Billionaire Kisses (Love in Sandy Beach Book 2)

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Billionaire Kisses (Love in Sandy Beach Book 2) Page 8

by Jessica Gray

  She nodded at him and climbed up into the camper. Inside, she stopped, lost, her arms wrapped around her chest. In his oversized t-shirt, she looked so small and vulnerable that she reminded him of Daphne. Suddenly, he had the urge to protect her, keep her safe and take her pain away.

  Nik headed for the back of the camper. “Change and then holler when it’s safe for me to come back out.”

  He stripped off his shorts and boxers, grabbed a towel, and wiped his legs and feet off before putting on dry clothes and dumping his dirty ones into a laundry bag. He sat down on the edge of the bed to wait for her all clear call, and couldn’t stop from thinking about how different she was than the other women he’d dated. She was raw. Authentic. And breathtakingly sexy.

  But in pain.

  When she’d been railing against him, crying in the rain and screaming against the thunder, raw pain had been the only thing he saw on her face. When she’d fisted her hands and punched him in the chest before fighting against his grip, she hadn’t been really fighting him, but some unseen event that had caused her soul-wrenching pain. Pain she’d probably never released until today.

  “Nik? You can come out now.”

  He crawled across the bed and saw her standing there, looking vulnerable and fragile. To hell with being prudent, how could he resist offering her the comfort of his arms? With one step, he closed the distance and pulled her into his chest for a hug.

  He sank down into the chair and then pulled her on his lap, tipping her chin up and kissing her tenderly for several long moments. His body responded to her nearness, but he forced his response down. Now was not the time to push her. She was too vulnerable.

  Her head tucked against his shoulder and his arms wrapped around her, he loved the feeling of holding her. His heart almost exploded when she snuggled up against him, seeking comfort in his arms. It had taken him thirty-one years to learn how enjoyable just cuddling could be.

  When he looked down at her some minutes later, he saw her eyes closed in sleep. He picked her up and carried her to his bed. Then he spooned his body around her and buried his nose in her hair, inhaling her feminine and sexy scent.

  Chapter 18

  Reese slowly came awake, becoming aware of the warm body she was lying against and the feel of hard arms holding her in place. Her blood froze when she noticed the soft mattress beneath her, and realized two things. First, she was in his bed. Second, they were both still dressed.

  She moved and tried to extricate herself from his arms, but he woke up and grinned at her. “Morning, sweetheart.”

  Oh my god. Sweetheart? That doesn’t sound good. What did I do?

  She was chewing on her bottom lip when he reached out with a finger and pulled it loose from her teeth. “Hey.” He tipped her head up to meet his gaze, “You fell asleep. Nothing happened. This is what has you worried, right?”

  Reese nodded and then tried to get up, but he tightened his hold on her. She froze, not sure what to do next.

  He brushed the back of his fingers against her cheek, “Just because we didn’t do anything last night, doesn’t mean I didn’t want to.”

  She felt her cheeks redden and buried her face against his shoulder. That proved to be the worst move she could have made. As she inhaled, his manly scent filled her lungs, making her head swirl as lust consumed her. Her body ignited and her skin suddenly felt as if a thousand ants were crawling over it. Everywhere they touched, little sparks of awareness rose up.

  Meanwhile, Nik had tipped her to her back and was caressing her arms and legs with his fingertips, leaving a trail of fire in his wake. She closed her eyes to better experience the sensations he was creating, and let all thoughts of resistance fade away.

  This seemed to be the sign he was waiting for. He upped his game and began to seriously seduce her senses. He placed little kisses along her neck, letting his hands trail up her sides, and then down again.

  Her mind went blissfully blank and she gave herself over to his expertise. The touch of his hands freed the pent-up desire that now roared through her body with a force she hadn’t experienced before.

