Broken: A New Adult Paranormal Bully Romance (Hellfire Academy Book 2)

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Broken: A New Adult Paranormal Bully Romance (Hellfire Academy Book 2) Page 5

by Alice Wilde

  The odd little man is out of sight by now, but I can still hear his footsteps and hasten to follow after him as quietly as possible. It’s nearly midday by now which piques my curiosity even further. Walking around during the day isn’t normal around here, most of the staff and students preferring to be asleep or out of sight while the sun is up. Then again, nothing about this past year or anyone I’ve met could really be considered normal.

  Keeping a safe distance, I trail after the man as he traverses the grounds back toward the main buildings. He stops outside the Feasting Hall and I duck behind a corner of a nearby wall, peeking around it to watch as the man checks over his shoulder one last time and then runs his hands over part of the stone wall. Dust puffs into the air, sparkling in the sun as a door that was certainly not there a moment ago slowly opens in the side of the Feasting Hall. The man steps inside as the door begins to close behind him. I hesitate, but only for a moment before sprinting over to the door and slipping through just before it seals shut behind me.

  I look out over the Feasting Hall, but not in a way I’d expected. Just beyond the door is a raised dais that stretches across the head of the room, this is where the staff took their meals when they chose to dine with the students. I step forward to walk across the platform but immediately run head first into a very solid surface. Rubbing my nose, I reach out to feel the space in front of me and realize that although I can look out on the expansive hall, there’s an invisible wall separating me from it.

  I reach out with my other hand to feel for the barrier in either direction and then, keeping my hand flat against the invisible wall, I carefully make my way around the back of the dais. Halfway to the other side of the room, the man I’ve been following steps into view in front of the stage and looks directly at me. I freeze in place, trying to think of a good reason to give him for why I’m here but nothing comes to mind. Somehow, he doesn’t seem to notice me and turns away, rushing down the center aisle toward the exit at the back of the room.

  I breathe a sigh of relief and continue on, keeping an eye on the man as I do. The invisible barrier suddenly gives way and I stumble out into the main area of the Feasting Hall. Turning back to look over my shoulder, I jump as I find myself staring up at a sprawling, twisted wooden sculpture that stretches nearly to the ceiling. A sculpture I’ve never seen before…

  Spinning on my heel I take a good look around the room, my heart racing as I realize this isn’t the Feasting Hall I’ve come to know. It’s the same structure, but the detailing, design and architecture is completely different.

  A murmur of voices from around the corner forces me to retreat, and I duck inside an opening in part of the sculpture just as a group of men walk into view.

  They’re all dressed in the same red and black robes the other man was wearing. As they step up onto the dais and fill several rows of chairs on either side of a smaller raised dais in the center of the stage, I search their faces in an effort to recognize one of them, but to no avail…and then it hits me. These men are nothing like those at the academy. They’re neither tall nor ageless in appearance, and they’re shorter than any other supernatural being I’ve met so far. If I didn’t know better, I’d almost think I was looking at a group of…of men. Human men.

  My eyes slowly widen as I continue to stare at them, my mind trying to grasp the scene in front of me. No, it can’t be possible… can it?

  When I followed that strange little man through the secret door, had I somehow managed to cross through the supernatural planes and into the human realm?

  I mean, I knew it was possible to traverse the realms. I’d done so before when I’d gone through the hidden passageway in the academy’s kitchen, but I’d never thought there might be multiple portals throughout the grounds. Did Headmistress Parthenos and the academic council know about this secret entrance, too?

  Suddenly my mind grows quiet as I realize what this could mean for me. If what I’m thinking is true, then I’m no longer on the academy’s grounds, at least not technically. I know we’re not supposed to be allowed to live on Earth without graduating from the academy, but would they really care if I just kind of…disappeared?

  New thoughts begin race through my mind with ever increasing rapidity at this discovery. This might be my only chance to escape the grounds. I could leave the Demigod Trifecta and all the darkness I’ve endured over the past year behind… But would I really be able to do that? Would I be able to live the rest of my life in peace on Earth and with humans or would I have to live in hiding, constantly looking over my shoulder for any signs of danger?

  Even if the Fallen didn’t come after me, what would I do next? How would I survive out there? Would human beings even accept me as one of their own… did that even matter?

  I can’t help the quickening of my heart as I consider all the possibilities that lie ahead of me if I make this choice. Running away might be the answer to all my problems, well at least my problems at the academy. I’d no longer have to worry about the Demigod Trifecta or what they were going to do to me. By leaving, I’d be doing exactly what they seemed to want me to do. Nyx would no longer be a problem, and Kate could continue her studies in peace without having that pained expression on her face every time she sees me.

  I could run far away from this place, somewhere no one would ever find me…but then what?

  My thoughts are interrupted once again as an old man dressed in long, white and gold robe walks slowly into my line of sight through the peephole in the sculpture. Around his neck hangs a thick chain that falls nearly to his belly, and it seems to be decorated with what I can only describe as an ancient torture device.

