If I Never Knew You Trilogy Bundle

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If I Never Knew You Trilogy Bundle Page 15

by Aubrey Bailey

  Once Annette had left the house, Landon and I talked about the play for a few more minutes before I got up and announced, "Well, I gotta go, Landon. I need to be home in time for dinner."

  "Okay, do you want a ride?" Landon asked.

  "I've walked home from here before. I think I can still do it and get home on time. Thanks, anyway." I gathered up my stuff and Landon walked me to the door. "I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

  "Yeah, tomorrow," Landon said.

  "Bye, L."

  He opened his mouth to say something, but I guess he thought better of it because he remained silent. I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and scurried out the door for my twenty minute walk home.

  "Oh my God, Bridge, what am I gonna do?" I wailed, flopping onto my bed with the house phone at my ear.

  "Well, calm down for one thing," Bridgette advised. "What exactly happened?"

  "I told you!" I said, groaning. "We kissed intensely...there was tongue."

  "Way to go, Rap!" Bridgette shouted.

  "NO! Not 'way to go!' I have a boyfriend! He has a girlfriend! We are ex-best friends! Do you know how many levels of weird this is?" Bridgette just giggled. "God! You are hopeless!" I complained.

  "Yeah, but I'm the only one you can talk to about this," Bridgette said. "Faith and Alice don't know-you made it clear you didn't want them too."

  I groaned and rolled over burying my head in my pillow and screaming. This was really starting to get on my nerves.

  "Wow, this is really getting to you," Faith remarked.

  "Riley, I need the phone!" Noah shouted, banging on my door.

  "I'm using it!" I replied, lifting my head.

  "Look Riley, let him use the phone. I gotta go. Dad's going ape about something," Bridgette said.

  "Fine. Tell Uncle Andy and Aunt Shauna I say hi, okay?"

  "Will do," Bridgette said.

  We hung up and I got off my bed, flung the door open and threw the phone at Noah, who caught it. I went to my computer and began typing up a new song. It was incredible how easy I could write when my emotions were on high. Words just came to me and I kept going until really late, when I couldn't stay awake much longer. I finally fell asleep at three in the morning.


  "MISS RILEY PRATT." I looked up to see one of the teachers monitoring the cafeteria standing over me. "Your grandfather is here to see you. He's waiting in the office." I wanted to ask what the reason for the visit was, but the teacher just walked away.

  "What would your grandfather be here for?" Bridgette asked.

  "No clue." I said. "I guess I'll see you guys later."

  They all nodded. I grabbed my backpack and stood up before making my way out of the cafeteria. I walked to the office, trying to think of why my grandfather would be here. When I got there, the only person I saw was some man who looked about the same age as Grandpa Phil-but it definitely wasn't him. I looked around to make sure that he wasn't trying to pull some trick on me by sending one of his friends in his place-he liked playing tricks. But Grandpa Phil was nowhere in sight.

  "Riley," The man said my name as if he knew me my whole life. He was a handsome, kindly looking gentleman; a typical grandfatherly type that you see in those commercials for life insurance.

  "Yes?" I asked, slowly.

  "You certainly are your mother's daughter," the man said.

  "Do I know you?" I asked.

  "No, but I do know you," the man said. "I am your grandfather-on your mother's side, of course."

  I stared at him, just like anyone would after having their world turn upside down and shaken for its lunch money. "No way. You're not...you can't be him!" I stammered. I was starting to feel as though I was dreaming-and this was turning into a nightmare. In all honesty, he could have been my mother's father, whom I had never met. The man in front of me did have a resemblance to us. In addition, I had been shown photos of Mom's dad when he was younger. And I could see that this man was one and the same. But why had he waited so long to come and see me? How could any man abandon his family the way he had? I was beginning to feel the anger boiling up inside of me.

  "Riley," the man was trying to get me to look at him.

  "No way! Stay away from me!" I said, leaving the office quickly. I had no clue what I was going to do, or where I was going, so I just went straight to the Drama room. It was unlocked as usual, but no one was there. I kicked off my shoes, dropped my bag, then went to the backstage area, before I sat in a corner and cried. I had no clue what I was crying for. Maybe it was just out of frustration and confusion, but I couldn't help it.

