Broken: A New Adult Paranormal Bully Romance (Hellfire Academy Book 2)

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Broken: A New Adult Paranormal Bully Romance (Hellfire Academy Book 2) Page 10

by Alice Wilde



  "What the fuck, Thorne. You could've at least included us in your plan," I say, shoving him against a wall as soon as we’re around the corner from Freya's class.

  "What the hell, Rhys. What are you talking about?" Thorne asks.

  "I'm talking about you suddenly being nice to Eden," I say. "What are you expecting to get out of doing this?"

  "Oh, I just thought," Thorne trails off, frowning. "No, you're right. I should've told you guys, but I thought it would seem more natural if you just followed my lead. Now hear me out. What if we just decide to play along with her little game? All this time we’ve struggled against these strange feelings for her, but what if that's exactly what she wants us to do?"

  I nod my head slowly at this, and look over at Fenn who just shrugs his shoulders in agreement.

  "You think it will work?" I ask.

  "Your guess is as good as mine, but it's worth a shot."

  "So, what's the ultimate goal? We trying to confuse her by switching back and forth, or we’re just going to start being nice all the time?"

  "I'll leave that up to each of you to decide on your own," Thorne says. "Let's play it by ear, give her what she least expects and see what happens."

  "I like this new plan," Fenn says, a smile spreading across his face. "This is right up my alley… So, when do we start?"

  "We've already started," I say. "Why don’t you pay more attention?"

  "Oh, sorry were you saying something?" Fenn says, and I punch him in the arm. "Hey! It's not my problem you guys talk about so many boring things."

  "Whatever," I say. "Meet you guys later, I need to feed… That class was exhausting."

  "So, I guess she still drains you?" Thorne asks.

  I give them a noncommittal nod, and then spin on my heel and head off in the opposite direction toward the Feasting Hall. She did drain me, but I wasn't about to admit how much to Thorne. I hadn't touched her skin, but even so, she had somehow managed to get to me.

  Just as I'm about to enter the Feasting Hall, I notice a group of students hanging outside the library. First Bloods.


  As I walk toward them, I suddenly stop and smile to myself as I notice the expressions on their faces. Their eyes are dull and glazed over, as if they haven't slept for a long time. Not even one day into the academy and they already look broken.


  I find a place to sit nearby, and let myself revel in their to pressing moods. Within a matter of minutes, I'm already starting to feel better… Well, at least satiated. Supernatural being’s emotions are far less satisfying than mortal, but now that the new school year has started I will have to make do. One by one, each of the new First Bloods takes a seat, looking more and more drained until every single one of them can no longer stand.

  I slowly get to my feet, and head off toward my next class feeling satisfied, but a thought nags at the back of my mind. Even after draining their moods, I don't quite feel like myself. There was something different in the way that Eden drains me, something almost...pleasant about it, that never fully goes away no matter how hard I try to get rid of it. I push the uncomfortable thought out of my mind and try to shake the strange feeling it had awoken in me.

  That's all it is, a feeling.



  It doesn’t take me long to figure out I’m not dreaming, and everything that’s happening around me is real. I just wish I hadn’t been awoken from my daydream quite so abrasively.

  “You better not go through with it,” Nyx says, placing her hands on her hips as she leans over me.

  I grimace as I look at my skinned knees.

  “It wasn’t my idea, Nyx,” I say. “Believe it or not, I don’t want to be involved in this project either. If you have a problem with it, take it up with Freya.”

  “Oh, believe me, I will,” Nyx says, her voice venomous. “Stay away from Thorne and the rest of the demigods, or I’ll make sure you regret the day you came into existence.”

  I wish she’d just get over the fact that I had no interest in him, or he in me.

  Nyx storms off, and Kate follows close behind her. Our eyes meet briefly before her cheeks flush pink and she looks away. Of course, Kate. She must have told Nyx about what happened in Freya’s class.

  I gather my things off the ground where they’d fallen out of my bag while other students watch from a distance, and then slowly continue on my way to class.

  Today had been much easier to handle when it was nothing but a dream.

  My second class for the day is with Professor Taliesin, and I can’t help but be a little excited. After all, it had always been one of the only studies that didn’t have one of the Demigod Trifecta in it…although having a class with Nyx is downside enough.

  As I enter the class, I stop in my tracks. There, sitting at the far side of room is no other than the Demigod Trifecta.

  “Eden,” Professor Taliesin sings with great gusto the moment he catches sight of me. “I’m thrilled to see you in my class once again. Please take a seat among your other classmates.”

  I start to walk to the other side of the room, as far from the demigods as I can get when I notice all three of them are beckoning for me to come over. I pretend I don’t notice, and turn away, but before I can make it another step, Professor Taliesin is singing out my name once again.

  “Oh, Eden! There’s a seat open over here, with these three young heroes.”

  I pause, my back still turned toward him and force a pleasant expression onto my face before looking back at them.

  “Thank you, professor,” I say softly, before making my way over to the indicated seat.

  “Not at all,” Professor Taliesin belts melodically before looking over the notes he’s holding.