  The old man is flanked by two men dressed in red and black robes. The group of men quickly grow quiet and rise from their seats as they turn their attention to him, the atmosphere in the room changing to one I can only think to describe as reverence, but I feel far from reverent.

  All I can think about is the headpiece he’s wearing which is tall, very peculiarly shaped and extremely uncomfortable looking. It almost looks like it’s going to crush him under its weight, and I have to press a hand over my mouth to keep from chuckling out loud at the sight of it. I’d heard human fashions can be quite strange, but this was the first time I’d actually seen anything quite like this up close.

  The two men flanking the older man help him up the steps of the stage and then further up onto the smaller dais, and to an ornate chair in the center. He doesn’t sit right away, instead standing and looking around at those seated lower on the stage as the two men take their seats on either side of his. Then, he raises his hands toward them all as if in greeting.

  "Blessed day, gentlemen," the man says. "I see we are missing at least one of our brothers, would anyone like to inform me as to why?"

  "Yes, of course, your Holiness," one of the other men says, standing. "I… I heard that brother Franco has come down with another bout of the flu, and he may not be joining the next few meetings over the coming days."

  "Then we must all be sure to say a little prayer for him," the man in the white robe says. "Please be sure to do that, and make sure he comes to confessionals next week. For how often he's getting sick, there must be something weighing heavily on his mind. Perhaps a session in the confessionals will help ease his aptitude for catching illnesses."

  The men chuckle softly at this, and the man in white takes his seat.

  "I see you are wearing the papal tiara today," one of the men says.

  "Ah, yes. I'm afraid today's meeting will have to be cut a bit short. I'd almost forgotten that there was an important ceremony to attend right after this. Shall begin with today's business?"

  His Holiness? Papal tiara? I mull this over in my mind for a moment, and then it all clicks. This...this man in the funny hat must be the Pope!

  Of course, I’d read a great deal about the Pope, but I had always imagined someone a bit more…regal, I suppose? I mean, for someone who's called His Holiness, I'd expected someone a bit more
holy in stature. Sure, the setting, the outfits, the whole atmosphere of the place was a bit daunting to say the least, but this was far from what I had imagined. Perhaps I'd grown too accustomed to the ways of Heaven. From what I can see, this man in a white robe was nothing more than just that. A man in a robe.

  "I'd like to propose a matter of business," one of the men says standing up from his seat.

  "Of course, please proceed to speak brother Gregorio," the Pope says.

  "It's about the nuns," Gregorio says. "I think they should be removed from the Vatican City."

  Everyone's heads turn to look at him.

  "And why is that?" The Pope asks.

  "As we all know, there are very few women allowed in the Vatican City in terms of residence. As such, I feel it is my duty to inform you that they should be removed to a different location, one that is more suited for women."

  "And why do you feel the Vatican City is not appropriate for women?"

  "We are not a city of fools," Gregorio begins, "as such, I'm sure we've all heard the news about the nuns across the world who are coming forward. I for one do not believe that most of them are speaking the truth; however, I cannot deny the consequences of the words. If one or more of them were to come out and say such things about those of us residing here in the city, I can only imagine the damage they might do."

  "Is there a reason why any of us should have to worry about such a thing happening?" The Pope asks.

  "Absolutely not," Gregorio says. "It is merely a safety precaution for us all, and that of The Church. We should not risk the sanctity of all persons if at all possible."

  "Hmm... Perhaps you are right," the Pope says. "Does anyone else feel the same?"

  A number of the men stand at this and voice their agreement; however, this causes others to jump up and begin to argue with them. The voices grow louder and louder, until I can barely hear anything but the echoing up their voices through the hall.

  I continue to watch my hiding place as their argument grows more heated. After some time, their conversations have become so intermingled that I'm not even sure what they're arguing about anymore.

  If only they’d just hurry up and leave. I need to get back on the grounds before I'm caught. Unfortunately, I can't move for my hiding place within the statute without being seen, at least not without some kind of distraction.

  Glancing around the room, I look for some way that I might be able to distract them, and then my heart jumps up into my throat.

  "Silence!" A voice booms through the hall.

  The men's voices die away almost immediately, as they turn toward the direction of the voice. I can't see what they are seeing, but their eyes have all grown wide their faces are a mixture of fear and surprise as they look up toward the ceiling.

  "Who… Who are you?" The Pope asks as he moves shakily forward, looking up in the direction the other men are looking as well.

  "Who am I," the voice echoes once again. "I am the voice of God, and I'm here to give you a warning."

  "Forgive me," the Pope says, bowing his head slightly. "But how do we know you are a voice of God? Can you give us a sign?"

  "Oh, ye of little faith," the voice says in a rather dark way. "You wouldn't recognize God as he walked among you."

  "You are God?" The Pope asks his mouth falling open.

  "No, but I am one of the voices of God. Listen and heed my voice as I'm here to warn you."

  "And if you're not God, give us a sign. Please, we may be mere mortal men, but this is a house of God and I must know that we are speaking to one of his own before we can accept your message."

  "Very well, as you cannot tell the difference between good and evil," the voice continues, "then from this day forward, until the day you know truth, let your tongue be like a mute."

