Home > Other > REALM'S END (BOOK OF FEY 1) > Page 31

by Jules Hancock

  “Why? Why do I have to be the one to go? I want to stay here and be with you,” she said.

  Lillith’s mother and Sephoria both made their way towards the girl. Reaching out separately they also encircled the girl with in their hugs. “Child of my heart,” her mother whispered. “You are the best of us, you and Briok and while one world falls away, you have the chance to save us all by opening up a new world. If you stay, we’ll all be trapped within this world forever.”

  Lillith looked to Sephoria. “It’s true what she says. We will live on, but only within the inner realm of Fey. If you and Briok do not make your way to the new world, we’ll go on living within this world forever, but we will never be able to leave.”

  Lillith looked at the faces of her family surrounding her. “Can’t the Rowan free us?”

  Sephoria sighed loudly. “Child the Rowan has done just that. By taking you within her great sacred heat and harboring you against time, you have been given the gift to free the rest of us. You have the knowledge of all of us, you and Briok both. We will live through you, don’t you see?”

  Lillith felt so much in that moment. Love and trepidation, joy and fear, strength and weakness all rolled across her psyche. “Yes, I see how it is,” she said, hanging her head. “I will go of course, though I can’t say I will be a very good mate,” she said, lifting her chin defiantly. Suddenly Lillith noticed that only her parents were buoyed in the air by their wings. “Sephoria what happened to your wings? Didn’t they come back when your body changed back?”

  Sephoria shook her head. “No child, I too will never know wings again. Once a person binds themselves to the Rowan, there is always a price for such things.”

  Lillith reached around the old woman and ran her fingers along her shoulder blades. The flesh was smooth under her hand. Then she reached back and felt her own shoulder blades, they too were smooth flesh. She reached out and squeezed the old woman’s hand. “If you can go without wings, I can too,” she said, squaring her shoulders. “I to will try to wear the Rowan’s mark with pride.”

  Sephoria squeezed the girl’s hand back and looking up into the bright sky, she saw a fey flying towards them. “Look,” she said pointing upward. Briok and Gwenth have come.”

  Everyone looked skyward and saw that there was indeed a Fey coming toward them and carrying something. The waited and watched as the Fey flew closer.


  Briok came to rest, landing in front of them; his body color was a bright blue with blue and green highlights. His black hair gleamed in the light, falling away from his face in waves of iridescent blue black. He smiled at the group as he bent to release the girl he was carrying in his arms, helping her to stand on her feet. “It has been a long journey grandmother, but I am very glad to be here with you,” he said, bowing low before them all.

  Gwenth watched as Briok bent his tall frame and bowed low before Sephoria and the others.

  Sephoria smiled at the Fey, as tears ran down her face. “It is I who should bow before you. I see your mother took you deep within our forests and that you are awakened now,” she said, bowing her head towards the lad. “Look here lad,” she said, taking Lillith by the arm and stepped forward with the girl. “Here is your old friend Lillith.”

  Lillith blushed as Briok looked into her face.

  “Granny, how can it be that this enchanting young woman is our Lillith?”

  Sephoria threw her head back and laughed. “Boyo she too has grown, just as you have. She is even now awakening, even without the rituals we all had. Can you not see that for yourself,” she asked, as she watched his face?

  Briok looked at Lillith’s parents, and bowed to acknowledge their rank, but he could not long keep his eyes from Lillith’s beautiful face. Studying her closely, he began to discern the shift that was occurring within her. She was awakening right before their eyes. He could see her growing taller as they stared at one another. Then her shift began to change, it began to take on the green and blue secondary hues that he wore and then a red streak began to appear running upward along her left hip. He felt a familiar pull within and looking down at his hip he saw that he too was changing, again. Lillith’s eyes began to shine brightly and her skin took on an inner glow. Her flaxen hair seemed to lift up and fill the air with a soft scent.

  The elders and Gwenth looked on in wonder as the 2 Fey became part of a whole. They each began to reflect the beauty of the other and that beauty continued to change them inward, as well as outward.

  Briok stepped towards Lillith, reaching out his hand as he moved forward.

  Lillith also stepped forward and accepted his hand. Lillith entwined her fingers within his and the two stood smiling deeply into one another’s eyes.

  Sephoria hated to break the spell between the newly entwined, but she cleared her throat just the same. “Children you will have the rest of your lives to enjoy one another’s company, but you must go now.”

  Briok and Lillith turned towards their elders. Though the magic between them shifted it did not break, but instead the magic bent to allow room for the others to be part of their magic. They smiled in unison and bowed low to them all. “It saddens us to go and leave you here.”

  Sephoria and Lillith’s parents stepped forward, and took the young couple within their arms and hugged them both.

  Gwenth stood outside. She had watched the transformation of both the Fey, but she couldn’t fathom what really had just transpired. Her mouth hung open in amazement.

  Sephoria beckoned to the young girl. “Come here child. You are as much a part of this happy moment as any of us.”

