Broken: A New Adult Paranormal Bully Romance (Hellfire Academy Book 2)

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Broken: A New Adult Paranormal Bully Romance (Hellfire Academy Book 2) Page 3

by Alice Wilde

  Home. The word strikes a chord in my heart, and I can’t help but wonder if I even have a home anymore…

  “Wait, where am I supposed to go?” I ask. “I don't think I can just return to Heaven for the holidays.”

  “No, that you cannot,” Umbria says with a low chuckle. “That's where I come in. Parthenos has decided to make an exception for you to remain on grounds over the break, but this has to remain a secret. No one, aside from the staff, is to know that you've been given permission to stay. Once all of the other students have left for the holidays, I'll escort you back to your dorm.”

  “But what am I supposed to do while everyone’s gone?”

  “I don’t know. Study? Enjoy not having to deal with the other beastly students… Maybe practice being a little less of angelic creature?”

  “What about the professors, don't they leave as well?”

  “Some do, but most of the staff comes and goes throughout the break. As such, you'll still have almost all of the same amenities available to you during the school year, just without the other students around for company...which is probably good considering the state of things.”

  "How long is the break?"

  "Until Summer Solstice. So, I suggest you find out a way to spend your time as wisely as possible."

  Umbria rises from her chair at this.


  "Enough questions for now," Umbria interrupts. "I'll be back to collect you once… well, once certain members of the student body have gone home. Hopefully you'll be healed enough by then. Erinle doesn't stick around over the break."

  She turns and crosses the room, the way she moves almost makes her appear as though she's gliding rather than walking, her hair floating around her in an otherworldly way. Umbria glances back at me one last time and then slips out of the room.

  I sigh in frustration. Of all of the council members, I'd hoped Umbria would be a bit more open with me. She'd given me some answers, but they're still too vague to be helpful. I still don't know why the Demigod Trifecta has taken such a heavy dislike toward me, or why no one seems to be able or willing to do anything about their behavior. Nothing makes sense in this chaotic new world I've been tossed into the midst of.


  If no one is willing to tell me, I'm just going to have to find out what's going on for myself...and it looks like I'm about to have plenty of time to do just that.



  I spend the next two weeks completely alone, except for when Erinle comes to redress my wounds or bring me something to eat. Otherwise, he keeps me locked inside with little to do but sleep. At least the pain in my back subsided enough after several more days of bedrest for me to be able to sit in the chair and look out the window, which I can’t open more than a crack. Breaking it has crossed my mind more than a few times, but without my wings, I wouldn't be able to escape anyways.

  I can't wait to get out of this room, to breathe fresh air and bathe again. But most of all, to read. If I ever thought a thousand years wasn't a long enough time to be alive, it was only because I've never been trapped in a room with absolutely nothing to occupy my mind aside from my own thoughts. They may be keeping me her to protect me, but I feel more like a prisoner than anything else.

  The grounds grow quieter with each passing day until there’s nothing left but the sounds of nature and the occasional crunch of staff member's footsteps on gravel. Even though I can look over the academy walls at the city beyond, I can't see any of the beings living on the other side... just buildings and winding streets. It's beautiful, but there's something unsettling about watching a city without any indication of life.

  Without the need to keep a strict schedule or go to class, I've grown accustomed to staying awake during the day so I can get the most of the view from my room. At first it was strange, but it didn't take long for me to realize how much better I function when I don't have to be awake during the night.

  I wake one morning to the gentle cooing of a white dove perched on the windowsill, the soft rays of sunlight stretching across my bed. Yawning, I stretch slowly and get up to sit by the window. The dove watches me cautiously, but doesn't move to fly away.

  "Good morning," I whisper to her through the crack in the window.

  Doves were a good sign, at least they were in Heaven. Signs of promise, peace, and purity...not that I'd experienced much of any of these things here.

  As I look out over the warmly lit rooftops of the surrounding city, I hear the reverberating ring of cathedral bells. The sound strikes a chord in me.

  Today is Easter Sunday, always a day of celebration in Heaven.

  No sooner than this thought crosses my mind, I hear the click of a key in the lock and the dove drops from the sill.

  "Showoff," I mumble.

  "Good, you're up," Umbria says as I turn to look.

  Relief spreads through me at the sight of her and Erinle as they enter the room together.

  "Am I finally getting out of here?" I ask.

  "Yes, as soon as your stitches are taken out," Umbria says, motioning for me to lay on the bed.

  "At least you've healed well," Erinle says thoroughly examining my back as Umbria watches on. I hear the sound of a strings being clipped and then a slight tugging sensation as my stitches are removed.

  "Is that it?"

  "Yes," Erinle says with a heavy sigh. He gently trails his fingertips across my back as he carefully cleans the skin. "But I'm afraid you may always have these scars, there's nothing I can do about that."

  "What are a few more scars after everything I’ve already been through," I say wryly, sitting up as Erinle finishes his task.

  "I brought you a new set of clothes," Umbria says, changing the subject as she hands me a uniform. "Meet me in the hall after you change."

