The Awakening

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The Awakening Page 10

by Shakir Rashaan

  Every sound, every smell seemed magnified around her. I could hear her breathing and felt her heart pounding as I pressed my hand against her chest. She heard me moving across the room toward her and instinctively she lifted her head, her eyes meeting my gaze.

  “Did I tell you to look at Me?” I snapped.

  My voice was level and its tone was inquiring, more than annoyed. This was the side of me that Kitana needed to see; the stern, unyielding force who demanded House protocol be executed. She needed to see this from the both of us, to let her know that while there is pleasure in this journey, there is also transgression and punishment as well.

  She lowered her eyes, feeling a shiver of apprehension race up her spine as she whispered, “i’m sorry, m’Lord. i forgot myself; please forgive me.”

  “Forgiveness is not an option here,” I said as my fingers twisted into the silkiness of her hair. “you have broken protocol and you must learn that is not acceptable.”

  “Yes, m’Lord.”

  I walked slowly around Kitana, ensuring her eyes were still cast downward.

  Neferterri sat in a chair in the living room, observing the entire interaction. She picked up her cell phone, pressed a key, and within a couple of seconds she was on the phone speaking. I couldn’t make out who she was speaking with; I concentrated on Kitana.

  “you are our property and as such we expect total obedience.” I paused, almost for effect, before I asked, “So what do you think should happen now?”

  Nervously, she licked her lips knowing the moment she had been anticipating was near. Her voice quivered slightly as she uttered, “You must punish me, m’Lord, in whatever way You see fit.”

  “Indeed I must punish you and I intend to do so in many and varied ways. Some, no doubt, you will enjoy; others you will not.” I repeated her words so that she could feel the full effect of her words. “By the end of today, we will see tears flowing freely down your cheeks. You will learn your pleasure is in our hands, to mete out as and when either of us sees fit. Now, have you chosen your safe word yet?” I questioned. “It is essential before we begin.”

  She hesitated for a moment, thinking carefully before replying. She knew from our conversations with her, the word needed to be easily remembered in times of stress and high emotion but also a word which would be unlikely to come up in the course of normal conversation or role play. “Yes, m’Lord, i have my safe word. It is basi.”

  basi, in Swahili, means “stop.”

  “That is acceptable.” I nodded. I looked over at Neferterri, who was still on the phone, and she motioned to me that the safe word was acceptable to her as well. “However, you must be aware I will still use My discretion, as your Goddess will, too. If I believe you are using your safe word just to spare yourself from a little punishment, I will not stop right away.”

  I lifted her face to me to continue my lesson. “Be aware that if you persist in using your safe word at times I deem inappropriate, I will punish you harder and possibly ignore it completely. you must realize that it is to be used ONLY when absolutely necessary.”

  “Yes, m’Lord, I understand.”

  “The objective of what we are doing here is to push your boundaries and explore your limits. If you stop before reaching these limits, you will never learn or grow. Do you understand?” I asked.

  “Yes, m’Lord, I understand.” She heard me move away from her and sit in another chair not far from Neferterri. I could feel her wanting to watch us, but she resisted the temptation, remaining motionless on the floor and awaiting the next command, which soon came from my Beloved.

  “Come here.” Her voice had an unctuous tone to it. I watched Kitana drop on all fours and crawl toward her, head still bowed. She kneeled before her Goddess, naked and compliant.

  “What is Your command of me, my Goddess?”

  “I am going to spank you. I want to feel your flesh warming beneath My hand as I punish you while your Sir watches. Assume the position, Kitana.”

  Kitana complied quickly, the excitement building within her, the anticipation of her Goddess’s touch making her shiver. I sat in my chair, watching them, watching the sensuality between women I knew on my best day I could never duplicate.

  Something about women together…the heat between them…it was all I could do to keep still; my member starting to awaken.