  "Riley?" I heard Landon's muffled voice. "I know you're in there because your stuff is out here."

  I laughed and tried to wipe the tears off my face. The door opened and Landon walked over before kneeling in front of me. "Hey, what's the matter, Riley?"

  "I don't know why I'm so upset," I said. I started crying even more and Landon put his arms around me. "One of the teachers told me my grandfather was here. I was thinking that it was Grandpa Phil because he's the only grandfather I know.

  "Right," Landon said, slowly.

  "So I get to the office and my grandpa's not there. Instead, there's some guy who says he's my grandfather on my mother's side, whom I have never met. That made me feel really uncomfortable and I started to get angry. The next thing I knew was nearly sprinting out of the office. I don't even know," I confessed. Landon then hugged me tighter, and sat next to me.

  "Hey, Riley, it's gonna be okay," he reassured me. He moved one of his hands up and down my arm. "This is not enough reason to be crying. I'm sure that your grandfather was just curious to see you. You should welcome his interest, not cry about it."

  "I don't know why I'm crying," I wondered. "It's all just so stupid!" Landon laughed a bit. "Now, see-you're just laughing at me. I should hit you."

  "I'm not laughing at you," Landon said. "I'm laughing at how worked up you've made yourself over nothing." I looked at him with some embarrassment. Landon just grinned at me and wiped the tears off my face. "You all better now?"

  "Yeah, I think so," I said. Landon put my head on his shoulder and lovingly kissed the top of it.

  "We've got about ten minutes left before lunch ends," Landon informed me, taking out his cell phone and looking at it.

  Noah had told me that morning that he wouldn't be there after school to pick me up, but said he would send someone to get me. I went over the list of his friends who would willingly do it. Two of them would if he paid them, three of them would if they got something from me out of it, and that's about it.

  Then I thought of someone else. "Please not Lawrence! Anyone but Lawrence. If it's him, Noah is going to die!" I muttered. He was always hitting on me whenever Noah wasn't in the room. I jumped suddenly as a car stopped right in front of me. Oh goody-Nathan. Noah was still going to die!

  "Get in, princess, before I change my mind."

  I jumped into the back seat of the car and looked at the head of the driver. Nathan-he was someone who shouldn't be allowed on the road. I buckled my seat belt and made sure it was tight, just as he sped off.

  "So how did Noah bribe you?" I asked, looking out the window.

  "He didn't," Nathan said. "He asked me to do it since I would be in the area and I said sure."

  "Great, what do you want in return?" I asked.

  "Nothing really," Nathan said. I stared at him. "You've got to be more trusting of your brother's friends, Princess."

  "As long as you don't kill me, I'll consider it," I retorted. He laughed heartily at my exaggerated response.

  "Hang on tight and you'll be home faster than ever," Nathan advised.

  At this, I honestly couldn't help but laugh at Nathan, who didn't strike me as the kind to do something just by being asked, but I guess I was wrong. Mr. Speed Demon now appeared to be a nice guy. Not surprisingly, however, he pulled to a stop in front of my house barely five minutes later. Then he turned to look at me, "Still alive, princess?" />
  "A little shaken, kinda dizzy, but I think I'm good," I said, smiling. "Thanks."

  "Just don't expect this to happen too much," Nathan said, turning serious. "Remember, I was in the area." He smiled, but I knew he was joking.

  I rolled my eyes and got out, walked up the steps of the front porch and turned to watch Nathan peel out of the driveway. When I opened the front door I heard very loud shouting coming from inside the house.

  "Who the hell do you think you are?" Mom yelled. I froze as I stepped inside. "We have had absolutely zero contact with you for nearly twenty years except for a damn check every month! And after I married Orion-nothing!"

  I started to back out, thinking I could get away unnoticed, but it was too late as mom suddenly spotted me. "What's going on?" I asked. The man from school was standing awkwardly by the doorway to the living room. I closed the front door and crept inside with some trepidation as to what would happen next.

  "He's...he's," Mom said, considerably softer than before.

  "I'm her father," the man admitted.

  "Oh God, then he really is my grandfather!" I said. Mom rushed over to me, as I dropped my bag.

