shoulders didn’t relax a little.

  “Krista told me that the attack came up in conversation earlier.” Jack winced, knowing what attack she was referring to, but Ariel continued. “She said that Lillian stood up for you and went home.

  Her intention was to go home anyway, and I think you should give her what she wants.”

  Jack felt his blood pressure rise. He knew he should give her what she wanted, but the thought of letting her go—

  “But I think you need to talk to her first,” Ariel said. “If she still wants to stay away, then let her, but don’t just let her walk out. Not without at least thanking her for watching your back.”

  Lillian had stood up for him? To Krista? Jack was shocked past words. He couldn’t remember anyone ever doing something like that for him before. Not that he’d deserved it where Ariel was concerned, but the fact that his Lilly had done so for him, well, it warmed something deep within his chest.

  And he still wanted to spank her ass for running out.

  “Yeah, I should go talk to her. Thanks.” He turned to leave, not looking at anybody else.

  Once he got outside, he jumped on his wheeler and headed straight for Lillian’s house. When he reached the gate that separated their old property lines, he smiled as he stopped. Unless she went down his driveway, hit the main road, and then drove to her estate on the shoulder of the highway, the little minx must’ve swiped some keys since the gate was locked. And thinking she could keep him away, she’d locked it back. He killed the engine and grabbed his keys. He unlocked it, drove through, and locked it back before proceeding to her father’s house. She’d need to do more than a locked gate to keep him away.

  Jack slowed as he neared his destination. Lillian’s four-wheeler was parked out front, and there were lights on in the house. At least she wasn’t trying to pretend she wasn’t home. He parked his wheeler next to hers and walked to the door. He was still irritated that she’d run from him, but after learning that she’d also stood up for him, it made him feel other things he didn’t even want to try to identify.

  He knocked on the door, but didn’t have to wait long. It flew open on the second knock.

  “No animals allowed.”

  God, she was beautiful. Even with her hair all tied up in some crazy-looking knot, rubber gloves, and a ratty T-shirt on, and smelling like lemon-scented cleaner, she still took his breath away.

  “Then what are you doing in there, foxy mama?”

  She snorted, her hands dropping from the doorjamb. “Good one”—she glanced at his shoes—

  “Puss in Boots.”

  He chuckled because he just couldn’t help it. Her smile was contagious. “You know you really will run out of cat insults eventually.”

  She winked at him. “I’ve got a ton of them.” Then she stepped back and motioned for him to come in. “You’re letting all the heat out.”

  Jack walked in and turned to face her. “I think you know why I’m here.”

  Lillian sighed as she walked to the couch. The cabin was much bigger than it looked on the outside.

  “Because I left.”

  Jack came over and sat next to her. At least she didn’t jump up and away from him. “Why?”

  She looked at him, really looked at him, and he felt naked. “Because I don’t belong with you.”

  Her words were a sucker punch, but he schooled his expression, wanting her to continue.

  “And you only want me because of the weird mating thing,” she said quickly as she looked away.

  Interesting. She almost looked hurt by what she’d said.

  “What makes you think that, Lilly?”

  She glared at him. “Because when I said I didn’t understand why I was drawn to you, you quickly blamed the lion mating thing. It was as if you didn’t care anything about me specifically.”

  Ah, hell. “I didn’t know you.”

  “You still don’t know me, Jack. Hell, I don’t know you either. The one time I tried to talk to you, you shut me out. You just want me for sex and nothing more. The sex is good, but I need more than that from a man. Not that I expect you to be that man.”

  “When have I ever shut you out?” Hell, she was in his every waking thought.

  She growled at him. “That morning you were looking at some photo. I could tell you were bothered by something, but when I tried to ask, you swatted me away like some pestering fly. I’m good enough to fuck, but not good enough to talk to.”

  The photo of his mother. He remembered not wanting to talk to her about it. It was too personal, the news of it changing everything he’d been raised to believe. Hell, he hadn’t even talked to Josh about it yet, so how could he just open up to her about it?

  Because you want to.

  And as he watched her scanning the room, avoiding eye contact, he knew he was right. Even if it didn’t change things with them, he still wanted to talk to her about that news. Somewhere deep within him, he needed her to know, and he wasn’t going to fight that.

  “It was a photo of my mom,” he mumbled, looking down at his clasped hands in his lap. He saw her head turn toward him through the corner of his eye.

  She sighed. “You don’t have to do me any favors by telling me.”

  “I’m not, Lilly. This is just really hard for me to talk about.”

  She shifted on the couch, but didn’t touch him. “How long ago did she die?”

  “Not long. A few years.” He was silent for several seconds, not knowing how to continue. Her death wasn’t the issue now. It was her life. Finally, he rubbed his hands together, tilted his head to the side to look at Lillian, and found the strength he needed there. “My brothers and I were led to believe that we are mountain lion shifters because of my father’s heritage, that his parents died when he was little, and the secret of our existence died with them.”