  As Kitana knelt down on all fours between Neferterri’s knees, I watched her hand stroke down Kitana’s back. Not so much a caress as a voyage of exploration. It continued down across her buttocks, cupping each one in turn before pushing roughly between Kitana’s thighs, parting them. Neferterri’s fingers encountered the burning wetness of Kitana’s labia and I saw Kitana shiver under her touches. They parted Kitana’s lips and slid over her clit before Neferterri penetrated two fingers into her silky depths. I heard a moan escape Kitana’s lips softly and Neferterri withdrew her fingers immediately. Her voice was still so even, so controlled as she spoke to Kitana.

  “This is not for your pleasure, little one, although I can feel from your wetness that you are more than ready for whatever I choose to do next. Let’s see how you feel once I begin to punish you.”

  Kitana let out a loud gasp as Neferterri’s palm smacked across her left butt cheek. She had expected the first blow to be lighter, more teasing than punishing, and there she realized her mistake, as I’d hoped she would. This wasn’t meant as sexual foreplay as she had previously experienced. This was a lesson in obedience and the weight of the first blow focused her mind. Kitana gasped again as Neferterri slapped her right butt cheek and then bit her bottom lip as she picked up the pace, raining slaps on both cheeks in quick succession. I took quite a delight in watching her caramel-colored flesh begin to redden, and from the way Kitana squirmed between slaps, I imagined her skin was burning and tears welled up in her eyes.

  The blows stopped abruptly and Neferterri motioned for me to come over to feel the heat between Kitana’s thighs. My hand was mere inches away from her passion, inhaling her scent as if she were my prey more than my conquest. The instant my fingers touched her clit, she came, struggling against the intensity of her orgasm, but unable to hold back. I heard a soft giggle as my fingers played with her clit, teasing it between my fingers as I ignored her constant squirming.

  The amusement in my voice was clear, but I kept my composure, stayed in the zone.

  After all, she was supposed to learn punishment versus pleasure. “Someone was incredibly turned on considering they were supposed to be being punished. Did I say you could come?” I asked Kitana, my voice booming into her ear.

  She fought to find her voice. Her mind was still centered on the sensations my fingers were causing between her thighs, “No, m’Lord, forgive me, i could not control it.”

  “No!” I shouted as I punctuated the word with another stinging slap to her already pain-soaked cheeks.

  “This is another lesson we want you to learn and accept. Control is no longer yours. You will react as we dictate, once you’re properly trained. In time, you will be taught to come on command, to bend to our will completely, but it will come in due time; do you understand?”

  “Yes, m’Lord.” I saw the tears flowing from Kitana’s eyes. Even in the position she was in, I could see them falling to the carpet.

  “This was a punishment session and we felt you needed to experience true pain to focus you correctly. Now, get to your feet, Kitana.” I watched her struggle to her feet, legs weak from orgasm, backside tingly from the sound spanking she’d received from the two of us.

  “Understand that even when you are being punished, it is done out of love, baby girl. In order for you to be the best we expect you to be, there will be some bumps and bruises along the way, literally and figuratively,” Neferterri instructed. “If we didn’t love you, we wouldn’t correct you when you mess up.”

  “Go to the couch and lean over its back. Now!” My voice rang out in the otherwise silent room.

  Her legs complied almost without consc
ious thought. She bent over the low back of the couch, ass presented proud and high. We caressed her backside and she flinched as our fingers stroked her burning flesh.

  “Nice,” I whispered into Kitana’s ear. “You should see how red it is. I think, however, it may be necessary to keep your ass covered in the presence of your husband for a while, although I think he will understand considering his Mistress is probably doing the same thing to him.”

  Without warning, my leather flogger cracked across her ass. The blow, unexpected, forced a scream from Kitana’s lips. The biting pain was more intense than anything either of us had inflicted during that session. It caused Kitana to instinctively rise up, but Neferterri’s voice stopped her in her tracks.