  He reached one hand down, sliding it under her back to clasp her butt and pressed her more intimately against the proof of his desire for her. His other hand cupped her neck, tipping her head back as he nipped his way along her collarbone, moving up to lave the spot where her shoulder and neck met. When he bit down slightly, she arched up against him.

  “Touch me,” he whispered, taking one of her hands and pressing it against his chest.

  She molded her fingers over his pecs, feeling the hardness of his nipple beneath the soft fabric of his t-shirt. With both hands, she reached for the hem and pushed it up, revealing sculpted muscles and heat.

  He levered himself over her body, making a place for himself between her spread thighs and pushed a hand under her tank top to mold her bare breasts. He rolled her nipple between his fingers before ducking his head and taking the hard tip, fabric and all, into his mouth.

  She moaned, wanting – no, needing – to feel his mouth on her bare flesh. She pushed against him and when he lifted himself up, she pulled her tank top over her head and then did the same with his own. Her breath hitched when he lowered himself down, pressing against her breasts, skin to skin for the first time.

  “God, you feel so good,” he murmured against her skin.

  “So do you.”

  “I know something that will feel even better,” he promised her, going to his knees and ridding her of her shorts and panties. He scooted off the bed and shoved his shorts off, revealing the fact that he’d gone commando underneath. When he crawled back onto the bed, he kissed his way up her ankle, her calf, and to the inside of her thigh in one long sensual stroke.

  Just before he reached the wet apex of her desire, he reversed course, kissing his way back down the other leg. Reese groaned in frustration and reached for him, but he grabbed her hands and pressed them against the sheets. “Patience, sweetheart.”

  She writhed against his hold. “Nik, I can’t wait. Please.”

  He looked up at her and gave her his most mischievous grin. “Okay. You’re the boss. But only because you’re driving me crazy.” Then he grabbed a condom out of the overhead compartment, rolled it down his length, and then settled his body over hers. He was poised at her entrance, and yet he held back.

  She wasn’t sure what he had in mind, but she couldn’t and wouldn’t wait a moment longer to feel him inside her. Lifting her leg, she wrapped it around his hip even as she arched up, taking his hard length deep inside. She closed her eyes and moaned in pleasure as he released the reins on his self-control and lowered his complete weight down upon her. Finally!

  Chapter 19

  Nik gritted his teeth as he sank into her wet heat. They fit together perfectly. As if they were made for each other.

  The sense of completeness he felt as he began to move with her was unlike anything he’d ever experienced. He watched her face, taking his cues from her erotic sounds and the way she arched against him as he touched her sweet spot.

  He kept his tempo nice and even, only increasing his speed and the force of his thrusts when she began to pant and clawed at his back.


  “What do you want, Reese? Tell me.” She shook her head, but he pressed her again, “Tell me.”

  “I want you. Only you. God, you feel so good inside of me.”

  Hearing her vocalize what he was thinking proved to be too much for his self-control. Holding her hips tightly against his own, he increased his tempo and hurled them both over the edge of sanity. When he felt her muscles tighten around him and the small tremors take over her entire body, he allowed himself to reach completion, flinging them both into the abyss of orgasmic bliss.

  He hovered over her, trying to regain his breath and feeling her muscles slowly relax around him. She wrapped her arms around his back and pressed him so tight against her, he feared he’d crush her with his weight. For long moments, they
remained morphed into one unity, until he carefully pulled himself from her body.

  “Be right back,” he whispered, smiling at the satiated expression on her face. A few moments later, he returned and placed a tender kiss upon her lips and then her nose. He sat next to her and let his fingers draw a pattern across her collarbones. “I hate to disturb the moment, but we need to get moving.”

  She lazily stretched her arms and smiled up at him, “Okay. Let me use the bathroom and I’ll fix us some breakfast we can eat on the road.”

  “We’re not in that big of a hurry, sweetheart. We can eat and then get going.” He kissed her once more and then left the bed, calling back to her, “I’m going to go make sure everything outside is packed up and secured.”