  She nodded slowly, seemingly taking it in and understanding what he’d really said. “Led to believe?”

  “That’s right. That photo of my mother, Lina Woods, changes that belief. In it, she was younger and standing with several people I don’t recognize. I was in my father’s office having a conference call with you when I stumbled upon it.”

  “What about that picture makes you question what you’ve been told about your parents?”

  “The note on the back. God, I stared at it for so long that I remember it word for word. It read, ‘To my sister, Felina, please remember the times like this when we were a happy family, and forgive my intrusion with your selection of Thomas as your mate. Your rightful place will always be as the queen of our people. We extend a welcoming hand to you and your chosen mate and hope you make the journey home to your throne.’ It was signed ‘Rodri
ck Lyons,’ a name I’d never heard before.”

  “What?” Lillian shook her and frowned at him. “So there’s a litter of you guys somewhere else? And your mom was their leader? Really?”

  “Yeah, that’s what I think. So my father, Thomas, isn’t the reason we can shift into mountain lions. If this Rodrick guy is my mom’s brother, and he said her people, that makes me think she’s also the reason we can shift, the missing link. So why the cover-up? And what really happened to make my mom leave her people?”

  “Hmm, that is interesting.” Lilly leaned back against the couch and scratched her chin. “There has to be a serious reason why your parents never told you about her family. Did your dad explain anything when you told him what you’d found?”

  Jack half smiled. “I haven’t told him yet. I haven’t told anyone. Until now.”

  Her brows shot up. “Why? What are you waiting for? This is about your life. You deserve to know the truth.”

  He lifted his hands in defense. God, she was always so feisty. “I agree. I wanted to get Josh’s opinion on it before discussing it with my father, but the morning I was supposed to meet him, I was busy staring at a nasty bite mark on your neck and trying not to shit my britches.”

  Lillian chuckled. “I guess you did have your hands full.”

  “And have had them full pretty much ever since.” He smiled at her.

  She nodded. “Right.”

  Jack stared at her, words he should say, words he should not say swimming around in his head. He knew if he said the wrong thing, he’d regret it. He sensed she was balancing on some fence, and he didn’t need to push her to the wrong side.

  But what side was right?

  Hell, he didn’t know.

  “Will you come with me while I talk to my family about this?” The words rushed out, as if he knew that was what he really wanted all along.

  She smiled brightly. “You want me there with you?”

  He leaned his forehead against hers and gently wrapped his fingers around her waist. “Yes. I want you there. I-I need you there.”

  Her sweet breath brushed against his cheek, and he bit back a groan. They’d been having sex twice a day, every day, and it still wasn’t enough. But he needed to stay focused. The comment she’d made about not being good enough to talk to really struck him, and he didn’t want her to think he wanted her only for sex.

  She moved back and stared at him warily. “And then?”

  He took a deep breath and extended his olive branch. “I promise to try to lighten up around you if you agree to keep working for my family.”

  She arched one eyebrow. “And I can come and go as I please? I won’t have to stay at your cabin and wear clothes that don’t belong to me?”

  He sighed, but nodded. He knew that was coming, and he wasn’t ready to let her go. They had too many unresolved feelings, and she was still learning how to adjust to her new way of life. But if he tried to force her hand, he’d push her away. “But if you decide to just leave and never return, I want you to talk to me. No one else. Got it?”

  She smiled at him and nodded. “Got it.”

  Well, that was a start.

  Chapter Seven

  Lilly stepped out of the shower at her house after another long day of work with renewed motivation. Three days ago, Jack had come running to her when he’d realized she’d left, and she’d actually gotten him to compromise on their situation without any trouble. But next time she should be careful with what she was asking for. She hadn’t realized that not staying with him had meant no sex for her!

  At first she’d been relieved he wasn’t tempting her because sex would just confuse her more. She was all over the place emotionally when it came to that hottie with the body. There were moments when she wanted to strangle him, as in wrap-her-fingers-around-his-thickly-muscled-neck-and-squeeze-the-life-out-of-him-until-he-quit-breathing kill-him moments. And then there were times when she felt like squealing as if she were a love-struck teenager when she saw him. Sweaty palms? Check. Butterflies in the tummy? Check. Yeah, that just made her want to puke a little in her mouth.

  But the no sex thing? That had to come to an end.

  Okay, so she was being a little selfish. Jack did have other issues to deal with. He’d tried talking to his family the last two nights at dinner about what he’d discovered regarding his mother, but the first night, Mikaela wasn’t feeling well, so she and Josh had stayed home. Hadn’t that been just peachy?