  Gwenth shyly walked over and the Fey all embraced her heartily. Their arms wrapped about her shoulders and held her close each whispering endearments to her. Gwenth felt the tears welling up as she was snuggled within their great out pouring of love for her. Gwenth’s heart opened up and the love poured in. She felt a sense of deep euphoria washing through her and she knew that it was true she was part of these people. The tears fell as she understood that just as she found her family she would have to let them go as well. She hugged them tightly to herself, sending back all the love she had to offer.

  Lillith finally broke the hold and stepped back from the group, her own eyes bright with un-spilt tears. “We have to go. Even now the world outside is breaking apart. If we don’t leave soon we will all be trapped here and the others will die waiting.”

  Sephoria shook her head, and pushed Gwenth towards the young Fey couple. “Gwenth I had hoped we would have time to awaken your magic, but I finally realize that your magic has always been about your connection to us. You have never needed any other magic to save our people. It’s just as well too, for there is no time for another awakening. You must take them all back now.”

  Gwenth couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “What? How? I can’t bring us back. I don’t even know the way! Briok will have to fly us back.”

  Lillith reached out and touched Gwenth’s sleeve. “There’s no time to fly back, little sister. You do know how and you have always known, all you need to do is call out to your friend Dembys. We must hurry if we are to save the fey line. Pit will bring you home, along with whoever else is touching the Rowan branch.”

  Lillith waved goodbye to her parents and Sephoria and took hold of the branch. Briok bowed low to the elders. “I will serve her always,” and he too reached out to grip the branch, Gwenth held in her left hand.

  Gwenth bowed to the three who would be left behind. “I never understood till now.” Then she called out to Demby’s and she felt a strong pull within her heart. The pull grew and the homeland of the Fey faded around her.

  Saving the Fey

  The group huddled anxiously within Lisl and Lindel’s home. Outside they could hear the shouts of tribe members that had gathered surrounding the tree. A messenger had been come to them an hour ago demanding the release of the strangers to the elders outside. Now the messenger had returned with the additional demand wanting to know the where
abouts of Lillith. They were to be tried for treason against the Realm. The death of the Rowan had been blamed upon the girl.

  Though it was not easy for the God, with Pit’s help the two were able to hold the tribes at bay by combining their magic. These tribes were after all his creation and they had been received some of his magic, at their creation. The tribal elders were blocking his spells with their magic, but Pit who held the Dembys’ within were able to enhance James’ magic with the magic Pit’s carried from his world.

  Suddenly the room seemed smaller and then larger as the tree adapted, to the three additions who arrived out of nowhere.

  Gwenth held a staff and on each side of her stood two beautiful beings. One was Briok; the other was unknown to most in the room. “Papa,” Gwenth cried out.

  James rushed to Gwenth and hugged her close. “We have been worried child.”

  Lisl rushed forward her voice crying out and took Lillith and Briok within her arms. Lindel reached out and pulled all of them within his embrace.

  Around them the tree bent suddenly and the wood began to crack and twist as the land underneath shook with another quake.

  James reached for Meredith’s hand, “Come on our time’s up, the world is shaking itself apart and we have to leave now! Lisl and Lindel cried as they pushed the two younger Fey back into the group and everyone took hold of the Rowan branch. Pit rolled up against the foot of the branch and Gwenth called out with her mind for home.

  Pit yelled above the fray. “Hang on everyone; this is a heavy load even for the Dembys.

  Lisl and Lindel simultaneously let go of the branch, and stepped quickly away from the group of travelers.

  “No mama,” Briok cried out, but it was already too late, the world of the Fey was fading around them. The travelers felt a lurch and found themselves flying in a deep dense fog. They shivered, huddling against one another, and against the cold, as the branch traveled on carrying them through time. Briok with his newly acquired magic set a glowing spell on the top of the staff so at least they would not need to travel in complete darkness this time.

  Abruptly the Rowan branch began to shudder and the fog seemed to wrap all the more deeply about its passengers. The group watched the Rowan and Pit closely, wary of trouble.

  Gwenth tried to keep her mind upon her home, but the branch jerked to and fro under her hand stealing away her concentration. “I don’t think I can hold us much longer,” her voice squeaked out in fear.

  “Quick,” James hollered over the rushing air. “Everyone shut your eyes and think of home so that we might make it.”

  All except the 2 Fey closed their eyes and began to concentrate in earnest.

  The Rowan branch continued to jerk from side to side, pulling hard away from the hands gripping it. Suddenly Briok and Lillith’s grip on the rowan branch broke free.

  Immediately the branch settled down and everyone opened their eyes in relief. It was then in great horror that they saw Briok and Lillith were not among them.