  The Pope opens his mouth to say something, and then closes and shuts it rapidly several more times before raising his hand to his throat in astonishment. He tries to say something again, but still no sound escapes his lips, and he looks up with even wider eyes in the direction of the voice.

  "Now, if there are to be no more interruptions, I will proceed with my message," the voice booms and then pauses. No one says anything. "A great war is coming, and you will be tried many times by those among you. Not all is as it seems. There is a Judas already among you, and there will be several more to come. Keep your eyes open, and your judgment clear."

  "Can't you just tell us who it is?" one of the other men asks, his voice tinged with annoyance.

  An uncomfortable silence ensues, and the man who asked the question glances around and then shrinks back into the group.

  "No, all I can do is warn you. The choices you make must be your own."

  "Then—" a man begins to say, but stops short as he takes a step back and shakes his head in confusion. "He's gone."

  "Did everyone just see what happened or was that all a figment of my imagination?" another man asks.

  The group remained silent for a long while as they try to come to terms with what just happened, and then the room fills with noise as everyone begins speaking at once.

  The noisy chaos is so sudden and so great that I take this chance to hurry from my hiding space toward the area of the sculpture I had come in through.

  I run my hands along the sculpture, trying to feel for some break in the barrier, but it's as solid as it looks. My chest is tight with anxiety, my movements are becoming more frantic as I continue to search. Then my heart leaps up into my throat as I hear a voice behind me.

  "Hey! Hey, who are you? What are you doing here?"

  I turned to look back at the group of men who have suddenly turned toward me. Opening my mouth in an effort to try and find something to say, I inadvertently press my back up against the sculpture and stumbled backwards.

  It takes me a moment to realize what's happened, but the shock and confusion written all over the men's faces confirms it. Somehow, I'd managed to slip back through the barrier, disappearing from view.

  I make my way through the barrier’s narrow passageway as I watch them try to figure out what just happened. It doesn't take long for them to dismiss seeing me, chalking it up to their recent experience and overactive minds, and I can't help but feel a wave of relief wash over me.

  Pushing open the door that leads back out onto the Academy grounds, I hurry back to my dorm room. Eager for a safe place and a warm bath in which to mull over the day’s events.

  I may not have learned as much as I’d hoped to today, but I do know one thing. There are at least two ways to escape this school, and that's something.



  I wake the next morning refreshed and ready to take on another day. I can hardly contain my excitement over the events of the day before.

  After I got back to my dorm yesterday and had a chance to calm down with a hot bath, I’d been able to think more clearly. Isn’t this exactly what I wanted when I’d wished to visit Earth? Well, maybe not exactly, but I can’t deny that things had started to become intriguing once again. It also helped to know that I had two means of escape if things went terribly least more so than they already had.

  It’s still early by the soft light of the sky, or I suppose late if I’m going by the academy’s opposite schedule, perhaps about 6 in the morning. I still have time to grab some breakfast before starting my personal studies for the day.

  Leaping out of bed, I dress quickly and head out the door toward the Feasting Hall. I'm not particularly hungry, but I can barely contain my excitement and curiosity any longer. I want to check out the Feasting Hall with new eyes, now that I’ve seen it from an entirely new perspective.

  As I pass the section of the building that I know the secret door is hidden in, I have to force myself to keep walking. Today I need to lay low and inspect things from my position as a student on grounds. Besides, there are still several weeks before the next semester starts, I’d have plenty of time to check out the secret door at more opportune moments.

  My goal for today was to continue my research and find out more about the school, grounds, and people…as well as this strange new development in realm jumping. Oh, and that prophecy.

  I frown to myself. It was unlike me to forget something so important, or so intriguing so easily. The prophecy had consumed my mind when I first found out about it, but ever since that strange occurrence in the library, I’d barely been able to remember anything about it. I don’t know why it keeps getting pushed to the back of my mind. I’ll have to figure out a way to stop that from happening.

  If nothing else, I'm determined to make the most of this holiday, and my time here alone while I’m still unhindered by the expectations of my classes, other students, and life in general.

  The Feasting Hall is relatively empty, aside from a handful of staff eating and chatting among themselves at one of the tables on the raised platform. They take no notice of me as I move to grab of small plate of food and take a seat at one of the many empty tables.

  I can’t help but smile to myself as I imagine the odd juxtaposition of the Pope sitting in the same space, completely oblivious to the fact that these supernatural beings were occupying the same place, albeit on a supernatural plane.

  Picking at the food on my plate, I glance around at my current surroundings.

  Although the general building shape is the same as the one I saw in the human realm, there are a number of things that are different with our layout. For instance, where there had been many doors leading into the building in the human realm, there are just two on our plane. The rest of the wall was lined with tables that held the various foods that we selected for our daily meals.

  I can't deny how fascinating it is that two completely different worlds can coexist in the same space and never know it. There are a number of other disparities as well, but these are mainly due to the different uses for the room. I wonder how many times I've sat in this room eating my meals while there was some sort of religious meeting going on at the same time on the human realm.


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