Sweet, Sexy Heart – the Bradens & Montgomerys (Pleasant Hill – Oak Falls)

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Sweet, Sexy Heart – the Bradens & Montgomerys (Pleasant Hill – Oak Falls) Page 18

by Melissa Foster

  “Fuck…Baby.” His warning was clear.

  His fingers tightened in her hair, his eyes driving that warning deeper, but she had no interest in heeding it. She wanted to feel all of him, to release the inner beast he was holding back. She held his gaze with a challenge, working him into a cursing, hair-pulling frenzy, until he finally, gloriously, lost his battle for control. He rose off the pillows, her name shooting from his lips, and she took everything he had to give.

  When he fell to the mattress, she slicked her tongue along his length and he shuddered, panting out, “Get up here.” He hauled her up beside him, crushing his mouth to hers, taking her breath as his own. “We are never leaving this bedroom.”

  She giggled. “I think your morning fan club might have something to say about that.”

  He rolled her onto her back, pinning her hands beside her head. “Do I sense a hint of jealousy over my exercise ladies?”

  “You mean your breakfast dates?” she teased. Not only did the women he exercised with drag him to the diner for breakfast every morning after they were done working out, but Nana had also wrangled him into helping her husband, Pete, whom everyone called Poppi, repair their barn. Dash didn’t seem to mind, as Nana spoiled him daily with homemade goodies.

  “Hey, if that’s what it takes to keep them on a healthy path.” He kissed the tip of her nose and whispered, “Jealous?”

  “After what we just did, I hope I don’t have a reason to be jealous.”

  The humor in his eyes morphed to warmer, deeper emotions. “Sweetheart, you haven’t had a reason to be jealous since I first saw you across the barn.” His mouth came coaxingly down over hers in a penetrating kiss that had her writhing for more. He read her body perfectly, his hands and mouth traveling south, paying homage to every inch of her for a luxuriously long time, leaving her too spent and sated to move.

  As his handsome face came back into focus, she whispered, “Am I still breathing?”

  “I don’t know. I’d better do mouth-to-mouth, just in case.”

  He kissed her until she was dizzy with desire, and he went hard against her, awakening her body anew. He grabbed a condom from the nightstand drawer and pushed to his feet, naked and aroused, leaving her confused.

  She stood, reaching for his hand. “Where are you going? I thought we were going to…”

  “Oh, we are.” He tossed her over his shoulder.

  She shrieked. “What are you doing?”

  “Taking my fair maiden where she likes it most.”

  He carried her to the bathroom and turned on the shower, putting the condom on the shelf beside the shampoo. When he lowered her to her feet, he reclaimed her mouth with a fierceness that had her trying to climb him like a tree. They stepped into the shower in a tangle of kisses and gropes, but he slowed them down to an intensely passionate devouring. His hands moved roughly over her wet flesh, dragging needful moans from both of them. He kissed her so thoroughly, her knees weakened, but he was there to catch her, tightening one arm around her waist and backing her up against the wall, their bodies sliding and grinding against each other.

  “I don’t want to ever stop kissing you,” he said between hard, possessive kisses.

  He kissed her slower and sweeter than ever before, drawing out her need. She was trembling with desire as he broke away to sheathe his length. Then his mouth was on hers, kissing her harder, more urgently. He lifted her into his arms, lowering her onto his shaft as slowly as he’d kissed her, magnifying every sensation. Neither said a word, but their emotions were as loud as the pounding of their hearts. Their mouths came together desperate and hungry, and they found their rhythm. The feel of his thickness moving inside her achingly deep sent pleasure radiating outward from her core, shooting all the way to the tips of her fingers and the very soles of her feet. She clung to his shoulders, his arms, wherever she could find purchase, quickening their pace. He was right there with her, eating at her mouth, clutching her tightly as their bodies pounded out a frantic beat, the tease of an orgasm swelling and pulsing until she could taste it. She dug her fingernails into his skin, as it crashed over her, her body clenching, hips thrusting in sweet agony.