  It Comes Full Circle

  The wind blew across the outcropping of the stone wall as the stars slid their way across the night sky. The fire had burned very low and held little heat for Lillith in the late hour. She looked around at her clan; nearly all were fast asleep, bundled against the cold night, or wrapped in the arms of loved ones, still tucked around the central fire. That is all except two of her daughters and the wee one named Jesse who was nestled in the warm folds of Lillith’s bear skin. Lillith rinsed her mouth with the dregs of her tea cup. It had been a long night. She was tired and wanted only to rest.

  Jesse looked up into Lillith’s face, “Granny, what happened to Gwenth and her family? Did you ever find them?”

  Lillith laughed with what spirit she had left. “No, child, I never went looking for them.”

  Jesse stared at her, her eyes wide. “Why not?”

  Because my dear they were never lost, they just had to travel further into the future of this world, to get home. Your granddad and I were meant to come here, to the beginning. This was our home.”

  “Didn’t you miss them granny?”

  “Well, yes and no. I felt I always had my hands full raising all of you.”

  Reba reached down and took the child from Lillith’s lap. “Come on, Jesse, its time you were asleep with the others.”

  The child kicked out, “No, I want granny to tell me more about the red haired girl,” she said, trying to wiggle free of her mother’s strong grasp.

  Lillith coughed, and tried to laugh. “There is no need to hurry child. You will meet her someday and she can tell you the rest of the story then. “Go on now, take your rest. You will need your sleep to grow up strong, so that one day you can go and find our ancestors.”

  Hectain and Reval in their human form bend down, and helped the old woman to her feet and lead her off to her sleeping mat.

  “So the next generation is awakening,” she chuckled, as the two witches tucked the thick sheep skins in around her.

  “Yes it seems so,” Reval nodded, as she waved her hand dousing the candle light. “Sleep now, old one. The world will be saved, again.”

  Lillith lay awake for a long time, staring up in to the star strewn heavens. She heard the wind below the cliff, singing an old familiar lullaby to the sea. She knew the wind used the song to lull the water as it herded the young waves up onto the rocky shore. She was awake when she felt the subtle shift as the night’s energy gave way, and light began to slowly crowd in at the edges of the sky. All through the night, she had kept faith, but she was tired. The anniversary of their arrival on earth was once again passing away, but this time she longed only for release. She wanted to be done with this life. She had outlived everyone; many of her own children had already passed on.

  Early morning dew had already begun to settle upon the encampment, when Lillith finally slipped into a light doze. As she went at last to her rest, she saw a pair of blue green wings, glinting high above the white caps. Lillith smiled, and slipped at last away from her empty body and ran lightly down the beach toward the water, as she slipped gently away on her last breath. She stood waving, as she watched the winged Fey making his way toward her, through the brilliant blue sky.

  The End


  “I don’t want to immigrate. I want to go back. I want to find Lillith and Briok.”

  “No daughter, we’ve talked about this already. We aren’t going back,” James said.

  “You mean not right now,” Gwenth asked?

  “No I mean never. The Fey came here to start a new race. Apparently you are somehow part of that race, but they came to be the first people. That isn’t here, or now. You understand that, right?”

  Gwenth sighed as she looked across the table at her father. “Yes I guess so, but what if they need our help? How would they ever find us in the new world?”

  Meredith laughed, “Well they did pretty good finding you the last time they needed help.”

  “I suppose you’re right. I guess I just want to be near them. Lillith and Briok were my friends.”

  “Of course, you could practice your magic exercises and learn to see and visit the past.”

  Gwenth’s eyes ping ponged between her father and Meredith. “Really?”

  “Daughter, you’re a halfling, remember. There’s plenty of magical power within you. You need only practice to free it. Being half a Goddess does have benefits, you know.”

  Gwenth looked shyly over the table at Meredith. “Will you help me?”

  Meredith snapped her fingers and the young babe, Brae was magically tucked into her sleeping basket. “I thought you’d never ask!”

  Seconds later, Gwenth found herself wrapped in a thick woolen cape and standing on the ground below the Corvine tree that was their temporary home. Meredith stuck out her arm and Gwenth smiled as she reached through clasping Meredith’s arm. “Let’s go for a walk. I bet you didn’t know the realm of Corvine is built over a grid of strong magical current. Tapping into
that might help you with your practice.”

  A pock marked boulder rolled away from the base of the tree. It made its way slowly across the ground, stopping near Meredith’s feet. “Ah my lady, I see you are finally taking the girl under your wing, so to speak.”

  “Yes, Pit. She’s ready at last. Keep an eye on Brae while we’re gone, will you?”

  “Aye my lady, I will do that and be safe as you travel.”

  “Is it far, mother?”

  A smirk broke across Meredith’s face. “No, as the crow flies, it isn’t far, at all. Now let me see… I think we should begin at the beginning.” Meredith raised her hand and waved it gently in the rising wind and the two disappeared.

  Coming Soon:

  Book II



  The Corvine companion series.

  Meredith and her sisters have other magical adventures to attend too!

  Please leave a review of this book on the Amazon page. You can also connect with me by connecting to my Facebook Author page.




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