  “Don’t you dare stand up or I will double the lashes on top of what Ramesses is doing,” she hissed. “You will stay there for another five strokes and I am going to make each one harder. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, my Goddess,” she whispered as tears began to roll unchecked down her cheeks. The next blow lashed across her ass again, and Kitana’s screams rang out in the room louder.






  The pain she inflicted was so intense I thought Kitana was going to faint. The final blow landed and Neferterri moved away from her. She headed into the kitchen as I took control of Kitana from there.

  “Stand up and face Me.” My breathing was uneven and I knew she could hear the excitement in my voice as she turned and faced me, her face wet with tears. “I want you to kneel and thank us, and I also want you to know we are almost finished here today.”

  She kneeled slowly before me. The sadist in me roused to the surface, watching her weary body try to maintain its balance. She moved between the space between pain and pleasure, causing me to wake her out of her trance before we lost her to subspace.

  My voice boomed in her ear. “Look at Me and thank your Goddess and Me.”

  I raised her face to mine as she spoke with a trembling voice, “Thank You, m’Lord, my Goddess. Thank You for punishing me as i deserve.” Without a further command, her eyes returned to my feet and she knelt quietly awaiting the next command.

  At this point, we agreed she’d finally had enough. I went to the couch and picked up a throw blanket. As I unfolded the blanket, Neferterri walked with Kitana over to the couch and carefully sat her down. We wrapped the blanket over her and placed ourselves on each side of her, with Neferterri grabbing some ice chips she’d taken out of the freezer while in the kitchen to help hydrate her slowly.

  Kitana was still in tears, and we each took turns drying her face, reassuring her things were okay.

  “Shhh, baby, let the ice help you balance. We’re still here with you,” Neferterri repeated, caressing her face.

  After a while, Kitana settled down, her breathing steadying. It was a wonderful way to finish her initiation within the House, and it had us all looking forward to things yet to come.


  Every so often you come upon a time in your life when choices can make or break you.

  There was a line in one of my favorite movies that went, “The older your mind gets, the better choices your dick makes.”

  When it came to some of the decisions I made when I was younger, I admit I didn’t make the best decisions on the planet, outside of marrying my Beloved. But when it came to the submissives in our lives, the decision was easy. Almost every one of them was over twenty-five, which meant there was no way I was getting caught out there like Master Cypher did over the summer. We had a family to look after, period. Unfortunately, not all of my brethren could hold to those same principles. I mean, who could really blame them? If you, as a man, had a young woman in college who wanted you, especially within the realm of BDSM, how do you say no? I didn’t expect someone who I called mentor, who had been like a father to me, to get caught in the same trap.

  I was reading a news report online when I heard a loud knock at the door. I raised an eyebrow when I looked through the peephole and saw two police officers standing on my porch.

  “May I help you, officers? Is something wrong?” I braced for the impact of what they might have been there for, and really tensed up when I recognized one of the officers as a childhood friend of mine.

  “Sorry about this, Sir, but this matter looks pretty serious,” the other officer told me as I stood in the doorway. She handed me a document to read over as she explained. “It looks like your friend is gonna be in some severe trouble.”

  “What? What’s the charge?” My eyes moved immediately to my friend, trying to make some sense out of the wording on the documents. I couldn’t figure out a lot of the legalities or jargon because I was out of practice, despite my criminology degree, but the two charges stuck out like a sore thumb: kidnapping and false imprisonment. My mind was numbing by the minute, trying to understand what was happening, and even more so at the thought of Amenhotep behind bars.

  “Could we have a moment, officer? Your partner is a friend of mine,” I asked the female officer, who shot me a look before stepping off my porch and heading back to the squad car. I really could have cared less whether she knew or not; she was immaterial. I needed to talk straight with my friend.

  “You need to find better partners, D. That one’s a little too nosey for my taste,” I told Dominic, a long-time friend from our high school days. Had things gone down a different path, we would have been partners on the force together. “So give me the rundown; what is He up against?”