  She turns to leave, pulling Erinle along with her.

  "Eden," the doctor says just as they reach the door, "try to stay out of harm's way. I don't like the way your body is responding to damage...and I don't know how much more you can endure."

  "Don't scare her!" Umbria snaps, pushing Erinle out of the room. "Eden will be fine if she just listens to my advice."

  I slip out of my clinical gown and into my uniform as soon as the door is shut behind them. Even the slightly itchy fabric of my uniform is a welcome relief after so many days of the monotony. A symbol of my coming freedom... well, at least from this room.

  Umbria is waiting for me just outside the door when I turn the handle to let myself out.

  "Where's Erinle?" I ask. "I wanted to thank him for everything he's done for me." "Why? It's his job. Anyway, he's left for holiday. You can thank him when he gets back if you still feel like it. Now, let's get out of here before the day gets any hotter."

  Stepping out of the clinic, I close my eyes and inhale deeply, allowing the sensation of freedom to wash over me.

  Umbria shuts and locks the doors to the building and then presses her hand against the small of my back to get me to hurry along.

  "Your items have been moved to a private area of the dorms," she says as we near the dormitory building.

  "I thought the dorms were already separated by gender," I say.

  "Yes, but there's another, secret set of dorms that are generally reserved for particularly entitled individuals. Most students don't even know they exist, it's impossible to see the entrances, let alone get into them without the right permissions."

  "Why can't I just stay in my dorm?"

  "This is safer," Umbria says. "Besides, the normal dormitory wings undergo several updates over the break, and they won't be suitable for anyone to live in during this time."

  I follow Umbria into the common room and watch as she crosses over to stand beside the fireplace.

  "How can there be secret entrances in such a public space, won't others notice if someone just disappears suddenly?" I ask, looking around for some sign of a door.

  "I suppose it's one of the benefits of being supernatural. Ill
usions are easy to manage, if you know how. Pay attention."

  I watch as Umbria walks away from the fireplace and then climbs the staircase to the female dorm and steps through the entrance.

  "Not very impressive if it's the same entrance as the other rooms," I mutter under my breath.

  "Is that so?"

  I whirl around to find Umbria standing behind me.


  "It's an illusion," she says. "As soon as you decide to return to your private room, it will appear to anyone nearby as if you're simply going back to the dorm rooms. In actuality you're going to step into the fire and through the hidden doorway while everyone else is distracted."

  "There's no way I'm stepping into the fire if I can't even watch you do it," I say.

  "I thought you might say that," Umbria says, holding her hand out to me. "Take this."

  She opens her closed fist to reveal a small ruby on a thin, gold chain. I tentatively take the necklace from her and hold it up in front of me.

  "What's this for?"

  "It's your ticket into the private dorms. Put it on."

  "I've never seen anyone wearing one of these," I say.

  "Of course," Umbria chuckles. "Everyone's key is different. For some, it's a pen, for others perhaps a pair of'd never know just by looking. This helps keep things secure. It would be pretty easy for unwanted guests to trespass if it was as simple as noticing a group of students wearing the same necklace."

  This makes a lot of sense to me, but it also makes me wonder how many of the other students are actually living in these private dorms...and I'm surprised Nyx isn't one of them.

  "What qualifies someone to live in the private dorms?" I ask.

  "That varies greatly. Some years no one lives in them, although lately there have been at least three students."

  My heartbeat quickens at this, and I look up into Umbria's face nervously.


  "I know what you're thinking, but don't worry," she says quickly. "They've gone home for the summer, and you'll be moved out before they come back for next term. Now, are you going to put the necklace on or do I have to help you?"

  No wonder I'd never seen the guys hanging out in the main common room with the others. Why would they if they had their own secret wing to live in? I look at the necklace still pinched between my fingers. I've never owned a piece of jewelry before, let alone a pendant. Pulling my hair to one side, I place the golden chain around my neck but can't quite figure out how to work the clasp to connect it.

  Umbria steps up behind me and fastens the chain for me before I have time to ask for help. As soon as she does so, the fire turns a soft, shimmering blue and the wall beyond appears to ripple.

  "Is it just me, or do secret doors in fireplaces seem to be a reoccurring theme here?"

  "I always thought that was kind of funny," Umbria says. "I guess whoever designed this place thought fire was a pretty good deterrent when it comes to keeping most beings out. Besides, without a key into the private wing, anyone who tries to step through will most certainly get burned. Now, follow me."

  Umbria steps into the flames and through the rippling wall, disappearing from view. I inhale, holding my breath as I follow after her. The blue flames lap at my skin in a cool, comforting way. If I wasn't sure Umbria was waiting for me on the other side of the rippling wall, I would stop and marvel at the sensation. Maybe later.

  Stepping through the wall, I am met with a similar sensation to the portals over the other dorms, but this separation is much more difficult to press through. It almost feels like it's testing me, challenging me to turn back. I'm glad I took a deep breath because it's impossible to breath, my vision blurry as if I'm clawing my way through a thick gel.