  She cried out his name, and he sealed his teeth over the curve of her neck, sending her soaring to the peak, her body burning, aching, throbbing as he followed her over the edge in his own magnificent release. His muscles bulged and flexed. She felt his pleasure as her own, filling every iota of her being as they rode the waves of their passion. Their mouths came together, breathing air into each other’s lungs—and though she’d never been in love, she swore they were breathing love into their hearts—as they floated down from their high.

  Her back met the tiled wall ever so gently, and his head tipped back, his eyes at half-mast. “First you suck me in with your sweetness.” He nipped at her lower lip. “Then you hook me with your secret seductress side.” He gazed deeply into her eyes with a tortured expression. “How am I ever going to leave you at the end of the week?”

  As he came in for another kiss, she wondered how she’d ever let him go.

  Chapter Thirteen

  DASH TOSSED THE footballs into the bin as he and Sin put away the equipment after the last clinic late Thursday afternoon. His mind was miles away, on a certain brunette that had him tied in knots over leaving in a few days. He wanted to bring her with him, which he knew was ridiculous. It was a book tour, not a vacation, and she had a business to run. But hell if he didn’t want her with him every second. He’d finally called Hawk and Damon and clued them in about her earlier that morning, and he was sure he’d sounded like a lovesick fool the way he’d rambled on.

  Sin locked the equipment room, and they headed for the exit. “How’s that whole slowing-down thing working out for you?”

  It had been a fantastic week of football, getting to know Amber’s family and falling into each other’s arms at the end of every day.

  “I’m loving it. I’ve got a great girl, I get to hang out with one of my best buddies, and I fucking love this town. I’ve never met such fun, quirky people. You’re going to check in on my ladies while I’m gone, right? Make sure they don’t get injured. Nana and Hellie try to push themselves. I swear they think they’re thirty years old.”

  “I like how you call them your ladies. You know I’ll keep an eye on them, but it’s you they want to hear from. The whole town is talking about the big man and his motivational skills, which I think is code for how much they love watching you work out.”

  “Hey, man. Whatever it takes to keep ’em healthy, right? Don’t worry. I’ve got them covered. I put together exercise schedules with pictures of certain exercises and daily goals for them to check off. That should keep them motivated. I just don’t want them overdoing it. This morning at breakfast I showed them how to video chat on their phones, and we made a schedule for video check-ins while I’m gone.”

  “No wonder they love you. I grabbed a late breakfast at the Stardust this morning, and Winona offered me a Pennington Playmaker.” Sin shook his head. “I’ve lived here for a few years now. Where’s my namesake meal?”

  The Pennington Playmaker featured hot cross buns, eggs, bacon, and sausage. Winona Hanson ran the Stardust Café and had presented the new menu option to Dash that morning when he’d had breakfast with Nana and Hellie.

  “Winona’s a trip. I’ll put in a good word for you. The Sinful Sunday Brunch has a nice ring to it.”

  “I wonder how Amber will feel about every woman in town having their hands on your hot cross buns.”

  They both laughed.

  “When I texted her about it this morning, she said Nana and Hellie probably put Winona up to it. That they were secretly finding ways to keep the weight on so I’d continue exercising with them.”

  “She might be onto something.” Sin pushed through the doors, and they headed for the parking lot. “You said Nana’s been plying you with sweets.”

  “It’s not just Nana. All the grannies come over to her house when
I’m working on the barn. They park themselves in the grass, offering me treats, and complimenting our workmanship. But I’m onto them. They’re just trying to get the dirt on me and Amber.”

  Sin stopped by his truck, giving Dash a serious look. “Everyone’s curious about that.”

  “Even you? I told you I’m into Amber.”

  “I know you are, and you seem a thousand times happier than I’ve ever seen you. I meant everyone else. I’m more worried about your inability to slow down. You came here to chill and immediately got roped into leading an exercise group, daily breakfasts with your granny fans, and working on a barn. Not to mention the work you’re doing with me and your relationship with Amber. You’ve had no downtime, and you’re about to leave for a grueling month on the road.”