  Forty minutes later, they were once again headed down the road. They kept sharing glances and smiles with one another just like any couple happily in love.

  The rest of the week continued in a like fashion, and when they weren’t driving or sightseeing, they were making love. Now that the barrier had been broken down, he couldn’t keep his hands off her. All of her.

  He loved her wild curls, and took every opportunity to tangle his fingers in them.

  “I love your hair.”

  She shook her head at him. “You’re crazy.”

  “No. I really do love your hair. It drives me insane,” he said with a waggle of his eyebrows.

  “Well, you’re unique in that opinion. My ex certainly didn’t like it. He always insisted I needed to pull it back and contain it so that I would be ‘presentable’.”

  “Your ex was stupid. What can I say?” he told her with a laugh.

  “I’ve spent most of my life trying to tame my wild hair.” When she saw him grinning at her, she asked, “What?”

  “Your hair is the wild side of you. And while I like your penchant for organization, I love your wild and naughty side even more.”

  “Hm. I kinda noticed that.”

  Her remark about her ex had left him wondering, was Terrence now officially her ex? But then he shrugged it off. He didn’t care. As far as he was concerned, Reese was his girl. Only time could tell if their relationship would last or if they’d go separate ways after their arrival in Cairns.

  Just before noon, they reached the Pentecost River and their first major water crossing. Nik parked the rig and got out, looking at the wide saltwater inland river and hoping his rig was equal to the task.

  “We’re going to cross that? It’s at least three-hundred yards wide,” she said with wide eyes.

  He wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “We’ll be fine. We’ll take it nice and slow and we’ll be fine.”

  “So you say. Did you read that tourist brochure about this river? It has saltwater crocodiles.”

  He pushed her hair back from her face. “Don’t worry about them. We’re not going to be in the river, the rig is. We’ll be safe and dry inside. Nothing can happen to us as long as we don’t leave the camper.”

  They got back into the vehicle and he began to drive into the river. At first, he thought it would be a piece of cake, but further into the middle, he had to steer heavily against the strong current to keep on course. He struggled to keep the vehicle moving forward, feeling the wheels slipping on the bottom of the river as they tried to find purchase. Don’t stop. Continue driving slowly and steadily.

  The water level continued to rise up to three feet, according to the signposts in the river and Nik was thankful for the snorkel the camper van was equipped with. He had his full concentration on his driving, but when Reese shrieked loudly, he almost lost control of the wheel.

  “Nik! There’s a crocodile!”

  “Shush. Reese, I need you to calm down.” He glanced over at her and saw what had scared her swimming a few yards downstream from them. A large crocodile, more than ten feet in length, was lazily keeping pace with them, although from a distance.

  He didn’t say another word, turning his concentration back to his driving. Only when he drove the rig out of the river on the other side did he breathe easy again. He continued to drive for another hundred yards, pulling off the main road before switching off the motor and turning to pull Reese into his arms.

  She was still shaking, and he soothed her with innocuous words and long sweeps of his hands down her spine. It was kind of cute how startled she had become. When she adjusted her position, straddling his lap and plastering herself against his chest, he felt his desire rising. Again.

  How can I want to make love to her again? We just made love a few hours ago and yet I want her again. She moved against him and he chuckled. Guess I’m not alone in that.

  “We’re going to run out of condoms if we keep this up.”

  “Okay,” she pouted and groaned when he moved her back to her own seat and got out of the camper.

  “Come on. Let’s go take a closer look.” When she hesitated, he promised her, “I will keep my eyes open for crocodiles and at the first sign of one heading our way, we’re outta here.”

  She followed him, bringing her camera with her. He hugged her close and they walked arm in arm towards the water, keeping a safe distance from the edge. It had been his first serious river crossing and the adrenaline was still pumping through his veins. He felt like a mixture of Superman and Crocodile Dundee. Invincible.