  “Fancy seeing you here,” Fenn says, leaning back in his chair as I draw near.

  “I should be the one saying that,” I retort.

  “Too slow,” Fenn says with a laugh.

  I press my lips together to stop myself from responding, and take my seat. Why were they here? Music didn’t seem like it was something they’d have much interest in.

  Looking around the room, I notice that Kate is in this class as well, but once again Nyx is not. I spend the rest of the class anxiously waiting for one of the guys to do or say something that will make sense, but they maintain their nice guy act the entire time. By the time the class is over, I can hardly get away from them fast enough.

  “Hey,” Fenn calls out after me, but I pretend not to hear him and keep walking.

  I don’t have any more classes for the day, so I grab some food from the Feasting Hall and pack it away in my bag before heading back to my dorm. If I can just make it there before the guys get back, then I’ll be fine for another day.

  There are only a few students milling about the main common room by the time I get back, and they don’t seem to notice me as I make my way to the back of the room and through the secret entrance.

  “Welcome back,” Thorne says as soon as I step into the common room.

  I immediately turn to leave, but only run directly into Fenn who grins down at me mischievously.

  “What do you want?” I ask, pushing away from Fenn and backing away so that I have both of them in my sight.

  “Nothing,” Rhys says, jumping down from the window seat in the middle of the book cases. “Except what you owe us.”

  “I don’t owe you anything,” I say, still backing away from them.

  “Oh, quite the contrary,” Thorne says, rising from his seat. “Unless you’ve somehow already managed to forget, you owe us your time.”


  “We need to prepare for Freya’s class, don’t we?” Fenn says, stepping closer.


  “Good thing we’re here,” Rhys says, moving closer. “Seems the poor girl can barely speak. It looks like she can use all the study partners she can get.”

  All three of th
em are standing around me as I find myself backed into a corner.

  “I’m not in the mood to study right now,” I finally say. “Besides, our next class with Freya isn’t for another week, there will be plenty of other opportunities between now and then to study.”

  “I didn’t take you for a procrastinator,” Thorne says.

  “I’m not—”

  “Then shouldn’t we get started right away?” Thorne asks, leaning forward and placing one hand flat against the wall behind me, barring any escape.

  I involuntarily press my body as flat as possible against the wall, turning my face down and away as Thorne’s face draws closer to my own.

  “Please,” I say in a calm, quiet tone, “I just want to go to bed.”

  Fenn laughs at this, and a I glance toward him.

  “I didn’t expect you to be trying to get us into bed so soon,” he says, smirking. “Not that I’d mind.”

  “That’s not—”

  “What else did you expect from a harpy,” Rhys says with a growl.

  My mouth goes dry at this. There it was again. Harpy. Why did they keep calling me that?

  Since I started at Hellfire Academy I’ve never once tried to seduce them…if anything, I’ve been trying to avoid them.

  “Come now,” Thorne says with a grin, twirling a strand of my hair between his fingers as I squirm, “why don’t you show us a few of your tricks or are you selfish, too?”

  “Don’t you have a fiancée?” I ask.

  This wipes the smile from his face. Thorne’s jaw tightens, his nostrils flaring, and I can’t help but hope I didn’t make a fatal mistake as the hand still pressed against the wall begins to clench into a fist.

  “She’s not wrong,” Fenn says teasingly. “How did you end up with that si—”

  Before Fenn can finish, Thorne shoves himself away from the wall and takes a swing at him. Fenn barely manages to duck out of the way, and the next moment they’re rolling on the ground. Rhys jumps toward them in an effort to pull them apart.

  It only takes a second for me to act, sprinting across the room and up the stairs, I slam my door shut behind me and lean against it as I sink to the floor with a deep sigh of relief.

  A few minutes later there’s a loud knock on the door.

  “Open the door. I wasn’t finished talking to you,” Thorne says angrily.


  “Don’t make me angrier.”

  “I don’t think that’s possible.”

  There’s a loud bang against the door that rattles me, and I quickly move away from it. Thorne must have punched it, but it doesn’t seem to have done any visible damage.

  “Damn it!” Thorne shouts.

  “Shit, Thorne,” Fenn says. “I think the door won that one.”

  “You might want to get that looked at,” Rhys says.

  “I’m fine, mind your own damn business.”

  “What do you want to do about her?” asks Rhys.

  “Fuck her,” Thorne growls.

  “Wow, didn’t expect that,” Fenn laughs.

  “Fuck you, too.”

  “No thanks.”

  “Give it up, Fenn,” Rhys says darkly.

  A tense silence ensues.

  “Screw this,” Thorne says, breaking the silence. “I’ve got more important things to do. We’ll deal with her later. Like she said, there’s time.”

  I listen, hugging my knees to my chest as I continue to sit on the floor as their footsteps finally fade away.

  Something is definitely going on with them, but I don’t know what kind of game they’re playing…and it’s putting me on edge. One minute they’re flirting with me and the next I’m afraid they’re going to smash my skull in. I just wish Umbria, or someone, would hurry up and move me to a new dorm.

  I sleep fitfully and wake exhausted, my hair sticking to my neck from a cold sweat.

