Billionaire Kisses (Love in Sandy Beach Book 2)

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Billionaire Kisses (Love in Sandy Beach Book 2) Page 1

by Jessica Gray

  Billionaire Kisses

  Love in Sandy Beach

  Book 2

  {Reese and Nikos}

  Jessica Gray

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, names, and places in this book exist only within the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons or locations is purely coincidental.

  Billionaire Kisses – Love in Sandy Beach, Book 2

  All Rights Reserved

  Copyright © 2015 Jessica Gray

  This book is copyrighted and protected by copyright laws.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without prior written permission from the author.

  All characters, names, and places in this book exist only within the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons or locations is purely coincidental.

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  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Preview Explosion of Love

  More Books by Jessica

  Chapter 1

  The clear turquoise water shimmered seductively, calling for Reese to step in.

  She unsnapped her cutoff shorts and shimmied them down her legs. They were ripped in so many places; she knew she’d have to replace them soon. They were bound to come out of the laundry in pieces one day.

  With one swift move, she pulled off her tribal print tank top and then did a quick check to make sure her bright yellow bikini was still covering all of the essentials. She dropped her tank top to the sand and kicked off her flip-flops. Pulling the elastic from her hair, she took off for the water.

  Her toes dug into the wet sand and as the tide came in and swirled around her ankles, she couldn’t stop the smile from spreading on her face. Life was good.

  “Hey! What are you doing? Get out of there!”

  The sound of a very masculine, very arrogant voice interrupted her blissful mood. She turned and saw a stranger approaching her. A very well endowed stranger. A beautiful stranger. Except for the scowl on his face.

  At the sight of him, she involuntarily held her breath. The man looked like a Greek God, a torso with well-defined muscles. His tanned skin perfectly matched the black, curly hair that flowed around his muscular shoulders. As if that wasn’t enough, he wore nothing but colorful beach shorts that clung to his long legs. The same type her brother Chase and the other kitesurfers wore.

  He waved at her while he quickly closed the distance.

  “What do you want?” Reese asked, turning more fully. She refused to move an inch as he ran closer.

  He raised his eyebrow in a half annoyed, half arrogant expression before he answered in a tone that could freeze water. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  Terrific. Greek God looks. Asinine brain. This is the beach and I’m standing in the water. What does he think I’m doing?

  His dark brown eyes perused her from head to toe and she felt slightly uncomfortable under his hot stare. She’d bought her new, tiny bikini especially for the long awaited vacation, but now she wished for something more modest.

  But Reese wasn’t a woman who was easily intimidated. She straightened her back and put her hands on her hips.

  “I’m going for a swim.”

  He looked at her like she was a crazy woman. “You can’t do that!”

  “Why not? Do you own the beach?”

  Her answer caused him to flash her a grin, the most amazing grin that set her insides on fire. A fire she’d almost forgotten could exist. And she sure didn’t want to feel it now. She’d come to Northern Australia to relax. Not to get involved with another man she couldn’t have.

  The stranger stared right into her eyes before he answered, “I’ll buy it if that keeps you out of the water.”

  How obnoxious was that? Judging by his looks, he was one of those long-term travelers who owned nothing but their back packs. He probably didn’t have enough money to buy a dinner in one of those fancy restaurants in Broome, much less a beach.

  She stared at him, feeling the heat in her body rising and channeled her sexual energy into anger. “Speak to me again when you have the bill of sale. Otherwise, bye bye.”

  But instead of showing signs of insult, he broadened his grin, sending new shockwaves down her body. Reese felt goosebumps raise on her skin, despite the hot temperatures.

  “Didn’t you see the warning signs? There are box jellyfish in the water.”

  Reese gave the stranger a ‘don’t mess with me look’ and asked, “You think I’m afraid of some jellyfish?”

  She tossed her hair and continued her trek into the water to put emphasis to her words. She was here to have fun. And swimming in the pristine waters was definitely part of her plan. When the next wave rolled in, she dove head first into it, coming up a few feet away and then found herself dragged backwards and lifted from the water by her waist.

  “What the…?” The stranger had come after her and was now carrying her back to the beach. Over his shoulder like she was a bag of dog food.

  “Put me down, you ass!” When he didn’t obey her commands, she became seriously furious and kicked him with her fists and feet. She must have landed a hit, because he put her down ruggedly with a curse.

  “Dammit. That hurt.” He bent over, catching his breath. His hand held his injured crotch.

  She shot him a satisfied grin. That served him right for treating her like that. “I don’t know what your problem is, but go find someone else to bother.”

  She turned around and headed back into the water, but his next words had her freezing in her tracks.

  “Be my guest. Go kill yourself. I’ll wait here, a bottle of vinegar in hand. I heard pissing on it works too. You can decide.”