  Without Mikaela there, that left only Krista and Ariel as the other women. One sister had been attacked by the man she . . . by Jack—she still didn’t know how to refer to him—and the other was protective of that sister, so conversations had been strained where Lillian was concerned. And then last night, Rob and Ariel had been MIA. At least Krista had been friendlier last night. And with the news quickly spreading this morning as to why Ariel and Rob hadn’t been at dinner, Lillian understood why Krista had been chipper. Ariel and Rob had mated. Apparently that was a long time coming. But because of that mating, Lillian was doubtful Jack would have an opportunity to discuss the news of his family tonight since everyone would be celebrating the lovebirds’ choice to mate.

  Jack still wanted her there, though, and like the dutiful little kitten, she’d followed. But this time, she was going to get something in return since she figured there was no way in hell Jack would bring up the family topic tonight and rain on the newly mated lovebirds’ parade. No, the evening would be short, and she could get herself invited back to Jack’s place for some lovin’.

  That was the plan anyway.

  She put on some jeans, sexy boots, and a light cashmere sweater. The baby blue color really complemented her eyes. She grabbed her jacket, locked up the house, and headed toward her four-wheeler.

  The ride there had been quick, the night air too cool already. Thankfully, she’d talked Jack into leaving the gate open between the old property lines, so she wouldn’t have to stop and use the keys she’d swiped when she’d left the other day. All this locking and unlocking business was just silly anyway.

  She started to park close to the house, but decided it’d be best to park close to Jack’s cabin instead. At least then if he tried to let her down gently, she’d have a reason to go to his cabin afterward.

  Then I’ll just seduce him.

  She chuckled as she parked her ride on the side of the cabin and walked toward the main house. Her little kitty cat was giving up the goods tonight come hell or high water.

  When she pushed open the door to the dining room, her eyes immediately sought out Jack. And may she be stricken down if he wasn’t gorgeous, tanned with piercing blue eyes. The others all had green or green-blue mixed, but Jack’s were startling blue. Sexy.

  And those eyes were fixed on her.

  She smirked when she headed toward him, only to hesitate when she got close. Thomas was standing by, and he turned toward her.

  “It’s lovely to see you this evening, Lillian. We have much to celebrate tonight.”

  She smiled and nodded, and then looked at Ariel and Rob standing arm in arm. “I heard. Congratulations.” Funny thing was, she’d meant it. Maybe she and Jack’s mating had been accidental—and when had she stopped blaming only him?—but Rob and Ariel had entered into theirs on their own terms. She was truly happy for them.

  Ariel stepped over to her and hugged her. Lillian startled, but put her arms around Ariel and returned the gesture.

  “Thank you,” Ariel whispered. Then she pulled back and looked at Lillian with a wicked smile.

  “Don’t be surprised if we cut out of here early tonight. I’ve doused myself with catnip.”

  A surprised laugh escaped Lillian’s lips before she pressed them together.

  “What are you talking about over there?” Rob asked as he stepped over. He was glowing, and when Ariel smiled at him, Lillian felt a little twinge of regret. Why couldn’t her mating have been as loving as theirs must have been?

  She automatically looked up,
shocked that she’d even thought that, and immediately saw Jack watching her with confusion. Crap. She smiled at him, trying to forget the craziness that had just whispered through her mind. It was done. There was no going back. Besides, she didn’t want him to worry about what she was thinking. She wanted him horny. She didn’t have time for regrets of any nature.

  She quickly pointed to the bar and then mimicked sipping from a glass, indicating she wanted him to get her a drink as both a distraction for him and a balm for her sudden jitters.

  Jack nodded and stepped over to the bar to pour her a drink, when Jeffery walked in.

  “Ah, time for dinner,” Thomas said. “We can continue prying into Rob and Ariel’s business while we eat.” He chuckled as they all made their way to the table.

  “’Bout time you made an honest woman outta her,” Toby said as he lightly punched Rob in the arm.

  “Honest woman? I don’t see a ring on your mate’s finger, Toby,” Josh said.

  Toby blushed and quickly looked at Krista. She just giggled and shook her head as she took her seat.

  “Um, we’re not talking about us. We’re talking about Rob and Ariel,” Toby said lamely as he sat down.

  Lilly stood at her chair just taking in the good-natured ribbing. She hadn’t had a family like this, and it felt nice to see everyone enjoying each other’s company.

  Jack came over to Lillian’s seat and placed her beverage on the table as he slid his hand onto her back. His lips brushed her ear. “You look beautiful, Lilly.”

  “Thanks,” she breathed. And if she were being brutally honest, she did like the way he called her Lilly. It felt private, as though he was meant to be the only one to ever call her that.

  He pulled the chair out for her and helped her get seated before walking to the other side of the table and to his own chair.

  As Lillian had expected, the conversation was focused solely on Rob and Ariel. They both seemed lighter than air, but no way was she going to think about her feelings on their mating. She didn’t need any more envious thoughts sneaking up on her. Instead, she ate and watched Jack. Every now and then, their eyes would lock, and she’d smile behind her glass. Once she even got a wink out of him. God, and if that wasn’t like lighting a flame under those butterflies in her belly, she didn’t know what was.


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