  Mom smoothed my hair and turned around to face this man, who was apparently her father. I couldn't see her face, but I knew she was shocked and furious that her father would dare show his face after so many years of neglect.

  "Get out!" she ordered her father.

  "Let me remind you, Madison, that I raised you in this house," the man calmly said.

  "Actually, no you didn't. You left me before the most important years of my life. Or did you forget that?"

  Just then, Dad walked through the front door. "What are you two...?" Dad asked, but stopped as he spotted the strange man. "Who's this, then?"

  "Remember how Andy told you about the jerk who abandoned us?" Mom asked. Dad nodded. "This is him, alright."

  "Oh...I see," Dad said. He calmly walked across the room and, to my surprise, punched the man in the face. I screamed as I watched my father fighting with my grandfather, not really wanting anyone to get hurt.

  "Orion!" Mom yelled. "Orion, stop!" Dad punched him one more time then he turned back to us, breathing heavily and looking beet red in the face. My grandfather, on the other hand, was pale and shaken, rubbing his sore nose and looking somewhat afraid of what might come next.

  "Told you that I'd kick his ass the minute I met him," Dad crowed, while Mom looked forlornly at him.

  She gathered her strength and spoke to me. "Riley, Honey, go up to your room, please," she said, quietly. I didn't argue about it. Once I got there, I sat at my computer, logged onto my messenger, opened up my music player and played some random song loudly. The lyrics rang through my room as I started talking with Faith.

  LoveUhateU says: Hey, U R not going to believe this.

  NowTime2Scream says: Youre adopted?

  LoveUhateU says: No! My moms dad is here! And my parents R totally freaking out. My dad just jumped him and started kicking the crap out of him!

  NowTime2Scream says: Holy fucking wow!

  LoveUhateU says: I know! WTF am I gonna do?

  NowTime2Scream says: Hope he goes away?

  LoveUhateU says: Gee, ur helpful.

  NowTime2Scream says: I try.

  (KissesR2die4 has just signed on.)

  NowTime2Scream says: Riley, u have 2 tell Bridge!

  LoveUhateU says: What? No! This is traumatizing me. Imagine what it'll do to her.

  NowTime2Scream says: U gotta do it. U know that.

  (KissesR2die4 has been invited into this conversation.)

  KissesR2die4 says: What's up Rile? Faith says u got something to tell me.

  LoveUhateU says: I do not.

  NowTime2Scream says: Ur and Riley's grandfather is at Riley's house

  LoveUhateU says: Faith don't u dare tell her!

  LoveUhateU says: God damn it, Faith!

  KissesR2die4 says: Our grandfather? The one who abandoned ur mom and my dad?

  LoveUhateU says: yes

  KissesR2die4 says: He is so going 2 get his ass kicked!

  NowTime2Scream says: Ooooh...this very bad now.

  LoveUhateU says: I told u not 2 tell her.

  (KissesR2die4 has left this conversation.)

  LoveUhateU says: U should have known that I didn't want you 2 say anything.

  NowTime2Scream says: Bite me.

  LoveUhateU says: U R a bitch sometimes. u know that!

  NowTime2Scream says: Ur just noticing that now?

  LoveUhateU says: No, I...where'd Bridge go?

  NowTime2Scream says: Um, offline

  LoveUhateU says: Oh damn!

  (ItsASafetyMeasure has just signed on.)

  LoveUhateU says: WTF!

  NowTime2Scream says: What?

  Love you Hate you says: Landon Callahan just signed on.

  NowTime2Scream says: Why is he on your list?

  (Private Message from ItsASafetyMeasure)

  ItsASafetyMeasure says: How are ya doing?

  LoveUhateU says: My parents are arguing with that man I told u about, who actually is my grandfather. Mom confirmed it.

  ItsASafetyMeasure says: Oh, sorry to hear that! U wanna get out of there for a while?

  LoveUhateU says: What do you have in mind?

  ItsASafetyMeasure says: B outside and ready in 10, and u'll find out.

  I started to type back, but Landon had gone offline. When I turned down the music volume, I could hear Mom still yelling. Why the hell was this man still in the house, when he clearly wasn't welcome? I shook my head and logged off.