  “Don’t worry about Niki; she’s cool. She has a problem with being dismissed when she’s gonna hear about it from me anyway. You know the rap sheet: False imprisonment, simple battery, among other charges, K,” Dom flatly answered, which really didn’t surprise me. He was doing his job, and his partner didn’t know about WIITWD, or “what it is that we do.” At least not that I knew about. “There might be some eyes on this one, man. I’m just warning you.”

  “What eyes are you talking about, D? Shoot me straight here,” I asked him. I stood toe to toe with him, staring him down. “Who’s pissed off? I know you know something, or you wouldn’t be this vague.”

  He knew I was grasping at straws for the most part. I’m not naïve to think Amenhotep didn’t have enemies. Hell, I had them, too, but to put a man behind bars started to border into the personal grudge type of situation. I leaned against my front door, rubbing my temples, trying to figure out some method to the madness swirling around in my head.

  “Alright, man. I’ll do this because we go way back,” Dominic confessed, seeing my frustration. “Lieu got at us about the person who filed. Turns out, the person has family that is deeply connected, possibly to the mayor. I can’t discuss particulars, but I know you, K; you’ll be able to figure this out without much help.”

  “Who pressed?” I meant, of course, who filed the complaint. I needed to know, not that I was going to do anything about it, but my extended family needed my help.

  “You didn’t hear this from me, K.” He took a breath before he stated safi’s real name aloud. He then stepped back and watched me hit the roof in anger.

  “Why is it always the young ones? Damn.” I threw my hands up in frustration. “Where are you transferring him to?”

  “Well, she filed in Fulton, so he’s heading up there,” he answered, and then informed me, “Once I get him up there, I have to take myself off the case. You already know why.”

  Yeah, I knew why…he’d been out with us before. Complete conflict of interest.

  It’s a cop thing. My dad had to do it a few times in his career. It still fucked with me, but I was still a civilian, no matter how much I didn’t want to admit it.

  But that also meant I could do things he couldn’t because of those same limitations. I planned to work those limitations to the hilt.

  “Yo, Dom, thanks for the heads-up,” I told him as he headed back to the unit. “And tell your partner there
are no hard feelings, alright? I’ll even throw in some tickets to the Male Revue Neferterri is throwing at the club next week, as a peace offering.”

  “I’ll let her know, K. She might need to release some tension, and I know how wild those things can get.” Dominic laughed as he gave me pound. “Oh yeah, make sure he gets a good attorney. She hinted at possible rape charges, too.”


  Being in the Fulton County Jail was a bittersweet moment for me.

  Before I turned to professional shutterbug, I wanted to be a detective, like my father before me. So, being at the jail wasn’t supposed to give me the butterflies in my stomach I felt. It felt like an eternity walking toward the communication area to speak to Amenhotep, but somehow I managed to get there.

  Seeing Him on the other side of that window, my heart damn near broke. Here was a man who made me the Dominant I am. Now, here he sat, an accused rapist and kidnapper, eyes completely bloodshot from staying up all night in the holding cell before they moved him to general population. I refused to take pity, though. In my mind He was never guilty in the first place. I was going to move heaven and earth to make sure He came out of this without much of a scratch on him, mainly because I knew He would do the same for me. Family had to look out for each other.

  I picked up the receiver, making eye contact with Him for the first time. He looked human to me, after looking like a god for so long. “How are You holding up?”

  “Not good, youngster. I’m not even supposed to be in here,” Amenhotep stated through the receiver. “Ramesses, I didn’t do it. she said awful things, man. Said I raped her…abused her, man.”

  I sat there and watch helplessly as He was nearly reduced to tears. The first thing on my mind was whether the other slaves were okay.

  “paka came down as soon as she found out. The cops took the computers…everything in the dungeon that wasn’t bolted down.” Amenhotep repeated what paka had told him earlier. “All of the girls gave statements to dispute what safi told the cops.”


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