  He was seriously delusional and she sure didn’t have time to deal with him and his games. Regardless of how drop dead gorgeous he was. He probably had women swooning wherever he went.

  But not me. Arrogant bastard. No way. No how.

  She turned around towards the water again, when he said, “It would be a shame if such a gorgeous woman like you died in my arms. Read the fucking warning signs before you jump into the water.”

  Her first reaction was to plunge into the ocean and prove she wasn’t afraid of some stupid jellyfish, but something in his voice held her back.

  Die? What the hell was he talking about? Reese turned around to see him pointing towards a large sign a few yards away.

  “What is that?”

  He cocked his eyebrow. “Go check it out for yourself.”

  She turned on her heel and headed for the warning sign at the end of the bea
ch. It was a bright red sign on a wooden post with a big bottle of liquid attached. She wondered why she hadn’t seen it earlier. In her haste to get to the pristine turquoise waters, she’d passed it without noticing.

  Her face blanched when she read the warning about jellyfish, or stingers as they were commonly called in the area. The box jellyfish was nearly transparent and could have tentacles reaching over three meters in length. A single contact with one of these tentacles could release enough venom into the victim to cause cardiac arrest, excruciating pain, and even death if not treated right away.

  She continued to read and then groaned when she realized she was smack dab in the middle of the wet season. Prime jellyfish season.

  The sign went on to advise all swimmers to stay within the markers where specialized nets kept out the dangerous animals. In the event of an attack, the attached bottle of vinegar should be poured over the affected area and then immediate medical attention sought.

  Cardiac arrest? Death? Her legs became wobbly as the realization what could have happened set in. The obnoxious stranger had saved her.

  She turned and saw him standing right next to her, having followed her over to the sign. “See why you should be afraid of those?”

  His smug look and the arrogance in his voice set her off again and she truly wished there was something she could say that would wipe that look from his face. But at the same time, his dark brown eyes held her captive. She was mesmerized. If it weren’t for the taunting glint in them, she would instantly have fallen for him.

  His long tousled hair gave his face a much younger appearance than the wrinkles around his eyes showed. She estimated him around thirty. But before her mind could go down that dangerous path, she regained her composure and said, “Thank you very much for alerting me to this danger.”

  She forced the words past her lips, and then clenched her jaw when she saw his smug grin broaden and reveal perfectly shaped, brilliant white teeth.

  “It was my pleasure, my lady. I’m always happy to help a lady in need.”

  He used the same forced language as she had done and she could kill him for the way he laughed at her behind his serious face. He must really think he’s something else.

  This man was everything she despised. She couldn’t stand men who were too charming and cocky. And this stranger fit the bill all too well. He was movie star gorgeous, but his arrogance overrode all of that in her book. He’s probably a liar. Just like Alec. That lying, cheating son of a bitch.

  When he reached for the bottle of vinegar and offered to pour some over her arm, she moved back. His bold maneuver caused him to accidentally touch her arm with his elbow. She gasped and pulled away quickly. The shock waves of reaction sent tingles rushing from her arm all the way down to her toes.

  What was that?

  She’d never had such a visceral, physical reaction to touching a man. Not even Alec and she’d thought she was in love with him.

  Enough was enough. That arrogant bastard was trying to hit on her. Not with me. I’m not falling for any charming man ever again. She murmured a hasty thank you and skirted around him to gather up her belongings. She didn’t look back, but she could feel his eyes following her as she headed to the other side of the beach.

  Reese had wanted solitude away from the crowded beach on the other side of the rocks, where people swam and sunbathed. Walking back, she could see why. Another sign told her this particular beach was protected by stinger nets. Thankfully, she found a safe place to swim.

  She located a spot, within the safe boundaries this time, and dropped her clothing and beach bag on the sand. She rushed towards the water, again diving headlong into the incoming wave and began swimming beneath the water several yards before surfacing.

  The water was refreshing, and now that she didn’t have to worry about being attacked by a deadly jellyfish, she should have been able to relax. But images of the stranger and the way her body reacted to his touch wouldn’t leave her mind.

  Chapter 2

  Nikos Petridis shook his head while he watched the stunning brunette stomp off. She was an amazing woman, and so not his type. Which was concerning because he couldn’t take his eyes off her.

  Normally, he went after busty blondes whose intelligence inversely matched their bra size and went only after a good time. He never messed around with women who had any sort of brain in their heads, or didn’t appreciate being ordered around.

  But this stranger intrigued him. Her trim body was tanned from spending time in the sun and contrasted nicely with the tiny, bright yellow bikini she wore. It left little to his imagination and he’d perused and enjoyed the whole five-feet-seven-inches of her amazingly firm body, especially where it curved in all the right places. Her wild curly brown hair showcased natural highlights shimmering in red and gold as the sun bounced off them. He’d been tempted to tousle it with his hands.