  Seven minutes later, I was out front wearing jeans, a green tank top and a black hoodie. I had rushed out of the house, not wanting to see or hear what was going on. A few minutes later, Landon pulled around the corner in his car and stopped in front of the house.

  "Wow, you weren't kidding!" he observed, looking out his open window at the front window of the house. Even from outside you could hear the three adults yelling at one another. I didn't understand why it couldn't just end. My "grandfather" should have just left right away and stopped trying to change my parents' minds.

  "Well, get in, sweetie," Landon said with a fatherly tone.

  I looked at him curiously as I walked around the car and got into the passenger seat. "Where are we going?" I asked.

  "Our place," Landon said.

  I thought about it. We had a place? Finally, a wave of childhood memories washed over me. I suddenly remembered what he meant.


  I STARED AROUND in awe when we arrived at the forest just outside the neighborhood. Our little club house was still there! Okay, so it wasn't really little-both of us could stand up in it and it had room for four people to sleep without being too crowded. There was the furniture we had fashioned ourselves: the crates we had used for chairs and the stump we used for a table. I marvelled at Landon's ingenuity in bringing me here again.

  "Have you been here recently?" I asked.

  "Uh yeah, every so often," Landon said. "I come here to think and just to get away from shit and have some privacy. Even Lydia doesn't know about this place, because I've never told her."

  "Why should I believe you?" I asked, crossing my arms.

  "Have I ever lied to you?" Landon probed. I shook my head. He had never lied to me, as far as I knew. "Have you ever come back?" he wondered.

  "Not since the kissing lessons," I responded. I put my foot on one of the crates, and pressed down on it to test its strength, before I sat down.

  "It seems like we've both gotten better since then," Landon observed, sitting on the floor in front of me.

  "Maybe just you. I don't know about me," I said. We sat in silence for a while. "You think they're done yet?" I asked.

  "Who?" Landon asked.

  "My parents and that man who is supposed to be my grandfather," I replied.

  "Dunno," Landon said.

  "I don't want to go back there tonight!" I announced. "I just can

  Landon stared at me for a moment before standing. "Hang on a second, okay?"

  He left the little fort and walked away. I heard him talking on the phone, but didn't know whom he was talking to. I shifted, suddenly uncomfortable on the crate, then stood up as Landon came back.

  "Ok, let's go," he directed me.

  "Go? Where?" I asked.

  "You're staying at my place," Landon said. "It's too cold out here to spend the night like we used to. My folks are fine with it and so are yours."

  "Is that who you called?" I asked, following him out of the fort. Landon nodded. "My parents actually agreed?"

  "Well, your mom did," Landon said. "She said she'd wait until your father calmed down before she told him. They started arguing again after your grandfather left."

  "Oh," I said. We got back to his car and sat in it without Landon making a move to start the engine. "Are you okay?" I asked.

  "I'm just trying to remember if we have anything that you can wear at my place, or if we have to stop at your place in the morning," Landon pondered. Was he actually suggesting that he was going to drive me to school and risk being seen with me? What the hell was going on?

  "I'm okay. I can wear this outfit tomorrow," I said. Landon looked me up and down and nodded before turning on the car and finally driving.

  Landon's room had two twin beds, so he slept in his and gave me the extra one, which had been used by his friends when he was younger. He fell asleep before I did. I think the sound of him snoring lightly actually helped me to fall asleep too.

  "Riley...Riiileeey!" I squeezed my eyes shut, then opened one of them and looked at Landon, who had his chin propped on top of the bed I was lying on.

  "What?" I asked groggily.

  "It's almost ten-thirty." Landon said. I sat up instantly and ignored the spinning feeling as I tried getting up.

  "Why didn't you wake me earlier?" I asked.

  "Because I just woke up, too," Landon said. "Mom left a note on the alarm clock." I looked over and sure enough, there was a note. I grabbed it and read it.

  Kids, don't worry about school today. You both seemed exhausted when you got in last night, so I called Riley's mother to ask if Riley could skip school today. She said that was fine, so I called the school and let them know you two would not be in. Start your weekend early!


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