  Reese took several pictures of both the up and downstream river, but when a log-like shape appeared further out in the water, he made good on his promise and escorted her back to the vehicle. He had no more wish to tangle with one of the aggressive creatures than she did.

  While he continued driving, Reese grabbed the tourist brochure and started reading about the places they’d yet to reach. After a few minutes, she told him, “I want to visit the famous El Questro Station and the Zebedee Hot Springs.”

  Nik inwardly cringed, having planned to avoid the El Questro station. It was by far the most well-known and luxurious tourist stop along the Gibb River Road, and while he’d normally have stayed in a place like that, he didn’t want to risk being recognized.

  And since he hadn’t come clean with Reese about who he really was, he was puzzled over how to give her what she wanted and still protect his anonymity.

  Both of them had carefully avoided the topic about what would happen to their relationship once they reached Cairns. They still had several more days together and he figured they could leave that discussion for when they actually arrived. While they were compatible in almost every way that truly counted, it was still too soon to be thinking about a long-term relationship with her. He needed more time. And an idea how to best tell her the truth.

  Chapter 20

  Nik suggested they go a little past the famous Zebedee Hot Springs, because he’d been told about an out of the way, lesser-known hot springs that were supposed to be much more impressive.

  Reese shrugged her shoulders at this unexpected suggestion, especially since he’d been their biggest advocate for seeing the sights along their journey. But then she actually didn’t care where they went, as long as she was with him.

  They left the main road and drove about fifteen minutes through the bush before he parked on a tiny open space. They hadn’t met other travelers since passing through El Questro Station.

  Reese relished in the awesome panorama in front of her: lush green trees and bushes, and grey granite pools with transparent steaming water. The water cascaded down the landscape from pool to pool. They walked the few minutes to one of the bigger pools and she dipped her toe into the water. It was bathtub hot and she looked forward to a relaxing bath, but Nik apparently had other ideas.

  With a hungry look in his eyes, he suggested they go skinny-dipping. And since the area was so isolated, she didn’t even try to argue. She couldn’t get enough of him. Ever. That man was pure walking sex and had her craving for more whenever she looked at him.

  He’d stripped his clothes in no time at all and his masculine nakedness took her breath away. She must have be
en drooling, because he chuckled. “What are you waiting for, sweetheart?”

  Then he turned around to present her his broad shoulders and tight muscled butt before walking into the pool.

  You’ll find out soon enough.

  She stripped off her tank top and shorts with slow and seductive movements, turned on by the desire in his eyes. She turned her back on him, while she unclasped her bra and then slowly pushed her panties all the way down her legs.

  Only then did she turn around and heard him gasping for breath when she swayed her hips walking the few steps towards him. His eyes were almost black with unrestrained desire as he waited for her in the natural pool with outstretched hands.

  “You’re killing me, Reese.”

  She sank into the water, and felt her muscles melt in relief. “God, this feels so good.”

  Nik pulled her around and her back was against his chest, “You feel good.” He emphasized his statement by running his hands up and down her sides, cupping her breasts, and squeezing them lightly as her nipples hardened.

  She reached back, wrapping an arm around his neck, tilting her head to give his lips better access to the sweet spot on her throat. He licked and suckled her skin and when she felt the pull from his lips all the way to her core, she turned in his arms and plastered her lips over his mouth. She let his tongue invade her mouth, sucking lightly on it even as he lifted her hips up around his waist and made them one.

  He balanced her weight and began to move her along his hard length, taking them both on a leisurely path of pleasure. Suddenly he pulled out of her and breathed raggedly. He leaned his forehead against hers while they both allowed their ardor to cool.

  “We’ll finish this later when we have protection. Ready to get out?” he asked her.

  She kissed his lips. “The next few hours are going to be torture.”

  “Yes, but just think how good it will be when we stop for the night.” He winked at her and propelled them both towards the edge of the pool, levering himself out of the water and then reaching down for her.


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