  The sun hasn’t quite set yet meaning there should still be at least a couple hours before classes start and it may be too early to visit Janus, but I don’t care. I just want to get out of this building as soon as possible, preferably before any of the guys know I’m gone. It’s starting to look like sneaking out of my dorm is going to become a habit.

  Opening my door just a crack, I peek through to check for any sign of the Demigod Trifecta, but the room is empty. Carefully slipping out of my room, I close the door as quietly as I can, but I’m pretty certain the pounding of my heart is already deafening enough to give me away.

  I remain facing my door for a long moment before slowly turning around, expecting them to be standing behind me waiting. But the room is as empty as it was before, and I cautiously make my way down the stairs step-by-step. Just as I reach the bottom step, it creaks loudly. I suck in my breath, closing my eyes as I wait to hear footsteps coming toward me… But again, nothing.

  My heart is beating so fast in my chest, I'm almost sure it's going to burst out of me. I hurry across the room and the barrier. The main common room is just as quiet and empty, and I can feel my heart starting to calm down.

  The late afternoon air is thick and hot, and I can feel my clothes starting to stick to my skin almost immediately. At least that's one good thing about night classes, we didn't have to weather the hottest part of the days.

  It may be too early, but I decide to go to the Hall of Antiquities first just in case. By the time I reach the doors, I more than a little surprised to find them open, the room beyond empty. Taking a careful step inside the door, I look around for any sign of Janus.

  "Hello," I call softly, my voice echoing through the room.

  Nothing happens. No portal opens in one of the walls, no Janus in sight.

  Something doesn't feel right. Even as early as it is, why was the door left open? It didn't seem like Janus at all, he was usually the one to keep things running in a very orderly, closed-door type of way.

  I step further into the room, against my better judgment, but I have to check to see if there any clues as to what is going on here… Or where Janus might be.

  Standing on my tiptoes, I lean over the desk in an effort to see if Janus happens to be sleeping or sitting somewhere behind it. Again, nothing.

  I sigh, and start to turn away to leave when my eyes land on a small pile of scrolls tucked away on the corner of his desk. Hesitating for just a moment, I look around once again before hurrying around to the other side of the desk. Taking one of them in my hands, I carefully unfurl it in my eyes widen as I begin to skim over the text.

  One of the most hated of the feminine spirits—

  Yes, this is the exact same one from before. Had Janus left this here for me on purpose or was this mere coincidence I bite my lip anxiously, and then continue to read.

  Harpies come in many different forms. While some are easily distinguishable, they have become far more cunning throughout the ages in both tact and appearance. Harpies are masters of deception, capable of triggering emotions and responses in those around them that cause their targets to behave out of character and against their own will. Their ultimate aim is to take down the most powerful beings in their surrounding area, often doing so through seduction or otherwise forcing them to succumb to their most base desires.

  If you find yourself concerned that you’re being targeted by one of these vile creatures, the easiest way to make her reveal her true form is through the use of her wings. Falling from a great height or being placed in a situation in which she has no choice but to use her wings to save herself, will force them to open whether or not she desires. However, this should be done as a last resort as a failed attempt will most likely result in the death of the accused.

  I re-read the text several more times, my mouth agape and my mind reeling as ideas race through my mind.

  I wonder…is it at all possible that whenever one of the Demigod Trifecta refers to me as a harpy, they actually meant it as an identifier rather than a slur for angel? This could change everything for me if that’s the case…and, if true, this means my secr
et was still safe, at least from them. I still need to be careful, but this is a theory worth looking into.

  Maybe I can use this to my advantage. If they think I’m a harpy, and not an angel, then why not let them continue to think that? And why would they have tried to kill me if they thought I was one of their kind? I mean, besides the fact that harpies don’t seem to be well-liked. Perhaps I can find out more…

  I’m so excited by this prospect of new information, it takes me a moment to realize how I’ve obtained it.

  Right, Janus.

  I need to tell someone about this as soon as possible. But who? I shake my head. As if this is a question that needs asking. Who else was there for me to tell besides Headmistress Parthenos? At least her office is close by.

  Standing outside Parthenos' office, on a space designated for entry, I wait and hope she notices me… And let's me in. After several minutes, I decide to take a seat and wait for as long as possible without making myself late for classes. It’s still early enough that she may not even be awake.

  I run the information I've just read through my head over and over in an attempt to use the time wisely, but I'm not really sure what I'm going to do with it. How my going to get more information out of the Demigod Trifecta without bringing more harm to myself? Should I even try my plan, or should I just ask them out right why they hate? Would that just make them angrier?

  I have so many questions, but so few answers…

  The sun has dipped below the horizon, I don't have much more time to before classes, and I should probably try to grab something to eat, too.

  Suddenly, there's a rush of wind and several of the academic council members suddenly appear around me. I turn my face up to look at them only to find them looking down at me disapprovingly.

  "Well, well, well...You are a persistent one, aren't you," Strigoi says in a dead voice.

  Before I can respond, they all sweep away from me and down the corridor. The next moment I'm pulled through the darkness and into the Headmistress's office.


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