  “I like having breakfast with the grannies. They remind me of my grandmother. And you know I like working with my hands. Poppi’s a great guy. He remembers when we played for Virginia, and we talk about all the old games.” Dash shrugged. “I guess I didn’t need downtime as much as I needed a change.” He pulled out his keys, thinking about what he’d said. “Actually, I think I just needed Amber. Man, she lights me up inside. I could do twice as much work as long as I knew I’d see her every day. Can you keep something under your hat?”

  “Of course.”

  “I’m toying with the idea of putting together training programs with online access like Chris Hemsworth’s Centr program, or maybe something bigger with in-person boot camps. I don’t know yet.”

  “Jesus, man. What about your motivational speaking gigs?”

  “What about ’em? I told Shea I was cutting back. After the book tour I’ll only be doing a handful a year, and we both know I can’t sit on my ass and do nothing. What do you think about the idea?”

  “I think anything you touch turns to gold. Just don’t get burnt out.”

  Dash scoffed. “Remember who you’re talking to.”

  “Yeah, I know. The guy who was up before sunrise throughout college, never missed a class or a practice, and still found time to call home and harass his siblings so they stayed on the right track.”

  “Just call me Superman.” Dash puffed out his chest with an arrogant grin. “I’ve got to fly. I have big plans tonight and need to do a little prep work.” Today was Hellie’s anniversary, and Dash had a surprise planned for her and for Amber. He was picking Amber up at five, but he’d kept her in the dark about his plans.

  “I don’t want to know about your manscaping. But I would like to know why the hell you’re leaving your stuff at my place when you spend every night with Amber.”

  “Because she’s the quarterback in this game. She calls the plays. If it were up to me, I’d have moved my stuff to her place the day I came back from LA.” But Amber needed control, and he’d do whatever it took to help her feel safe. “Do you mind?”

  “Of course not. I see your sorry ass every day. I like having the break at night.” Sin chuckled as he climbed into his truck. “But, dude, you are so far gone for her.”

  “You know it.” And he wouldn’t have it any other way.

  DASH WALKED INTO the bookstore at five o’clock sharp to pick up Amber and found her leaning on the counter by the register writing something. Phoenix and another girl were stocking shelves. He put his finger in front of his lips, shushing them, as he snuck up behind Amber and wound his arms around her, kissing her neck.

  “Better be careful doing that,” she whispered. “My boyfriend gets vicious when he’s jealous.”

  “Where is the bastard? I’ll take him down.” He loved how relaxed she’d become with him in public. “Is that birthday card for me?”

  She turned with panic in her eyes. “Is it your birthday?”

  “No, but I’d like to get a card in the mail from the prettiest girl in Oak Falls.”

  “Don’t do that to me. I thought I missed it. This card is for Mr. Sanderson, who’s turning seventy-eight next week. I send him a card every year, but it’s been such a madhouse this week, I forgot to send him a card when I sent out the others on Monday.”

  “Do you send cards weekly?”

  “Sometimes. I got a little sidetracked with a certain pushy ex-ball player the night I usually send them out and didn’t get through the list.”

  “But I bet it was worth it.” He kissed her. “And I think good old Mr. Sanderson would forgive you if it was late. We can drop it in the mailbox on the way out. Are you about ready to go? We don’t have much time.”

  “I just need to grab my purse. Are you finally going to tell me where we’re going? Can we bring Reno?”

  “We’re going on a secret mission, and yes, I brought provisions for my buddy.” He winked at Reno as he came to Amber’s side.

  “A secret mission sounds fun. I’ll be right back.” She petted Reno’s head. “Go visit.”

  Reno’s tail wagged, and he made a beeline for Dash. Dash loved him up, and a few minutes later they headed out. Amber dropped the card in the mailbox, and then they climbed into his car. As he pulled away from the curb, Amber said, “Shea doesn’t mess around with your PR. I set up Google alerts for your book tour, and I usually get a few each week, but the internet has been on fire all day. We’ve been getting calls about the signing from people who live an hour or two away. I’m a little worried that we’ll run out of books.”

  He shrugged. “If we do, we do.”