  Her expressive green eyes framed by dark lashes had mesmerized him at the first glimpse. The more she’d grown upset with him, the more her green eyes had darkened and sparkled brightly with her anger.

  For some reason, he’d enjoyed pushing her buttons and forcing her anger with him higher. He’d clearly annoyed and infuriated her, and as he’d witnessed her reaction to him, his body had reacted to the point of almost being in pain.

  When she’d thanked him, albeit not because she wanted to, she’d acted as if he was an arrogant asshole. Which he probably was. He chuckled at how good it felt. For once, he didn’t have to obey social obligations and if he wanted to act rude or arrogant, he just did it. Great. If that meant driving a gorgeous brunette up the wall just to indulge in her mesmerizing green eyes, so be it.

  Nik had come to the northern shores of Australia for a small timeout. He was planning to spend three months in Australia, off the radar and out of the public eye. No reporters. No paparazzi trying to catch him in a compromising position. Very few people even knew he was here.

  He’d arrived on the island incognito and planned to keep it that way. As he recalled the event that had sent him running for asylum, he felt his ears turn red as embarrassment once again flooded him. I messed up big time.

  So far, his attempt at disappearing as a means of damage control had been one of the most fantastic experiences of his life. The total freedom he’d experienced since being in Australia was like nothing he’d ever imagined could exist. He loved being so near to nature. He loved waking up each morning without a schedule hanging over his head, and a list of obligations that he needed to meet before the day was done. He loved not being recognized. By anyone.

  Nik already dreaded the time when his sabbatical would be over and he had to return to his usual busy life in the limelight. He thought about his last girlfriend, super model Cindy Banks. Gorgeous blonde, stacked on top, and evil to the core. Sure, she’d been fun and willing, but he’d found out too late that things weren’t the way he thought and she’d only used him to gain notoriety and fame.

  The last thing he needed was a woman. But that curly hair and eyes burning with green fire… he adjusted his shorts as his body reacted to the memory of her. He needed to forget about her. He’d probably never meet her again anyways.

  Shrugging his shoulders, he deliberately turned away from the direction she’d gone and headed for his camper van. His personal assistant had persuaded him this was the best way to travel the outback in Australia. No hotels to check into. No chance of being recognized by providing his personal information to a concierge. Anonymity.

  The vehicle she’d rented for him was by far the biggest and most luxurious off road camper he’d seen around. One of his biggest weaknesses – besides beautiful women – were cars. Fast cars. Powerful cars. Beautiful cars. He owned several, and this off road camper that could easily pass for a Unimog immediately drew him in.

  He loved the ability to drive himself wherever he wanted to go, and simply pull over to the side of the road when he was tired. The vehicle could easily fit a family of four with a queen-size bed
, which extended out over the cab of the truck, and provided a king-size bed in the back. It even featured a shower and toilet in addition to the kitchen area.

  Nik opened up the fridge and pulled out a cold beer. He popped the top and then settled into the driver’s seat that turned completely around when unlocked.

  His feet rested on the table while he took a long draw on the beer and thought about his next stop. Cairns, traveling along the infamous Gibb River Road. But he’d already been stuck here for over a week. This year the wet season had lasted longer than usual, and both the Durack and Pentecost Rivers were still uncrossable the last time he checked. Rivers he needed to cross to continue his journey.

  He took out a map and checked for the hundredths time his planned route. If he couldn’t leave here within the next three days, he’d never make it to Cairns in time for the kitesurfing championship.

  Shit. Shit. Shit. I need to get an update on the river situation.

  He finished off his beer and then turned his chair around. Starting up the vehicle, he drove into Broome. If Gibb River Road was still closed, he’d have to take the highway. Not his idea of outback adventure.

  Downtown, he checked in with the local tourist information center, where the lady told him the waters were finally starting to recede and river crossings would be opened soon. That was good news and he swung by the local YMCA to celebrate and find out about the current Facebook groups for travelers along the Gibb River Road.

  The YMCA was the popular hangout spot for long-term travelers, and he was confident he’d get up-to-date information there. A small café took up the ground floor of the building and Nik grabbed a table and ordered a beer and a hamburger. There were a number of other travelers there, many of whom he’d seen around in recent days.

  “Hey, Nik. How’s things?” a man named Austin asked. He was a British fellow, traveling around Australia with a few of his college pals. From what Nik had been able to surmise, they were avoiding their last year of college and the need to grow up upon graduation. Adult responsibilities and all that came with it weren’t appealing to them at this stage of their life, so they had taken a year off to wander around the continent with beer, drugs and women. Just the way he’d been in his early twenties.


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