  Just as I’m beginning to think I can’t last another second, the barrier releases me and I stumble forward into a large, ornately decorated room. The decor follows the same red, gold, and black theme as most of the living spaces, but elevated as if this place was intended for royalty.

  A chandelier casts warm, twinkling light over everything. There are several beautiful chaise lounges and comfortable looking chairs placed throughout the room, surrounding a saber-tooth tiger rug. A large bookshelf spans the length of one of the walls, a cozy looking window seat perfect for reading set right in the midst of it. In the center of the room is a pair of curving staircases that lead up to a second floor where a balustrade wraps around three-quarters of the room so you can look down from above.

  "Nice, isn't it?"

  I just nod, wondering how all of this has existed right under my nose this whole time.

  "You should see the bedrooms," Umbria says. "I'm sure they're not nearly as nice as what these kids have back home, but if I'd kill for a place like this if I ever had the chance to be a student."

  "Did you not attend Hellfire Academy when you were coming of age?"

  Umbria snorts, but straightens her expressions as soon as she looks at me.

  "Oh, you're really asking. No, I came into being long before the academies were setup. I may not be nearly as old as the Fallen, but I can assure you that however young this face may look, it has seen more than its fair share of the world."

  "How did you come into being?"

  Umbria looks me for a long moment, her eyes narrowing slightly, and then clears her throat, turning away.

  "Let me show you to your room so you can get settled in."

  I sigh quietly. I wish people would be more open to answering questions here, although I suppose this particular question may have been too personal. Hastening to follow Umbria up the stairs, I make a mental note to do more research later.

  The second-floor loft is lined on all three sides with several sets of double doors.

  "Are these all bedrooms?"

  "Yes, sort of," Umbria says, walking across the landing to a pair of doors placed directly across from the stairs and then turns to wait for me. "You're the only one who can open these doors. This section of the living quarters isn’t divided into gender-based halls. Instead, only the occupant of the room can open the doors to get in, or to let others in. The only other person who has access is Headmistress Parthenos, but that's just for emergencies. You shouldn't be disturbed here during the summer, but I'll make sure to have you moved out before the students start coming back from holiday."

  Taking hold of both handles, I push open the doors and my mouth drops open. I can see what Umbria means by sort of. The room is unlike any living space I've ever had and far bigger, too. To my left is a low-lying table surrounded by cushions, and to my right is another room, separated from view with a curtain of heavy red crystals. Vibrantly green plants are placed pleasingly at various points within the room and a large golden wardrobe is just off to the far wall.

  An elaborate, canopy bed is set in the middle of the room, white veil-like curtains billow out against a soft breeze coming from a large window centered in the wall directly behind it. Two more floor-to-ceiling windows occupy the spaces on either side, and I realize as I walk further into the room that the one in the center isn't a window at all, but a set of glass doors leading out onto a small balcony that overlooks the gardens.

  "This can't be all mine," I gasp.

  "It is for now, so you might as well enjoy it," Umbria chuckles. "Everything in here, including the balcony, is set with the same spell as the rest of this wing. You can open the windows, but there is a barrier setup to prevent anything from entering or leaving. So, I suggest not trying to climb out of the windows or over the balcony railing."

  "I hadn't intended to," I say, but it's not bad information to know just in case.

  "The Feasting Hall is still open throughout the summer, as is the bathhouse. You're welcome to use any of the standard living facilities while you're here, as well as the libraries and gardens, but the arena and classroom buildings are otherwise off limits."


  "Because there's no point to a student being in them when there aren't any classes,"
Umbria says with a shake of her head. "That, and the professors need time to prepare them for next term. If you need help, there's almost always a professor staying in the staff quarters...and of course, Parthenos can usually be found in her office. Now, settle in and start working on some of your social skills. I want to see some improvement by the time the new term starts."

  "But how will I—"

  I stop short, turning from the balcony at the sound of doors clicking shut. Once again, leaving me alone. At least this time I'm not locked in. I should probably try to stop asking Umbria so many questions.

  Walking slowly through the room, I take in my surroundings as best I can. Jumping onto the bed, I'm pleased to find that it's perfectly fluffy and large enough that I can stretch out and still not touch the edges. Much better than the hospital bed I'd spent the last couple weeks with. A light breeze whispers through the room and I sit up at the sound of clinking coming from the crystal curtain divider. I'd almost forgotten about the other room.

  Removing myself from the bed, I cross the room and part the curtain to find a beautiful bathroom. There's a large, circular pool of water not unlike the one in the bathhouse with a small waterfall flowing into it from the far side. The room sparkles in the low light, the atmosphere serene.

  I slide my shoes off and dip my toes into the water, it’s hot and steam is just beginning to collect on the surface. Slipping the rest of my clothes off, I lower myself into the steamy water and let out a sigh of pleasure. It’s been ages since I had a good soak, and I can already feel the days of hospital washing away. Leaning back against the edge, I close my eyes and allow myself to fall deeper into a state of relaxation. I can already tell this room is going to its fair share of use.

  Maybe Umbria was right, a couple months by myself in this strange new world might be exactly what I need.




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