  “How can you be so nonchalant about it? I’m a nervous wreck. I didn’t realize how big a deal this was going to be. Lindsay came by to go over my plan. You met her at the jam session, remember? Nana’s granddaughter? Pretty blonde.”

  “I remember her. When you ran away, she made a remark about flirting lessons.”

  “That would be her, and we’re not going to discuss that. She’s an event planner, and she told me about an engagement party she handled for a college football player in Maryland. It sounded like a wild crowd. I knew you were a big deal to people who like football, but I guess I didn’t realize how big that crowd is. Lindsay thinks I’ll be fine with a few modifications to the setup, so that’s good. But I’m still nervous about it.”

  “There’s nothing to be nervous about. People will line up, I’ll sign books, Hawk will take pictures, and then it’ll be over and we’ll all go to dinner.”

  She looked at him like he’d lost his mind as he drove through town toward Hemlock Park. “Have you ever been to a book signing?”

  “No, but we’re talking about readers, not football fans who paint their faces and show up drunk from tailgating.”

  “If only. We’re talking about a whole different group here, and I didn’t really think it through until today. We’re talking about your fans. The men and women who appreciate you on the field or when you give motivational talks. And we’re expecting general readers who might be interested in hearing what you have to say, but we’re also talking about fangirls who may or may not read but would do anything to get in front of you. That’s the group that worries me. They can get loud and aggressive, and God forbid someone butts in line.”

  “You’re really worried about that?”

  “I’d be stupid if I weren’t. When my phone started blowing up today, I realized that, and Lindsay’s right. I’m going to have to rearrange things differently than I had planned to make more room for people who are waiting in line. This afternoon I went to the other businesses on the street and apologized ahead of time in case we get so many people the line goes all the way down the sidewalk and blocks their doorways.”

  He hadn’t realized a book signing took so much preparation. He pulled off the road by the far end of the park and cut the engine, meeting her worried eyes as he took her hand. “Shea will be there to help keep things under control, and you know I won’t let anything get out of hand. Hawk will be there, too, and I’ll clue him in on your worries. I can ask Sin to help, too.”

  “There’s no need to ask Sin, and Hawk is a photographer. He doesn’t need to worry about this.”

“He’s my brother first. He’ll worry about what I ask him to worry about, which is keeping things calm and organized for you.”

  “You are the sweetest. I love that you want to fix this for me, but that’s not your job or Hawk’s, or even Shea’s. It’s mine. There’s a lot of pressure, but I’m just venting, letting you know what to expect and that I have fifteen balls in the air at the moment. This is the kickoff to your tour, and I want everything to be perfect. But don’t worry. I’ve hosted signings before. Not big ones like yours, but I can handle it.” She leaned across the console and kissed him. “Now, do you want to tell me what kind of secret mission we’re on at the park?”

  “We’re going to give Hellie the anniversary she deserves.” He reached over the back of the seat for the bag he’d brought and pulled out two black knit hats, handing one to her. “Put this on.”


  He pulled on his hat, and then he took hers, and as he put it on her, he said, “Because we have to be stealthy, like ninjas, if we’re going to pull this off.” He pressed his lips to hers. “Besides, you look adorable in that hat. Now take off your sweater.”

  “How is taking off my sweater for Hellie?” Her cheeks pinked up, but a tease shimmered in her eyes. “Why do I have to wear a hat if you really just want to fool around? I’m not sure I want to be a ninja if they skip the foreplay and use their friends as excuses.”

  “This ninja would never skip foreplay with you, wild thing.” He waggled his brows. “Come on, now, take it off.”

  “We’re parked on the side of the road. I’m not taking off my sweater.” She looked around nervously.

  “Do you really think I’d ask you to fool around out here? The last thing I want is other guys checking out your naked body. I was with you when you got dressed this morning, remember? I know you have a silk camisole thingy under there.” He remembered quite explicitly, because when he’d seen her in that and skimpy pink lace panties, he’d chased her around the bedroom trying to get her naked again, and they’d fallen to the mattress in fits of laughter.


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